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Everything posted by SajPl

  1. Exactly, poping zen every 15 seconds and spamming 5k slashes doing nothing more is very very complicated.
  2. I can do that on a level 10 agent but whatever. PT op nerf qq.
  3. Oh look a dude that has a jugg and mara is moaning about pt. Funny that. I suggest you L2P that sniper of yours and just destroy them. Also carnage works perfectly but you know its not easymode smash like 90% of you people play .
  4. Because Bioware :rak_01: and you know what, we have 2 lightsabers so it's only logical we hit 2x more and have 2x more defensive cooldowns.
  5. This and maby the fact that 1 interrupt and everbbody dies .... while scoundrel is pretty much ininterruptible and sage can cast some other heal than the interrupted one.
  6. The simple answer to this is SCRUBS. You have no idea how having a group of 5 pug 70k damage horrorshows can make a warzone impossible to win. I had this slinger earlier complaining about premades in a huttball. End scoreboard 70k damage and 300 objective points. I did 600k damage and 7000 objectives. Scrubs will allways complai instead of actually learning to play.
  7. You don't even need to land a full rave to kill someone as carnage, maby you are not a good player if you don't understand that. Back on topic, whoever made this post is a typical pvp-horrorshow and I hope he wipes every single game.
  8. What a pure dps class (mara) with defensive cooldowns better than actual tanks is better ? If you nerf this then you will see top 8/10 solo q being taken by smash maras, yay for diversity. And this whole QQ is coming from the fact that this spec so hardly counters smash. L2P carnage.
  9. Fixed this for you. There are as many maras as pts so go qq about maras.
  10. This. Why play guardian when mara/sent is so much better? Bioware logic.
  11. Funny that. I play my vg hybrid and average 700k damage and 200k protection while first wz on my guardian after a few months I had 200k damage and 500k protection. You must be encountering some horribad guardians that get such low protection. Guardian will allways be the best pure tanks because of the best defensive cooldowns, the best control and the best mobility. The other tank classes do better damage but guardians can easily do 2x the protection of a sin/vg. Besides I've been in matches where on my wh tank geared shadow (recently so it's outdated gear) I have done 700k damage and 700k protection, OP QQ PLZ NERF.
  12. SajPl

    the new "respeccing"?

    Probably another mara qqing about lack of utility (lOL). Tip for all maras : get yourself endurance heavy gear with endurance heavy augments and coupled with your ridiculous defensice cooldowns, there you go you are tanks too, (slingers can get endurance heavy gear too) now stop complaining.
  13. I can go on my operative and do 2x the damage of the 2nd dps by using corrosive grenade+dart. Opeartive easymode qq nerf, some more qq. Operative really hard, qq, nerf.
  14. Very good compared to most classes. Compared to maras - similar. Very low. Quite a bit better than other two in terms of survivability but the dps is definietly a lot lower.
  15. I'm a smash sent please nerf anything that can counter me because I'm not good enough to play carnage, which blows tchem up.
  16. As long as my unload will be doing about 20+k damage ... sure !
  17. SajPl


    Please nerf my commando healer. We so OP. Bad or troll ?
  18. Gunnery 100% fine. Assault 90% fine. Healing .... well 1 interrupt and you are dead and everyone on your team is dead too because if they interrupt medical probe everything else is probably on cooldown - maby not completly broken but not even close to OP/Sorc.
  19. Commando healers are op, please nerf:rak_02:
  20. SajPl

    Powertech Tank

    So basically the 2 smash maras that are backing him are op not the PT itself ... nerf smash plz.
  21. SajPl

    Powertech Tank

    Oh you mean a smasher does't have a 70% slow with the top tree power? And a 50% slow with their second gap closer? Or a spammable 50% slow (leg slash)? A smhasher doesnt have a 6 second AOE mez? And most importaintly a smasher has no goup utility like let's say a group damage/healing buff or a group speed buff? Shmashers also dont have a 99% accuracy debuff or 4 defensive cooldowns .... poor smash maras.
  22. SajPl

    Powertech Tank

    I'm deeply sorry that your server has the worst smash marauders and tank juggs this game has ever seen, I really am. I'll let you in on a secret : flash grenade the operative healer and then your sniper (any spec) and carnage mara destroy the pt in 4 seconds.
  23. How is it the premades fault that your team are mindless sheep that do not stay defend?
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