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Posts posted by allexj

  1. Except that you'd never notice 1% of your health every 1.5 seconds. It would take you 20 seconds of being under constant attack to see the same recovery that PTs get through Shoulder Cannon in 6 seconds, and much longer to see heals equal to Enraged Defense. People would complain that they're not useful, and still want more. Passive heals aren't what you're looking for. You're looking for moderate, long-cooldown active heals.


    Sure, it's hard to keep up Dark Ward in PvP, if you can't mindlessly use an ability every 15 seconds. Except it's off the global cooldown. If you really struggle, you can set up a 15 second timer to just hit it, whether it's best to or not. I never struggled ages ago when I played warzones as a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and I'd been playing the class for 2-3 months at that point. You don't get hit often enough in PvP for it to drop from too many hits unless you have a couple Combat Sentinels and Sharpshooter Gunslingers gunning after you.


    Thier are other more important things to pay attention to on both the buff bar and during the match, other then a abblity that doesn't help but block 20% of baisc damage in pvp as you can't shield a crit which most damage now days.


    Also even if you didn't keep the 1.5 CD betwen heals at 1% it would still be better then nothing

  2. Uhh. No. Do you understand how ridiculously overpowered that would be? Heaven forbid someone attack you with a shieldable multi-hit attack Do you know what that would turn Hammer Shot into?. If you defend 20%, and shield 50% after that, Rapid Shots would heal you for 10% from a PT and 20% from a Merc. 20% of your health in a global, AS A PASSIVE ABILITY. If 3 people hit you with basic attacks at the same time, you heal for nearly HALF YOUR HEALTH. You'd be nigh-invulnerable outside of burst phases, and have some insane self heals during them. That's how you get a class nerfed: making it entirely too powerful.


    I'm not normally one to say so, but if you think Dark Ward is hard to keep up when you aren't being hit by ~3 attacks per second, then you're bad at Assassin tank and should learn to play it better.



    I have 60k health when I tank there or abouts, which means 250 health restored every tick at a stack of 18 is 4.9k health, if its a passive it means it would have to be triggered some way some how and not up all the time so say it has the a 20sec CD, and if you. Limit the time betwen heals to 1.5 seconds that means it actut be less healing. Also I just through a number thier no real math beind it, you could lower it to 1% of total health or even .5% of total health and it would still be helpful.



    P.S It not hard to keep up unless you pvp, between guard switching, staying with the healer and keeping people off the healer, and then watching your own health, and fighting the 1v1 fight and watching objectives all at once that is kinda hard... Just my to cents

  3. All I have to say is I'm glad I have leveled up 8 toon for 12x exp so I can play what will work and not have to play some gimped class, JG will probably be the one I use the most from the look of all the changes so fat
  4. Long time ago before 2.0 the shadow/assassin could use their tk throw or lightning as it was called then to heal themselves up to full but and i mean but that was when the shadows/assassins were really spiky in the amount of damage they took.



    Even now we are spikey, just less so, but they going to have to do something

  5. In my opinion, I would just like to see more gain to my defensive capabilities as a tank. If there really is going to be so many gains in other classes to negate cc, then we need something to help counter balance this. With us being light armor, our class was built on the ability to keep the enemy stunned as to avoid damage as the way i see it. Now that it will be harder to do so, This class needs a slight change in direction and will need an increase to survivability to adequate the change. While our stuns will not hit quite as much, if we can last longer in a fight we can still have the chance to hold back the opposing team just as well as the other tank classes. I would love to see my wither have a small healing chance again, with harnessed darkness activated. I will agree with what some people have said that when we did have this ability it could be very overpowered, but a smaller healing percentage would suffice to keep us a very good contender in pvp.


    At the end of the day we need something like Guarded by the force and somthing like the JG heal, not as powerful but simmler both would.make things easier, also.depending on how the new crit works we might just benok anyway if they are making crit only as a chance and not a.value that means we will have less over Defense abblity if its the other way around it means less crits but larger hits then we might be in trouble big trouble..... Esp without something more to help us

  6. For 1v1 anni/watchman will serve you the best, it lacks the burst of carnage/combat or the cc immunity of fury, but anni has equal to carnage dps roughly over longer times and can self heal via dot crits which is no small thing once you stack them an use zen/bloodthirst.

    I have played all 3 specs a lot and whilst i do not enjoy anni/watchman much in pvp, it really does shine in 1v1



    So I will once again have to learn multiple specs to be able to play the way I want to blah....

  7. Fury: This should be the only spec you ever do ANY PvP with. Your burst damage is through the roof, and you have 6s of CC immunity after every other Force Crush, if a duel lasts long enough for 3 Force Crushes... If you have Full Dark Reaver and it's fully augged (Power Augments only Strength is useless because you have tons of Auto Crits) You should wreck house, BUT you can also be a red stain on the ground if you don't cooldown cycle properly.


    Carnage: 2nd best choice, but without the 6s CC immunity, you are pretty much left in the dust.


    Anni: Don't even think of dueling with Anni... Just don't...


    I am honestly wanting to know the same thing, I run Constraion and I dueled a Shadow got 3 hit. I have no idea how to defend against that, and I play shadow!

  8. So, for the last few weeks - every PVP match I've been in has been so unbalanced it's no longer fun to play this feature of the game. Seriously, a group of 8 people from the same guild - going up against random strangers in various gear levels - how can this even be considered a balance in the game dynamics?


    Consider this my notice - until you fix this.. I'm done w/ the unfairness of match up's in the PVP arena.


    my guild dose super groups. it only works when the que is slow and on one is queing. and it always been like that

  9. Hi All


    I've been a returning player for a while now but want to keep things casual..


    So am looking for a PvP class that isn't terribly hard to play effectively and be an asset to a team.


    Got exhumed on bodyguard and it just feels awful to heal in PvP. Maybe I need to l2p but it feels terrible.


    Anyway, I have an Assassin or BH that I could spec into or re-roll a new char.


    I want a simple class to play :)


    Thanks for any help.


    Honestly Healing Sage is easy once you learn to stay alive in pvp, Shadow as a whole has the highest skill floor as its a jack of all trades and master of none. It really take a skilled player to play the class well. Ops and the mirror class is not hard to use either. If you want a truly easy clas JG/SJ is your next bet. It's like easy mode

  10. I play all the classes PT, Sin and Sorc. I keep reading about how pvp is broken and the leaderboards just point out OP classes are. I honestly don't see a problem, solos have been real diverse with the classes I go up against and I've been having really close games because of this diversity. I just think that all our problems will go away if we all atleast try to play ALL the classes instead of going into a blind forum rage so that we can open our eyes to the true balance that is SWTOR pvp


    Ok so normally i don't chime in on these threads but i am this time. First i play Healer Sage/TANK SHADOW/JUGG/ are my main toon i play. my shadow is my first so in turn my baby. however the skill FLOOR for sage is vary low and easy to understand its simple, jugg is easy mode tank just put some dps gear with allot of health and your OK!, my shadow tank is vary hard to play as most of our defensive I.E shields are worthless in pvp. IMO it has a higher skill floor then both jugg and sage. now i dont play all classes but imo its balanced right now. Before healers would die in like 3 hits and never heal, now they can alive and heal, but a good SMART dps will destroy a healer any day without a tank. and a tank is worthless without a healer as all they do is DIE while they take all the damage they can. just my 2 cents

  11. Been toying with different MMOs lately and I have come to really enjoy the concept of Evasion Tanks. Some may consider this to be a parry/dodge tank, or some may think of it as a highly mobile tank that leaps out of the way of incoming damage. I tend to think of it as a mix of the two.


    No matter the class, when it comes to tanking in PvP, the general rule of thumb is Endurance > Shield > Absorb. Defense has no place in PvP. I have been parsing Warzones on a regular basis for the past few weeks, and I receive NO M/R damage. (Could be bug from StarParse)


    That being said, I would love to see either a current tank reworked to have the same amount of HP as a dps, but an insane percentage to dodge/parry attacks. ALL attacks. I think Guardian/Juggernaut tanks would be the easiest to do this with since they seem to be the most mobile of the tanks, taking into consideration Force Leap, Guardian Leap, and the new 20m role that may or may not be coming.


    Gunslingers could also benefit from this idea. Or perhaps a brand new class altogether?


    What say the community?


    I play shadow tank, and its the only avoidance tank in SWTOR, shields are worthless, and Defense Chance only works on certain attacks. With auto crit the way it is now we have only one choice right now and that's END. Would be nice if they removed auto crits from the game but then game balance came into effect so its a blahh choice all around.

  12. Defense builds are awful in PvP. Go say hi to Sorcerer with a Defense build as a tank and see how that goes. Then take a look and realize just how high a percentage Force and Tech moves are among the Disciplines and you'll realize just how bad Defense is as a stat in PvP.


    I have never actually tried a defence chance build. Was thinking about it but never tried it.

    I was frustrated with shadow for a while as it is at such a disadvantaged with it comes to pvp and its main stats that I left the game to cool my head. I had forgotten one major RULE about mmos. Constitution or in this case Endurance can be used as a defensive stat if stacked properly. Both of y'all remined me of this thanks!

  13. Not your DCDs. Alacrity actually doesn't reduce those cooldowns, except for Recklessness. Or, at least, it shouldn't, considering it doesn't affect Force Cloak or Blackout.


    I honestly wouldn't call that build a DPS Build, I mean shield and absorb are all but worthless in PVP, Defense Chance build with high END wouldn't give you enough DPS in PVP, and thier is no way to stack damage reduction. So honestly I only see this build as the only viable build. The Defense Build that SHOULD work doesn't offer anything really that you gain from. I try to run with a healer as me and a decent healer can hold a door against 6 people by ourselfs with little issues most of the time atleast in Unranked and now iv spoken to the healers I normally run with and they say that don't notice a difference between this one and the shield and absorb build I was running so we will see....

  14. It works on them because they're offensive cooldowns that the tank Discipline adds defensive effects to. Shroud, Blackout (for Deception), and Force Cloak don't have their cooldowns reduced because they're primarily defensive abilities (which get an offensive boost in the case of Deception's Blackout). Overcharge Saber may be our best DCD, but it doesn't count as a DCD for Alacrity.


    Hmm ok, iv never been a big fan of aleacrity but il try it out. And thier I'd no other stat that would help improve the build Defensely? Other then aleacrity?

  15. You're not going to get to 25% defence chance without sacrificing a ton of power. Even in full min/maxed 174 tank gear with mitigation, your defence chance will only be 17-19%. As far as your health, it's too low, you need a lot more health, you should be all b mods and high endurance enhancements, even if they're the dps mods and enhancements, you need the high endurance versions. As far as crit, I don't gear for any because of the auto crits that we already get in the spec, which kind of defeats the purpose of crit rating. Surge can be taken a bit lower and a good alternative is actually Alacrity, because it reduces the cool down on Recklessness and Overcharge Saber, both of which are both dps gains as well as defensive cool downs in the tank spec.


    I'm still missing a few pieces of the whole set I think 3 of them and some of them are part of the basic gear set, I know I'm not there yet, still got some com grinding to do. Now on the defense chance part my Defense Chance is at 21.05% which is why I asked about defence chance because it was so high and a whole 4% I didn't think it would be that bad, but I know the conversion raito is horrible so that why I figured I'd ask and I never thought about the aleacrity as a tank before but I understand why you say that OK cool il take a look ad see if I can't squeeze a bit more from this build! Thanks

  16. Tested it out here in solo Ranked.


    Stats are 54k HP

    75% Surge

    18.25% crit (0 crit rating)

    2% Alacrity

    950.8 bonus damage.


    It works great.


    so im trying this out, and right now, im wondering if you even need to go that far with the dps, so far my stats are:

    Crit: 18.28

    Surge: 67.95

    health 49k

    shield chance: 31.64



    right now im liking boost in damage and i don't see any kind of difference yet without the shield and absorb, and the exrah health is helping allot. but do you really need to go that far with surge? Couldn't you just go Power/Crit once you hit like 65% surge? Or is this because of auto crits that we get as shadows that we are not so worried about it? also if thats the case why not just stack like Power/Defense chance which i know has a horrible conversion ratio, but if i could get it close to 25% wouldn't that help with tanking, and right now i can deal the damage i really need to honestly. at least facing the opponents iv been righting randomly all day. Just looken for some input as to why thats all..


    so why dont we make it that if two ops are attacking the same person with the exact same spec they get a 50% damage reduction? just wondering that would fix some things with that thats all
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