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Everything posted by Stabalicious

  1. Every class has strengths and weaknesses. Some classes are more prone to stun locks I suppose. But you gotta keep in mind that your entrance into a fight is important. Where you stand, how your avoid. My point is this, if you're a sorc, you should probably move more. I have a very hard time trying to keep someone stun locked that moves a lot more than someone who just stands there trying to dps me. Ultimately, every player figures out how to best play their class but I don't see stun locks as a problem, you just need to anticipate your opponent and react accordingly.
  2. I don't understand. You asked for me to not use random numbers, well how about you stop using random ideas of not having a population to support rating decay. Rating decay will only encourage real pvp players and wanna be's to que more regularly. Ranked has hit rock bottom, it can only get alittle better. As it stands this is not a functioning. So I am open to new ideas but something that makes it where people are going to que more ranked.
  3. I believe that 90% of the reason ranked doesn't pop is because there is no rating decay and people have no reason to risk what they have and que ranked. Isn't the entire point of a pvp season, to average your performance over the entire season? not just a week or so. And before someone replies with "what if you can't pvp all season" well then what someone else said earlier applies here. If you can't pvp for an entire season or atleast 2 months worth of pvp then you don't deserve to be rewarded. Or something like that.
  4. I can recall all the many posts about pvp servers have similar issues. Not as much but still, issue is there. If pvp is offered on this server then things, options, solution need to be put in place that works for this server. If we're going to view servers on different types based on whether it's a pvp or pve server then we should implement different rules that work for different servers in order for players to still enjoy the game. PvE or PvP servers were not design for the actual activity in warzones ranked or nonraked. It was design for the out of warzone experience and interactions between factions. The assumption is that on a pvp server you will see more warzone activity and that is usually the result but that is not the by design, it's by player mentality.
  5. I'm sure some people ranked the first few days, weeks that season 2 came out. Many of us didn't get a chance for different reasons. On a different note, people tend to sit on rating since there is no rating decay which makes no sense btw but that's another topic on it's own. How do we qualify for Season 2 rewards if the ranked pvp que barely or rarely pops on The Shadowlands server? I play more than I'd like to admit but every time I que ranked, it doesn't pop and sometimes I sit in que for sometime. I see the posts all over the forums about ranked no popping and many other things. Is there a way to base end of season rewards on non ranked pvp since that seems to be what everyone is doing? It seems to be a very unfair system, not by your doing Bioware but simply by the community and pvpers. They sit in rating, don't que for whatever reason they give, it's wrong but in our current condition, the ranked system simply isn't working on this server atleast. We have many good pvp players that can't even get a chance to rank. If we do, we take a chance on who we get paired up with. I just feel that after all the time I put into it this season, I would like to be rewarded for my contribution and not penalized what other players have turned ranked pvp into, which is simply a ghost town. Bioware, are you guys looking into this problem ?
  6. Solo ranked only encourages people to treat this game like a solo player game. Solo rank does need to go.
  7. StarSquirrel, I hope this doesn't sound rude but this is about ideas of a new class and you're kind of shutting down the topic. I personally think many options are here for new classes. With great vision, many new things can be created and added to this game.
  8. You guys make excellent suggestions but the one I still can't agree with is how Rating Decay will not help. The pvp culture is thin as it is. It's so thin that in many cases doesn't work anymore as is. Like you mention, get the rating you need and stop pushing forward. We don't know how often ques will pop If rating decay was implemented but I know this, it will pop more often than it's popping now. And that to me is a progress. I agree with everything else. Sitting on rating has never, ever, ever been a key to success and people should not be rewarded for sitting on rating.
  9. There are many things that can help and you mentioned some good ones. Rating decay is a must. Explain to me how rating decay is not essential? Aside from, "well what if you're in the military and you're deployed" / everyone gives the same damn example.
  10. Please Impliment Rating Decay to save this game. If people enjoy the game they will continue to que, if they don't, then they will go to Wildstar.
  11. On The Shadowlands, it rarely pops. We go through moments when it pops but that is so rare that I hate to say, it pops regularly or anything.
  12. I honestly think that Rating Decay would help, not hurt. If you enjoy this game, getting it easy is not going to keep your around because easy things we appreciate less. That is just plain a fact of life. If something is easy, it isn't worth it, if it difficult to obtain, it's more valuable. I think people would be more encouraged to play more rather to just log for a short period and then not log on again to pvp for week or even months. I honestly can't imagine why people would think sitting on rating will keep those players coming back in the long run.
  13. Rating Decay is a standard. You guys are acting as if, it's not. Swtor doesn't do it because their standards are lower I suppose. I really don't know why they don't do it. How about this, we can earn ranked comms doing non ranked missions? On 1 side that is very nice right? but on the other side, that makes absolutely no sense. Doesn't it make better sense to ensure only serious pvp players can earn ranked comms by doing ranked pvp missions? In what other game can you get ranked gear level such as brutalizer, doing non rank pvp? This system rewards the most lazy pvpers, pvpers who look for shortcuts, or pvpers who really are not that good. Rating and rewards should not be based off 1 day, 1 week or even 1 month of pvp. It should be an average of the entire pvp season. Actually Bioware there is another suggestion, ranked comms should only be earned in ranked arenas. That can also solve a lot of problems.
  14. I can understand about the example you gave with Military members but in all honesty, if military can only log on to Swtor like 1 to 5 times in a 3 to 5 months period, maybe they should not rank pvp. Rank is meant to be competitive during the season, not just 1 week or even a few days from a season. That is not a realistic representation of someone's potential. Maybe they had a great few days or great week where they went up against noobs with no expertise and bolstered. The point of a pvp season is to have fun, compete and hopefully climb the ladder. Doing it in a day, few days or even a few weeks is just broken and leads to abuse.
  15. Although I like what you said, the opposite effect is also happening. People get their rating they need and never que again. I would like to think the original design was as an MMO, not a single player kind of thing and that seems to be what it has turned into. I just hope we can solve this as a whole.
  16. And I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but How is a group's laziness or lack of putting importance in protection their pylons or bases suddenly a stealth class fault? Are stealth classes suppose to not use stealth? we sacrifice a lot of abilities that non stealth classes have to have stealth and you wanna take that away from us?
  17. How is this thread even relavent. Stealth class is a stealth class. Should we start a thread against against tank classes in pvp that can taunt and reduce my dps effectiveness against that target and hence in many cases end up winning a fight.
  18. Can't imagine why someone embraces pvp would not see the benefit in this. But first, I can't comment on your post since you chose to not contribute anything relevant aside interest in my resume.
  19. I was hoping to get some insight on possible future ideas from Game Developers or maybe other players with knowledge on what can be done or if something is being done or looked into to encourage more consistent ranked group ques. Heck even solo for that matter. Although I have never been fan of the lowest number of players required to que for anything, it's better than no ques at all. I really enjoy pvp and would love to be rewarded but I can't seem to even find a group or can rarely get a que to pop. How am I suppose to get the necessary rating if I can't even get in it at all? Ideas : 1. Rating Decay = Rating decrease on a weekly basis if a players do not consistently que and battle. 2. Pets and more mount incentives for group que. 3. More distinguished titles ranked pvp. 4. Offer guild wide real and worthy incentives that makes guilds want to que more often and with more guild members. 5. Only give ranked comms for ranked dailies, ranked, weekly and do not allow the purchase of ranked comms with non ranked comms. Maybe my ideas are outdated but I'm sure others can add more current suggestions or relevant options. Point is, I pvp rather well and I won't say I'm an elite pro or something like that but I strongly believe I'm good enough to benefit with pvp rewards. The problems that I do see are: 1. The few people that do rank are so into their rating that they will not que with anyone else either out of fear to lose their rating or drop in prestige. 2. They don't have any incentive to que more often or with others 3. Lack of map options in terms of being able to select the map of your choice 4. Unbalanced classes. I won't say too much on this because I'm not a books person who can pinpoint exacty what is unbalanced but I do know that some warriors or sorcerers are just way to overpowered in how they stand up against other classes / Feel free to add any ideas guys but try to make it more of a positive thread with suggestions rather than a flame thread.
  20. Stabalicious

    PVP in Swtor

    I don't know how to express or even ask a question and was hoping someone can help me understand the pvp que or pvp team mentality in this game. I play on The Shadowlands and enjoy the server and community but pvp seems challenging to kick off. Most of the time it's solo que nonranked and solo que ranked. Hardly anyone wants to get in voice chat program and organize it better. I know this game doesn't have the large community like wow had or this MOBA or what ever it's called League of Legends but damn I think this game has to much potential and yet this 4v4 or solo que is just a "my opinion" horrible way to get people to come together or encourage them to organize it better. You can barely organize it in chat within the 30 seconds to a minute before a match starts cause hardly anyone wants to pay atten. I know there is only so much that can be done but I feel like this game has a very small developer team. Don't even get me started on class balance. On a side note, is there a server that actually embraces team pvp ranked/nonraked where you get in voice chat and play organized?
  21. I completely understand the cartel market and enjoy using it. I feel some items that were available some time ago that is no longer available should be made account wide. For example such nice mounts that we had before like Korrealis Commander and Korrealis Baron should be account wide. I understand that they are not in the game anymore or obtainable but for the ones who already have them, is it a lot to ask for? I mean any mount from the Cartel Market regardless of how good, popular or highly demanded it is, had the option to make it account wide but extremely awesome mounts that are no longer obtainable are not? I don't think that is unreasonable. That is my suggestion.
  22. I'm not sure what the right way to explain this would be but here goes. Some of us have 2 accounts that we use. In some cases maybe more than 2 accounts that we pay for and use. The reasons can very from families where the husband and wife play and some include kids. My case is me and my son play on both accounts. My son has a few challenges where he needs my constant help in so I end up playing the second account a lot. I do not like the fact that I play 2 accounts and our legacy benefits are not tied together. Account mergers would be an awesome option. Other games offer this feature and it's great way to have a somewhat of a family account where everyone attached to it share the benefits they worked together to build. I can see how this option can be abused but I'm sure you guys can add some restrictions to prevent abuse. For example once merged you can't unmerge them which will give people a serious consideration before they choose to. Or if accounts are paid by the same person. Same log in to all accounts since they are bound to the same legacy. There are many prerequisites or rules that go along with it. You can give the option to unbound if say it's a child account and you bound it for that reason and when they turn 18 they can unbound if they choose or you can simply allow the option to unbound and when that happens they lose all the legacy benefits that go along with it. For me, my son and I play together and I play on his account so much that I don't understand why I can't merge that account with my account legacy.
  23. We have individual character banks / we have guild banks / how about legacy bank so we don't have to log out of each character to see our resources on hand / give us a legacy bank so we have the option to put our items in our own character bank for that character, guild bank for the whole guild, or legacy bank for all characters on a legacy. Legacy Bank plz /
  24. Although I have not played my sniper that high up, I can't validate or discount your claim but I will say this, many times it's play style and learning how to use your mechanics to counter the others. Snipers are very unique in their play style and require some serious adjustments to stay competitive. Operatives are still challenging as healers in my opinion but with agressive will you can be a decent healer. Probably a bad example but all in all, all classes are unique and require a unique approach to counter the other class.
  25. I'm sure RWZ will be implimented in short time. I don't think that would be a reason for cancellation. I hate to think people are just looking for reasons to cancel rather than look for reason to enjoy a great game. Personally, although I respect your opinion, not sure this is an issue considering the game offers so much.
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