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Everything posted by Tetsuos-despair

  1. Sir, if this were true then how pray-tell can the anomaly of certain people that do well regardless of the class they play be explained? The only possible way to have a true comparison across all classes is to have all the players be of equal ability, which is an impossibility, thus making the balance issues you bring up a moot point. If we assume that in a perfect world all classes are perfectly balanced (I'm of the opinion that they are currently balanced pretty well) at the end of the day it would be of no consequence because individual player skill will NEVER be balanced. Knowing these facts the only actionable recourse for the complaining parties is to either improve their play on their current character or switch to the allegedly over powered class and demonstrate a marked improvement in play over the class they were struggling with.
  2. No offense to you directly this is general and aimed at the QQs. I just don't understand the crazy hate for mara/sent and the stubborn insistence upon nerfing the class? I've recently rolled a PT and a sniper and oddly enough from lvl 10 onward more often than not I have been able to get into one of the top three slots of most WZs with them just as I do with my marauder. Sure mara/sents and assassins have killed me plenty of times while on both of these toons and I've somehow managed to kill tons of them, but at no point in time did I think that I should be able to facetank melee classes as a BH or IA, or feel that mara/sent had any great advantage over me that I could not counter with a bit of strategy. I just do not see this OPness people cry about regarding ANY class, beyond things that have been clearly broken, I'm starting to realize that 99.9998% of all the QQ stems from L2P issues and people not being able to deal with being outplayed. I'll soon be rolling an assassin, and I predict I'll probably do alright with that toon also, It really is the person behind the keyboard, people just need to learn their classes intimately, know their enemy classes just as well and think strategically, and also not expect to be immortal and unstoppable because no one is. From what I gather most of the QQ comes from spazzes who can't think on their feet and get easily flustered in the chaos of battle, I think if the people QQ would just roll a mara/sent or any other class they think is OP to lvl 10 and get into a few WZs they may no longer feel the same way. TL;DR: Instead of thinking the grass is greener on the other side, please go check it out first, worst thing that could happen is you learn a bit about your enemy and gain some real perspective.
  3. I see most of what you are saying but making the mara/sent five second CD sound like it's more than it is kind of sounds like snake oil. Honestly, lets acknowledge some facts, many things can occur in five seconds but when you consider the dynamic nature of PVP with all the random factors in any given WZ and then think about all the variables of class combinations and abilities, you can't put so much emphasis on one classes ability with such a short duration. What mighty magic have you witnessed marauders accomplish with this ability that makes it so game breaking or unbalanced? So yeah I'm usually the last guy standing in a sea of red whenever my team try's to cap an objective, so what, one millisecond after UR wears off I die from the focus fire of the three or four enemies. What I am trying to convey to many stubborn people who seem unable to articulate their argument in a tanigle meaningful way, is what pray-tell do you think we can do in those five seconds that I did not mention before? Pray for a heal, try and escape, or maybe, maybe kill the target we were on, and I'm not talking about 1V1 fights where some dumb healer try's to roll me by himself with a mixture of pebbles, tears and shame, I'm talking about in a battle with equal numbers fighting for a node/door, please all the people crying about mara/sent UR/GBF, please enlighten all of us with actual matches, maybe a video of how this ability is so game changing and unbalanced. The people who understand the class know that it's just a gross exaggeration hence the ability only being five seconds long and zapping 50% of your health, it's a last ditch effort nothing more and it is easily countered by smart players, many other yarns can be spun about it but this fact remains. And if it is nerfed one day it will make little difference because good Mara/sents will keep rolling QQ nubs, just like their are still somehow a few amazing healers that I face from time to time even though they have supposedly been nerfed to the ends of the earth or so the bad healers would have you believe. Imagine if people just played their classes and sincerely tried to master them and only cried when things were actually broken? Keep on dreaming dreamers this is a world of siccophants and panhandlers wearing brand new shoes.
  4. Not trying to single you out, I just see this over and over and I wonder how 5-12 seconds can be considered "high survivability"? Three cross healing operatives or sages can at times be considered as having high survivability but what we have as marauders is either a last ditch escape, pray for a heal (almost never happens in a pug), or a few soconds to finish off your target before you are toast. Many classes have similar defensive CDs that last a few seconds on top of wearing heavy armor, shields, should we nerf them as well? I recently rolled a PT I have him up to lvl 26, he is crazy powerful in PVP and the gameplay is pure face-roll compared to my Mara main where every fight is like typing a novel, it is fun and easy as hell to get top dps in a WZ with ranged dps, but when I get focused by melee I expect to get rolled, they kill me and limp away wounded but at no time do I think that melee should not wreck my PT. Melee is supposed to be deadly, melee when focused on you should put a pause in your step and make you feel the panic of having high dps in your face, it is the core of what a melee class is all about. So my PT goes down (not without a fight) when focused by melee, not an issue, in exchange for my squishiness I get to LolShoot everything from a distance with almost no effort and even less thought, and the marauders, assassins and jugs that focus me all seem to take a good amount of damage from my RP, FT and FB attacks. I'm starting to believe that all the QQ is just people being outplayed and expecting their class to do things it was never ment to do, while hating on classes that work as intended.
  5. 1. You've been playing a Mara since beta and have yet to L2P this class, and you have the gumption to call someone an idiot instead accepting their valud assesment of what you are being? You are either trolling hard or are the worst nub in the whole of SWTOR and should consider something more slow paced, perhaps some fresh play-doh, only the primary colors though, you know so you will be less likely to be overwhelmed by the greater complexity of more color choices 2. The people that think this are wrong, you sir are another piece of evidence supporting their error since you have been unable to figure it out in eight months, also your no child left behind reasons for nerfing this class are undeniably stupid. 3. You have a melee class as your main and you want people to ignore you? Melee is not for cowards who slink in the dark corners of a map hoping that no one will notice them, praying that they won't actually have to fight or face a 1V1 or 2v1 situation. Melee, specifically marauder's play style, is fast paced and visceral, definetley not for the faint of heart, if you are chicken **** the last class you should be playing is a melee class, please stop being an idiot, please, you must eventually recognize that you are only embarrassing yourself, let lose of your childish ways and move forward. 4. Grow up!
  6. ^This, one thousand times over,this! When I find myself on a team with five or six soccer moms and I have a weekly to get done I quit, not every person has the inclination or patience to work with a special needs team. I'm not an elitist, I just prefer not to waste my finite amount of time with a group of lobotomized individuals, it's frustrating and not fun. A minimum amount of situational awareness and effort is all I require to stick with a team to the bitter end, but babysitting citizens from tards-ville is something no decent player should ever be forced to endure.
  7. ^This, one thousand times over,this! When I find myself on a team with five or six soccer moms and I have a weekly to get done I quit, not every person has the inclination or patience to work with a special needs team. I'm not an elitist, I just prefer not to waste my finite amount of time with a group of lobotomized individuals, it's frustrating and not fun. A minimum amount of situational awareness and effort is all I require to stick with a team to the bitter end, but babysitting citizens from tards-ville is something no decent player should ever be forced to endure.
  8. That is perhaps a testament to your teams skill and you opponents lack of it. I've just never experienced a random pug that could make anything happen without some focus, spread thin they always seem to fail. It would be nice to have some data compiled to show one thing over another, but random pugs, premades and ranked teams just can't be compared strategically they are different animals, but if it's working for you guys keep it up and roll those nubs till they QQ
  9. No disrespect, but how many pug groups have you played where this actually works? Premade against random pug, perhaps, but spreading a thin layer of Febreze like this is almost always a guaranteed loss in pug WZ unless your opponents have all been lobotomized and are wearing paper-mache gear, and I would not say it's all that smart for rated WZs either regardless of player compliment or skill. My favorite CW strategist, was some random guy who as our team was flying in, said: "2 snow, 3 mid, rest grass" LULZ... That is some fuzzy logic! Sure random crazy stuff happens all the time, I've 3vs1 bads on Novare and taken west, that does not mean it's strategically viable to plan for that kind of triple lighting strike to always go down.
  10. I play Carnage and Annihilation spec. 1. The general consensus amongst "casual" pvp participants is that marauders are over powered regardless of their spec, and that our five second (maybe I can get in one or two more swings before I die) defensive ability somehow makes us unable to be killed. 2. Marauders are balanced, they perform their role of high dps melee that when pitted against competent opponents has a small window (seconds) of survivability in which to accomplish said dps before dying, very far from immortal. Carnage: Low survivability without support, random pug teams as Carnage can be a very rough experience, glass cannon basically, with some heals or shielding, we can swiftly and severely bruise many egos. Annihilation: Better survivability when playing lone-wolf, but somewhat limited against smart players and teams who know to cleanse our bleeds, which can throw huge chunks of our dps right out the window.
  11. Just a bit of sarcasm there friend, no need to slander my character and imply that I'm a liar and would refute actual evidence. Fact is I know, as many other non-bads do that the mara/sents being OP statement is just not true, it's just that some players are excellent tacticians and know when to engage when to disengage and what target to burn. Just like a good sniper will destroy a mara or any other class so quickly you might think they are OP but that is not true either. Truth is rolling several "decent" players and face tanking an entire team as a mara/sent is impossible and does not happen, hence my sarcasm, no video of this exists and no legit video of this can me made because it is a fallacy. When this game launched the general consensus was that mara/sent sucked, the funny thing is since then they have received nerfs to the one viable tree at the time, had the other two broken trees fixed to the point of playability, but on the whole they are almost unchanged and annihilation/watchmen is weaker compared to launch. So what is really going on here, what is an example of actually being op, does anyone remember when a single healer could not be killed without most of the team on them? The fact is decent players will do amazingly well no matter what class they play, example, there are Jedi sages that I engage that die so quickly it seems like they went into stealth, then there are others that require three dps to take down, does that mean sages are OP because some of them are really good, of course not. Marauders and sentinels die under any type of intelligent focus just as quickly and often more so than other classes, my sarcastic request for proof has nothing to do with the god argument, you would think that with the hundreds of QQs on the forums one of them could produce an example of this OP-ness they are talking about but none seems to exist. Remember we are not talking about the intangible, god or UFOs, we are talking about mara/sents in this real game we are all playing. Sarcasm aside, it's not bigfoot we ar talking about so any given QQer on any given WZ should be able to show the community and the devs hundreds of examples of this allegedly over-powered class, yet the fact remains not one of them can produce tangible evidence of this. TL;DR: QQers are claiming they have seen a suspicious looking unicorn driving a mini-van around their local Ikea parking lot... ETA on evidence of these claims remains sketchy.
  12. Then what pray-tell are you doing playing this game and wasting your time commenting on it? If you don't like a game you don't play it plain and simple. The reality that you are unable to deny though is that you do have a sense of being special and entitled to present your opinion however inconsequential it may be, also, you do lack work ethic; self evident due to the fact that if you just played the game you would have full WH or close to it and would likely not be here QQ unless you were ultra-bad. This game, is this game, not some other game, so crying about it's design and how you think it should be is pointless and irrelevant compared to either accepting or not accepting the game as it is or will be, but you must realize that this is where your ego rears it's ugly head and can't be effectively explained away. Imagine for a moment if Super Mario Brothers had been developed on PC and was patchable and Nintendo had forums where bads could whine and complain all day about how unfair this stage was or how difficult that other thing is, the thought is just laughable, yet here we are. You do feel entitled and you do think you're "special" opinion matters, enough so that you posted it. Okay I get it, so you don't like gear progression nor the way the game is designed, excellent, so move on, but no, you can't, you feel the need to unabashedly whine here as though it matters. And I say it does not matter because it helps no one, it gleans no new information and it does not contribute in any way. Are you truly unable to see the folly of your ways? You feel because it is so easy to share your little anonymous tears on the shoulders of the internet that your voice is vital to the free world, I'm sorry but it's not, neither is mine or anyone's for that matter. TL;DR: Pro Tip: Play games you like, avoid games you don't and make earnest progress towards the goal of one day growing up.
  13. This^ to a certain extent. There are only ever a limited number of people in recruit gear on any given server at any given time and they only stay in full recruit for a few days as they start to gain BM. Another issue is at what point does this system upgrade someones bracket i.e. after you have four pieces of BM you get moved into a higher bracket, and how many brackets would be required? It's easy to say we need gear based brackets and I agree that we do but the logistics of this is not a simple as it would seem at first blush.
  14. If you can please roll a marauder / sentinel and post some unedited videos of you being overpowered and unstoppable, this should be easy, fun and will prove to everyone that the class is face-roll and way OP, plus you would get the opportunity to just roll everyone in WZs. BTW, does anyone know of any unedited videos of maras/sents that I can check out, just some videos clearly showing how OP they are and how they can tank and kill entire pug or pre-made teams with little to no help from their own team? When you get a chance, please go listen to the theme song from a television show titled: "COPS", then please pay special attention to the chorus and a certain three letter word that is repeated several times.
  15. You're implying that something which is not broken actually is because you undeservedly want something for nothing. As mentioned by others, we all had to grind the gear we have, we all had our faces stomped prior to doing any stomping of our own, but you, you are "special". So why should you not have to work to earn gear, or skip the face stomping we all endured? Far too many people of this generation have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement combined with zero work ethic, not a good combo. This is a fact that is just plain embarrassing but sadly you are not able to understand why because if you did this thread would not have manifested into reality. You and others with similar childish perceptions of what they "deserve" just need to grow up, if you think that's a harsh and/or unfair statement then I'm sorry to tell you that you have a long ways to go in attaining any discernible level of maturity.
  16. Just wondering how difficult it is to make YouTube videos available for mobile devices? Not sure why YouTube just does not do this automatically
  17. Just wondering how difficult it is to make YouTube videos available for mobile devices? Not sure why YouTube just does not do this automatically
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