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Everything posted by warultima

  1. Do you even know how static barrier works? Or you are one of those who claim that static barrier absorbs 20000 damage? Also static barrier lasts up to 30 second if not broken unless you recast it. At most you will be put up a new barrier once ever 17 seconds on the same target. Full BM it will absorb around 3200-3500 damage. So you will need around 200dps (damage per second) to break it. Most dps classes in SWTOR has around 1000 to 1200 dps. This means on average it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to break the bubble leaving the sorc with nothing between their cloth armor and your lightsabers/missiles for the remaining 12 to 14 second. Actually i dont know if you played BM leveled PvP where most DPS class can take out your bubble in just 1 or 2 attacks. e.g the bubble absorbs 1 single tracer missile crit.
  2. warultima


    All classes has some pve only moves that BW threw in to have better "trash clearing" experience. This is equal for all classes. Some classes have more than 1 of these "fun attacks". e.g Marauders have 2 yet sorcs only has 1. Its good they limit these in pvp however. How does it make you feel when you are stunlock a Sorc and they turn around and roundhouse kick you in the face in melee range for 6k damage? I understand everyone wants that iWin button tho.
  3. Its possible. If the enemy player dealt less than 3200 damage over its 30 second duration to the sorc/sage... in that case the bubble "removed all damage for 30 second".
  4. BW is not notorious for listening to their players. They base all development on their "internal and contracted testers". Ofc game change virtually has no impact on these paid testers. All they have to tell BW is "Brilliant changes everything is balanced and the world is scented and decorated with pink roses" Less work, same money for them. Also you can see by gutting the entire sorc/sage class how "experienced" these paid testers are in PvP. How hard is it to see a class with zero defensive cooldown, slowest heal, lowest armor, lowest burst dps, lowest sustained dps, lowest mobility oh yea but they got CCs!1one tho so they must be great in PvP. Let me break it to you, I am on a low pop server and have never participated in ilum valor trading (its none existence on our server due to lack of players). I just hit rank 75 and I do have full BM armor modified but I kept all stripped mods and enhancements so according to the changes I will be golden as long as I remod my BM pieces back to original stat and I will be set for 1.2 You can say I am in a better boat and I probably do. But I am still that close to cancel my sub (switched from 3mo sub to mo-to-mo sub for now). I am that close to losing ALL my faith of BW as a competent mmorpg developer. They are completely gutting 1 class and killing an playstyle (note not nerfing the playstyle, but KILLING it 3 months after releasing). They have no plan on fixing the class, only on killing what's powerful about it. Sorry I didnt roll a sorc to sign up as pure support (judging by its lowest dps and burst across all ACs and zero defense CD and crap armor and slowest heal in 1.2). And BW is buffing my marauder for some reason... cant wait to try those 7.5k smash to 5 people in 1.2... but then again they might gut my marauder too in patch 1.3 anyways so my marauder will be the new crap dps offtank or something. Same for Ilum PvP being stupid, still no dual spec in 1.2... and now they are gutting my effectiveness in 1.2 PvP on my full Champion marauder... since it will have less than half of the expertise than new BM in 1.2. I am seriously losing faith on BW.
  5. Juggernut: Friendly Leap, Hostile Leap. KB Marauder: Offensive Leap, God Mode Undying Rage, 80% speed 10 sec Predation raid buff. Assassin: Hostile Pull, 3 second immunity, stealth for end zone easy pass. KB Sorc: Friendly Pull. KB. PT: Offensive Leap, offensive pull, movement speed talents. Merc: Shortest CD AoE KB + Rocket Punch KB Sniper: 35m root, raid wide defensive CD. Anti-Pull, Anti-Leap, KB. Operative: Stuns stuns stuns, Hidden Strike also has a small knock back + knock down, spammable slow, stealth for end zone easy pass. KB What's the point here? All I see if certain group of people that dont know how to use what's given to their class to an advantage... but this is largely a L2P issue. Hutball is highly repetitive. Last thing BW should do is limiting the creativity of players that know how to play their class in a given situation. As you can see, most class has KB, and the only 2 classes that DONT have KB has Movement Buff/God Mode/Offensive Pull Back and ability to perma slow (because melee range is where they excel at).
  6. And yet how is alacrity making lightning strike worth using? You put up a big block of useless text and still didnt give any suggestion other than "ohh sorc should have the lowest burst because..." where you dont even realize other classes with proper rotation will go on indefinitely. Not only they will SUSTAIN HIGHER dps, they will also be more mobile, easier to preform with much much higher burst. So whats your point? Lightning strike is in fact NOT worth using even if alacrity will lower its GCD (while lower force lightning channeling time as well thus keeping LS forever inferior than any other attacks WHILE cost more force and much harder to sustain compare to FL spam?) So other than your false knowledge of other classes cannot sustain their dps what point are you trying to make exactly? Only class that cannot sustain dps with proper rotation is probably operative in full concealment spec in pve, however they packs unmatched stun and burst that works excellent in PvP... so again whats your point?
  7. Cept for in swtor fully pve geared sorc will be sitting at 18000+hp only thing pvp gear has it going for them rightnow is 10 to 15% of bonus damage/heal mitigation. And the bonus protion ironically gets overtaken by the sheer amount of main stat advantages on pve gear. PvP gear will be made better in pvp and will be less effective in PvE as it is rightnow.
  8. Fully talented Thundering Blast (this is including 50% bonus crit damage + 75% surge bonus) crits a bit lower than Tracer Missile crit on us... nuff said. On average 2.8 to 3k. Fully Power+Surge modded BM about 3.4k.
  9. I bet all the new games on the horizon about to be released in the near future. Tera Diablo 3 Secret World GW2 and so on Most of them are being retailed in 2 month. I bet their developer is reading swtor 1.2 patch note and is probably very glad and WANTS that BW releasing 1.2 as is on the beta. Fantasy style mmo. Tera's beta access is already started (lottery or pre-order auto beta access without character wipe) with over 200000 posts on the forum already. Pre-order server is opening on April 21st. Modern style you get secret world. Both will release with most "mmo standard features". Like combat logs, advanced keybind support, customizable UI, multispec system, lower subscription fee AND lower initial cost to buy the box itself. Diablo 3 doesnt require subs to play and is one of my favorite games of all time. The closer it gets to the lol 1.2 patch with the very needed Marauder buff for the ultimate pvp balance just drives me closer to all the other fantastic options out there. Glowing sticks hype and stupid game changes arent enough to keep me paying. I will give 1.2 a try, changed my 3 mo sub to mouth by mouth for now. Sigh... such potential in this game.
  10. This will be essentially impossible for sorcs in 1.2 why? Chain Lightning is our hardest hitting spell and without wrath it means its base damage is lowered by a whooping 20%. Dont get me started on lightning strike @@
  11. It will still be hard. Our immobile spec "lightning spec" cant burst like snipers could. Even played right it's still far from "owning". And when forced to move snipers still has some albit not a lot of dps whereas sorcs gets... shock which hits weaker than lightning strike and on CD essentially no DPS capability on the move.
  12. Same reason why we have many none sorc players here posting and making false statement on a class they have little clue about, then start/end their post with "Lv50 sorc here I really love all the nerfs you guys are giving me, thank you BW its much needed change coz I already dominate" then go on and log on to their sentinel and trying to stay under the radar and anticipate the buffs they dont really need.
  13. Cant you look at the mods rightnow on live server?
  14. *Undying Rage* Hey that sorc's force lightning is ticking for 7 damage per second on me. Oh damn his full consumable chain lightning just *** critted me for 42 damage! Nerf sorc noaw. Damn this sorc is so bad. LOLOLOLOLOLOL mah turn Annihilate 3.8k, Retaliate offGCD 2.2k, Devious Throw 4.2k GG l2p your OP sorc kthxbye.
  15. That was my misunderstanding in assuming GCD works the same way as Rift which is never affected by haste. So there is a level of alacrity you get try to stack to make LS spam better than FL spam? If it does I dont believe its achievable with current formula of DR on alacrity and itemization. And even if its possible you will be gimping yourself too much anyways.
  16. If they did then all the new nerfs/class changes wouldnt make sense. (now they make perfect sense that they base their balancing on nerfing the target of the major QQ). What else would you explain them nerfing our burst damage when we already have none. Nerfing our heals when we are already the easiest healer to kill in PvP. And buff to Marauders burst DPS by giving them the hardest hitting attack thats also an AoE that formerly owned by juggernut while marauders massive defensive CD collections remain untouched. And last but not least refusing to comment on their reasonings behind all the nerfs other than "according to our internal and contracted testers, sorcs are fine in 1.2". I am pretty sure players thats PAYING THEM MONEY to play this game will have way better knowledge/experience of the game than those who are being paid to test and will not hesitate to log off the game INSTANTLY when its time to clock out.
  17. No... not really. At 0 alacrity LS is a DPS loss already even used with wrath proc compare to pure FL spam. Every point into alacrity effectively increase the DPSC of Force Lightning while the DPSC of LS is UNAFFECTED. Because you cannot cast more than 1 LS once every 1.5 second due to GCD.
  18. Yes never ever assume you have a chance to kill the marauder at melee range 1v1 without help from your friends. e.g fight started with him in melee range where he will have u perma slowed without using his force charge yet. Most if not all good marauders are anni spec, they are very very tough to beat 1v1 especially for a no burst class like us. I try to CC them and run for help it will only takes a good marauder a few seconds of uninterrupted dps on you to kill you 100% to 0. I leveled with my best friend I as a healing sorc and he as an anni marauder. You should see how a good marauder gets pocket healer. As long as I am not dead, he can paint the entire WZ floor with blood of his enemies. Our record is 2v7 and 4 of which that we killed are in a premade. 2 of us ran to snow side turret and killed the 4 that was defending and capped it. 2 more came after we get the cap and we killed them BOTH in about 20 seconds. They regrouped and came to us with 7 people zerg style I died on the 5th kill, his poped his cds and killed the last 2 while I am flying back on the speeder. Anyways marauders are very powerful, dont try to take them on 1v1 dueling style (no los/run away) you will never win. And this is true RIGHTNOW (where according to BW we are very OP), after 1.2 all I can say is never ever tries to fight good marauders 1v1 ever even if you really have to... you still dont want to try. Come 1.2 it will only get worse. You as a sorc will have less DPS less burst and less heal and overall less survivability. They will have more control in locking their opponents in from of their face for a pwnpwnbeatdown.
  19. Here is the youtube video proving alacrity does indeed NOT affecting GCD. This is sithwarrior.com's threat saying Alacrity does NOT affect GCD So again Lightning Strike is very underpowered and most likely a design flaw.
  20. And my comment is based on sorcs RIGHTNOW. aka Pre-nerf. Post 1.2 Id like to see how it play how. Sure dont look so hot.
  21. Thanks for providing more indepth math. I simply takes my tooltip damage and ignored everything else and alacrity. As alacrity increases lightning strike damage is unaffected as its casting time is shorter than the GCD's 1.5s which provides no real dps gain at all while force lightning continues to increase in dps which only makes it even better than LS as gear continues scaling up. People can be real clueless.
  22. Yea A dumb marauder will still take some skill to beat. A good marauder will take very skilled sorc to beat. A very skilled marauder will be a nightmare and takes extreme skilled sorc plus some luck to beat.
  23. Force Lightning has 75% resistance vs push back. Does the full damage in 4 ticks (instant on channel + 1 tick per second). On average you will get 3 ticks off which will do infinitely more damage than lightning strike if interrupted since it deals 0 damage. It only takes 2 ticks out of the 4 total ticks over the course of the channel to do more damage than 1 finished casting of lightning strike assuming no push back on the lightning strike neither. And using force lightning also gives us force back + proccing instant cast darkness. Anyways back to your argument, lightning strike is also subjected to push back (only when its pushed back you still deal zero damage while force lightning will be losing 1 tick of damage and can be instantly channeled again) so that defeats your argument.
  24. My Force Lightning does 3095 Damage over the corse of 3 seconds = 1031.6 damage per second. My lightning strike does 1190-1258 damage in 1.5s cast time assuming LS always hits for max damage = 838.6 damage per second. (1003.9 dps with 20% bonus damage from wrath) So if I use wrath to proc Lightning Strike it is STILL a dps loss than simply spamming Force Lightning. How is BW not seeing their design flaw? In comparison my Chain Lightning does 1839-1875 damage Swapping out Chain Lightning with LS means we will lose a minimum of 720 damage per proc up to 1260 damage per crit per wrath proc once every 6 seconds. (including 20% bonus damage from wrath). Shouldnt the damage of Lighting Strike and Chain Lightning be swapped? Since chain lightning also hits 5 targets while LS is pure single target? Can we have lightning strike damage boosted? As the slightest compensation to gutting our only burst spell (CL)? I mean tracer missile on the same casting time with same bonus damage level deals about 50% more than lightning strike. (for the sake of comparison).
  25. This is true. And is about to get worse in 1.2 when they completely gut out our last silver of burst dps. A lot of class design of sorc simply doesnt make sense as an AC classified as Healer/Dps. Sorc should be classified as AoE Healer/Support class.
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