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Everything posted by Laikacosmo

  1. Officially CX'd as of last night until rollback happens. And after nearly 30 bags, I finally got 3 pieces of Champion last night, and wouldn't care either way. Sacrifices are necessary. And yes, a lot of the "whiners" are Republic. However, all of you idiots saying that you are "glad we're leaving", I hope you have a gas playing Huttball 24/7 with such a gross imbalance. It's clear you people really don't know what PvP is about...
  2. Ilum is apparently the reason the Empire developed the Death Star... ...sometimes planets just...have to disappear...
  3. Honestly, that just looks like about every Warzone I've ever been in, so no reaction from me (lol).
  4. rofl. next sequence, a giant explosion with (ENTIRE MMO GENRE)... because when this 300 million dollar juggernaut sinks, what are the odds investors will continue to find this practice lucrative?
  5. Excellent feedback. Your comments are very helpful in making SWTOR a better game. Please allow 2-3 months before we finish focusing on PvE to even remotely glance at PvP. -BioWare (Mythic)
  6. "The planet of Ilum currently allows for open world PvP even on a PvE server, but the mechanics and incentives of the planet are not in as intended yet. We’re working on longer term goals for the planet and for other PvP areas, but expect to see some interim adjustments in January – such as more respawn points to focus conflicts, restricting Companion Characters from the area, and revisions to rewards." -Gabe Amatangelo Of course, this idiot also said similar things about his last project... (Psst! His last project was Warhammer Online!!)
  7. 50 yesterday, 8 bags, 1 relic. lol.
  8. Ilum needs to have a point, first and foremost...
  9. It got supplanted by the "meaningful, immersive Open World PvP"... ...oh, wait...
  10. Care to show me a video of an instance displaying this? I see a lot of people raising this issue, with nothing but circumstantial evidence and back-patting. I'm talking, a full team with maybe one 50, versus a Champ/BM geared PUG group.
  11. The real problem: Unbracketed PvP Warzones and uneven distribution of gear through RNG nonsense. Also, OP is a massive tool. /thread
  12. This. It seems like like looked a little further east and RNG'ed like a good Korean dev.
  13. lol, that statement is ripe with assumptions. anyway, I know EA full-well, and this is certainly another perfect instance of a premature release. PS: Bioware is a poor descriptor of the company that made this game, it's an amalgam of failed MMO virtuosos and ex-Mythic staffers, EA just slapped the Bioware name on them to rev the hype machine... ...and guess what? It worked.
  14. Actually, you're covering for Bioware who, knowing the above, still tasked these nimwits with a very difficult and sensitive job (not to mention extremely important to a sizeable population) that they've had a history of catastrophic failures. Check & mate.
  15. Actually, it's mostly ex-Mythic tasked with PvP, so we're "doggin" a company with literal decades of experience in multiplayer/PvP oriented games (all the way down to MUDs) and this is just their latest of many (only recent) failures which brought them to collapse in the first place. Obtaining Mythic employees and letting them perpetuate mistakes was a terrible idea, IMO. Too bad all the fanboys championed this as a plus out the gates...
  16. Yes, we've gone from RNG Diceroll (Gear vs. Worthless Commodations) to RNG Diceroll (Commodations vs. Worthless Commodations) Grind. We're improving in leaps and bounds, BW. /golfclap
  17. Just love how Ops always assume the person they KD is just bad for not breaking it. Guess I forgot Op is the only class with CC you have to break, and using it any other time is just foolhardy. Oh, and even if you do break it, 2 mins til the next, but I mean, come on... What are the odds we'll need to use it again in 2 mins, amiright??
  18. Not to mention (at least my class) only has one CC break on a two minute CD. All this "react faster/l2p" nonsense OPs rave on about is much more situational than the stim/buff stacking conundrum that they use as their defense. As for squishy, as a Sentinel with the same armor class as you, and one reliable form of damage mitigation (for UP TO 30 secs, which is very easy to negate by letting it tick down without refreshing it) should I be able to take people down to 30% in 2 GCD's too?
  19. Hate to say it, but if this is such a common problem on all servers, it will just create a larger pool of the same numbers and distribute thusly. I wouldn't reckon that big of a change, TBH...
  20. How about this for a compromise: X-Servers for PvE servers and NO Server Forums, because they obviously don't care enough about PvP, and who needs a server forum to tinker around with guilds of the same faction patting one another's backs? Server Forums and NO X-Server for PvP servers, because community is important and populations are much healthier due to higher server constraints.
  21. Seriously... Everyone ************ about X-Server killing the community we don't even have is ridiculous. I do not support X-Server, but I hate the lack of server forums even more. I'd rather have a community to kill rather than killing the notion of one...
  22. Know what else kills a sense of community? Lack of server forums...
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