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Posts posted by Alkiii

  1. I saw a thread on these forums a few days or so ago about a quick way to get a new 50 into a "generic" type Warhero set using Battlemaster gear to put mods, etc. in ...


    I cannot find the thread now.


    Anyone have a link to this thread? I am trying this system out, but now I'm confused and need to read it again.

    Any help would greatly be appreciated.

  2. If this happens to you, please report it in-game and include as many details as possible - including what ability was used on you if you're aware. You can also post here on the forums to let us know the details. We appreciate your reports, as they help us track down issues like this for fixes.


    I have been reporting this bug since beta. By all means, check my in game email box. It's littered with these reports.

    Just last week, I reported this issue and talked to some GM about it in game. During our conversation, IT HAPPENED AGAIN in the following Warzone.


    If your employees aren't seeing this bug, they're not playing Warzones enough.


    Fix it please ... very VERY frustrating for this to happen during RWZ matches.

  3. The Jawa General Chat ordeal doesn't bother me. I have thicker skin than that. Besides, I doubt I'm going to get all worked up and threaten to quit the game because of the thousands of others having a discussion with each other.


    I'm guessing that these same people would leave the Carnival because every ride they rode on had almost everyone talking about Jawas, etc.






    Thicker skin ... get some.

  4. As a DPS Sage, I know one thing:


    When I see a laser pointer marking my forehead in a Warzone ... I run. It doesn't matter what is going on, I'm getting the hell out of dodge.




    Because a Sniper left alone to Snipe perched on the 2nd level of any map, is probably the most lethal thing in this game.

  5. Cover screen has everything to do with it since most of your defense abilities are tied to it, but I disagree with the nerf claims.


    I think you missed the point. Maybe I wasn't clear.


    If you're being killed by a Sniper as a melee class, it's not because of the inability to leap to the Sniper while in cover.

  6. I'm enjoying my Sniper much more than my almost fully WH geared DPS Sage. I feel like a glass cannon.

    However, seeing a melee class complain about my cover screen, makes me even more happy to be playing my sniper.


    Good melee wreck me once they get on me.

    Bad melee get wrecked when they get on me.


    Cover Screen has nothing to do with it.

  7. Is that a threat? You don't have a lot of power over their employment.


    Also, not sure if it's because the damage itself is too high or because it cannot really be defended against.


    In actuality, if enough people get upset about certain mechanics in a game, then yes, their employment can be in jeopardy.


    The damage for this spec/AC is extremely too high.

    The same can be said about Marauders/Sents having too much mitigation for the extreme amount of damage they can dish out.



    It's tough being a ranged class in SWTOR. If nothing gets fixed, you will have melee, melee hybrid and healers ... that's it. I'm not a very happy customer right now. Being a DPS Sage is extremely painful.

  8. When I see one Marauder being attacked by 4 people, and then see 2 of the 4 die to this Marauder before he finally dies, I think there is a problem. He got the 3rd person to around 30% health for crying out loud. Are we, as players, ALL supposed to stop attacking these guys when their Defensive CD's go up?


    Either way, I think the damage reduction Marauders have is a bit over the top. Why you would justify this as "working as intended," is an absolute farce to me. It's just too much.


    Agree to disagree.

  9. All that and you still haven't figured out what other Sages have - how to kite Marauders. Carried much?


    I know what other Sages have. I know what I have.


    I also know what Mara/Sents have. Too much damage mitigation for a top DPS dealing AC.


    I watched one last night ( I was guarding a door and watched as they fought in the distance), take on 4 people at the same time. He popped all his defensive cooldowns when he got low, took out 2 of the 4 players, and then died.


    If I get 4 people on me, I'm dead within 2 seconds.


    My point stands ... too much mitigation for such high dps output.

  10. I'm new to swtor. I started yesterday. I'm not new to mmos (I played wow)but I have a big question to ask. How to I make a dps consular. What stats? Type of weapons etc


    Balance Tree





    Companion: Tharan Cedrax


    Once you get to 50, grind out Warzones for PvP gear or do Operations, etc. for PvE gear

  11. So I played from 5:30 PM until 11:30 PM last night on my Sage (3 piece Warhero, the rest BM gear). I tried everything that was mentioned in this thread.


    Here are my findings:


    *Don't do damage to the sent when he pops his defensive cooldowns.

    Well, I did everything in my power to get the hell away from these guys when I saw their defensive abilities go up. I couldn't get away, for the most part. Out of probably 20 attempts, I got away 3 times. ONLY because my stun was up and his CC break was on CD. I ran around corners to heal, and once I got one heal off, he was right back on me. one big heal would get me around 2 to 3.5k health. 2 hits later, I'm dead. Vicious Throw critting for upwards of 5k hurts. While I'm trying to get away to avoid this damage "dead zone," I'm getting beat into oblivion. This wasn't fun for me.


    *Kite Marauders

    I tried and tried kiting, and it just isn't enough. They hit extremely hard and burn through bubbles as if they're not there. I can throw every root, slow, stun or whatever at them and they just keep on chugging and squatting on me. Very hard to kite a Marauder as a Sage in my opinion. This just isn't a very fun way to do things.





    You want to know what worked the best for me?


    Standing as far away as possible from everyone and Dotting everyone up in site. If I saw ANY melee class come near me, I ran.


    50% of the time I got away. The rest of the time, I got wrecked.

    Is this how they want us to play the DPS Sage? Run in, toss out dots, run out?


    I'm sorry, but this play-style might be fun for some, but this isn't fun for me. I understand I'm a squishy ranged class, but c'mon, I feel like I'm playing Peek-a-boo with my kids. I hopped on my Sniper late last night and THAT is how a ranged class should feel. Sure, I'm a MM sniper, but at least when I shoot you, it hurts.


    Oh, and what the hell is up with Juggs hitting for 6200 damage Smash then following it up with a 4500 Throw? Are you <BLEEP>ing serious?


    Tough being a ranged class in this game, that's for damn sure.


    (if you question my pvp skill, just know that I was a 4 time glad in WoW and was always in the top 3 in UO server tournaments ... I've been around the pvp scene for quite some time ... I'm not great, but I'm good enough to know there is a problem with a pure DPS having entirely too much damage mitigation).

  12. This is exactly how I also felt before rolling a Marauder, because I didn't know what I was doing against them.


    It's funny how a bit of class knowledge and experience can turn that sense of helplessness around.


    The things I'm reading in this thread on what to do against Marauders/Sentinels are making me chuckle. What will you be telling me next, that I have to go get a 4 year degree from the University of Florida in PvP mechanics before I can successfully beat these guys?


    Problem is in their damage mitigation as a pure DPS class. Nothing more, nothing less.

  13. He can't leap while rooted. Try stunning him, if he breaks it, mez him.


    If I stun him, he takes damage. Therefore setting his defensive cooldown to 30 seconds.

    If I knock him back after he leaps to me, it does damage and his defensive cooldown goes to 30 seconds.

    If I mez him, I have to hope and pray no one else has put a DoT on him, otherwise his defensive cooldown goes to 30 seconds.


    So while you guys give me all these nice and peachy scenarios, I'm left wondering what I'm supposed to be doing (other than trying to get away) while he is sticking his lightsabers up my balloon knot?


    Did you guys happen to forget that these guys hit Sages/Sorcs REALLY hard? Did you guys happen to realize that by the time I'm done "waiting it out," I'm sitting at around 20% health? So maybe I should heal, right?

    As if that was enough to keep them from killing me ... I'm just prolonging the inevitable.


    The point of this is yet another "Nerf Sentinel!" thread and these are getting old. There is nothing wrong with the Sentinel.


    The point of this is that the Mara/Sent does too much damage to have these kinds of defensive abilities (damage mitigation).

  14. In other words, if you're a Madness Sorcerer or Balance Sage, just steer clear for Marauders/Sentinels.


    That's what I'm getting out of all this.


    Sorry gang, but I still think that the defensive cooldowns for the tops DPS class in this game, are too powerful. Justify it as you wish, but it is what it is ...

  15. It lasts for 6 seconds if you stop attacking him. You have CCs that last that long. In fact, yours is instant cast and lasts 8 seconds, if you have Death Field. You also have an instant cast 4 second stun.


    Depending on spec, you could also have a 5 second root on Overload, a mez on Static Barrier, etc.


    I know that it IS hard to ignore a Marauder in a lot of situations (My Marauder is my 4th level 50 toon, rolled because I was also having problems defeating them and recognizing when to attack and when to defend), but it is not impossible at all.


    I will admit that for a Sorcerer, it is an uphill battle, though.


    As a side note, DPS Sorc was my 1st level 50 BM toon, hence the avatar. I do know your troubles well.


    How does one stop damage after applying DoTs?

  16. Are you the type of person who repeatedly tries to put your fist through plated steel because you just don't believe the people telling you that it's not wise?


    Conversely, when there is a rather large truck heading toward you at a very high speed, do you like to step directly into its path in an effort to show that your own defensive prowess supercedes the physical limitations of your human body?


    If you answered "No" to either of these questions, I fail to see why you can't grasp the logic of not attacking the guy who is basically a steel wall for a few seconds, and then killing him when he is no longer nearly as formidable.


    But, like I said in my earlier post, I doubt you will take anything from this other than "omg, Marauders are defending their class, nothing they say can possibly be helpful in any way whatsoever".


    So your answer is to not attack this guy for a few seconds ... gotcha.

    What exactly am I supposed to do while he's squatting on me and it's damn near impossible to get away? Stun him? He breaks it. Slow him? His slow is better than mine. Root him? He leaps to me when I get a little separation.


    So the answer is to not attack him for a few seconds ...





    The point in all of this is this; Why does a "PURE" dps class get such good mitigation to go along with the best dps in the game?


    It makes no damn sense.

  17. Most likely you ignored the part where you were taunted.


    So it was 3500x.7 = 2450. Taunts lower outgoing damage, so it happens first.


    Then defensive roll kicks in before any mitigations, so 2450 x .7 = 1715.


    Now you've got 59% mitigation from 10+4+20+25, so 1715 x.41 = 703. Hmm, didn't work.


    If they're focus spec'd, they take 9% reduced damage at all times but lose the 4% from Juyo. So 1715x.36 = 617. Close enough.


    Yep. You attacked a Rage Marauder that had multiple cooldowns active and while you were taunted. Here's a hint: You were attacking the wrong target. It's impossible that you weren't taunted and your normal crits are 3500, one of the two is false.


    So this problem is solved by attacking a different target?

    Wait ... what?



    Don't you think that this kind of mitigation is a tad too high for a DPS spec?

    And you wonder why people are stacking Powertechs, Marauders and Juggs ... who wouldn't with this kind of mitigation?

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