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Posts posted by allexj

  1. Disclaimer I have not gotten on the test server.


    Story mode FP should be soloable with lower rewards.

    Vet content and above should require a group, with better rewards.


    The above should be philosophy for content in the game.


    As far as harder open world content, create an instance that everything is harder for such content. A player can select what they wish to participate in.

  2. Problem is most likely the amount of mercs/commandos you are encountering in ranked. Electronet, kiting, and 3 lives make things tough...


    Yah, i agree. This class is a group based class. Even with 3 mandos on my side i still cants seem to grab a win. Im just wondering if i can do anything better. Idk somthing. Id like to be able to do ranked without the entire ranked pvp players putting me on ignore cuz they lose when im with them LOL

  3. Server: Ebon Hawk

    Class: Shadow Kinetic

    Gearing: High End/Power


    I have just started doing ranked, because of the changes they made to Kinetic shadow and this class/spec in these situations with no healer. As far as i can tell their is no hope. With the changes to 5.0 in regulars i have 0 problems. But when faced with ranked and the many 1v1 challenges even with my toolbox i cant seem to come out on top. So is this just a class shortfall? Or is their something that can fix it?

  4. I play unranked and ranked a lot. I have had guildies tell me about using dps gear (keeping shield generator) instead of my full tank gear. What are your thoughts? Feel free to break it up into unranked and ranked, knowing that both are vastly different.


    My current stats with tank gear are (Without Stim):

    Defense: 2816 (38% Damage Reduction / 36% Defense Chance)

    Shield: 1432 (40% Chance without Dark Ward / 58% with)

    Absorption: 1600 (49%)


    This was true last year, using power, and stacking health with about 30% Shield and absorb with about 70% crit, it put shadow tanks into "i got to stop him from killing me category from the just ignore him" But with the changes with 5.0 we are still waiting for testing to finish to my understanding

  5. Is the max endurance/crit build still the best for shadow solo ranked? I have that build (although atm through bolster still 700-800 each for def/abs/shield), and I find I'm avoiding and shielding upwards of 30% of all damage. I can imagine that with full tank build, this will go up quite a bit, making it useful again.


    Any ideas?


    id like to know the answer to this as well

  6. I play as a tank now so my deffensives are a bit better, but I have no issue with going 1v1 against a jugg unless they are a lot better than I am. You need to kite them when they have their deffensives up, especially enraged defense.


    i tend to not run from a fight maybe thats my problem

  7. If you're playing Hatred, kite more. Double DoT them up and just kite behind LoS, this method is slow, but it's extremely effective and the net result is the same, you kill them.


    If you're playing Deception, you have to LoS after each ability that you use and make sure to CC them during major cooldowns. Outside of the occasional maul or voltaic, stay in the 5-9m window, this makes it so they only damage you with a couple abilities while you can get in some pretty heavy hitting ranged abilities. It also prevents them from leaping to you.


    lol im nither. i have more testing to do

  8. Power Bounce? Power roll?


    It's a 3 roll system. First: do you hit your target? If no, stop here, if yes, move on. Second: roll between your standard_health min and maxes (or your weapon damage min and maxes for Ranged/Melee abilities), then calculate damage based on the damage formula. Third: do you crit your target? If yes, multiply your damage by your Surge % + 1, if no, deal normal damage.


    You just confirmed what I already thought crit is done after base damage as been determined, which is why the damage numbers are larger.

  9. Not necessarily. Your math is potentially off. MATH LESSON TIME See it this way:


    Multiplicative percentages and additive percentages work differently.


    Your example is flawed in that additive and multiplicative is the same in this particular example.


    100%+40%=140% (additive, what you're assuming)


    100%* 1.40=140% (Multiplicative, what I'm theorizing)


    But change the percentages to something more realistic.


    70% surge, 40% crit. The numbers change RADICALLY.


    70%+40%= 110% (additive)

    70%*1.40=98% (Multiplicative)


    You're automatically jumping to the former when multiplicative items exist within the game (Warding Call is a multiplicative DR CD, not an additive one, same with the warzone adrenal, generally if things don't appear on your stat sheet directly, it's multiplicative, if they do, it's additive. Not exact, but GEEEEENERALLY that's how it works)


    Also looking at things too far into the 1 hit standpoint is going to hurt you. Yes power is going to be good for that one god crit but your total frequency of burst is going to be better with crit and/or alacrity.


    Also, relic windows don't shrink, if you're going to run a crit proc relic stack some alacrity to fit more GCDs into the relic window.


    Auto crit is additive not multiple, otther wise it would be example:


    damage 200*140% would be only 80 damage bounce, verses additive which would increase Damage total after power is added in by an additional 140%. So base damage rolled was 200+100 additional damage from power + 140% damage bounce after power is added is the only way to see the numbers we are seeing now.


    Also idk of anyone actually figured out how the system rolls as that is a large factor here. If power damage bounce is add Before crit then it would be base damage + power bounce+crit/surge which imo looks like what happens., I have no factual proof. Now if the power roll happens after the crit surge roll the damage produced would be much lower.

  10. Gear - BiS Ranked gear with updated augments. Based on my testing, this is sadly going to be a one size fits all gear set. There's really no reason to gear for accuracy anymore in Deception because it got nerfed point for point at level 65. Alacrity could still be taken on Hatred but I honestly wouldn't take anymore than maybe 2%. Critical rating is just too attractive now and gives far too much compared to Accuracy or Alacrity. ESPECIALLY on classes that rely on rotational auto-crits. The biggest thing about this gear though is what it does to Hatred....I'll explain this soon.



    While the gearing changes did in fact increase the sustained damage of this spec outside of burst windows, it's burst is so mediocre compared to the other burst classes that I honestly can see no reason to take this in Ranked anymore. It could be argued that it's superior control is still there, however with double the health pools, you're not going to be bursting anyone down in a 4 second Low Slash window anymore. Discharge and Maul damage went up only minimally but once again, compared to the larger health pools they don't even put a dent into the enemy. Once you compare this specs burst to any of the other burst specs, bar Lightning Sorc (which actually has nice AoE burst now), the damage is so pitiful. Running a full power/critical rating build with 11 mainstat augs and 3 crit augs as well as a critical relic (i'll explain shortly), the highest Maul I was able to hit in the double relic window was something along the lines of 16.4k, which is terrible when you factor in everything from health pools to increased healing on healing ACs etc.


    You will be punished much more heavily for running this spec in Team Ranked now than ever before. It just lacks the utility to be viable in such a mode and it severely lacks the burst damage when you could instead bring a sniper who is doing 33k Ambushes on fully geared 2018 players....



    Jesus christ. If you guys thought 3.0 release Hatred was broken then you're in for a hell of a surprise. The changes to critical rating not only massively buffed the survivability of this class, but it also buffed its burst. It's pathetic, my highest Assassinate with a double relic proc and under the auto-crit set bonus was 17.9k on a light armored target with an armor debuff on them. Combine this with the fact that you now have over 2x the crit rating of pre 4.0 and you start to see the issue. This is exacerbated by the trees passives. You can have 46% Melee crit with 100% uptime and 51% Critical chance on all of your DoTs with 100% uptime. Leeching Strike self heal is literally twice as reliable as before, I think the highest Leeching Strike I hit was 12k, which directly translated to a 12k self heal.


    Speaking of Self healing, I've literally seen at least a 150% increase in self healing done on this class now. Now that almost every other DoT crits and almost every Leeching Strike crits, my self healing went through the roof, even after it was nerfed in patch 3.3. You put out so much damage with dots critting all the time on multiple players that you can afford to be in the middle of a fight for longer durations than pre 4.0 because your self heals are actually reliable now.


    We've spoken about burst and survivability, let's speak about sustain. The sustained damage of this spec is simply monstrous. I did an arena yesterday against an op healer and 3 melee dps and pulled 4.2k DPS. It felt like every dot I had out was critting and Death Field is stupid easy to use now. The radius of it was actually INCREASED.


    Here is a picture of a regular ground based AoE radius: http://i.imgur.com/ITZBVlW.jpg


    Now here is the new death field radius: http://i.imgur.com/wCiSkD8.jpg


    It's *********** massive and impossible to miss a single deathfield. The sustained damage of this spec with a full power/critical rating build is currently so high that you are able to effectively solo a healer of any kind and kill them with well placed cc and interrupts. This should not be. No single dps should ever be able to solo a healer, ever.




    Pushing somewhere in the 90k HP range in full min/maxed high endurance dps gear, as well as sub 40% crit chance and 68%ish surge. Single target dps is insane, autocrit shock is hitting like a truck, depredating volts does slightly more damage than before. The real boon to this spec now is the AoE, since we can now have crit chance to a reasonable level, the amount of AoE pressure we are able to put out has doubled. Sin tank will hands down be extremely competitive this season and I'm of the assumption that we may even surpass PT tanks in viability because of the combination of damage and utility sin tank now has access to. It has levels of single target burst to match Deception (which is sad), and sustained AoE pressure, on top of the ever amazing utility that the spec has always had. Highly recommend that those of you who haven't tanked in Ranked before, do it now.


    In summary, Deception is more lackluster than ever, Hatred is hands down over the top, more so than any previous iteration of the spec from a raw damage perspective, and Darkness is beyond viable this season.


    I would personally recommend Hatred over Deception for single target damage, AoE pressure, and even burst. The only thing Deception has over Hatred at this point is raw survivability in terms of stats (Damage Redux) and control.


    Last thing, gearing. Crit Relic and Mainstat Relic seem to be BiS now. I've tested Crit Relic vs Power Relic and Crit Relic simply gives more burst. If you're smart and line up your opener auto crit window with a double relic proc (not hard to do at all in practice btw), your opener will benefit from 9.8% extra surge from your crit relic, as opposed to the flat 882 power which only gives a marginal bonus damage increase which would be worth less actual damage on an enemy than 9.8% surge is on an auto crit opener. Not to mention that even with stacking high amounts of crit rating, the crit relic still gives you 4.9% extra crit chance as well as surge when it procs pushing its usefulness even further since it gives two stats now instead of just one.

    Tl;Dr - Nerf Hatred, buff Deception, watch out for Darkness this season.


    90k Health? how? i am only missing a few mods and i just hit 70k without a health stim. il have to look into this more apprelty what mods and such where you useing?

  11. When I checked last night the tank pvp set had more endurance on it, but it also had lots of worthless def. Not sure how I want to approach it yet, but I am sitting on 65k comms.


    Im in the same boat but i play shadow tank, and shadow tanks should not stack defensively as it worthless for us. So i just wanted to confirm what i was seeing and if that was the case then i would not worry about health at all in that case and just go full power/crit

  12. First all tanks will have the same amount of health as a dps, unless they stack defenses which are worthless in pvp!

    avarge health will be about 70k give or take a few?


    The health stim has been removed from the game?


    Can someone confirm this stuff please?

  13. Ah, sorry! The low/mid/high/average distinction seems unclear. The magnitudes that I'm referencing are the relative amount of M/R damage. See the Ideal Tank Stats post for a more precise definition (basically, I'm splitting bosses into three buckets based on percentage of M/R damage vs F/T). That's why the values are different, since you're actually looking at very different mitigation profiles and probabilities.


    In any case, you're right about the "shadows being the smoothest" conclusion from the PMF, which is part of why dipstik and I were digging deeper, ultimately settling on the discrete approach. The problem with the PMF is that it doesn't match the intuition that healers get when healing a shadow tank vs a vanguard tank. I don't think that particular intuition is invalid in any way, so the goal was to quantify it and identify exactly what in the class design and itemization was making shadows feel spiky, even when the math says that, statistically, they aren't. I mean, we already had PK (probability-of-kill), but that particular regression is a little too ad hoc to be useful in these sorts of measures, and it also ignores important attributes like mean mitigation. Hence, the discrete plots.


    Incidentally, the polynomial fitting just makes the plot a little easier to consume, visually. It does imply some falsehoods, notably stemming from the fact that there is no "in between" data in a truly discrete plot. I still like it though because it reflects quite directly what healers do during a boss: namely, incrementally interpolate false states and probabilities from discrete events. As your eyes follow each individual curve, think about the way in which you might be interpolating between discrete mitigation events during a boss fight, landing at each point along the curve. The fact that the vanguard curve has the least inflection makes it feel more consistent, despite the fact that it is strictly worse in almost any objective metric. The shadow and guardian graphs have significant inflection (it might actually be useful to formalize the derivative of the fit function, to reduce this inflection to a single value) – especially shadows – and that inflection mirrors the intuition when healing a shadow that they are "spiky". They're not really spiky, they're just inconsistent in their magnitude of goodness.


    wait so defense chance is worth stacking? could have sworn it was almost worthless in pve and in pvp is was even taboo to stack such a thing?

  14. Ok so i have some cash comming in and i want to try and fix my fps issues here are my current specs:




    BIOS: BIOS Date: 04/27/13 15:30:24 Ver: 39.0

    Processor: Intel® Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz

    Memory: 12288MB RAM

    Available OS Memory: 12252MB RAM

    Page File: 9994MB used, 14509MB available

    Windows Dir: C:\Windows

    DirectX Version: DirectX 11

    DX Setup Parameters: Not found




    Card name: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

    Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6810)

    DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)

    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6810&SUBSYS_E271174B&REV_00

    Display Memory: 3819 MB

    Dedicated Memory: 4075 MB

    Shared Memory: 3840 MB

    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

    Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

    Monitor Model: E241i-B1

    Monitor Id: VIZ1005

    Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)

    Output Type: HDMI

    Driver Name: aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll

    Driver File Version: 8.17.0010.1404 (English)

    Driver Version: 15.200.1062.1004

    DDI Version: 11


    im runing at about 45 fps with everything maxed i want to get that too 60fps in a pvp match on max is my goal but im unsure what to get. My car is new, but my processor and mother board are old, so im thinking the fps gap is coming from them as this game runs heavily on cpu any help or advice that is with in about a 400$ range would be nice!!

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