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Posts posted by allexj

  1. Also, if they go through with the combat changes, our Shock will benefit from 30-35% additional surge in addition to 60% extra surge if Recklessness crit rating counts towards the whole "100% of your critical rating will be converted to crit damage so that crit rating isn't wasted on auto crits."


    This will literally make Shock hit for well over 15k, rotationally.


    Yes I know I see the...light at the end of the tunnle right can't wait!!!!

  2. Recklessness DOES NOT INCREASE YOUR ACTUAL CRIT STAT. Pop Recklessness and check your stat window. It doesn't work like that. So I highly doubt it'll add to crit damage.


    Just imagine how OP that would be if it would increase your actual Force crit chance. As a Madness Sorc I'd never waste my Recklessness, I'd just let it run out, while my DoTs autocrit on everyone, that'd be so *********** broken.


    No but dose it not give you 100% chance to crit when that ability is poped? So say you have 20% crit chance and pop reckless that 20% crit chance becomes surge makeing base surge 50% +20%(converted crit chance) make you have 70% surge for that duration of that ability?

  3. For PvP at least, it means throw all of your mods into power. Get all of your shield/absorb from enhancements.


    I'm fine with this.


    For PvE, I don't see too much changing.


    For pvp why even stack shield and absorb anyway? Better off stacking health, crit and power

  4. Yes, but there's no point in specifically using it in stealth. Why would you not just sneak up on your target since, I don't know, you're in stealth? If you need to catch a target, why are you in stealth? Maybe if you want to move unseen between nodes there's a decent reason to do it, but then again, you pop up next to them, where they can probably see you. The fact that you would then have to wait to use it while it's on cooldown when you might actually need it is a bigger downside than moving a little faster in stealth is a benefit.


    I didn't say it was a good idea to do it only that you can.....and honestly stealth v stealth, if you can see each other is a game of tag with this move not so much, but again I play a tank and will be switching to complete shank tank in 4.0, so it will be worthless other then a gap.closer which force speed dose anyway

  5. Are you really going to use it while in stealth? For what purpose (other than trying to look flashy on a stream)? If you use it you will be putting it on CD for 30s and will give up some burst by creating 3 charges before using recklessness. If you are trying to use it with hatred ... well I don't even see the point honestly. Not to mention you will just be giving yourself away while in stealth since they will be able to see you right away before you get a chance to move away. This ability will just be used for huttball (which in 4.0 is not going to be a big deal anymore) and as a way to get a tiny bit of extra burst from recklessness (which still won't put us above anyone else in terms of burst). If this ability was available right now (in exchange for maybe the 30m LS) then it would be pretty good, but in 4.0, just like the class itself, the ability and its effects are just "meh".


    It is useable while in stealth

  6. We'll see how all these changes go at the end of October. I do like the new utilities for assassins, my main concern is our dps output compared to other classes, especially now that stealth and mobility are going to kinda be moot points since every class is getting more mobility. We should at least be able to put out the dps marauders can.


    Changes are out and the same thing as was reported also sage/sorcs are also now immune to stuns after useing phase walk

  7. Compaired to a sage healer's self healing,t hey're really not all that powerful. THey also take time to tick and cost 2GCD's to apply.


    As for the roll, it does debuff damage and increase defence, your immune to being attacked while rolling, while you also cannot attack while in the roll, it consumes 1 GCD, that is its trade-off.




    o.0 The backstab can be specced to root you for 3 seconds, however it does not stop you from turning. Crippling slice can do this however, its a root that stops you from turning. Sages can spec force speed to break roots.


    While I did not think about that il admit however the roll is a escape mechanic not a run way while your targets Defense are up and come back to kill later. Also a sage off heals take huge amounts of force how I do agree that sage off heals need to be fixed they are in the same boat as ops dps off Healing imo

  8. Shadow tank is actually in between Vanguard (best) and Guardian (worst) for PvP tanks. Note that when I say (best) and (worst) that's in reference to how effective they are in solo ranked, however all three tank specs are in a good spot and each has its own Niche role for what it does well.


    As a Shadow tank, it's more about utility and not brute force (vanguard tank specialty) or face tanking damage (Guardian tanks EXCEL at this). Shadow has a lot of tools that the other two simply don't have. Here's a short list of things EXCLUSIVE to Shadow tanks:


    *The ability to Pull the enemy tank 30m from their guarded target and insta lift them and then instantly teleport back into the battle with Phase Walk, all in 3 seconds (2 global cool downs). The benefit to this is you expose the enemy team to an 8 second window where they do not receive 50% less damage and can be killed by your team. If you are a pro, you can then use Recklessness to have a 30 meter Cascading Debris and use that to hit the tank who was insta lifted at the end of the lift. This will trigger part 2 of the insta lift utility, which adds a 2second stun to a target who's insta lift is broken early, effectively giving you a 9 second disable instead of an 8 second one.


    *The ability to break combat and heal to full. This one happens so little by Shadow tanks and it's a shame. Before you use Force Cloak, double tap your guard hot key. This will take guard off of your target. This is necessary since guard damage puts you in combat. After removing guard, stealth out and heal to full. Now the enemy team has to kill you AGAIN and this gives your dps TWICE as much time to kill targets since now they have guard for twice as long.


    *The ability to put out HIGH amounts of single target damage, more than the other two tanks. While Vanguards excel at aoe, this is also their downfall as AoE mezzes are broken by damage. Slow time will NOT break mezzes and if geared right, Cascading Debris can do 20k damage on a target (inquisitors and consulars). That's VERY powerful.


    *The ability to teleport. You can do neat things like jump off a bridge on makeb or the catwalk of orbital station and pull the enemy tank or healer or even dps with force pull. Then you can teleport back to the 2nd floor and insta lift them to keep them down, giving your team an easy 4v3 scenario.


    These are only just a few of the MANY things Shadow tank is versatile at. It just requires thinking outside of the box and creativity. Shadow tank is less of a straight "tank all the things" type of tank and more of a tactical tank.



    Would have never thought about playing like that...thanks for the tips hahahah this will make things interesting

  9. So we all pretty much know what bolster is and dose. For those that don't is it system for stats in war zones ensuring thats that stat wise the classes come into balance with each other.




    So Bolster I think has the potential to be amazing system, that allows Balance in pvp and pve which are constantly at war with each other.




    The basic concept is to make so Bolster brings classes that are to high in either heals,DPS, or tankyness down and bring the ones that are two low up in dps,heals, tankyness. Now obviously this can be vary complicated however stats all determine how much of the roll they play and how effectively they do that roll..for the most part. So I will give examples.


    Example 1 Sage Healing the system would identify identify the class and spec of said character, now we know that heals need to come down in pvp and stay the same for pve, so the system would reduce Healing done to that toon based on the maximum Healing that could be done in prime conditions, I.E. free casting, and would then reduce the healing done X%.


    Example 2 Ops healing while in dps mode right now is a bit extreme so the system would reduce Healing for those in ops dps specs and leave ops Healing alone because the system would know that it dose not need to reduce the healing done by the healing spec.


    Example 3 Shadow Tank we all know shadow tanks without a healer are vary week right now in pvp I.E all of our main Defense Stats are worthless and the only way we can tank is through stacking health basicly so in pvp we would get X% health boost.


    Example 4 Sentinels over all need a boost in survivability they have the cc they need the dps they need(for the most part) they just can't stay up past thier Defense CDs so the system would identify which spec needed what and give that spec what it needed in pvp.



    Please note these are just examples they are in no way means saying what is in the example is what neededs to happen, they just examples.


    Well what do you think about making Bolster the almost way to balance pvp and pve problems?


    I am aware that some problems will need to be hard fixed however this would be a good start i think.


    If you post yes or no please explain why you agree or disagree in a few sentences thank you!

  10. The biggest thing is they can off heal themselves, I main a Shadow tank, off char are senti and sage heals. That roll is dumbly OP, the CD needs to be increased also the roll is a escape so if they use it they should get a significant debuff to damage and a increase to defence. And the off heals have got to go! If you are useing heals then when in a DPS spec you need a healing output debuff.
  11. They're raising the CD on force speed (in addition to lowering the immunity to 6 seconds for the same heroic utility that marauders get as a skillful). Snipers are going to use us as target practice with this ... if we ever actually get to a fight, walking in stealth takes 5ever and now we can't even boost it. Operatives for some reason get to keep their 10s CD on their invincible roll (god knows it wont stop snave from complaining-he whines about assassins more than my grandmother whines about obamacare).


    Where do you see this?

  12. If you need to look at the buff bar to track it, then you're a) not using any kind of timers and b) not practiced enough at Assassin tanking. It was a huge struggle for me to adjust to the increased CD of Dark Ward with the set bonus because I automatically hit the button at 20 seconds.


    Wait they have add on trackers in game? Huh when did this happen? Iv always just watched my buff bar, everyone's health, stayed beside the healer and objectives the best I could and killed people as I went along.

  13. Also its cooldown should be reduced by at least 1 minute and duration increased to 6 seconds baseline, no utilities required cause... well, no one will ever skill that (no one that knows how to play sentinel ;p) unless for a very, very specific PVE situation.



    killed to death xD it doesn't happen to me much but boy, when it happens, i'm so annoyed, specially if i try to use my cc breaker out of desperation and because of the delay i can't manage to use camouflage or guarded before someone stuns me again =/


    Same here it would really just give us the chance we need to be useful in guarding situations, also I feel like makeing us immune to hard stuns while GBF is active would help as well

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