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Everything posted by arunav

  1. Or you could not turn SWTOR into a point generation simulator for all players and instead use, say, a pen and paper?
  2. I'm not sure if GSF cosmetics are still available via the Cartel Market, but I see way fewer of them on the GTN for years now. And the ones that are listed are beyond overpriced. Since GSF hasn't gotten any update since November 2017, why not at least make the various paint jobs/ship customizations earnable with requisition or a new customization currency earnable from daily and weekly quests? SWTOR seems intent on being more 'modern' lately, right? Star Wars Squadrons, which, at least in part, may have been inspired by GSF somewhat in design, allows players to customize their fighters over time via playing matches. While the GSF community would certainly prefer a new map after nearly 7 years (a reskinned domination map over Corellia or Manaan, for example, might fit the ongoing story), maybe a relatively simple way to update it would be allowing players to earn paint jobs and the various ship customizations. I've played GSF since 2014, and the community is small enough to know each other pretty well. We all highly doubt BW and now BS makes any revenue worth mentioning from paint jobs/ship customizations being locked behind CC purchases. It's existing 'content' that the team can make more accessible, giving GSF players something to do - make their ships pretty, character by character, since a new map is in all likelihood never going to happen.
  3. They should have kept 6.x systems in place, then. The game was in a much better state to go into semi-maintenance before 7.0, weapons in Outfitter and new playable areas/story aside. There are some aspects of the GTN overhaul that are definitively improvements too. Adding CM items and QoL additions, alongside fixing longstanding bugs, would have been preferred, for the most part, compared to what has been done in 7.x.
  4. It seems like a system for adding companions (that don't require much voice acting) by making you do old daily areas again. It's neither interesting nor fun, in my opinion, and likely that of many players. You'll enjoy it if you enjoyed playing FPs more than a decade old to... unlock areas in the new Copero Stronghold. B3-S1 does look cute! I think, having started the quest 2 Decembers ago, by the time my character goes through the process of 'Venturing,' he'll want B3 to shoot him in the face.
  5. Tarnux's 'pike' has a Sith look. It is called a Battlestaff for some reason. Was added when the 6.0 expansion was new, if I am remembering correctly. EDIT: Another 'pike,' my personal favorite, is a ranked PVP reward. You can still get it now via PVP season tokens, in the Centurion weapon box. It's technically not a pike, but it has a unique design, with one blade much shorter than the other, and a hilt similar to the pikes found elsewhere in the game.
  6. The blue and orange versions (19-B and C) were added to the game some months ago, but the black version of the weapon set, presumably 19-A, hasn't made it in. Will the black variety of the models be sold as well?
  7. By the time 7.5 releases, it will be approximately 1 year since Shrine of Silence, which appears to have been mostly or entirely completed at BioWare, was released. I think it's fair to ask, given the type of content we're seeing, if they still have the budget and personnel to design new Flashpoints.
  8. What plans, if any, are in the works for a new Flashpoint? It doesn't have to be a story-heavy component of whatever narrative 7.x is going for, but it should adhere to the standards of the one-off Flashpoints from the base game - i.e., a cutscene explaining why the player character is going into the instance, and a 'debriefing' of sorts afterwards. A light/dark choice is probably too much to ask for, and Shrine of Silence was fine without one (though it most certainly lacked the story immersion of Red Reaper, what it was compared to beforehand, without the referenced cutscenes). Flashpoint boss mechanics in this game have never been too complicated, and I doubt they are as involved as designing new bosses for Operations. Will we see a new Flashpoint in 2024? After seeing the 7.5 livestream, I can't help but wonder if that's the type of update we should expect going forward. In the view of this longtime subscriber, it's just sad you're promoting space chores for a companion in what sounded like old daily areas, and a farm for... more space chores. And longer PVP seasons that reward... adrenals and medpacks for an additional 2000 points to grind through (a nearly 29% increase in the season track)? Have you seen what competitor MMOs of approximately the same age are doing? Those games charge the identical subscription fee. What is SWTOR's team planning for the remainder of the year for its subscribers? Because that livestream was horrible. Edit: Lastly, since graphical updates were noted as an accomplishment in the livestream, please go back and fix what was done to Voss. It's one of SWTOR's best contributions to Star Wars, and, nearly a year later, the grass/ground still appears bugged or broken whenever a player... moves on the planet. Optical illusion or not (we've never seen an official response on the matter) resulting from the engine being stuck using DX9, the 7.3 update ruined the graphics in the base game's version of Voss.
  9. Given how bad 7.0 was - by far the worst update/patch to the game since launch - I hope we continue with updates/patches and no further 'expansions' until their team is large and resourced enough to actually make a decent expansion. Fixing the many issues with the game, and adding occasional content, should be the priority, in my opinion. Skill trees should be at the top of the list, for starters.
  10. I'd much rather BS takes their time and delivers an event that isn't full of bugs, with rewards that also aren't full of bugs. Who cares if it's technically in the spring or summer of this year? Let it come out when it's actually ready, not just when it can functionally make it in the game without breaking too much. The SWTOR team is reportedly about half the size it used to be - all the more reason not to pressure them on timelines for new playable content.
  11. Part of me doubts BS will do another Collection unlock sale so soon after the last one, but it's technically possible. I guess if they are generally profitable, then maybe we'll see at least that. And the Maul droid pet.
  12. Some of the weapons are bugged in the current Galactic Season, both the tier 1 and 2 versions, which I don't recall ever happening before. Most obvious are the Dualsaber and Assault Cannon. The latter is found inside the back of the player character, both male and female, and the Dualsaber is placed on the player character's back in different places, depending on body type. Male Body Type 2 is 'normal,' but others are bugged. For female Body Type 1, it's so low the Dualsaber is basically not usable. Female Body Type 2 (the most common, as far as I can tell) is somewhat better, but the stowed position is still lower than what I believe is intended, the positioning found on all other dualsabers that stow on the back. I personally found this season's rewards to be a little worse than in the past (though perhaps the emphasis is intended to be the Copero Stronghold), but the weapons both look and sound nice. Please fix the bugged stowing positions.
  13. All I want is the skill tree revamp to have a thorough revision. Give back some skills/passives, front load abilities while leveling (if the number of usable skills remains approximately the same, perhaps finish gaining skills by level 50-60), finish the art for icons in the skills trees (this should be done regardless of if the trees are looked at again or not), perhaps give back 2 of 3 skills at the top of trees, instead of 1 of 3. I would prefer 3 of 3, of course, but that's another matter. Most combat styles are less fun to play after so much was taken away or made an option in 7.0. To make matters worse, some classes seem to have more time put into their trees, i.e. done better, and aren't as affected by the changes as others. For updates that affect the game instead of bring in revenue (though the basic combat system I would argue is related to revenue), this should be a priority, in my view. SWTOR's combat was fun from launch through 6.x. It's been different since 7.0 in a bad way, even if players have gotten used to the difference after more than 2 years. ESO's adding Spellcrafting into their game, which would be like letting our characters alter how some of our abilites work, customize animation colors/effects, and expand their use to multiple combat styles. SWTOR's combat, even if an older tab-targetting approach, was still better than ESO's, probably its main competitor in the MMO market, in my opinion. The devs shoudl lean into their game's strengths and give players back the options they used to have. Leveling especially, the part of SWTOR almost everyone agrees is the best experience in it, is much, much less appealing since 7.0. I honestly feel bad for new players who have no idea what the game's combat used to be, when they are finding their way through the starter and capital planets, and questing during the Prologue and Act I or even II. The Dicipline system used to give an important spec ability at level 10. On a new assassin, I was still busy twirling around with Lacerate (AOE spam) well past that. It's just not the same game with combat this way. And obviously difficult PVE and PVP content has also been affected for the worse at endgame. I'd like to hear some developer input on this topic more than anything, tbh.
  14. I think you mean why is every week a PVE week? Which, by the way, you don't ever see folks that enjoy PVP complain about here. There are more than enough objectives to complete 7 without PVP.
  15. Frankly, I barely notice a difference in GSF during Seasons. I've played thousands of matches and still enjoy the game mode. What matters for wins is how many pilots are good on a given team. If there are a few farming points for Seasons, it doesn't generally matter. There are always new players or pilots who don't know how to play the maps or fly well yet on your team. Seasons don't make a difference, in my experience, aside from queue times being slightly shorter on weeks with a Seasons objective.
  16. My experience is, if 1 character per faction is at the most recent point in the story (Kessen's Landing) and has finished it, the daily area terminals will work for other characters on that faction. I haven't checked all the daily areas, but it definitely worked for Kessen's Landing, for example. Voss Interpreter's Retreat unfortunately is missing and not unlocked on alts, though that isn't technically labeled as a daily area. Still, it has daily missions and achievements for them as well, and, as one of only a few new areas made in the past couple of years, should probably be included in this 'legacy daily area' change.
  17. On Male Body Type 2, the most common player body type for male characters, the Architect's Assault Cannon clips inside the back of the player character when stowed outside of combat. I haven't tried it on other character types, but believe the same issue likely exists on females. The Architect's Dualsaber varies positions on the player character's back based on Body Type and gender, typically stowing lower than it's intended to. It is too low on female Body Type 2, for example, and even lower on Body Type 1. Please patch these, and check for abnormal stowing positions for the other body type and gender combinations. There aren't that many worthwhile rewards in the Season 6 track aside from the weapons, which are nicely made and have good sounds too, the blasters as well as the lightsabers. As such, fixing the bugs would be very much appreciated. EDIT: the named versions of the same weapons, found later in the Season 6 track, also have the same positioning problem as the Arcitect's variant, described above.
  18. Yavin IV. The primary assets are mostly there, and the daily area or SoR story only gave the player what felt like a small glimpse of the moon, compared to what was the prior standard through 2.x for a 'planet.' Makeb was the last one that followed this model, and I'm under no illusion that the current team could make an area of that size in any reasonable timeframe. But! Revisiting a larger, more explorable Yavin IV area should be possible and would be worth it for Star Wars/SWTOR fans. There's probably some way to fit the Darth Nul story or something related after that's over to it. Someone else mentioned this, but Nadia Grell's home world also sounded interesting, if Kashyyyk isn't possible. Nadia once says in an 'entering area' remark (remember those?) her planet is also full of forests. If it were ever made, Nadia's species could also possibly be added to the game, since it would easily fit the parameters of what's necessary for the base game stories. Another area I'd like to see is an expanded Dantooine. This also benefits from many assets already existing for it, and the links back to the KOTOR games. To be frank, I only expect to see small areas of mostly pre-existing assets put together for 'new' planets/areas in the future. The team simply lacks the budget to do more. I'd prefer Broadsword takes all the profits and makes a lager than typical expansion, but am obviously not expecting anything of the sort. The game's updates will continue to get smaller in scope each year until an inevitable maintenance patch.
  19. Yes - both these sabers look great, but the sheathing position on the hip is so low neither does so well with the overwhelming majority of armor sets. Hopefully a future patch moves them up a bit!
  20. A rather unfortunate use of time and scarce resources.
  21. It was a joke. Clearly it was a joke...
  22. My forum presence indicates I joined pre-launch in 2009. What's with all these players posting via accounts from only 7 years ago?! What could they possibly have to contribute?!
  23. I noticed that the in-game mouse cursor is remaining an arrow at all times. In the past, it looked different when, for example, clicking on a blue quest objective or harvesting node, transforming from the standard arrow to a specific form for those game functions. This has, as far as I remember, never happened in the past 12 years of updates. It affects gameplay for both solo and multiplayer content. In the latter, it can be especially impactful, if an objective must be clicked quickly, and the player is unsure if the mouse cursor is understood by the game as in the correct part of the screen. Please fix this bug. It may seem minor, but it's actually a pretty bad one. Player character death occurs needlessly, and player distress increases. Players become sad and withdraw into the farthest reaches of basements the world over. EDIT: It seems to not be occurring today, but was yesterday evening. A couple other guildies noticed the same thing yesterday, too. Thought I should update this post - perhaps it has something to do with server performance?
  24. Are you retired? Do you work a full time job (typically 40+ hours a week, if in the US)? Because completing Conquest on 30 characters a week would generally mean you barely have time to eat or take care of basic errands, if under the constraints most full time jobs impose. I'm honestly curious, because I think you posted this elsewhere too, in discussing the recent point changes. If you are completing up to 30 characters a week, you are almost surely an outlier in BS's player data, and Conquest shouldn't be designed around that extreme a playstyle, in my opinion.
  25. I also very much appreciate that @JoeStramaglia put these looks back in the game, now with a dye slot and the weapons featuring a tuning slot. While I think most players prefer all the nice armors and weapons from the CM (and I enjoy them as well), it's great to have a few tabs in Outfitter dedicated to the original aesthetics of the 1.0 game. Hopefully finding the pieces or weapons players are looking for becomes easier over time, as they are listed on the GTN. Though, if possible, I'd also prefer they be found on class-specific vendors with filters. Perhaps the filters could include which level range the gear was originally intended for? This way, so many sets and weapons wouldn't be overwhelming to look through, if the vendors are class-specific and then have something like a level range filter included. One legitimate issue is, unlike past launch-era world drop sets, these maintain their appearance on the opposing faction. It would be odd seeing a Jedi Consular vendor on the Imperial fleet, right? Because you'd need that, alongside the other Republic classes, and of course the Imperial classes on Republic fleet. Perhaps there's another reasonable approach to what any potential vendors would be, other than specifically relating to the original 8 base classes that the gear was designed for.
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