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Posts posted by Alkiii

  1. Snipers have good damage, but they can't put it out as fast as a Pyrotech. So many of you are here claiming that this kind of damage isn't possible, yet we continuously see people saying otherwise.


    On my almost full geared WH Sage, I get destroyed by Pyrotechs. They're the only class that no matter what I do, I'm dead before I can get a full rotation off. Even with stuns, snares and the likes.


    Thing is, the longer this stuff continues, the more upset people will get. With GW2 right around the corner, I feel that PvP players will head in that direction to fill their PvP needs. If GW2 is a bust, then maybe SWTOR will have some hope in the PvP department. Right now, too many people are upset about the balance in this game.


    As a Balance Sage, it's extremely painful to PvP against a Pyrotech in this game.

  2. Like i said, that has more to do with skilled player availability than class power.


    Just because 1 team wins the soccer world championship, doesn't make the team they faced in the final crap.


    2nd place is still the first loser.

    2nd place still does not hold the trophy.

    2nd place doesn't get the attention and fame.


    The fact that the number 2 team uses sorcerers and is NUMBER 2, whereas the top team doesn't use any Sorcerers, speaks volumes in the top tier gaming world.

  3. You don't need ANY class tbh. There is not 1 class that is irreplaceable.


    For example, you can make a team with 2 jugg tanks 4 rage juggs and 2 healers (class is irrelevant). And still be able to go for rank 1.


    In fact that setup would be the most powerful muscle based setup you can think off.


    Yet your example is NOT number one. The team that IS number one, does not have a Sorcerer.

  4. Erm, we want the best players available... regardless of the class they play. Atm there is no sorc dps player that is a more skilled player than the players we already have in the team. And i play my operative.


    If it was possible for me to play both my chars at the same time, we would have a sorc and a conc operative. Or at least someone good enough to replace me as operative so i can play the sorc.




    There is a republic guild that disbanded... and an empire guild who stopped doing RWZ after boasting for x weeks.


    They were looking for their dream team composition, and they had it... but the players were just not good enough. And they were pretty high rated RWZ.


    Just to show that no team composition can make up for not having the best players.


    Again, the fact that you're playing your Operative instead of your Sorcerer (and there is no other DPS Sorcerer on your team) tells me that to be number 1, you do not need a Sorcerer on your team. Otherwise you'd be playing the Sorcerer.


    You can attempt to justify it until you're blue in the face, but there is a reason why there is no Sorcerer on your team and you're number one.


    Just like there is a reason why the number 2 team has Sorcerers on it and are not number one. Basically, your Sorcerer is "second string" to put it in a sports analogy and isn't needed in the "big game" but is there if needed.



  5. Because a concealment operative opens up new strategies and tactics to the team on all 4 maps, while sorc brings something unique to the table on only 1 map (hutball).


    If we have to make a choice between best sorc dps world or best concealment op world, we take operative dps.


    However, sorc dps > stacking other dps class.


    The #2 team is running 1 sorc heal and 2 sorc dps in their main team and we have awesome fights vs them.


    Well, if your team is the best in the world and it isn't using any DPS Sorcerer, then wouldn't you say that your team is better without one, hence the number one ranking? There is a reason that the other team is number 2 in the world behind you ...


    Sorcerers are juuuuuuust fine for the number 2 team in the world, but not the number one team in the world. Thus validating your opinion that Sorcerers are welcome on any team, except yours.


    Care to post some more vacuous statements for us to chuckle at?

  6. If the best team in the world has the BEST DPS Sorcerer player in the world on their team, why in the hell is he playing a DPS Operative if DPS Sorcerers are in such a good place?


    I've seen some high rated DPS Sorcerers too, but they're far and few between. DPS Sages/Sorcerers need some love. There's no denying it. Even at a high level, the penalty for one mistake is dire. Whereas other classes are much more forgiving based on player error.


    Where is the Sorcerer's finisher?

    Why does a melee class (Shadow) have harder hitting ranged attacks than the Sage whom specializes in ranged attacks?

    Where is the cannon to go with the glass?


    These are legitimate questions. If we're going to wear Light Armor and have low damage mitigation as Sages, where's the damage to offset it?


    Playing a Sniper makes me feel like a glass cannon. Playing any DPS Spec on my Sage, not so much.

  7. I'm still trying to figure out why a melee class (Shadow) has harder hitting ranged attacks than the ranged class (Sage) in Project and Telekinetic Throw?


    Who in the hell designed this nonsense?


    To the person who is boasting about being the best in the world on the best team, etc. etc. :

    When I saw you guys admit to an exploit in one of your matches on your feed, all credibility you had up until that moment, was lost.


    Just saying ...

  8. Here's an idea:


    Seeing as though Shadow's Telekinetic Throw and Project hit much harder than that of Sages, I say we get (2) Melee abilities that hit harder than theirs.


    I'm still scratching my head as to why a melee class's ranged attacks hit harder than a ranged class's same attacks.


    Makes no damn sense whatsoever.



    Anyways ...


    What would really be nice is if they reverted the nerfs we got in 1.2 for Balance. These nerfs came about because of the level 1-49 bracket. Lets take us back please ... thanks.

  9. My vote usually goes to a DPS Sorcerer or DPS Sage with the highest damage/objectives/badges ratio.




    Because seeing a light armor wearing class that has no cannon to go with it, makes me feel for them. As a Sniper, they're the first ones I pick off. They're just not able to provide enough damage to me in order to kill me before I string some abilities together and watch them take a dirt nap.



    I'm still shaking my head at the nerfs that these class/specs got because of the nerd raging kids in the level 1-49 brackets.

  10. I was wondering when the nerf Sents/Maras threads was going to pop back up. Y'all have been giving so much love to PT's, I started to feel unwanted.:(


    I have to agree. Sentinels and Marauders might just have a little too much mitigation for a pure dps class, but they're somewhat manageable. Once players get full BM, those guys aren't nearly as bad.


    Pyrotechs, however, need to be looked at very soon. Especially with GW2 right around the corner. I don't mind getting beat by a better player. I do mind getting beat by a player that hits a couple of buttons and takes my health bar down to nothing in a few seconds wearing heavy armor, when I cannot do the same while wearing light armor.


    Meh, that's just me though ...

  11. I experienced no such lag before 1.3. Now I get it all the time in Warzones. VERY FRUSTRATING.


    I find it quite comical to see Bioware saying it's not them, and that it is us. I tell you, in all my years of gaming, I have never, NEVER seen such a disconnect from the Developers and their player base in any game I've ever played.


    It's very disheartening to say the least.

  12. I have no problem with Snipers. LoS is common in WZ's and it totally makes them useless. They are Glass cannons. They drop fast to preassure. They just have the damage to make up for it.


    Something that Sages/Sorcerers don't have.


    I enjoy my Sniper and Gunslinger much more than my Warhero geared Sage. Why? Because they're actual glass cannons. Not some light armor wearing needle shooter.

  13. I'm in almost full WH gear as a Balance Sage.


    I find it quite comical how frequently I am crit for 6k by a Heavy Armor wearing class, and then see it followed up with 4-5k shortly after. To top it off, I get the whole "we're specced into DPS, we should be doing that kind of damage" spill. Yet my highest crit is 3.5k (and they are EXTREMELY rare).


    Ok, so what exactly am I supposed to get? I have Light Armor, do not do enough damage to pressure anyone ... even healers, and spend more time DoTting people up and running than anything.


    For example: I noticed a Pyrotech with 1/3 of his life. I was at full. I DoTted him and jumped down to finish him off. I got stunned (I broke the stun), then got pulled in and before I could toss up my bubble, I was dead.




    What are the benefits in being a Light Armor wearing class that has no ability to provide pressure through damage?


    I can't tell you the times I have gone 1v1 vs. a healer and they just heal through it ... laughing.




    Nerfed because we were strong from level 1-49.



  14. I've given up on playing my Balance Sage in Rateds.


    Too squishy, not enough damage pressure and more of a liability than anything. Not to mention, our group frowns upon bringing any DPS Consular. Only healing.


    Gotta love being nerfed because of level 1-49 success.

  15. Defector

    Requires Level 50

    Requires Legacy Level 25


    You defect to the oppisite faction and keep your class/advance class


    Being a Light Side Sith Inquisitor, I would absolutely LOVE to be part of the Jedi. Me and Ashara would be quite happy if this were to come to pass.


    Make. This. Happen!

  16. I was in Huttball. I saw someone within an object, and was able to grab the ball. No one could attack him. Then later, he would seemingly teleport over distances. No one could strike the character.


    Someone called it lag switch exploit. Anyone see this?


    I have seen this from time to time but cannot be certain that it's an actual hack/exploit. Since 1.3, we've all been experiencing lag in Warzones. Huttball more than the others for me personally.


    Although some of the things I have seen, are definitely exploits ... such as knocking a person into a pool of acid, watching him take no damage and then POOF, he's half way across the map from me with absolutely no lag on my end.

  17. I'm beginning to think that the Devs don't play this game nor get feedback from their employees that play this game (if there are any).


    This is definitely not user side. This is a Server side problem. It has happened ever since 1.3 went live. I have been MMO gaming since 1997 and I can assure you, my connection and computer are the best that money can buy ...


    Blaming this problem on us is just another reason to believe that no one at Bioware is playing this game in Warzones, or don't play enough to realize the problem to begin with.

  18. i have heard that bioware is honoring the free recruit a friend speeder, for previous free trial subscribers.


    i have a friend that i


    1. sent a free trial to.

    2. bought the game

    3. let his sub expire after the first 30 days of game time


    if he reactivates his sub now, do I qualify for the free speeder?


    Yes, you should. I am in a similar situation. The only difference, my friend actually played for 2 months before quitting. However, I still have not received my speeder.


    I was told to wait for 3 days and if I don't have one by then, to submit ANOTHER ticket.


    So we'll see ...

  19. I attacked a Pyrotech player last night with 1/3 of his life left. I was full.


    I rooted him, Dotted him up (I'm a Balance Sage in 5 piece WH, rest BM) and did everything in the book to keep him away from me.


    Next thing I know, he's on top of me and in one Flame, my health went from full, to almost half. 2 hits later, I was dead.


    His health went down to about 1/8th.


    These guys are the WORST class for me to fight. Even Marauders are no where near as bad for me now a days. These Pyrotechs are just insane! I'll keep pushing forward, but something really needs to be addressed here.

  20. I have a good feeling that because PvP in this game is so filled with Pyrotechs and Marauders, that when GW2 launches, many DPS Sages/Sorcerers will have seen enough and move on. Unfortunately.


    Sadly, I am more than likely going to be one of those people.


    The crying we saw from levels 1-49 ultimately got the DPS Sage nerfed. Today, my Sage isn't wanted in RWZ matches. They're easily killed and they just don't have enough 'umph' in their damage.


    I guess if you play a high mitigation class, you get a ton of DPS to go with it.

    If you play a class that can heal, you get crap damage.


    It is what it is though ...

  21. Yep. Happens all the time to me on both my Sniper and Gunslinger.


    I see the little green dude, hit the button, and the "Unknown Effect Result" pops up.




    I move to the side, see the little green dude, hit the button and my toon rolls and is squatting like he's in cover, but he isn't (the green guy is still showing). I then hit the button to go into Cover AGAIN and he rolls into cover.


    Very buggy system. In Rated Warzones, this could be catastrophic.


    If our Rated Warazone team would take my Sage instead of my Sniper (DPS Sages have no place in RWZ), I'd play him instead. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this buggy *** Cover system just to be viable. :(

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