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Posts posted by PatT

  1. I'm just zipping around Yavin 4. I've got a character that runs the weeklies there. When I hit the "slicing node" area I find no less than 6 people moving from node to node as they spawn. Each one of them has no more than 300 achievement points - these are your classic gold farmers.


    Well they will have to work harder than ever. The amount of credits from one of those nodes has dropped by 75%. Or did you know how severely they have been nerfed? It's not worth it to bother any longer.


    Now I've been away from the game for about four months and I assumed that BW were going to get to the bottom of this.


    What gave you that idea? Their previous speedy action?


    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm putting 2 and 2 together and getting five. But really, BW have had quite literally years to solve this issue and haven't.....but why?


    Well that is the question, isn't it. Every change they do make, is to penalize actual players. they do nothing to eliminate the accounts that generate these farmers/sellers. You'll have to ask them. I'd certainly like to know as well.

    Most reliable ways to make money have already been nerfed to oblivion. It hasn't helped.


    The real thing is this: Would there still be gold sellers if people weren't buying from them??? So, if you want to eliminate the supply, GET RID OF THE DEMAND. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BUYING FROM THEM.

  2. Also if you unlock all of them you get an outfit, which you can unlock in collections for 400cc. It's a gold set. Maybe the cube prices are just bugged?




    if you unlock all the cubes, you can just get them on each character, and each character gets either 8 large xp boosts (bound) or 8 lg valor boosts (not bound) or any desired mix thereof. And then the outfit. on each toon. I do it on every toon. Risha looks good in that outfit. So do others.


    but I'm glad I unlocked them back int he day when they were cheaper.

  3. The DvL can't really be classed as an "event" and it's barely "filler".


    People are thumbing their noses at it because they see through the PR spin and see it for what it is - nothing of substance, based on content that was old 3 years ago.


    People complain because it is not in the least diverting, it is frustrating and boring, and it was old content 3 years ago.


    Try and dress it up all you like, but content that was old 3 years ago is still old now, no matter what new reward they have invented for doing it.


    All The Best


    DvL is even more transparent than that. It's so we all make new chars, 8 of them, and they can proudly tout all the millions of new characters made this year...see the game is still going strong. They're saving that for a shareholder meeting.



  4. More importantly, if they are being barraged by a ddos attack, which they are, why are you complaining about their service here? Do you know what a Ddos is? Do you know how they work? Can you stop one? Are *your computers part of a bot-net? Do you know?


    People getting all pissy about something some malcontents are doing, is unhelpful.

  5. I'm going out on a limb here...OP. Your store failed. You can't tell between too and to. You have errors a 3rd grade would not make. I don't believe you are who you say you are, and I'm afraid your tirade was just too long and so horrifically crafted I just couldn't wade through it past the first paragraph. Before you start another business, I highly suggest you learn to communicate.


    If you don't like the game, that's fine. I tend to agree, the free to play restrictions are too harsh. However, I was able to say that in one sentence.


    I know. Grammar goblin. Whatever. It's just too hard to read what you way because of how you say it and you lost a lot of credibility here making such elementary mistakes, repeatedly. More gaming, I think you should not do. (yes. I just dangled a participle) Do you know what I mean by that? Yoda does it all the time.

  6. Bioware has a long history of eliminating the rewards for playing the game. Ostensibly to stop credit farmers. so they cut the $ on kills. Eliminate chests. cut $ on money bosses. It's getting really, really old.


    It's time they give something back. if the problem is credit sellers, how about addressing credit sellers instead of penalizing the players? I've been playing other games more and *gasp* even reading books lately...

  7. ok, hi everybody,

    this is my first post ever on here so please excuse mistakes.


    OK from what i have read Gemini is very hard to beat when she duplicates herself, she hits very hard. if you just run over the blue circles on the ground that the 4 of her pop in, or just stand on them, the others immediately dissipate without firing a single shot. hope this helps everyone.


    Dytakk, 65 shieldtech


    Um, I didn't know it was a problem. I just did it. I think I might have hit my heroic moment. Otherwise, just did it as normal.

  8. In an effort to keep gold sellers and spammers from getting their greedy hands on riches, Bioware has been steadily eliminating anything of value in the enviroment. Chests, nerfed (or gone). Now Slicing nerfed. Treasure hunting, no credits. Creds for doing missions, slashed.


    Funny thing, the credit sellers are posting more than ever.


    Worse thing, is that the less incentive we have to play, the less likely we will continue to play.


    I am personally SICK of paying the price for the credit sellers. bio, you KNOW who they are. You must be flooded with reports. You do nada. But you take all *our* incentives away. Money bosses in Raids, nobody does anymore. Skip. Not worth the trouble.


    Take the cash out of lockboxes for treasure hunting and now they're too expensive to even justify running the mission.




    Yeah, i was yelling. At Bioware. They seem hard of hearing.

  9. i performed a series of tests where i sent 6 max influence companions on treasure hunting lockbox missions


    the missions consisted of the following

    2 treasure hunting lockbox missions from grade 9

    2 treasure hunting lockbox missions from grade 8

    2 treasure hunting lockbox missions from grade 7


    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    i then opened the boxes and recorded the amount of credits.

    i then vendored the items from the boxes and recorded the amount of credits.

    i then recorded the profits and reset the credits to 100,000 and repeated the test ten times.



    average profit per six missions = 32,311.20


    time to complete all six missions = 3 minutes, 27 seconds

    3 minutes and 27 seconds = 3.45 minutes

    60 minutes / 3.45 minutes = 17.39 runs of six missions per hour

    profit per hour = (32,311.20 * 17.39) = 561,891.768

    profit per day = (561,891.768 * 24) = 13,485,402.432




    by removing the decimals


    profit per hour = 561,891

    profit per day = 13,485,402





    if you did the same thing with slicing lockboxes and vendored the contents you would only get 8k profit per six missions which is much less harmful to the economy.



    therefore, treasure hunting lockbox profits are severely imbalanced compared to all other crewskills such as slicing. this is likely being exploited by bots and is the main source of inflation in the game.


    the cheap and easy credits generated from this by bots is likely causing a massive decline in cartel coin sales as it has to compete with this massive amount of exploited credits being generated and sold at prices cheaper than cartel coins.


    a proposed solution is to have the items from treasure hunting lockboxes have a vendor value of 1 credit. the same should be applied to any item that comes from crewskills which isn't a material. if the items have value then they should be sold on the gtn to fellow players.


    the problem exists with all treasure hunting missions, not just grade 9, 8 and 7


    the fact that this generates pure credits on a massive scale and does not require any interaction with fellow players and the gtn is what makes this such a huge problem and easily exploited by bots.



    the reason this problem exists is because the system was designed around these missions taking 30 to 50 minutes, not 3 minutes and 27 seconds with the new influence system with a companion at 50 influence. they were balanced at 30 to 50 minutes but at 3 minutes and 27 seconds they can be exploited to produce massive credits. the developers didn't realize this when they changed the system to operate so quickly.




    the mission tests and their results are listed below



    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    107,577 after opening the lockboxes

    135,247 after vendoring the items

    35,247 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 10 lockboxes

    110,529 after opening the lockboxes

    133,569 after vendoring the items

    33,569 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    110,156 after opening the lockboxes

    130,861 after vendoring the items

    30,861 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    109,321 after opening the lockboxes

    128,031 after vendoring the items

    28,031 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 7 lockboxes

    105,700 after opening the lockboxes

    128,355 after vendoring the items

    28,355 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 11 lockboxes

    114,980 after opening the lockboxes

    140,935 after vendoring the items

    40,935 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 8 lockboxes

    107,144 after opening the lockboxes

    129,084 after vendoring the items

    29,084 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    108,834 after opening the lockboxes

    135,424 after vendoring the items

    35,424 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    108,595 after opening the lockboxes

    125,975 after vendoring the items

    25,975 profit




    100,000 initial funds

    85,300 after sending off 6 companions

    received 9 lockboxes

    106,886 after opening the lockboxes

    135,631 after vendoring the items

    35,631 profit


    Congratulations. All the credits in these boxes are now gone.

  10. Players CAN still use their money to "legally" purchase credits using the CM.


    All players have to do is sell the packs/hypercrates they purchase unopened. The unopened packs/hypercrates will sell for a good amount of credits as people will buy them to open them in the hopes of hitting the jackpot.



    In all likelihood, players will make more credits selling unopened packs then they will opening packs trying to hit the jackpot and having to sell lots of "junk".



    The OP sounds more like "WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I want those shinies but I don't really want to put forth any effort to get them. Make them easier to get, BW." to me.


    The OP mentioned that those with a lot of time have little money. Your post totally ignores that aspect. Some of u s cannot afford to go spend hundreds a month on packs to sell. Might want to read more carefully.

  11. so we're all fixed then? sorcs aren't a problem anymore, and mercs and ops are welcomed as healers now? no? it sounds like we still have a problem.



    The problem seems to be with too much taken away from ops and mercs. If they are so badly nerfed that they can't do an op, then it's not the sorc's problem. What, you want it so NO healer can pull the group through? Or you want them to buff everyeone to nearly equal.


    It does mean, though, they'll be harder to kill because of their own self heals. As it should be. Since when is pvp supposed to be a faceroll for damage groups? Try a group with a healer and a tank in it, and work like a darned group for a change, instead of just looking for personal glory. You might just enoujoy yourself, win, and get a little glory. This is supposed to be a team game. But it seems everyone want's to be superman, instead of part of a team. sick of it.

  12. Thanks for posting this. Hope Bioware fixes it soon.



    ...Still baffled why Bioware ditched the Staged Weeklies, especially if they didn't replace them with anything. They continued the Makeb story, they were a unique type of content, and I at least enjoyed them a great deal, especially the way that the order you did them in controlled what bonus objectives you got.


    Sadly, there are apparently a vast majority of people with no attention span for long content. Have you noticed how short/simple everything has gotten? That was the stated reason for getting rid of that content.

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