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Posts posted by PatT

  1. Hey folks,



    If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.


    It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.


    Thanks everyone!




    You have us 24 hours notice? I was having a medical procedure done and did not see it until today. 1 day late. And I'm screwed if I don't like where my comms are. Good grief.


    1 day's notice. Some of us have lives. And you've promised you won't make this right after. You do realize we don't live in this game, right? That we have other things happen? It isn't like it was 2 weeks. I missed the announcement by a day... because of my health. Like I could change that. Thanks guys.. Figures.

  2. For me it was the Sith Recluse, Reaver, Nadd, Kreia, Ceremonial, Ceremonial Mystic, Satele Shan, Dreypta, Xoxaan, Resolute Guardian and Exiled Master.


    As far as the bound lockboxes went, there wasn't anything said that stated or implied the event lockboxes would be any different than the standard boxes as far as the randomness went.


    Actually, there was. On the advertisement for the event (still up on this board) they say that these packs would have a high frequency of very good items, and listed things like the Cathar Honor Sword, etc. Last set I got was mostly junk. The first few I got were pretty good. Now they've reverted to meh. But yes, they DID promise or advertise that these packs would be a cut above the rest.


    Go look on the dvl announcement page where they describe the rewards. You'll see.

  3. I just wasted my whole night trying to beat the last boss of HM Battle of Rishi, only to end in still having to complete this flashpoint at a future time.


    This is ridiculous! No FP should have that much mechanics at that fast a speed. Nor should it require such high gear & fully augmented DPS.

    And before all the haters come in saying "don't pug!" I didn't. We had a complete group before we entered.

    The rest of the FP is fine where it's at. But the Shield Squadron boss needs nerfed badly.


    Not only are the mechanics too fast & damage too high you're also watching carefully to make sure you're not too close to the debuffs on the ground either as you can still get hit.

    The boss itself is throwing enough damage, why on earth do you need to have adds, elite adds at that coming out at intervals too?! *smh*


    Seriously, BW fix this. I'm not the only one calling for a nerf on this and HM Blood Hunt.


    If you won't nerf it, remove it from the DvL requirements.


    AMEN. and AMEN. I asked this in the thread I started too. Many people are having trouble with it. It takes 4 very good players and all evening to get through a couple of the fights on this. I can sleep through some of the other HM's. Why is this one so hard. Even HM Lost Island is far easier, IMO.

  4. Pazaak. I am playing Kotor 2 so I can play pazaak. I would be spending time in your game if I could do it here.


    Swoop racing. Same. You have any idea how many people and how much interest this would bring?


    Why do you not just listen to us? If I wanted to play final fantasy whatever, and grind and grind, I'd go do that. I want to have those things which makes the STAR WARS Universe unique. And that means things that have been part of the previous stories.


    It's like you guys keep getting lost, losing your sense of direction, then realizing it, switching gears and abandoning the previous content. No updates to Gsf. Completely abandoned pve flight (even though sometims I do it, and it gets great exp)


    I truly don't understand what is going on there, where is the continuity? You also should have gms IN THE GAME so you can actually see what goes on. So you can have our perspective. And I don't mean for 1 hour a week. I mean all the time. Hire one person per active server. Then you'll know what we're up against with pvp cheats and goldseller spam. But you guys have become absentee landlords.


    CONTINUITY. Pazaak. Swoop Racing. Update the current minigames (ie. gsf and seeker droid stuff (though I did see that the loot has been updated for that - thank you).


    Re-hire Drew Kapharsyn. and some of your other premium writers.

    We don't want more cartel market. We want MMO content. Or at least, I do. I can play single player games any time I want. But the community here is dying because the staleness of the content. How hard is it to add a card game on? C'mon?


    We ask, and ask and ask, and you deliver something we didn't ask for.


    And you wonder why some servers are such light population. I have been here since late beta. Subbed. I know how it was. And I know how it is. PLEASE LISTEN TO US.


    And before you change classes so they're balanced in pvp, make sure they can still be of any use whatsoever in pve, esp. Hard and NiM content. You've make my sage healer a drain on me physically to play. It's not fun on Hard raid content. Too much energy management on top of cleansing, positioning, etc. You nerfed it too hard. It may make the pvper's happy but it sure has made the pve side of it much more of a challenge.


    if you need to balance classes so they work in pve, try to work it through the bolster sysstem or something, so that my characters are still viable for pve. You're screwing the pve players because the pvpers whine louder. Do you even test those changes in PVE before you make them? In long, hard boss fights? Really? Because I don't think so. Sage was OP before, some nerf was warranted. But when you nerf, you go too far the other way. You're using a hammer when a eyeglass tool would have worked.


    Blood hunt HM is too difficult, compared with other HM flashpoints.


    All I'm saying is what has already been said. And ignored. If you want your servers to get back to high volume, GIVE US AT LEAST SOME OF WHAT WE ARE ASKING FOR, instead of coming up with new gearing systems and comms systems every year... and taking all the crafting viability and puttting it all in the cartel market.


    I'm suggesting how you can avoid failing. You are on the precipice. How hard is it to add simple content, and update current content?


    Swoop Racing. Pazaak. Pazaak. Pazaak. Pazaak.


    I mean, what was that whole Hutt thing anyway? How did it fit?

  5. so i watched the stream and i saw the difficulty thing and operations so i was wondering will there be ops where you can do them by yourself for people who want to play alone or have no one to play with?

    This would totally defeat the point of operations. They are GROUP activities, and what makes them fun is the interaction and teamwork. I dislike this idea immensely.

  6. I) Story content

    1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?

    this works for me

    2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?


    3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?

    surprise ending, weapon based on your choices - more ways to implement different choices would be welcomed.

    II) Group content

    1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

    They're fine

    2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?
    Operations are one of my favorite parts of the game. So, I appreciate that average players can play, but I like having Hard Mode or even NiM mode.

    3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?
    so far, yes


    III) PVP

    1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

    I haven't even seen it. Pvp is toxic. The cheating and hating is just too much.

    2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?
    Haven't seen it either

    3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?
    I only pvp under duress so have neither of them.

    4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?
    I like that there's always another instance, but you know you take your chances going there. It's fine.

    IV) Heroic Missions

    1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?

    I like it because I skipped so many leveling.

    2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?

    3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse

    meh but tilting toward worse. A short convo so you at least know why you're doing it...

    V) Crafting

    1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?

    crafting has never been bioware's forte. It's fine as is. whatever.

    2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?
    it's fine.

    3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?
    I think anything that can be crafted should be promoted over things that can be purchsed. The Cartel Market gutted the crafting in this game.

    VI) Star Fortress

    1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?

    I haven't done enough of them to say. Most of my guildies have gone to play other games until the new content comes out. That should say something. It makes doing group content more difficult.

    2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.

    3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?

    #2 dont' know. #3 no.


    VII) Level Sync

    1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?

    I like it. Keeps the bullies out of the playground.

    2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?
    can't comment. Problem with grouping = low population


    VIII) Alliance Specialists

    1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?

    it's fine. it is what it is.

    2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient

    3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?

    IX) Companions

    1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?

    I prefer they specialize. I also miss some special attacks they had that made certain (hk-51) special.

    2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?
    Roles? I haven't used dps much. Tanking seems okay, better on comps that used to tank. Healing better on comps that used to heal.

    3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?
    they are affected some. at least your originals are. just not negatively. slower positive progression instead.

    4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?
    less likely.

    5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?
    I heard 50 was bugged. I have not gone past 30 on any.

    6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?
    It means I vendor a lot more real gear. But with this many companions it might be a nightmare.

    7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?
    They're still class specific until you finish your story.

    8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?
    I like it. But I want some of them back. I miss Nadia and Kira.


    X) Conquest and Strongholds

    1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

    Definitely Good

    2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?
    mostly good. there are still some that require 50,000

    3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them?
    Mine are all fit for better homes and gardens.


    XI) Events

    1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?

    for acquiring certain companions or certain rewards, it's good. But not enough variety.

    2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?
    I've played more.

    3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?
    Chevin ++ I would love to see that again. It was a blast. More variety and more to do.


    4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent
    Unhappy I wasn't here for the one so I don't know what it was like.


    XII) Eternal Championship

    1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?

    it's okay

    2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly

    3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?
    the armors you can get with the trophies are cool looking.

    XIII) Subscriber Rewards

    1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent

    something grander less frequent.

    2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?
    HK55 most. some of the other gear, I've never used. I might.

    XIV) Absent Content

    On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

    1) Operations

    definitely need more

    2) Flashpoints
    yeah but not as bad as ops

    3) Galactic Starfighter
    it's like they abandoned this. Sad.

    4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars
    they did change some of the rewards for digging. Most folks don't know I guess. been getting some good mats. But again, I'd like more.

    5) Reputation Leveling
    like for companions? it sucks.
  7. Normal mode Kaon and Lost Island are level 50 without level sync, so at 60+ you can easily solo them. Most trash mobs will happily ignore you, and when fighting bosses, you can take your time to move out of bad stuff on the floor.


    Only fair that they drop level 50 gear for a level 50 challenge.


    but alas, there is level sync. Not only that, but I urge you to try to solo that one savrip who jumps up on the pipes. Good luck getting him back down. :/


    Been there, done that. used a flyby. had 2/3 chance he'd come down. Killed my companion. Enraged. Nearly killed me. But I did survive. Easy. Hah. Mechanics work against you on that one.

  8. there is more to this game than pvp. The devs don't play at all. Why not buff other classes instead. Soon we won't be able take down any pve HM content becauase of all the weeping about the overpowered dps classes.


    You realize they're not nerfing HM operations bosses.

  9. Why would they do that? The whole point of having it on the gcd is so when you burst, you're going to get low on force and you'll have to spend some time recovering your force, while when you're sustained healing you can slip vindicate in between your heals to keep your force high (and keep the uptime on the bonus force regeneration high). If they'd make it off the gcd you'd just use it with your instant heals and sages/sorcs would go back to being a bottemless well of burst healing.


    It USED to not be on the gcd. Now it is.


    You are thinking in terms of pvp and I'm your enemy. However, in a raid environment, when I am responsible for keeping you alive, you might like that I can SUSTAIN my burst heals long enough so we don't wipe, don't you think?


    Of course, I see how this is going. All pvp, pvp, pvp. The fights in raids are LONGER and we need more resources.


    Just wait, now that they've upped the costs, next they'll just lower the heals again and we will no longer be viable. Then raid with us..just have fun. Hope you enjoy your repair bill.

  10. I got squashed. What is this? Suddenly there are tons of armors out there that either hide, squish, or otherwise mangle my figure. AND BEFORE YOU GET ALL RILED... I AM A FEMALE PLAYING A FEMALE TOON. I like too look female.


    Why the change to weird plates on top of chests that just don't work on females? Why are the exarch pummelers make me look androgenous?


    C'mon Bioware you can do better than this.

  11. dont forget the ENDLESS dreariness of gold spammers. sometimes late at night, I swear there are more of them than there are of us. I've decided to foward EVERY SINGLE EMAIL I get to Bioware so they can see what the heck we're dealing with.
  12. well, flying a broken speeder off the edge of a building... or fixing a droid race... there were some hilarious highlights.


    I don't really care what the staff thought. Many PLAYERS want it back. Of course, there seems to be a huge rift there between what the players want,a nd what the staff things works.


    Just because the staff that designed it is no longer here is hardly a reason to slam it. It seems like the old content is just dissed right away becuase it was done by the outgoing staff.


    How about, bioware, trying to see it from OUR point of view.

  13. We have the same old events over and over ad nauseum.


    Chevin was ONCE. And it was FUN! Most players around now don't even remember it. How about bringing it back.

    How about some variety? How about a NEW event. But more than that, it's been 3 years since Chevin. Do it again. It was fun.


    How about adding some FUN things to this game.

  14. I've had tickets, conversations and bug reports.


    Problem is, nothing still. When trying to use one,t hey either say "you already know that" even tho I don't (even the devs were able to confirm this) or that "you don't have the skill" even if i'm at 550. Hah.


    Maybe if I make it public it will help?

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