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Everything posted by SweKaiser

  1. So, 1 story that pretty much is the same for all 8 classes is what you seek for? How much replayability do you think that will have huh? What you gonna do after you are done with your story? You are so wrong in your statements its hilarious. But hey, whatever gets you up in the mornings.
  2. Sure, do your storycontent, new story content, in a n hour or so and then sit around do nothing. PvP, Ops, FP's and groupcontent in general is very much needed to keep people interested after the story is done. How can people be so blind is a mystery to me.
  3. 1 common story with minor tweaks that gets boring after you have run through them 2-3 times, yeah thats what people want.
  4. My point was and still is that a single story for all classes with minimum differences in choices you make wont have the replayabilty value as many thinks. Why on earth would anyone play through the same story over and over and over again, makes no sence whatsoever. It was different in the 1-50 time when you played all these classes with different story, but those are gone so theres no real reason to play through this new story more then maybe 4 times. So what im saying is you need a variety of things to do when the story is done with and im not sure there is enough to do after you have ran through the first chapters in the first week on multiple characters.
  5. As will i, i will play through the story, but not on 22 characters, maybe 2-4.
  6. After 1 week of KotFE people playing for story will scream for more story. Seriously, how much story do you think it will have? And the replayability wont eb that high becuase the choices will be pretty much the same. So, will you just sit on fleet or wherever and do nothing after that? Endgame content is necessary for a game of this type that Swtor is, both PvP and PvE, to keep people playing after the story is done with. I bet everyone that is saying that they only play for story do pvp and ops and flashpoints aswell. So stop complaining about people wanting more content besides story, it is a necessity.
  7. People dont like challenges and engaging gameplay so this expansion is right up their alley. People like sitting and watching cut scenes, not actually playing the game. This will be such a let down of an expansion and people will realise that in about a month.
  8. Why are people playing a MMO game when they seek to play alone? You can do that in other games that are made for just that reason, this wasnt. So a big fat - from me on this topic.
  9. But EV and KP will be scaled up to 65, how funny isnt that? I mean, its "new" content according to those lazy drones at BW. It time for people to start to realise that this game is going down a very steap hill, its not far from the bottom tbh. Cartel Market ftw!
  10. Ofcourse they never intended to do individual classtorys after vanilla. They are to incompetent and to cheap and to lazy to take on such an endavour. But hey, its like the rest of the world in general, make a quick and easy buck and screw those who pay for their services. This "expansion" will be a epic failure, you just wait and see. Cartel Market for the win!
  11. You can go on about it all day long, i dont really care. People will leave becuase of no actual groupcontent. Players signed up for this game becuase of 3 reasons: 1. Its Star Wars 2. Introduced as a mmo 3. Introduced as a rpg with compelling story If you remove the mmo part of the game, what do you think will happen? All those people that like mmo gamestyle, will they stay? I can assure you they wont. If people want to play a rpg they can play better ones then SW, f.e Dragonage, Witcher, ME and so on and so on. Just face it, the rpg bit alone in this game wont make it thrive and prosper. If they dont have any sort of groupcontent this game will perhaps still stay alive, but with alot lesser people playing it then today. And that is absurd considering the budget this game had when developed. But your rant about that this game is still and will live on and propser isnt annoying then? You must have low standards, just saying. Adios!
  12. This right here is just so....wrong. People will leave this game, without any groupcontent of any kind, when they have played through the same storyline a couple of times. There will be nothing to do once you are do with your storyline. Re-hashing content isnt new content that excites people and Bioware will learn that the hard way a couple of months after the release of KotFE. And the discussion about the minority playing endgame content is just hilarious. There are alot more poeple interested in Ops, pvp, fp's, groupcontent then those who like to stand still doing nothing decorating in their stronghold. Endgame content is an absolute necessity for this game especially, or KotFE will be the final nail in the coffin.
  13. Having played some ops and some flashpoints for over 3 years now and some ops and some flashpoints abit lesser then that is hardly making people excited about the content that is comming with the release with 4.0. Its pure laziness imo and they should be ashamed for their rehasing policy they have at BW. The story on the other hand can be somewhat fresh, but thats hardly replayable content if it more or less is streamlined for all classes and both sides. Nah, im very sceptical to this new update to the game , but i will ofcourse give it a try. But i will unsub very quickly if its not to my likeing, as will many of my friends.
  14. So, you are a okey with paying a sub for playing a singleplayer game?
  15. Paying a subsription for a singleplayer game is the real issue here me thinks.
  16. The only thing i wanna know really is if there are NEW flashpoints and operations tied in with the story of KotFE?
  17. Only thing that needs fixing on UL is the adds hp pool. Take away 20 000 from each of the adds and the fight will be more manageable even for pugs. And Bulo needs to be toned down abit damage-wise. The fire pit needs to be fixed aswell so people atleast have a chance to avoid it. No point in having a fire burn in the fight if it only does initial damage and then is harmless.
  18. Man you are such a party pooper Wicked. Every post you make is negative in one way or another. You need to find some happiness in your life.
  19. Noone else but the offtank was dead and no sonic rebound was used.
  20. So, we did a guildrun through GF yesterday, ToS was in rotation. As per normal boss 1,2 and 4,5 were as easy as they usually are. But Underlurker, this phenom! He still acts very irrational at times with his usual weirdness as we all know. But we did encounter 2 new things we never had before. 1st. Killing off 8 fully helthed people when the cross turned green! 2nd When offtank was dead and noone stood behind boss in cross phase, no damage to anyone even if the cross turned red and offtank was dead. This is really getting frustrating at this point, finding out new things that can screw you over on a boss that is greatly overtuned for SM. And theres been no maintenance for the last couple of weeks to fix things like this and many other bugs that still is around after 3.0. Step up BioWare, do your jobs!
  21. No lag or ability delay or anything of that sort for me. No mail bug either.
  22. Im not sure if this is a bug or if its intended but, the bonus bosses in the new lvl60 hm flashpoints dont drop any loot, only a couple of Basic coms. Im not sure if im the only one thinking like this but, beeing a bonus boss there should be some drop of some sort to have the players do it. If there aint, why even bother killing 1 million mobs to kill the bonus boss? Just my 2cents.
  23. This is not about complaining about wether you die or not. This is about something fishy going on in warzones these days. You can play the same team 2 matches in a row and there can be a huge difference between the 2 matches when it comes to damage. First match theres no issues at all, damage seams fairly the same on both sides. People kill and dies to the right and left in both team A and team B. Second match theres a huge difference between the 2 teams damage/survivability. Remember, the same 2 teams meet again. Team A kills off team B alot faster and easier this time while team B barely does any damage to Team A and hardly kills anyone. This is more likely to happen nowadays. It happened everyone now and then earlier also, but after 2.6 and 2.7 this occurs alot more frequently. Should say this is what has been noticed in lowlevel PvP the most since theres no expertise on gear to take in consideration, only the Bolster.
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