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Everything posted by x_Boots_x

  1. There was a time on my original server Darth Bandon where I would spend hours as the only single person on fleet in the overnight hrs, that went on for months till the server merges.
  2. BS, in the real world the guys assets would be seized or frozen, he'd be locked up. the victim would sue for restitution and it would be on the host country and their laws to ensure it happens.
  3. I disagree with most of the Bioware Defense Force on this thread, by their logic, no one should be punished for anything ingame such as hacking or whatever. This is on Bioware, its their game and their in game money which equals real world money. If Bioware want to be viewed as a responsible custodian an IP like Star Wars then they need to ensure things like this don't go unpunished.
  4. I agree, there should have been a short message ingame explaining the event as there is with most others.
  5. So I guess people that currently spend $15 a month plus all the money on the cartel market are less valuable to Bioware than people from 2 years ago, this mentality in a video game that wants to be around more than a couple years is frankly really dumb and only suits the GTN price gougers. At the very LEAST there should be a slightly different "life day" robe each year.
  6. Well the real tell will be when there is a massive drop off of subscribers after the newness of the expansion wears off, because for a majority of players, leveling new alts is part of the game and after the 12x its near impossible for most to ever think of leveling the old way again. Games should be fun and lets face it, for most people leveling up multiple toons is not "fun" and the one thing that made it fun was just removed.
  7. I agree, one of the biggest things holding this game back is the focus on single toon players, make our lives easier and more money for bioware by encouraging alts not limiting them and legacy crafting should be a no brainer.
  8. I agree, I was disappointed by this as well, I've only noticed this the the assassin/shadow tank ones though, shield absorb or defense would be preferable.
  9. Yes and No, the current elitist model of raiding will die off very soon as will "hardcore PVP" those ideas in my opinion are for basement dwellers that rely on a video game to make up for a lack of real life, the vast majority of players would like to participate but do not want to feel as though they have a virtual job in the video game to keep up with doing so. Mechanics don't have to change, nor should they become easier but gear progression needs to be eliminated and instead find other rewards such as luxury, appearance items and in game perks. As for pvp, there should be a true bolster so that all players are boosted to the identical stat line while in pvp mode, whether in open world or queued, that would encourage many, many more players to get involved and allows skilled players to still rise to the top.
  10. I'm loving the expansion as well, too bad a lot of the implementation issues such as lag, bugs and unnecessarily high training costs have distracted from a very solid expansion, content wise it's very good for the classes I've played so far.
  11. Not sure but it is a pleasant surprise that my crafted gear appears to finally be usable, now if it weren't butt ugly that would be great and crafting gear would finally be viable.
  12. You have to interrupt Terminate, its always been a huge hit and if anything that should be toned down as its out of whack with other NPC skills.
  13. I remember early on in the game I REed a lvl 50 blue head piece over 100 times with no schematic received, so items are occasionally bugged, at least they have been in he past.
  14. They will lose a lot of business once the newness of the expansion wears off, you would think that they would want players grinding alts as more toons means more need for gear and more money for Bioware, more players is a win for all involved, these guys continue to baffle me with many of their decisions.
  15. BS, getting the skills is a basic core function of the game and should not be used as a credit sink, players should not have to feel that a video game is a job just to enjoy the core mechanics of the game. Bottom line the costs are way, way too high in comparison with the rest of the game and that's why they are being changed, use luxury items as credit sinks not core functions.
  16. Care to explain what is "over entitled" about wanting all players to pay the same amount for the same product? Cause if you can't it's a really dumb and unintelligent thing to say if it doesn't concern you.
  17. I've already spent well over 1 million on 3 toons , its garbage to be "punished" for pre-ordering and getting early access, and thats if I don't decide to level any more characters till its fixed.
  18. Most people have real jobs and should not be forced to play the game like a job just to get the basic skills, and minimal reoutfitting of a few toons. Skills and gear transfer are too expensive and should not be where the money sink is in the game, but I'm sure that the devs know this and it is done intentionally as a way to force cc market purchases. Money sinks should be for luxury, rare high end items, end of story.
  19. Love the expansion, Love the new disciplines system, especially love the ability to solo these flash points (this should be a permanent option) however I hate that the final Revan mission is bugged, I mean isn't that mission the whole point of the expansion and I also hate how much the skills cost to acquire, I have 24 lvl 55s and I have zero chance of even being able to afford lvling 1/2 of them when you take into account moving armor and mods around out of gear its 2 million per toon easy, way, way too much for those with multiple toons. very sad and very poor economic decision of Bioware's part as alts should be encouraged not discouraged.
  20. Try and activate it through your mission item inventory window when it disappears.
  21. Yeah, it is a major design flaw and probably one of the reasons for the games initial decline, the overall vision for SWTOR has always seemed to be very close to the issue with rollercoaster style world maps, players are treated as almost the adversary and ways are found to "keep them busy", from world design to early restrictions on gear and appearances, its always a "this is our game and if you want to play you play it our way feel".
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