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Everything posted by Calsetes

  1. I know what a scam is - it's an attempt to deceive someone for profit. There is no deception here - the price was marked, clearly, for everyone to see. Just because someone was in a hurry and didn't double-check something doesn't mean anything deceitful has happened here. You need to look up the definition of "mistake" and compare that to your definition of "scam."
  2. You're right - intent is everything. Everyone posting on the GTN is out to make a buck. Are we all a community of scammers, then? We are all seeking to maximize our time : profit ratio, as well as our unit : profit one. Clearly, there is only one solution - no GTN for anyone. After all, someone could easily misread something and then cry scam. Edit - that is stupid. How the hell do you use a colon without it turning into a smiley face?
  3. But it's clearly marked as 333,333. NOT 333. It is as clear as day what you're buying. If the buyer is in such a hurry to buy something that he doesn't look at what he's clicking on, then it's his fault. I'm sorry, I don't see this being anyone else's fault other than the buyer's. He had it staring him in the face and he hit "Okay, I will buy this."
  4. But what is the difference between 20 million and 2 million for an item, and the OP's original point? Literally nothing. There is an item listed - fact. There is a price listed - fact. There is a "price per unit" for everything, even unstackable single-unit items - fact. Failure to read this correctly does not mean "scam," it means "I didn't read it correctly." Period. There is no gray area. Intent does not apply here, as everything on the GTN is playing by these same exact rules. The guy made a mistake - a costly one - and he hopefully has learned in the future to not do it again. I almost made the same mistake - I threw something on the GTN for 4k when I thought it auto-defaulted to 20k like other items I had. I canceled it, lost my deposit, and threw it on there for the right price. Had it sold, would someone have scammed me? Hell no - I would have made a mistake and learned from it.
  5. If I bought a saber for 100,000 credits, and I didn't want to pay 100,000 - only 100 credits - would I have been fooled? And, if I was indeed fooled, who's at fault? The price said 100,000. I saw 100. Is it the seller's fault for not putting it at 100, or my fault for not seeing 100,000?
  6. Do a search for Arrangement: Underworld Bar on the GTN. What results pop up? Now, find the lowest price and the highest price. Is the person selling at the highest price trying to scam people? Apply that logic here. It is a Galactic Trade Network. Someone says "I have X units of Y to sell at Z price." How, in any way, shape, or form, is that a scam? How does one thing "being a scam" using that method not also equate to another item at another price also falling into those same lines? If the GTN was a "blind auction" of sorts, I can maybe somewhat kinda possibly see it. Or, if you were allowed to sell bound things - the player in the end couldn't use them. However, in its current iteration, the GTN is essentially as free from scams as it can possibly get. It takes ten seconds of quick head-math to determine if 333 * 5 = 1500 or 1500000. Even assuming it was 333 1/3 credits per unit, there is no way it adds up to 1500000 because you would have had to have bought 4500 units in a single stack, which is impossible with the current system limitations of 99 per stack.
  7. I rarely see light-side diplomacy missions that have rich yields. Honestly, I think if Diplomacy wasn't the only crew skill tied directly to alignment, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. Still, it sucks to do two or three Dark Side missions when you were at Light V only to be knocked back to Light 4 and need 100 points or so to make up the difference.
  8. If he has 2 million, and he's a new player, either: 1. He's lying about being a new player 2. He was given money by a friend 3. He bought a Cartel Pack and sold it after two days, which means he learned how to use the GTN unless someone just happened to buy his for a horribly low amount 4. He bought the credits from a website 5. He ground it out, which means he's not a new player. Given what we know from his original post - claiming he's a new player, he lost 2 million credits he earned over the course of three weeks, and he misread the GTN - we can find a few glaring points to his story. I don't know of any new player who would have more than 2 million after three weeks' of play who didn't sell stuff on the GTN.
  9. Actually, truth be told, I once killed the economy for a nation on a server in FF11 one time. I posted a bunch of low-cost but high-traffic items for 5 gold each and drove prices to the bottom barrel for them, which impacted everything else everywhere else. I just really wanted to sell them quickly there, and the system they used... it was open to abuse like that. Didn't mean to kill Windurst, but whatever. It eventually recovered.... after a month or two.
  10. I suck at GSF - not horribly bad, but I'm no Top Gun - and while I wouldn't want to mentor someone in-game, I did post a nice control spec sheet and my tips (AKA "things I do when I play") on a forum I use when one of the other few guys there who plays Star Wars was not having luck in regular PvP now that he's been "tier promoted." Hopefully he gives it a try and likes it more than he thinks he would.
  11. He posted a price that was higher than normal. Hey, if the seller was supposedly scamming the buyer, can I say I was scammed when I bought a blaster rifle for 750k when I saw it a few days later for 500k? I mean, that 750k price was clearly put higher to make me buy it at that higher price! How about all those people who sell XP boosts for 50 credits? Are they scamming people because I put mine up for 5 credits?
  12. Not saying it isn't - but the fault still lies with the OP in the end. The seller wasn't there haranguing him to buy it for that price "before it expires, get it quick!" The seller didn't do a straight-out trade and quickly change the stack from... I don't know, 99 units to 9 units. The seller didn't send them via mail with a promise of "more to come" and a COD in that first batch. There are plenty of tools available to him - even as a completely free-to-play account, not even preferred - to prevent anything like this from happening in the first place. The seller posting those for that price is about as predatory as... I don't know, selling an Underworld Arrangement Bar set for 20 million when it's normally 2 million. Is it dishonest? Who's to say - if it was the only one on there when they posted it, then they might think it's a valid price. If twenty other people throw their up for lower prices, finally balancing around 2 million, does that make the initial seller dishonest? There's a lot of variables there, but one thing is for certain - the OP could have prevented the thing by double-checking the price. The only thing he would have missed out on was a deal, in which case he either buys them at the regular price if he needs those components, or he finds another item to flip if he's playing the GTN stock broker game.
  13. I hate to sound like a mean guy, but I don't see anyone at fault other than the OP who purchased them, as this was off the GTN. 333 333,000 There's a clear difference. Even using the "price by unit" sorting method, you always, always double-check the price per unit and the price of what you're buying. I've had to double-check something once because I thought it was a "too good to be true" deal, and after verifying it was, I took a shot at buying it. Absolutely worst-case scenario, if you double- and triple-check the price and manage to "miss it," then you get a full and complete refund in the mail. And honestly, a full refund for buying something that was sold is better than buying something at 100x the price because you misread it. Yeah, I probably sound like a douche. But there is literally no way past user error you could "accidentally" buy something for thousands more than you would think it would cost.
  14. Alright, I'll respond to the other 2/3rds, then. EA has lent you no money. You do not owe EA any money, nor does EA owe you any money. Your "money lender" aspect makes no sense. Does EA have a responsibility to consider the welfare of their customers? No, they don't. If I have $50 to spend this week, and I can buy either food or games, and I choose to spend it on games, does that mean the game company has a responsibility to make sure I spent my money on food and not their products? The responsibility on how to spend that money lies entirely with the individual spending the money. EA is a business, they do what any other business does in its shoes - maximize profits. Steps to maximizing those profits cover customer service and reception, but those are only pieces of the puzzle. EA is not a nonprofit. They are not here to make sure you spend your money well - they are here to make sure if you have $5 you want to give them, you have options to give them your $5. Period. If you want someone to care about the responsibilities of customers who might spend their money foolishly if given the chance, I highly encourage you to be an advocate of a representative payee organization - these places, for a fee, will handle your money for you and ensure you have enough for food, bills, utilities, rent, and whatever's left over, you get access to as needed.
  15. I have two Smugglers: Eimie - human female gunslinger. Hawk's-eyes - Miralukan healing scoundrel. Has that plus-shaped scar under the one eye that goes through the mouth a bit and uses that big "leather scraps" visor-mask-thing. Somewhat ironic name given the Miraluka are technically "blind."
  16. That sucks. Oh well - guess it's only.... what, another run of Esseles / Black Talon or something? I think I can survive.
  17. The difference between buying Hypercrates / Cartel Packs and your example of a Nigerian scammer is as follows: -You pay money to a Nigerian scam artist. You see nothing as an end result. You have given something and received nothing in return. -You pay money for a hypercrate on the game. You are guaranteed 24 Cartel Packs, which each have... what, like 5 regular items, 2 rare items, a higher chance of a super-rare item, a boost item, and a companion gift or crafting material? You are guaranteed "stuff." It may not be the stuff you want, but it's randomized - your total results all said and done will be at least 24 boost items, 120 items, at least 48 rare items, and at least 24 companion gifts or crafting materials. You may not get that Rancor you really want, but you may get those Satele Shan's Boots that someone else really wanted. Likewise, someone else might get the rancor but not care about it, and might be dying for the boots you got. One person is taking your money and giving you nothing. The other is giving you random (random) items for that money with a guaranteed total number of items that fit certain criteria.
  18. Does it apply to all characters on your legacy equally, or just the one who was being used when you got it? I noticed it tracked the kills last night when I switched guys, was just curious if it meant less Esseles / Black Talon grinding later on.
  19. I think it's plenty fast enough as it is, honestly, but I'm probably in the minority. If they do increase it, hopefully not a million credits - make it something like a few hundred-thousand. As it is, speeder rank 3 costs..... what, 140k or so? Make rank 4 cost 330k or something, and if there's a rank 5, have that cost go up to 600k or so. End result would still be around a million credits, but split up into two smaller payments.
  20. I agree that a name like.... say, "Idfjkgnnsrgtkjnhsg" shouldn't be kosher. That's not a "name," that's a random assortment of letters with no rhyme or reason to them. However, some names that actually attempt to be named should be allowed - at least on non-RP servers. Someone wants to call themselves "Holy-hand'grenade?" Go for it. Want to be "Obi-wan'bologna?" Do it. "Lord-dark'killerscourgebad?" Why not - you're the one who has to live with it. Hell, I've got one or two "joke characters" like that - a Miralukan commando named Stephany-wonder (a parody of Stevie Wonder, who's a blind musician,) and a Juggernaut who was originally named Defenestrator (cool name) but had to change it in a server merge and thus because Egressor (which means "to quickly leave," which doesn't quite have the same impact as "throwing someone or something out of a window.") Part of me wishes they could let you use a single space in your name, too, without having to use your Legacy name. After all, my characters Kreyne Heyroth and Lashida Bellens might just be allies, not actually related, but one of them can have a "normal name" and the other has to simply have a hyphen in there and have the thing be lower-case. Of course, that could lead to more issues if they allow too many spaces, or someone would try to make a name that was nothing but two letters with a single space or something.
  21. I think the reasoning behind the "no old characters" thing for players is because you're someone who's starting out in all the storylines - a rather green-ish bounty hunter; a slave who's been found to be force-sensitive; a young padawan who shows incredibly gifted talent with the force; a rather rookie soldier in the military; a relatively new up-and-coming spy, etc. I think that's the reason, but I could be wrong. You're someone who's been doing what you've been doing the past few years, but literally just that - a few years, not half your life or something. Otherwise, I'd be all for it, especially on RP servers and such where you can't have everyone be around the same age.
  22. Didn't even know a site like that existed, that'll make things a lot easier. Thanks. Edit: If that site's accurate, I can either spend comms for it, or farm a heroic for it once a day. I think given the price of comms, I'll farm the heroic for it.
  23. I'd like to see the hair styles / colors for humans be allowed for use on cyborgs. I don't think cyborgs even have access to the "all white eyes" option that humans do. I don't see how the hair colors or eye color would really affect anything on a cyborg character - hair styles might clip or something, so even if they didn't bring that over, they could at least bring the other two over.
  24. While I would greatly prefer a simple "selection system" for primary and secondary colors - a la Guild Wars 2, Champions Online, or other such games - I actually have more of an issue where, in certain cutscenes, your companions don't use the options checked off in their "armor menus" on the character sheets. For example, if I'm having a conversation with Companion A, Companion B, and Companion C on my ship, I should see them using the options set in the armor portion of their sheets - if their helmets are shown or hidden, and if their armor is matched to their chest piece or not. What's more odd is that it seems to be random - one time, they're wearing helmets and sounding like they don't have them on, while other times everything's working out just fine and color-coordinated. I'd really like to see that stuff be consistent 100% of the time, much like when you use a companion customization - they always have it on, with the only exception being the new "hologram" in the strongholds when you have them placed, but summoned out with you. Cutscenes, or just milling about your ship? They're a black guy, cyborg, Asian dude, zombie, or whatever your customization says they are, period.
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