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Everything posted by Perram

  1. The damage has been done. No rollback is coming, and the continued domination by the Empire in Illum is causing the republic to quit even bothering to try. As the days go on, the advantages that the Empire have are affecting WZs as their gear imbalance brings the problems into the last area that the Republic stood a fair chance. The only thing that can happen now is damage control. If you remove the Valor requirement from the battlemaster bags, and make Valor simply a cosmetic / pride statistic, the underdog faction can now at least attempt to gear up and stand on even footing even if Sith will still get the gear faster thanks to their domination of Illum. Simply put, right now the empire has unfair access to higher level gear. Level the playing field.
  2. Completely lost faith in Bioware today. Unsubbed.
  3. The big thing that would really help is if Bioware showed us more MOVEMENT on these and other issues instead of vague promises. And I swear, the last thing I want to hear from them ever again is that they are 'looking into it' or 'talking with the development team.'
  4. Their responses to the problems have bothered me far more than the actual problems. If they had positive and affirmative solutions to real problems... then I would be confident that my issues with the game would go away. With how they have failed to act or address most of the issues with the game... I am uncertain that it will be any better in the years to come.
  5. That was one of the first things I noticed was off, that mobs would die, and THEN my character would go through his big three swing light saber twirl... made me laugh at first, now it just bothers me.
  6. There is a huge divide between 'Good' and 'Perfect.' I expected the game to at least meet the first one. And Bioware doesn't need inside information. The issues they are facing here can be observed with the success and failures that are made very public about the other MMOs on the market. Not to mention that they have a good chunk of the Mythic team with them now, who had many of these exact same issues with their Warhammer Online MMO.
  7. I can understand why you would still be enjoying this game without a character at level 50. The leveling process in this game is something that Bioware has done right. They know how to make a great story and good RPG elements. SW:TOR is not an exception to that. And because you were by yourself or in small groups the whole time, I bet the only technical issues you would run into would be in Fleet. But my points raised in the original post are points that mostly the ones even Bioware themselves admits are faults to the game. They can't be dismissed entirely.
  8. That is my worry, as well. If this really is a core problem with the game engine itself... there is NO fix. They can't fix it without completely replacing the entire game!
  9. Exactly! BF3, Skyrim, WoW, Deus Ex... ANY decent looking modern game on the market and my rig destroys it. 60, 70, 80+ fps on max settings... In here? Randomly drops from 110+ fps to 10-20 fps... and for no reason I can figure out. It doesn't even have to be a highly populated area.
  10. I actually LIKE the art direction... but with such simplistic graphics there is no reason that this game shouldn't run better.
  11. I don't have any experience with healing, but from a damage point of view its very true. In PvP builds Project and Shock are two of our most used abilities that are supposed to be mirrored. Those abilities play a HUGE role in our PvP tactics, and we use them constantly. Shock happens instantly. The lightning jumps from the sith in a blink of an eye and hits us for the full damage. Project has a long animation where we pull a bit of metal or rock out of the ground, and the sith only takes damage when the rock hits. How does this give the sith an advantage? Well, besides being quicker on the damage and potentially ending the fight 1.5 seconds sooner, good Sith players have learned to see the Project coming and react to it. If they stealth, go out of line of sight, or use a 'resistance' ability, they can avoid the damage entirely. Republic players don't have the same luxury. Because the lightning damages us as soon as they activate the ability, we can not react to it or counter it.
  12. A lot of us did. Something else being bad is no excuse for this game being bad.
  13. Yeah, the game wasn't anywhere NEAR ready to launch... and I think most of us can see that now.
  14. That is kind of the point of the story, I was too young to be able to do it.
  15. When I was a boy, I asked my father if I could cut our grass and get paid for it. At the time he was paying some of our neighbor boys to do it for us. He said he'd be happy to, but he expected me to do just as good a job as our neighbors. "But they're bigger than me." I told him. "I'm just a kid." And what did my father tell me? "If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it." It was an important life lesson to learn, and I'm glad my dad taught it to me. And if it was good enough for my four year old self, its sure good enough for the most expensive MMO ever created. SW:TOR doesn't exist in a vacuum. Other games do everything this game does, and in most cases better. The only exception being the story line and the voice overs. It doesn't matter that its Bioware's first MMO... it doesn't matter that its 'only been out a month' and 'that other game has been out for 8 years!' "If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it." Right now: Even on top of the line computers, the game looks dated, and frame rates drop for no reason. Using your abilities is clunky half the time, and completely unresponsive the rest of the time. Mirrored classes aren't. Animation delay between JC's and SI's give the sith a clear advantage that is obvious. Despite several warnings that Illum would not work due to population imballances, they patched it in anyway. They are still unclear as to whether or not they will remove the unfair advantage that the Sith got during this. The user interface of the game is incomplete, buggy, and clunky. UI customization, Macros, and Mods are not available in this game to make up for the UI problems. Very poor customer service and heavy handed forum mods have planted their feet in the sand instead of trying to work with the users to impove the game. User feedback is still largely ignored. And that is just the obvious problems. The game has potential. But right now the only thing it has going for it are light sabers, voice acting, a decent story, and an awesome sound track.
  16. Wow... I know you had this planned for awhile now... But c'mon... you should have known this was NOT the day to announce it.
  17. I canceled my subscription. A failure this massive... and we were WARNING them the whole time it would happen! Not to mention the massive history of this EXACT THING happening in every other game. I have no more faith that they can make an MMO at all. I don't see how they can earn any trust back after this.
  18. Games aren't vegetables. I shouldn't have to work to enjoy a game. Either I enjoy it, or I don't. This is entertainment I'm paying for. The game isn't what it should have been at launch. How much that affects most people... up to them. That said: It isn't our job to make excuses for Bioware. And while there are lots of reasons that this game isn't as great as it could be... they don't matter. All that matters is the product we have today, and whether or not it is worth playing today. I think I got my $60 worth of the game playing through the rather satisfying leveling process and story. But I'm not sure that this game is worth continuing to pay $15 a month for beyond that. And the many flaws that are obvious with this game are reason enough that we shouldn't be surprised that other people aren't happy with it. It would be delusional to think that this game is perfect or should appeal to everyone.
  19. This is an exploit and it needs to be fixed. Intentionally abusing this exploit should be grounds for disciplinary action.
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