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Posts posted by allexj

  1. Initial thoughts:

    A PvP zone would be nice, even if it's just a simple arena. Perhaps the farthest south point in the front yard could be given a proper path up and surrounded by red energy shields like some of the forts on Alderaan?


    This would be an amazing idea but I'd prefer a older stone look that the Kotor 2 or Yavin area used. Something stone that match the ruins area or even the main palace area.

  2. Due to my failure of overall written English due to disability I made a video to convey my requested changes.


    Part 1

    Part 2 - Total time about 12m between the two parts.


    Orginal Post Below


    I am a RP'er that is part of probably one of the oldest RP guilds on the game. We have been around for about 15 years and I am currently serving as a council member for this term. As a guild, we are VERY VERY excited about this SH for so many reasons.


    Il cover a few, One this SH is VERY Jedi centric and look very much like a Jedi Temple, two its very large and has huge amounts of surface area which will allow for some amazing organic personal Rp encounters which have been a huge challenge with the previous SH. The actual spaces within the SH are amazing for guild RP however there are two huge glaring problems. Number one there are just not rooms in the SH for a guild of our size the second issue is the cave is not multi-purpose in its current form.


    So I will attack the first problem here. The number of rooms is just insufficient there should be two additional rooms added to the SH. The first one should be a secret vault which should have a room about the size of the current Study in the SH and a larger room about the size of the room with the giant windows. I would personally place the entryway into this area underneath the ruins so it's underground. This space would allow for any person or guild to turn it into just about anything. The second room should be a room at the top of the estate with a 360-degree view of the entire area or a basement at the bottom of the state that could be used as a large generic area for any purpose. This could act as both a council room a, dining room or a bedroom or anything really. I really tried to think of very easy way to add the two-rooms work-wise on the devs something that just required small pocket spaces with very little work needing to be placed into them this would also not limit the number of hooks in those spaces as they are their own spaces.


    Now lets attack the cave area the cave is great I love it but it has no real purpose as far as I can tell right now so id like to request that you be able to alter the properties of the cave via a console in the SH. Allowing the player to chose what the cave looks like overall without decor will allow for more versatility. A number of options could be added such as a crystal cave, an instanced cave that allows us to set up our own min encounter would be amazing. Just allow for some versatility when it comes to the cave you could do this by allowing the person to choose which instance of the cave we want at purchases such as the crystal cave or killick cave.


    One other note I feel like the entryway area could be improved by adding a second area above the main chamber that mirrors the lower half it just feels like a waste of space honestly not too do this. This idea would also solve the space problem many larger RP guilds have.


    Now I know we haven't been able to get into the SH yet so I will add take or change this once I can get into the SH however the two additional rooms are really needed to make it an extream versatile SH Thanks for reading hope to see everyone on PTS tomorrow.

  3. I mainly want to PvP, but also want to try my hand at PvE. Returning after quitting during RotHC so idk much about server pops.


    SF has higher-skilled people playing on it as far as PvP goes, PvE wise as far as I know its got a healthy amount. It also is a huge RP server.

  4. The first problem is that almost none of the Jedi outfits in-game fit with a back saber. If it doesn't clip it floats off the back and looks terrible. The unstable peacemaker has the best looking blade in the game but because it sits on the back of the toon it makes finding an outfit impossible or it just looks out of place. Just STOP.
  5. I am Darkness(306) atm and don't feel very strong. I'm reading how Immortal tank is super OP. Is it really that much better than Darkness?


    Am I wasting my time on Darkness? I see medics who are better tanks and do more damage. :(


    Sin Tanks are more Spikey compared to the other two tanks. What I mean by this is Sin tanks will go through cycles of no damage to very little damage taken to very large damage spike taken. This is a result of low armor and lower Damage reduction than other tanks. The reason for this is the number of utilities we have at our disposal. The Sin stat goals should be 55% Shield Rating which is about 6k rating I believe and 43% absorb which I believe is about 3k total. You don't want your defense chance to drop below 6k in level 70 combat or I belive 7k in level 75 content. (I think 7k is about right for level 75 content but I don't have the numbers in front of me). The next stat you are trying to achieve is tier 1 alacrity I believe the total is 1228. Everything else should go into health. A perfect min/maxed Shadow Tank should have 300k+ health.


    The next step for shadow tank is and being a good one is to understand what happens when a spike occurs, what kind of damage is causing it once you know what you can determine which ability to use. You have Force Potenice(30% more absorb while active, just don't use Force Powers during that time), You have Resilience/Force Shroud which allows you to ignore all force and tech damage short duration but will save your life, next you have is saber ward I believe its called then is an all-round general defensive, Then after that you have cloak. All of the ability here help stop spike damage it all about knowing how to respond and what DCD to use at the right time.

  6. Simple I am just looking for an active imperial role-playing guild. Though I suppose the catch is I won't delete my backstory. Quite frankly its something i find weird and unique about the RP of this game that everyone seems to want you to delete your backstory. Instead of taking the time to test someones knowledge or try them out a bit.


    What class are you?

  7. Isn’t the set bonus only usable on deception?


    I do understand the dps stats on the tank for pvp, but why wouldn’t you use one of the generic set bonuses out there and maybe some of the amp set?


    Nope Darth knell just requires you to pop force potency. And reduce it cd. Which on a tank is both a offensive and deffenive cd


    The only other set that might work is Amplified Champ set with nothing but armor piercing amps

    Death Knell for darkness??


    Yes Darth Knell, You dont use tank stats in PvP at all. You Go completely offensively while maintaining the base amount of shield/absorb and defensive rating. The goal of the spec is to get as much health as possible, and then stack power crit, and get to tier 1 alacrity. As it currently stands tanks don't do enough DPS to kill anything before dying themselves. All the control in the world won't help you cap a node and in ranked it's even worse apparently per Kr'eas assessment.

  8. Hi there!


    I'm back after a long hiatus and I'm wondering how to fit Cleaving Cut into my Kinetic Combat Shadow's repertoire. I get that it's an AoE damaging snare, but it seems like I've already got that covered with Whirling Blow and Slow Time.


    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


    dont even slot it.

  9. I’ve never played darkness and have zero idea how to play it, what the rotations are or any of that other stuff. I’ll probably want to play it as part dps/tank. I don’t have the inclination to play it as a pure tank


    I’m wondering if Kre’a or someone else is thinking of doing a darkness guide like the other ones for deception and hatred.


    The only reason I’m actually asking is the stupid game only keeps dropping darkness set bonus stuff for me. I’ve got 2 sets that are just sitting there and deconstructing gives 4 tech frags :( So I thought I’d try and get some use out of them.


    Any help would be appreciated


    For PvP Dark Knell, Resistive Armoring, and rest dps mods and enhancements.

  10. now iam making deception sin ofc. No sense to play anything else. What set bonus should i take?


    I mean no one can help you counter the spec if you don't explain what your toon mechanical advantages and disadvantages are.


    Secondly once you survive the first and second rotations your gonna kill the assin cuz they have nothing left after that.

  11. i like to know what for basic stat item modifcations are for gear and weapon from Shadow and Assassin class.


    like Hilt/Mod/armoring/Enhancement and crystal are for Shadow and Assassin class.


    like exemple: Hilt more mastery and less endurance


    also like to know the earing and implant what are the best basic stats.


    its been years ago since i have play for the last also


    This is highly depends on spec. If your tank and not pvping the goal from my understanding is 70/45 sheild absorbs and high end. Also the relics with the static stats are best option. There is still come debate going on due to stat caps in older content v duxn content.

  12. But you have to balance the burst. To not balance it right now is to not address the huge elephant in the room. The specifics of how to make the class competitive are important but a small resolution view of the larger PVP picture. The opener is the entire PVP meta because nobody survives the rotation.


    Sure you can break the 2nd stun with a cc breaker to try and defend yourself, but then comes the vanish and the cycle repeats itself. Potentially another 2 times too with tactical juggling all in the same encounter. Being invisible and blindsiding players with a double stun and crazy burst is way too good in PVP.


    I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I play sin tank I do not play inful. The class is designed to hit hard first then turn into a went noodle. Every class has OS abilities use them. However tatical swapping needs to be fixed.

  13. I dont get it. One of the main skills for sin tanks... nerfed from 60% to 0% ... because of reasons? Its devastating. :(


    I'm not actually talking about that. The nerfed our overall dps which hurts pvp. They did not give us any tank sets worth anything and on top of that because tank stats are so horrid in pvp you have to stack dps so your no longer a tank. So the most shadow tanks could do to be viable is something like 30/40 shield/absorb and then go full-on power/crit. We have no real self heal on OS situations. The only OS one we have is 6 seconds long which is trash imo. Keep in mind our DCD is between 1-2mins long and even with stacking alcty we at most could only drop them by 8 seconds. They just arnt grate in pvp right now.

  14. Yep, either Nerfed to oblivion for many years or in this case, probably the the remainder of the game.

    Or keep them where they are for the remainder of the game.

    There is no middle ground for Bioware when it comes to balancing.


    Other sins will probably disagree with me on this, but the real issue as I see it is the ability to swap tactical’s mid fight. I don’t think that’s a mechanic that should be allowed in pvp.

    They could stop it by making it impossible to swap once a match starts.


    I think that would be enough of a nerf for Sins and it wouldn’t affect PvE. That way people would have to choose which tactical’s to equip and it would reduce the perception of Sins being OP.


    I agree with this. Tatical swapping should be a no go or you could make so just one effect is able to be active at a time and still allow switching. You can just stack way to much damage with them. That being said without tatical switching how much damage can you hit for?

  15. Perhaps I'm playing a different game, but Shadow is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was.


    Using 6pc 306 Death Knell and the Two Cloaks tactical my burst DPS seems at a whole new level, seems strong in PvP and reliable and stable (when timed against boss phases) in Ops and FPs.


    The only let downs, Shadow Stride can still put you into orbit and we have lost our damage mitigation on tanking from Force Speed (the overall reduction aswell 60% to 25%), not to mention our awful 75 skil which is abhorrent albeit useable (barely) in PvP.


    Let me know if you think I'm wrong and why!


    Stealtyh classes are gear much faster then other classes due to stealth runs. There is a gear disparty atm. However inful assin is very strong with tatical sealing atm but once they blow their load it's over.


    Tank sins are at the bottom again and once again need to be a psudo dps class to be viable.

  16. This is specifically for tank sins. Rethink your sets and rethink how you want the class to operate in PvP. In it's current state it is once again when you play the class you feel like a shoe in half butt dps. It's blah.
  17. PT won jack ****! :D

    And Sin tank lost one of the best cooldowns/utilities and gained 10 force instead... :o


    This, shadow tank needs to be looked at again. We don't need force we need either remove cloak and give us better deffesives or reduce battle readyness to 45 second cd after saber master is equiped and reduce our Sr to 40 or do second cd eh that may be too little make it a 1 mins. Idk something

  18. I changed my position on this after playing my sin and getting set bonus on 2 other toon's and seeing how it all gels together it not that you can hit for 60K it the frequency in which you can do it 3 super crit mauls one at 60% the rest at 30% and followed up by a super crit RS and once combat is reset you restart the cycle with zero downtime and zero resource management sort like 5.0 Fury Maurder. It the death kneel set needs to be nerfed as you remove that and sin is just like everyone else.


    I would much rather wait for everyone to be geared in 2 weeks and see how it is by then once everyone is equal. If its still op by then it can, by all means, be addressed.

  19. Can we balance how hard Assassins are hitting right now in PVP, before they make every other class in the game totally irrelevant?


    The undergeared ones are hitting for 50k and the geared ones are in the 60-65k range.


    This likely isn't going to change. The only thing assin has going for them is hitting like a truck currently. They squishy af unless its a tank and we don't hit nearly as hard as they do.

  20. I just want to remind everyone there is a message on each guide which tells you the last time it was looked over. The tanking guide says:


    "As of game update 5.9.3: Fame and Fortune, critical hits can now be shielded against in PvP. This does not change my gearing recommendations. The negligible improvement to tanks’ survivability gained by stacking Shield Rating and Absorb Rating is not worth the DPS loss (except in select cases where you expect to be tank tunneled)."


    So after reading that is there anything you are specifically looking for that is out of date? Rambol and myself keep this updated per patches. There hasn't been any real tanking changes since 5.7. If you believe we missed something please contact me directly on forums, twitter or twitch.





    Is anything changing or still same basic rules?

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