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Everything posted by The-Uncreative

  1. It was already a while ago, but I ran Athis SM on my commando healer. I was with a gunslinger a guardian tank and a third dps I forgot. As I was healing through the first pack of mobs I realised that the Tank was realy squishy... so I start to do preventive healing so he doesn't die on me, was realy glad thatI have an AoE heal that I could use on myself and the gunslinger. Then at one point the other DPS checks the tanks gear and I do so too when the DPS promts us... the tank is wearing orange gear with no modifications, just the emty shell.... whut? But noether of the DPS votes to kick him, and I have no idea how, never having had to kick anyone before. So we continue to the fist boss, the professor if I recall corectly and we manage through it. It helps that I have healed through this flaspoint before and that the DPSses realy know what they are doing. Predictably we die on the beast, and as we respawn one of the DPSses votes to kick him. Our replacement is realy good at his job and we breeze through the rest of the flashpoint. Probably helped that one of us had the Arceology skill and opened the door, skipping all those gold mobs Still, it was great fun
  2. Galactic starfrighter death matches? did I hear that right? (or am I imagening things?) soooo not looking forward to that.... *boom* Nooben just self destucted great Oher than that, yay, info
  3. that actually makes sense... /signed
  4. Just yesterday I saw an instanced area that made me pause and look again for a minute... unfortunately, that also got me killed... I would love to revisit that place now, ramp the quality up, let my FPS drop, and take the screenshots I couldn't take while I was fighting for my life. Please Bioware, implement this! And not just for the Role Players amongst us
  5. Hey, I've been playing a while now, and there are some little things that I believe could be improved (and hopefully they are easy things ) 1: Remove names that already in use from the random name generator. - while it is not so hard to think of something yourself, add some (')'s and/ or í, ó and á's, it is a bit annoying to see a name you like and want only for it to be already in use. 2: Start collections with all its sub menu's minimized - it would be, in my opinion, a lot easier to find things. and it looks tidy. 3: Give crafting a search/filter to find things by stats - for example: if you are looking to make a cunning mod you should just be able to set the filter to 'cunning' and all the mods with cunning on them. (same for armorings, chest pieces.... you get the picture ) - or a better interface (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7082129) 4: Legacy Bank - I've lost count of how many times I've seen this one on the Forums 5: Pazaak mini game - it's star wars... isn't it? 6: Huttball/warzone spectator mode - I'd realy like to be able to see other teams competing, it would also be a learning oportunity for newcomers/ppl who suck (like me ) I'd realy like to see some (more) QoL improvements in SWTOR but I'm probaly asking for too mutch here ... EDIT: wrong link... sorry
  6. /Signed x infinity! I would SO love it if they implemented this!!
  7. I never thought of this I would bring more diversity (however small) into the game, and more diversity in a galaxy so large is aways better (in my book at least) So to this Idea I say: /Signed
  8. My Jedi Knight Nooben! (<- yes, I called him noob on purpose ) http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5474/11731043995_a49b4d01d7_c.jpg ^he is also my first attempt at Tanking (never made it into a flashpoint though )
  9. Yes please Makes taking cool screenshots easier
  10. I'd like that On one sever I have legacy 30 something with several species/class unlocks on the other legacy 7 with no unlocks. Too bad that I prefer the new server comunity. Kinda feel like all that lvling was for nothing So please, whomever is listening to our ideas, make it so!
  11. that, that is annoying indeed. I'd also like it if I wasn't logged out while creating a new character.... everytime I'm almost happy with my new look, bam, logged out due to inactivity whut? but I was doing something! maybe It's because only keyboard things are considered an activity and not mouse clicking? if so: jump, straffe left/right, use an ability every 4 minutes to prevent being logged out..... not the best solution, I know.
  12. I'd rather not... To be Honest. On my Guardian I was rather glad I found a circlet that forced down the Hood of his robes... Hood toggle? I'd support that wholeheartedly
  13. more customization is always better now, if only they'd also make those new 'human' hairstyles available to the other species I'd be completely happy
  14. I agree. .... Unless they make the implants also apear on the arms, chest and/or legs. Then I'd be fine with Human-Cyborgs as a seperate species (<-- but that is a separate suggestion)
  15. I also concur with the original Poster on this topic. And not just because GSF is a time sink, but because (for me at least) it is not worth the sheer frustration I feel when I have to upgrade a ship that looks/flies/feels the same, has the same upgrades, only to not suck again... and that for every toon, again and again and again. I suck at GSF, I will freely admit it, I had to practice hard and try and try again. I did the tutorial multiple times just to get a feel for the ships the controls, and I'm still learning. And just when I'm used to my ship, just when I managed to unlock my new ship (with Fleet req.) I see that I'm nearly at the end of my Class quest. so I make a new alt (I like alts) and get him to lvl 10 and the fleet, only to find that I'm back at the bottom of the ladder concerning GSF, flying a ship the looks the same, but has none of the upgrades I'm used to, slightly less turning, slower engines... BOOM.... dead.... Great.... isn't Galactic starfrighter supposed to be something like a mini-game? then why doesn't it feel like that? if it is all character specific, then why do the ships look the same (on each faction I mean)? And while I like Flying in ships, circling asteroids, leading others on a merry chase.... I don't like getting frustrated while getting my ship up to snuff. Feeling frustration in a game means I won't enjoy it anymore, and if I don't enjoy it.... why would I continue it? For PvP, FlashPoints and Ops, I get it, your smuggler does not have the same abilities as your Sage or Guardian, the gear has other stats. But GSF looks/feels the same on every republic toon I have, if there was a tangible difference, then OK... but there isn't one I can instantly see (maybe I'm missing something, maybe not). Too Long? Don't Read
  16. Granted, exept your Death Star Driver License expired and you are unable to obtain a new one. I wish I had an iPad
  17. YES!!!! I mean: I concur a more refined tutorial covering more than just capturing a node and trying no to fly into asteroids would be of greater assistance that what we have now. It would, in my opinion, already be an improvement if, the tutorials didn't pop up while I am learning how to fly. I find it annoying that they tell you how to fly, give you a few seconds and then load you with more information before you have familiarized yourself with the movement controls. Perhaps several tutorials would be better? The first tutorial would consist of a maze (or lots of asteroids ) so you can learn how to fly, the second tutorial has stationary enemy turrets and a node (like what we have now) that teaches you how to capture a node, and the last tutorial would then only have moving objects that you have to destroy (perhaps they should fire on you and lock on missiles ). Being able to get a feel of your own starship before your first actual battle also be a great help, at least, to me it would.
  18. Glad I'm not the only one (with the blaster problem). It can be so very frustrating when you are having problems locking on and a minute later you can't shake someone else's missile lock... I just remind myself It's a game (and write down the name of the annoying person so I can try to avoid him/her next time )
  19. I mean: Galactic Space PvP! Yay...... So I started a week ago, did the tutorial (had to browse the forums just to find it) and then did it again. Thought I was prepared, it's what a tutorial is supposed to do, isn't it? to prepare you for the inevitable? To show you the controls so that you can make a token effort to learn them before being thrown into the deep? All I learned from the Tutorial was how to skim surfaces, how to self-destruct and how to capture a node (tip: don't fly into it, it doesn't help) I spent some time figuring out how to upgrade my ships (huh... the tiers go from up to down? that is the opposite of our skill-trees) and the layout of the crew (sooo.... my co-pilot not only has an active ability but keeps muttering things when I self-destruct). In my first battle I suddenly found myself flying a different ship.... wait, I haven't practiced with this ship yet! oh, the match started already? Waaaaait for meeeee *boom* [Nooben just sefldestructed].... great /facepalm. Lets try that again, but with a little more grace this time.... Suffice to say, I didn't score a single kill and died, what? 8 times? but hey, got some ship and fleet coins... (requisition, or something) and upgraded my ship('s engines) ... Fast forwards to a few matches later.... watch out for that Asteroid! *boom* [Nooben just self destructed] not again!.... ok, so I keep on flying into things, but hey, at least I kill things (No, not realy, I just get blown up myself), at least I assist people (I wonder it a few shots make a difference? how do I lock on my missiles again?) and actually know how to capture an objective (I do it too, btw, without flying headfirst into the thing even). So I like to think I've made some improvements in my play-style, except, how can you tell? how do I know that I'm not the one that makes us loose the match every time? There is hardly any communication during a battle (not that I can type anything without ramming headfirst into an asteroid) nor is there any communication after a battle... so... where do I go from here? I know, I know, I'm a Noob (my toons are named Nooben, Be'ginner, Be'ginevra and Oopsí. that should give people a hint at least), I know I am not a good player, I know I need to improve my play-style.... But without people telling me that I suck at this or that, how will I /ragequit? I mean: how will I learn from my mistakes and seek to improve my horrid flying/targeting/shooting skills? Next time you see me online in Galactic StarFighter, I'll probably be heading towards A and self-destruct on my way there. But hey, no worries, It's just a game (darnitwhydoikeepdying!) It's meant to be fun (Asteroidnonononono) and its Team work (Wait! where are you all going? what is going on???). And if you see me stop in the middle of nowhere, turning around to face you (or the enemy, depends on who you are ) I'm not lining up my superawesome shot, it just means I'm trying to get my bearings and probably haven't noticed you there yet... I would like to thank everyone who ever did a battle with me (Probably on my toon Nooben) for the patience you have shown, and for not calling me a Noob (even though, in all seriousness, even if you did I would have no grounds to be upset, because, seriously, what do you expect when you call your toon NOOB-en). PS: No, it's not a rant, no it's not a complain, and if you don't want to read it, you don't have to.... honest! (I'm also not being sarcastic, damnit!) and Yes this thread has NO POINT WHATSOEVER (besides the thank you part)
  20. granted, but now your post went off topic and was deleted. Your wish became invalid. I wish I was a real, force using, Jedi
  21. Granted, but now it works so well that you can't turn it off and people keep calling you in the most inopportune moments. I wish my sub didn't run out the 19th
  22. I wonder... what is Kalio doing in the background of the last scene?? I can't quite make it out.
  23. Granted, but Khem doesn't want to eat Baras I wish I had no lessons tomorrow
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