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Posts posted by PatT

  1. Agreed so much with so many here.


    Cartel Market certificates are desparately needed as there are no reliable places to get one.

    as of this date, which is much later, I have seen Jawa junk added back in.


    But the last pack I received, I got

    15 green jawa junk (fine)

    2 crystals. Both same color, one indestructible and one crit

    a blue, low level companion gift.


    I certain felt ripped off by this. 2 crystals? No armor pieces from the current update?

    There really MUST be an armor item, or mount, something of REAL value.

    Armor and mounts have become unbelievably rare and it is causing massive inflation on the gtn.


    I don't know how I feel about rep items. I don'[t really miss them because I'm maxxed on almost everything.

    And chance cubes... you can get garbage in those too.


    I do not like buying packs and getting almost nothing of value, or nothing period. I am another long time (since launch) subscriber and purchaser of additional coins. But it's hard to justify continuing to do so under the current circumstances and I'm begging you Bioware/EA to please consider guaranteeing us one high-value item per pack and bringing back cartel certificates (add another slot.) Not in place of something. Make it a slot that can give you either a certificarte, a chance cube, a pet, or whatever, but they have to come back. It would be easier for you than removing them and re-doing every vendor that uses them.

  2. A few things. I got my first piece fighing a Champion mob on Voss. That was about when this thread was started (it's a necro).


    When the game first launched, there were all these screens and videos about the classes, and the Jedi Guardian was wearing this exact set. As colored. It's been in game since launch. I have found pieces on Voss and Hoth. They alway drop off random fights, and I expect the fact that the first one was a champ was just happenstance.


    fwiw I still have not found the belt.


    Someone earlier in this thread mentioned that if you wear the head piece, the hood is down. I have not tried it. And cannot until my guardian is a higher level.


    Now, anyone know if the Unstoppable War set still drops in Red Reaper?

  3. Point taken: it's not named Vailen.


    As for the rest of the devolving sarcasm and whatever, I guess, what did I expect, posting on the forum?


    So, mea culpa. It's not called Vailen's so it isn't an exact replica. Besides , I wouldn't want her pissed at me.


    as for the rest of it, it just takes the focus off the now, request, for Vailen's armor.

  4. This chestpiece, as used by a variety of throwaway mid level greens and blues.


    Heck, if they changed the colour scheme to white/red, touched up the textures a bit (and left the insignia on the shoulder this time), reworked a couple of things, added an accessory or two such as the ammo belt used by verpine trooper armour and put together some similar pieces in the other slots, we'd have actually have a half decent equivilant for That Armour Troopers Have Been Asking For Since Ever.


    Alternatively, That Armour Troopers Have Been Asking For Since Ever.


    Have you checked armormechs to see if they can be crafted? I think a lot of the stuff is.

  5. Sigh...


    Is it called Vaylin's Robes?




    The set is obviously inspired by the Vaylin set, but it is also obviously NOT the Vaylin set. If you don't think it's worth the price, DON'T BUY IT


    Didn't. Also don't wish for your commentary on my opinion. It is my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you disagree, move along. Thanks.

  6. This is a cheap, quick bait and switch. We asked for Vailyn (sp?) and you give us wicked Huntress. Where are your designers??? What's wrong you ask?


    The cape is supposed to be rounded in the back.

    The flap int he front is too short

    There is supposed to be an opening just below the neckline that tastefully shows some upper bosom.

    The cape is supposed to wrap around from the front clasp, not hang from under the shoulders.

    The hair is missing. (Another BALD female with a hood. Gee thanks)


    I'm sure there's more, but how on earth can you guys get this SO FAR WRONG??? It isn't worth the bunches of credits I know it will be going for, or cartel coins to try to get the extremely rare, since it is so very badly designed.


    What you just took pieces from other things and figured we wouldn't notice?


    How bout Vailen 2.0 with the above improvements? The cape esp, the shape was so beautifully rounded on Vailen. And the way it draped from the front clasp at the neck. And the open chest.


    Please??? Can you put a LITTLE bit of time to get it right?

  7. the only real penalization is for people who are new to the game. They are starting with nothing, no legacy, no bonuses and even if they sub, they still won't have millions until they level to 65 and start running that content. It's a difficult thing for new players at low levels.


    Not that empathy is in much supply around here. As for treasure hunting, there are LOTS of reasons for inflation and I think lockboxes are low on the list. People buying crates from CM and putting the stuff on the GTN for $$$ is a bigger problem. Transition of real world currency into game currency. Dailies and heroics are now also a good manner of inflation, for those who understand economics.

  8. Your very link, at the end of the paragraph, shows that MM means thousand thousands, which is how British say million. I rest my case and you made it for me. Common...as far as people go... is well, the average IQ, which would be most common, is 100.


    Buy whatever lightsaber you like. it's the volatile Conqueror that costs the most. But it is what y ou want that matters. Hope you find your seller. I'll check my inventory later and see if I have one.

  9. Not entirely, since they're super mobile, with 2 rolls, and the dash there now... they can get around pretty quick.


    prob is, when you're busy being mobile, you're not doing any damage, o ther than dots you have ticking somewhere.

  10. I can tell you that it does work in some instances reliably, and in some instances, I think it's actually programmed to not work.


    Lost Island, on Savrip Smash, Hunker down will keep you from getting knocked off the platform.

    Kephess, EC (SM for sure), when Kephess draws everyone in, Hunker down will keep him from doing it.

    but it will be on cooldown the 2nd time.

    Others, I have not tested. Those I am certain of.

  11. Yes, it's got nothing to do with you not playing this game for months at a time. Or that you may have missed your so-called friends during your once-in-a-while check-ins. Or that some people remove inactive players from their friends list.




    Nah, it's probably sincerely definitely totally not just you. Cereally.


    lol I do think this person is on to something :)

  12. I just received an email from Tech support saying that they removed the schematics for these (Gormac Alpha Wave Inhibitors, et. al) because they are no longer necessary.


    However, most people i know still doing nightmare pilgrim are, indeed, going out and purchasing this item before they do the boss. Tech support has further indicated that they haven't tested this for themselves, so they aren't sure. The schematics themselves were completely removed from the game. However, the actual crystals can still be purchased.


    Which is it? Can Nightmare Pilgrim now be done without the alpha wave inhibitors? Or has Bio blundered here? If they are still useful, we should get our schems back. If they aren't, they should remove the crystals from all the stores that sell them in the dailies areas.


    Can anyone confirm whether these items are now useless?

  13. They were removed right as 4.0 was released. However, I put a ticket in, and I suppose others did too, and they were granted back on a subsequent patch. However, while we automatically get all the datacrons now, we do not automatically get the matrix shards. You still have to get those on each toon.


    And the stats on the matrix cubes have been increased. I have no source for what they are now. but I do know the stats have significantly been updated. but you'll have to gather them anew on new toons, and old toons should have gotten whichever you had gathered already back a while ago.


    Look in your achievements under the Mission Log menu, Look for datarons.. and you will have a list specific to your character.

  14. No crafting shouldn't. Not in a theme-park MMO. One reason is if you could get the best gear from crafting....why do ops, much less Heroics? people would run them MAYBE once twice and not go again...cuts out A LOT of "content" too soon.


    And that's just one reason. Besides unless you're doing Ops, you have no need for BiS gear....crafted/crystal stuff is more than powerful enough.


    I've seen a game where excellent items can be crafted and other excellent items can only be obtained by either pvp or pve endgame content. And the bis... is a combo of these. And it is wonderful. but it is *not* this game.

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