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Everything posted by DjSnazzyduds

  1. Yay now you get to take a break and enjoy life a little!
  2. You're level 32 in Nar Shaadaa. There, I answered your question lol.
  3. It's one extra click quit your whining lol. It's not like you have to keep clicking it in order to keep the game running as your Vehicle Vs. Video Game Comparison suggests lol. Nor do you need to keep clicking it around the clock even when not playing as your Life Vs. Video Game comparison suggest .
  4. Not at all, no different from the rest of the narcissistic ragers.
  5. As if life doesn't do the same to you everyday. Deal with it.
  6. Lag is lag, stop looking for an excuse to flame lol.
  7. How about you satisfy your own curiosity by I don't know... using a pen and paper. Who cares. Just another thread to ignite more flames.
  8. Rather than use words like "us" and "we" speak for yourself. Don't group me with up with your boredom. I'm still enjoying the game.
  9. You're comparing a car, which in most of America is a necessity, to a video game which you can live without. Besides that I kind of agree with you. Only problem is that what else would you want to hear? What else would want the developers to do. If content could be rolled out on a weekly basis, every MMO would be heaven. The game is missing a lot, however all we can really do is wait for changes. What else can be done? We either wait or stop playing. No matter how many threads we create about our in game wish lists, they won't be here anytime soon. Like any MMO, the development team is hard at work in content already, for future patches already. We can give them ideas sure but they won't be added anytime soon. Sorry for the rant, no idea where I was going with this lol. Point is that I'm sure most of the things players are asking for are being developed as we speak, just won't be released until a much later date.
  10. Though I agree with the OP, how about everyone just comes up with some constructive criticism rather than launch into another Bioware bashing frenzy. Players wonder why they don't communicate much in the forums and stick to social networking means. So many good threads but then players ruin it with the negativity. I wouldn't listen to feedback if I was being called incompetent among other things. Anyways, yeah the credit sinks are becoming way too frustrating. It's enough that we have to pay to rip out mods, crafters have to pay to farm the materials needed for the kits, but now we have to pay to augment the gear. Way too many credits sinks. I like the Legacy System but I'm not touching anything on it, just isn't worth the credits.
  11. Go for it. Nothing is keeping you here. We're practically still in launch phase. The first year of an MMO's life is the most crucial. Just be patient and let's say what happens in the coming months.
  12. Though you kinda have a point.... aren't half of those things something you should be enjoying in real life rather than seeking it in a video game? Never understood people's obsession with drinking in game liquor and acting the part... Role-Players I don't know... lol. Anyways, a lot of players agree that this game feels as though it was rushed to be released hence why we're receiving all these cool patches with things expected at launch. However there's nothing we can do about that part. I just say to stay patient, I see a lot happening down the road especially for Role-Players. This is a Star Wars based MMO, lots of possibilities.
  13. What else would you expect? That's what most MMO's are. Hack and Slash until you're max level and then you either PVE or PVP. Repetitive sure, but eh.... still find the game enjoyable. However so far all MMO's I've played are pretty much the same thing in terms of endgame content.
  14. Though I sympathize with your plight, I have to disagree on what I quoted. There are just way too many things more important than same sex relationships and and slave boy outfits at this point. The first year of an MMO's life is the most crucial. New content and mass bug fixes are what's on the priority list. Whether it's new warzones, new raids, new playable species or other nifty tools such as the LFG Tool, these things take precedence over SSR and Slave Boy Outfits. Not to say that it's a waste of resources, just that those resources are better spent on more crucial aspects of the game.
  15. These threads are funnier the more they appear. Situation 1: Players : Failware! Bug 1 is making playing impossible! Bug 2 is causing crashes! Bug 3 is just making my experience awful! Fix it now! L2dJ!! (Learn2doJob). You're incompetent, (many other insults...)! Bioware : Sorry about the issue! We have a fix! We will deploy it on our scheduled maintenance this Tuesday (days from now). Players : GAAAAHHHHH Biofail!! Do your jobs right! These bugs are making playing hard fix now! Do it now, NOW NOW NOW!! Why wait X amount of days!?!? ROOOAARRR (rages into more Bioware insults.) Situation 2: Players : Uggghhh!! Suckyware!! Bug 4 is causing rainbows! Bug 5 is making my speeder into a dragon!! Bug 6 is making everyone naked! The servers are crashing!! I can't play! UGGHHHH (rages into Bioware insults.) Bioware : We apologize for the inconvenience, we have a fix and will be deploying the patch tonight as part of an emergency maintenance. Again we apologize for the issues. Players : OH. MY. GOD. BBQ. You people should be fired! God your families do not deserve to be fed! (more raging insults.) This can wait a couple days! Learn 2 Manage a Game!! Etc.. Etc... We're special you treat us like Etc.. Etc... No way to please anyone. The irony.....eh?
  16. Having to pay high priced repair costs is penalty enough
  17. What you may consider to be minor fixes, may not be so minor for other players.
  18. Yet he/she pointed out some very good points which you ignored with a silly remark. All the servers are going down you know.
  19. Because I don't agree with you I'm a troll? Like I said, the maintenance affects a lot of players regardless of region. However, there are a wide array of activities to kill time as the maintenance is in play.
  20. *sigh* All this "America this.. America that", is nonsense. There is a huge player population that plays late night because that is their prime time. So their are players in America who are affected as well. But I guess playing the victim is always easier.
  21. So find a different game or deal with it? It's expected of a game only a coming months in. It's going to be like this for sometime.
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