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Posts posted by Alkiii

  1. I know people always like to look at the highest damage number, but there are definatly other classes that can combo two things to burst in the same hit for more than that.

    My Sniper, with a long cast time, cannot crit for 6k and he's a pure DPS class.


    This guy was doing it on an instant cast ability while wearing heavy armor and more mitigation than 80% of the specs in this game.


    I got crit for 6k, then followed with a 4k scream ... I was dead before I could get 2 dots on the guy. By all means, defend it ...


    at the end of the day, there's something amiss here.

  2. Pre Operative/Scoundrel nerf but you said you've been playing since beta so here you go.


    News flash ... Operative/Scoundrel is not a "PURE" DPS class.


    Sentinel/Marauder and Sniper/Gunslinger = pure DPS class. Guess you missed the memo.


    Point still stands ... why does a class that has so much damage mitigation have the ability to hit harder than any PURE DPS class I have ever seen?


    Yes, I'm calling for nerfs .. why? Because when I'm dead in 3 hits from this guy, in the gear I'm wearing, there is a problem. But by all means, justify it as you will.


    I don't mind being wrecked by a Sniper or Gunslinger ... or even a Marauder or Sentinel. But when a Tank class drops me in 3 hits, something needs to be addressed. (This can also be said for Powertechs).

  3. The point is this ...


    I have yet to see a pure DPS hit for 6k and I've been playing since Beta. No Sniper, no Gunslinger, no Marauder and no Sentinel has hit me for the amount of damage that this Jugg hit me for. I understand that they have a DPS tree, but don't you think a PURE dps should hit like this and not a class that wears heavy armor with a ton of mitigation?


    justify it as you must, but it's wrong ...


    I'm a hybrid too ... and I hit NOTHING like this.

  4. How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


    I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


    I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


    Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.

  5. I hope you guys find what it is that you're looking for in GW2. Can it stand up to the hype? I doubt it. You and the OP will probably be lighting up the GW2 forums with your hands out.


    Kids today... they don't have the faintest idea of what it IS to work for something.


    I can almost guarantee that I have at least 35 years on you and I have to tell you, the grind in this game has become cumbersome and flat out boring. It's just not fun.


    I understand the work aspect of games. But if their main selling point is doing the same thing repeatedly over a 6 month period ... it isn't going to work. SWTOR's system just isn't going to cut it. I would love to play my Sniper in PvP and gear him, but can't bare the thought of grinding all that out again on another toon.


    So while you enjoy talking down to people thinking that somehow your age validates your opinions, just know that some of us "older" players don't agree with your assessment.



    To clarify, I will turn 87 this year in November.

  6. I remember seeing the Emperor put Luke in some serious pain with lightning.

    I remember seeing Count Dooku messing some people up with lightning.


    What I don't remember seeing is Darth Maul doing more damage with lightning than the Emperor.



    This is what we have today in this game and it's completely unacceptable for me. I'm sorry, but I rolled a Sorcerer for my lightning to hit hard like that of the Emperor. In reality, I got the Emperor at 5 years old using Force Lightning.


    I rolled a Sage also. I have him in 3 pieces of War Hero and the rest Battlemaster gear. I am absolutely decimated by melee classes. I simply cannot get away from them. Hell, last night I hit an Assassin with every stun in the book, a root, a snare, the kitchen sink ... you name it. He didn't slow, he didn't get stunned, he didn't get snared. He hit me with Force Lightning, Shock, a couple melee strikes and a 4k finisher that had me dead before I had the chance to cast 3 DoTs on him.


    I guess Darth Maul should have attacked the Emperor. Because if he had, the Emperor would have gotten his <BLEEP> kicked.



    Very frustrating as a DPS Sage or Sorcerer.

  7. I'm confused. Why does Assassin or Shadow ranged attacks hit harder than the Sage or Sorcerer ranged attacks?

    I had a Shock from an Assassin crit me for more than anything I've ever casted last night. His Force Lightning crit me for almost twice as much as my Telekinetic Throw (I'm a Sage btw).


    On top of that, I was crit for over 4k from one of their finishing moves after I was obliterated by their ranged abilities. Nothing I have even gets close to that (Balance spec).


    So what's the deal here? Am I missing something? Why is a melee class using ranged abilities hitting harder than a ranged class with the same spell? It makes no sense.


    I don't mind losing fights ... truly I don't. But what is the deal here? It's hard enough being a DPS Sage these days. It's even harder when our melee counterparts have harder hitting ranged abilities than we do ...

  8. Every single time I play Voidstar, when we switch sides, my Agent gets stuck in some kind of cover/non-cover nonsense. I slide across the floor as if I'm in cover, but can't use cover abilities. Nor can I go into cover.


    I have been submitting tickets for this bug since beta. There is absolutely NO reason why this hasn't been addressed and fixed. It's not fun ...


    So please, for the love of all things holy ... fix your <BLEEP>!

  9. Squishy, ranged classes need to learn to LOS better. Ya know the old adage, out of sight out of mind. Basically no Sorc I see tries to LOS until they're low (i.e. the dps already found them). The only map where this is a problem is Novare since its so open.


    Watch Krunchy on twitch.tv for lessons on healing LOS. Should be streaming under mediaswtor name.


    Curious to know how he's winning fights against melee while going LOS. Ranged classes aren't the issue for me and my Sage. It's melee.

  10. People now regularly complain about every class in this game.....that's how I know it's balanced.


    No one will post their gear or give scenarios. It all seems to be spoken in generalities lately.


    I have 3/4 Warhero and the rest Battlemaster gear on my Balance Sage. It hurts to play ... but I'm still having fun and that's all that matters. Marauders hurt really, REALLY bad. So do those Pyrotechs. I simply cannot get away from them.

  11. Bahahaha. I just rolled a DPS sage just to give it try after hearing that it's quite challening in pvp. So, which supplier did you get your drum of astroglide from?


    I purchased my drum of "glide" at Darth Marauder's Astroglide Depot. Where all your lubrication needs are met with a Ravaging smile.

  12. Even with 3/5 War Hero and the rest Battlemaster gear, I get absolutely decimated on my Balance Sage. When I'm in a group with my friends, I'm the first one the enemy targets. Seconds later, I'm dead before I get more than 2 heals.


    I've gotten used to it, but it's not easy being a DPS Sage these days. Strong spec before you hit 50, but goes down hill from there.

  13. Its pretty easy to be an effective sniper by clicking a few skills and hardly ever moving. It has a pretty high skill cap but its very easy for the worst noob in the game to kill a few people that are busy fighting everyone else.


    Ive seen plenty of backpedaling keyboard turning snipers and gunslingers do well.


    It's funny that you should say that. I saw a keyboard turning player win an Arena Tournament in World of Warcraft not too long ago. I don't know how the hell he did it, but the guy was really good. I'm not saying that keyboard turning works, because to me it doesn't. But what this guy did, was nothing short of amazing. :)

  14. So I played some Warzones last night trying out the new stuff (which I liked btw) from 1.3. Then I got into a match with a couple Jedi Guardians.


    I dropped into cover, killed their healer and then had a Guardian jump on me. My first reaction, "this guy is toast!"

    5 seconds later, I'm dead. Literally, 5 seconds.


    What in the hell hit me? A truck?


    After a few matches with this Guardian, I threw in the towel and submitted. No matter how many cooldowns I blew, no matter how many times I got the jump, this guy would come in and absolutely wreck me. I never got him below 75%. He even crit me for almost 5k! Nothing I have has ever gotten that high!


    Needless to say, I'm quite interested in playing the Juggernaut/Guardian as a DPS for PvP now!

  15. I did probably 20 Warzones last night. If not more ...


    I noticed that on my Sniper, the knockback was very minimal. Most of the time, it didn't do anything.

    I then got on my Gunslinger and it was even worse. After the issues with my Sniper, I kept count on my Slinger.


    Out of 13 of them, only 2 actually worked. Neither of the 2 knocked the enemy back like they used to. Probably a total of 6-7 yards, tops.



    Also, how in the hell are Juggernauts and Marauders Force Leaping to me while in Cover? Happened on multiple occasions last night.


    One thing though ... the new sounds and animations for the Gunslinger (SS) are AWESOME!

  16. I don't think you guys get it. /sigh


    First you ranted about how you hate PvP at 50.

    Then you rant about Expertise and how you hate it.

    Finally, you rant about how SWTOR copied WoW.



    I'm sorry, but you're not going to hop into rated Warzones as a fresh 50 and compete. Just like you're not going to hop into Nightmare Operations as a fresh 50 and expect to down bosses. Despite the setbacks you've encountered, you have to overcome them or move on to something else.


    Common sense goes a long way these days.


    Go grind out that gear like those that are annihilating you and put the time in just like they did. They have "normal" Warzones for a reason.


    Again, common sense ...

  17. I don't want to do class quests, I don't wan't to do flashpoints, I don't want to do the space missions and I sure don't want to farm that big amount of credits for all those perks.

    All I want is to level up only through warzones in a realistic amount of time.


    I understand your point. I do. I too, am leveling a toon through Warzones (with the occasional Class Quest thrown in from time to time). However, you have to understand that leveling up through Warzones was not and is not the Developers intent for this game. Sure, it can be done, but it is what it is ...


    I'm enjoying my leveling through the PvP system. It's slow and a little painful, but with the new perk it won't be as bad. Shooting someone in the face 10 times in one match, then getting experience for doing it usually washes away any pain I might be feeling in the leveling up through Warzone process.

  18. Useless would imply you gained nothing by attaining them.


    Hate to break this to you, but they're not useless. They may not be to your liking, but they're not useless.


    This isn't Burger King ... you can't have it your way, right away.

  19. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!?!?? Care to make up anything else about what "I" would like? Geezus dude...I said NONE of that!


    You said that this game needs new content in order to survive and that I was blind if I didn't see that. My response was to inform you that this game has only been out for 6 months and they have already added content and a world event in that time frame to go along with the operations/flashpoints that launched with the game. So yes, you implied that if the game does not get more content, it will die because you're not getting what "you like." WoW, Rift and Tera don't even put out content this fast ... but SWTOR must in order to survive?


    Come on now ... lets be realistic here.


    I don't feel I'm entitled to jack **edit**. I do, however, feel that Bioware is a business, and as a business, they have operated this game as poorly as anyone could have.


    You feel entitled enough to say that this game, after 6 months of life, needs more content in order to survive. Bioware hasn't performed like the way I would hoped, but I certainly am not going to lecture them about their business model when I don't have the first friggin' clue how to run a major game development company. Are you currently running a major brand in this genre creating quality games? If so, which one? If not, then why are you telling them how to run their business?


    Armchair developer at its finest!


    They pissed away a hundred million dollars on voices, which go out after 15min of group play.


    Money well spent if you ask me. I tried Tera out and as much as I loved the game, the leveling was painful. I came back to SWTOR after being a disgruntled customer due to population issues and found that I was in love with the whole voice acting aspect of this game. I like it, you don't. Agree to disagree here.


    We have LESS PvP content now than we did at release. We were promised that we'd be blown away by Ilum...instead, they removed every reason to go there. There are only THREE ops...Two of them take under 45min ea on HM/NM, yet I can only do them once a week...really?! FP's are restricted to 4 people - in an MMO, 4 player groups are too small. Content, at end game, needs to scale imo.


    I have enough time to get my PvP in and my PvE in while also having time to spend with my family during the week. I don't think that SWTOR is catered to the hard-core gamer like yourself. I could be wrong. Either way, I'm happy with the amount of things to do in game.


    I will agree with you on Ilum though. That was just one big cluster *edit* from the start. I hope we get some more information soon in regards to this planet.


    You can call me names and make **edit** up about me all ya like dude, but I assure you, I'm more right than you are. SWTOR needs content.


    You inferred that I was blind. I did not make anything up about you that you yourself didn't already say yourself. Now you're claiming that you're right with absolutely no factual data to support your claim and I'm wrong.


    I'm wrong because you said so ... gotcha.


    You're wrong ... because I said so. Lets just leave it at that, shall we?

  20. Stopped playing my Sage because of this change.


    They took a perfectly good animation and ruined it. Why? Because the player base complained that it wasn't instant like Shock from the Inquisitor.


    Well, now Sages have absolutely horrendous looking PvP gear, horrendous casting animations, horrendously huge butts in robes as males, and horrendous head pieces.


    I've gone to play my Sorcerer ... why? Because everything they have is designed by someone who actually gives two ***** about how the class looks while playing.


    The Consular Design-Lead needs to be fired for lack of talent and vision ... and laziness.

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