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Everything posted by madtycoon

  1. Why can't you buy and sell wz medpacs on the auction house, but trade them?
  2. I've gripped people in the start zone messing around. The ones that are still loading into hypergate. Sometimes they'll bug out and fall through the floor. Loading under the start zone and they're able to have a headstart. Happened twice. Could be what you're talking about.
  3. He's probably talking about warzones. More importantly solo warzones playing a melee. When your team has no sustainability, it doesn't matter what melee class you choose, you will die fast if your team is getting destroyed or you decide to play in the slaughterfest. Sin doesn't necessarily die. You can port and vanish out, etc. But if you're playing it to stay in and attack stuff, you will die and jug is better for living, but jug dies also. Sin's main defensive is deflection. It is a pure RNG defensive when taking damage. A sin can pop it, get all deflects and look like an unkillable god. The same sin can use it, see no deflects and die in a couple seconds. Players tend to remember dying in seconds.
  4. Conducted and Tremors are both bugged. Have been bugged since the expansion. When you interrupt a lightning or telekinetic sorc/sage your interrupt will go on cooldown, but the interrupt won't do anything, because conducted and tremors will proc. It is supposed to proc and make them immune to interrupts after 4 seconds of being interrupted. Not immune to interrupts when it is off ICD. The best thing you can do is interrupt them immediately, get conducted out of the way and hope one of your teammates also uses his interrupt after unshakeable fades. This is probably what you're seeing. Don't look for a fix anytime soon. I doubt the pvp developer even uses his interrupt lol, let alone realizes that this is bugged. Should have been fixed immediately.
  5. Could adjust guard transfer % in a 2v2 match or just make it unusable. Could tweak trauma numbers for 2v2 only, if healer/dps mirrors always went to acid. Or have a slow dampening build up. Would also need stealth eyes that spawn every minute.
  6. I main a healer and play a tank. I hate playing with guard. The game turns into a joke, whenever this mechanic is in play. When there's tanks around, survivability becomes ridiculously easy. I'm not saying you can't die with a tank. That's not what I mean by easy. I mean your decisions matter a lot less, because living gets funneled by the tank. An amazing player that can see everything going on, great mechanically, has fast reflexes and consistently makes good decisions gets filtered out. Canceled out by players who just tunnel health bars when both sides have guard. Group play with tanks. Your decisions turn into just healing, rather than creating distance with slows, using line of sight, positioning, ranging, kiting, bunch of other **** that separates great from mediocre. With a tank you stand there. You have to stay in guard range even if you don't have guard. PvE requires more skill. I mean at least in pve you have to avoid fight mechanics. Look at group ranked. Basically stand there. You don't leave a 30m circumference (if even that). You stand there and tunnel health bars. Incredibly amount of skill required. You barely even help with interrupts and CC. I mean it doesn't even matter. Everyone has instant casts, channels now and smart aoe healing. Why? Because of guard. Because all healers had to be equal to operative, so they can stand in the middle of the fight and spam instants. There's no penalty for standing there. In fact it's better, because you'll get dotted or aoed out of CC. What kind of gameplay is that? But it's harder on dps, right? They have to switch targets and your team has to outplay guard to win. I can see where a one dimensional player with no competitive experience outside of this game can think that. It is harder to play a dps without a tank. Your decisions matter more on whether you live or die. Your play also means more on whether your teammates live or die. No tank as that designated peeler. That means it's on you. But people can get away with tunneling when they don't have to worry about guard. Why is that? Game's damage is set-up around the tank filter. Waste of time to switch targets during someone's defensives when there's no tanks around? You can blame that on tanks. Damage numbers become inflated when teams don't have tanks. How often does the average player get guard swapped to them in pvp when they are taking damage? I can probably guess less than 10%. Balance a game's pvp numbers around at best 10% of the actual pvp going on. And when you are playing in that 10% the game becomes mechanically easier. It's no wonder pvp here is dead. SWTOR has never known any better. So if this is your first MMO to pump time into, you probably don't realize how bad guard makes the game.
  7. From my experience. You shouldn't kill operative healers as marks alone. It's best to CC chain them and kill their teammates. Force trinket with flash grenade and burst their teammate. It's best to burst with relic procs up, so try and time everything. Build procs when you aren't going to get a kill. You can off CC chain them every 45 with flash. Every 30 with stun depending on talents. Roll into cover is the best gap closer to stun or cyber grenade them, so you don't have to waste covered escape. When they are white barred, interrupt either kolto infusion or kolto injection. The interrupt will only do something if you wait until the cast is almost over. If they don't have any stacks for whatever reason then save interrupt for kolto injection. Keep trauma up on your kill target when they aren't CCed and you are going for a kill. My opinion. It's best to hug sorcs in 1v1s. Try and time your evasion with their burst. It's easier to win against madness, because if you roll their deathfield they can be screwed. Most will pop polarity shift right away. Roll on them and entrench. If you catch their deathfield then great. Don't waste evasion until they get 4 stacks. Stun and baby burst (no cooldowns). Hopefully they break. If they break. Just flash them if they have polarity shift up and relic procs running which they probably will. Let the flash sit. They won't be able to really waste barrier. When the flash is about to end, dot for increased damage with autocrit ambush, series etc. That gives you a good head start. The rest is a dps race. Try and interrupt lightning first tick. You can also use your knockback off global as an interrupt. And just time your rolls for deathfield. Evasion first crushing darkness/deathfield. You will only get one evasion in the fight. If the fight goes 45 seconds/second flash grenade you should win, but really it's just a dps race. Depending where you are fighting and where your cooldowns are, you can line of sight during barrier and post-barrier shield. Lining for a couple seconds could give you flash grenade, evasion or another cooldown at the end of the duel. The problem with lining is that depending on area, if the sorc gets distance on you, you probably auto-lose, because they can heal and you can't. Interrupts are bugged against lightning so they are harder, but its basically the same thing. Duel favors sorcs by a lot, but if you play it aggressive you have a chance. Like most duels RNG trumps good play. Spreading defensives out also helps. Don't roll when you have evasion up. Don't stack evasion and diversion. Ballistic shield in between rolls depending on where they are on their escapes/etc.
  8. Bumping this, because its remarkable that this isn't fixed yet. Been 2 months and several patches? lol
  9. The map is garbage. Pipes don't let you zoom your camera out all the way. There's very little line of sight to work with. People lag on the ripcord hook things. The middle level is an endless respawn slaughterhouse mess. The way you kite is to jump off and take fall damage half the time.
  10. Yes. Because if I play a sentinel (i don't). Roots are part of how I control/outplay other sentinels. Root kite during their cooldowns. Off root them when they are on my teammates. It would be how I peel during white bar, just like someone with a taunt can taunt during white bar. Resolve protecting people too much only helps the mouth drooling, tunnel visioning morons. Everyone should be given a reasonable amount of tools to outplay incoming crowd control. They should have to manage those tools and the ones that do, won't sit CC in key parts of a fight. Roots =/= a mez or stun. Even a sentinel has ranged attacks they can use while rooted.
  11. Making dots cleansable wouldn't dent hatred. You're acting like cleanse on a 12 second cooldown removes more than two debuffs in a remove applied first dispel system. Cleanse was only strong against madness sins before they got those buffs a long time ago, because they didn't have any dispel cover. Now they wouldn't even have to think about changing their rotation to protect against cleanses if the uncleansing dot change were reverted. Hatred is a stupid spec. Designed by idiots. Goes well with this game's cluster**** pvp. They should be promoting deception. Deception is the control spec. Damage build up. Control spec > skill wise than aoe dot crap.
  12. Unremitting is really well designed imo. It makes people have to think a little more when facing vigil. I like that. Maybe I'm reading your suggestion wrong, but focus doesn't need this. They have zealous leap to break root. Tanks shouldn't have root breaks imo. That's why guardian is actually better mechanically for the game (tank-wise) than the other two. You can actually root them out of range of the guarded target. Sentinels are the ones who have the problem with roots imo. It's too easy to root them. I don't know. Don't play one. But I can put them in long root chains on a sage. If anyone else had any kind of awareness like a gunslinger or another anything, two people with roots can chain one person without a root for a long time during white bar. It would be beyond stupid if roots respected resolve. I don't like sentinel's camo root break. Don't like root breaks at all. There's no skill in using breaks. The skill is thinking ahead of the root and popping an immunity. Makes things more about reading your opponent and avoiding roots. Timing your ****. Would be good with sentinels having access to unremitting on leap (maybe every other leap) or giving them some sort of root immunity on something else if they lost the root break on camo. Stuff like this is why they should tier the utilities together instead of letting you grab anything. You should be able to choose one mobility utility, not multiple ones. This also wouldn't be an issue if cleanse wasn't a ridiculously long cooldown. Team game. Cleanses should be required for melee to have full uptime. Because of the cooldown and all the raid debuffs that are floating around, it is a wasted global to cleanse most of the time.
  13. So the whole reason this happens is because of the small amount of players interested in arenas. I mean why would you play arenas in this game? lol Have you seen the stream of the head pvp developer playing this game? A guy who wouldn't even be able to break 1k in the game he copied arenas from. Not the players' fault for taking advantage of a bad system.
  14. Bolster could just trigger off of pvp trauma outside of warzones. Doesn't it do this anyways? No clue. I never leave fleet. PvP gear would be > PvE gear in world PvP. How would it even be possible to exploit bolster if all gear was bolstered under the first tier of pvp gear? PvE enhancements/mods/etc don't have different stat allocations, right? Even if they did, they would still have less overall stats than the first tier anyways. Non season set bonuses and relics wouldn't work. Bolster is only bad right now, because it's too complicated for the normal player. So you are left with a big portion of the playerbase that don't read these forums or have a clue what bolster even does. So people enter pvp in gear from leveling, assuming that it is better to pvp in because it is higher ilevel then low level blues. I mean why wouldn't you? But I do agree that they should increase the commendation cap pre-60. That's a whole different problem. The whole gearing system in this game is thought up poorly.
  15. More RNG in the game. That sounds fun.
  16. No. Every character should have 2018 expertise baseline. All expertise should be removed from gear. Bolster should change all gear slots/enhancements/barrels/mods/armorings/etc that aren't occupied by exhumed or dark reaver to 4 itemlevels lower than exhumed. Higher itemlevel gear bolstered down. Lower itemlevel gear/naked bolstered up. All non exhumed and dark reaver relics should not work in pvp. All non exhumed and dark reaver set bonuses should not work in pvp. Dark Reaver - Best in slot Exhumed - Second bos Everything else - bolstered 70% of the players on Harbringer that aren't sitting in a preform don't even have 2k expertise, because bolster is overly complicated.
  17. Would only level in pvp if you want a really long grind. Game isn't made for low level pvp. Not really made for high level pvp either imo lol, but it's not even close to designed well for low levels and the experience is really bad. If you're going to level in pvp, I would horde commendations by buying and selling lightsabers every hour. You could end with a full inventory tab of lightsabers worth 900 coms a piece as you hit level 60 if you really grind it and don't mess up. That's like full ranked gear with trade in. A lot of time though.
  18. It would make things a lot better. Surprised this was not added when they changed to the utility system, because it is one of the best parts of a utility system and pvp. I'm going to use WoW arena for example, because they changed this awhile ago. It made things a lot better when they allowed glyph and talent changes before the matches started. The game became more dynamic and the classes became harder to play, because you had to adapt to more possibilities. Strategies change in the starting zone, based on your talents and what you are facing and what you are teammed with. As opposed to just going with an overall spec and getting lucky on what you are facing. Locked utilities makes the game easier. You just choose the best overall utilities for the generic situation. Would rather everyone be forced into being good at using all utilities. It makes the classes harder to play. It makes the classes harder to play against. It makes awareness and communication a lot more important. Sage doesn't have bubble stun. Okay I do this, this and this. That being said. They need to do a better job at visually showing if someone has a certain talent like bubble stun, because right now you can't tell if someone has that talent or not until the bubble pops. There are a couple other talents that could use better distinction. Being able to change utilities pre-match will benefit some classes and hurt others just because the utility system is new and isn't refined well yet. Overall this change would make things a lot better.
  19. That's just an example of how much faster keybinding frames are to clicking them. You're right. If tabbing was your only option, it wouldn't be precise enough. But you can bind the three party members in your group plus your own frame. You shouldn't be clicking on half the raid in 8 mans. You shouldn't be clicking on anyone in arenas. There is time in betweeen casts and globals to switch targets with clicking most of the time. Not always. You will lose time and react slower by clicking.
  20. Wish you could do this in the starting area before each match. Change your utilities around, but not your full spec.
  21. Yeah sorry. Are you used to Grid in Wow? It might be possible if you write custom scripts in autohotkey. I don't even know if that would be against the rules or even possible. Maybe trick the game to click on a certain part of the screen when you hit a keybind? I don't use that program, so no real clue what it's capable of.
  22. It used to never happen. One of the earlier patches messed it up, I think.
  23. Clicking is slower. Test it out. Try moving through your party members by clicking as fast as you possibly can. Then try cycling through them with the F keys.
  24. Yeah. Well no one complains about it, so I doubt the developers are even aware of the issue. This game is filled with and made for clickers. They don't know any better, sadly.
  25. Group member targeting is set-up really poorly. The binds are random and I wish they would fix it. No one complains about it, because almost all healers here click. Here's what I do. Before each match I find where each party member is in my group and rebind them to F1-F3. I use target self for my own frame. Self modifier works also, but you can't bind it to alt/shift/ctrl so you have to remap your keyboard if you want those modifiers. You can't move your own frame to the bottom or top, so just get used to skipping your name in the party member order. For targeting people outside your group (without clicking) you are going to have to bind target nearest or target next friendly. You will still have to click outside your group in the big cluster****s. I would also bind target focus target's target like the above poster said, because most of the time your focus target is going to be on a DPS. This is the fastest way to pre-heal a switch target. Target target's target is also useful.
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