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Everything posted by blarse

  1. Pyrotech is the bounty hunter shared tree, try it out. All classes have an ability like shoulder slam that is unusable in pvp (some even have two)
  2. Except as a Gunslinger you don't have to worry about generating Upper Hand to use Wounding Shots.
  3. Even in Deception spec an Assassin can use his taunts to lower damage to his allies, that right there is much more group utility than an Operative.
  4. Assassin can go tank spec, Operatives can not. What was your point?
  5. Carnage spec would like to have a word. Or Rage spec for that matter.
  6. 7k hits aren't happening now that there is a 50's bracket and buff stacking was nerfed.
  7. Did you really just say that Operatives/Scoundrels have more group utility than assassin/shadow? o_O
  8. You actually don't need diplomacy to craft the Rakata reuseables, they use a crystal alloy instead.
  9. Scoundrel is melee range/10 meter range with a couple of longer range abilities. Your main damage is all within 10 meters, same as with a shadow.
  10. This, though even on my 50 operative I had only like 3 skills I had to be in stealth for (and that's counting the + stealth level skill).
  11. The only CC advantage they have off the top of my head is a 60 second force lift (which doesn't last that long in warzones), while the Shadow 60 second CC requires you to be in stealth. Sage/Sorc uses their CC's and sprint to kite people, Shadow/Assassin use them to get close to people.
  12. Stealth for shadow is more of a convenience than a necessity. None of your major damaging abilities require you to be in stealth. The "rogue" class in this game is the scoundrel/operative. As for gap closers: stealth, force slow, force speed are the main ones I can think of but my shadow is only level 25. I like the look of this spec for PvP: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601ZhGrRkhrbtzZf0c.1
  13. Both classes that have a vanish ability have a skill that removes all DoTs on use, just saying.
  14. Mercs don't have an interrupt, something to think about there.
  15. I think it'd look ok if you hid the headpiece
  16. The problem is that you know even less about the game thinking it isn't possible, considering I do it on my operative all the time.
  17. You mean like a 50's only bracket? Where have I heard that before? Oh I know! The patch notes for 1.1
  18. The final "boss" character for the Tatooine Czerka questline for the Empire (does Republic do the same one?) is the Imprisoned One. He should be familiar for those who played KOTOR.
  19. 1. Have matrix cube equipped 2. Hot swap to the columi relic for the clicky 3. Swap back to the matrix cube after you activate the clicky 4. ???? 5. Profit
  20. Which then increases crit damage because a critical hit is the primary damage multiplied by your surge %
  21. You can hotswap relics. I have my hotbars set up so I hit the relic once to equip (and it doesn't go on any cooldown) once more to activate, and then hit the next key to re-equip my matrix cube.
  22. 1. A 50 with gear has more like 15k health, atleast. 2. The Rakata med pack heals for around 5-6k + a 2.5k HoT
  23. Is this talent worth it for a Carnage build? It increases your force critical hit chance by 6% but the main damage dealing force attack is force scream which has a 100% critical chance with the procs. Thoughts?
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