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Everything posted by SnapWolf

  1. There are vibroblades, though most of the classes's mechanics are built around one type of weapon.
  2. As a Jedi shadow, I can whirl around. That's about it.
  3. KOTOR 1 : most of the crystals were restricted. KOTOR 2 : much more customization, but again, some were restricted. So. Why are the restrictions removed? Does alignment serve a purpose or not? Bioware, we'd like some elaboration on this.
  4. Ok, I'll be the black sheep on this one, because according to the patch notes in 1.1.5, it was highly demanded... Why should it have been removed? I, for one, consider this a trademark of the KOTOR franchise. You could only use crystals of a given color if you were of a given alignment. Removing the restriction is almost a betrayal, and the beginning of showing weaknesses, just like Blizzard did for WoW. Just my 2 cents.
  5. In this topic : People run out of things to complain... Complain about grammar!
  6. God, you're an impatient one. 4 posts in half an hour. If nobody answered that means nobody knows.
  7. Yeah, it has to do with flaming and trolling apparently. God forbids us from voicing our opinions... God being in this case Bioware, apparently. That's right Bioware, we do no appreciate censorship.
  8. I thought all the action used to take place in Hillsbrad AKA Ganksbrad...
  9. Now I hate to point this out, but there is a LFG tool. It's just that maybe it's just not the tool that people were expecting. And as for MMO... Just do quests in group, people? Get some friends? Stop questing alone? Is it so complicated?
  10. I guess there's a lot of valid points in what you're bringing. In reality, we're always influenced by the decisions and actions of our peers, weither we're conscious of them or not.
  11. The economy in general is rather doing bad, so...
  12. Simply put, this game happens on planets, where it's much more detailed than in space. Plus, it's Online. If you knew how much processing it takes for a graphic engine online, then you might understand why it's not meeting your expectations. Still, the engine's graphics are much better than say, WoW. (I'M TALKING ABOUT GRAPHICS, LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEMS, OK?) About customizing the interior of your ship... sounds like a great idea. And bounties? Might be a good idea also, but that might be a class-only side quest... if you know what I mean... You're on to something here. Class dailies. Yup. Something like it. You get Class token to get Class specific gear or some other stuff according to your class. Might be sweet.
  13. Don't be so quick as to label him a flamer and a troll. He does have some valid points... Plus its his opinion. Weither he unsubbed or not does not matter and should remain his own decision.
  14. Yeah. To me, it seems a poor excuse to add a reskin of a race.
  15. I wonder when we're going to evolve beyond this "whole" racial thing and realize there's no races in one race. Only ethnicities.
  16. This. People keep saying this game is a single-player game online... WRONG. This game is meant to be played with other people... so why don't you?
  17. It's nothing too fancy. It's my story in SWTOR. I played in the beta during 3 weekends. Leveled a trooper Republic side. The most I made it was level 18. I loved the game. It was a definitive buy for me. Then came the pre-release week. Started my trooper again, made it up to level 27. At that moment, one of my friends wanted to play too. Empire side. So I played with him for a while. Made a Sith Inquisitor, and I leveled him up to level 37. Then , my friend had to stop playing because of work issues. After a while, another one of my friends, who is as crazy as me about Star Wars decided to give the game a shot. We started on another server. We're playing steadily since then. Some other friends joined us as well. We're regularly in a full group, clearing instances and heroics. Some of us are almost level 50. I'm almost level 40 myself. That being said, real life has its obligations, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying the game from time to time. And we're clearing content at a steady rate. While the game has its share of flaws, we're still enjoying it much. Keep it up, Bioware.
  18. So, basically, OP is comparing apples to oranges. Yep. That's what it is.
  19. So you want to nerf a core mechanic of Stealth Classes?
  20. I don't know, but to me, the idea sounds cool. I want to play big slug bounty hunter guy. Plus, despite how they're portrayed, Hutts are actually pretty tough in hand-to-hand combat with their tails. *WHAM* in the face!
  21. On the contrary, making this Free-to-play would bring even less maintenance and patches. Not sure about why you're even suggesting it.
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