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Posts posted by allexj

  1. Wouldn't creating a decent tank set that can be utilized in PVE be the solution? A thread to highlight things that are missing from sin tanks in PVE could be helpful and should be made. Asking the devs to hold off on a much needed nerf that ruins ranked PVP for the sake of PVE tanking is a bit misguided.


    Bringing a class back down to earth does not remove all viability from it being played. It's a bit disingenuous to even allude to that being the case.


    I mean it needed for PvP tanking too, because tanking sets just dont work in pvp

  2. No you won't. Sins will still have double cloak, they still have off guard, they still can swap to life warden during the round. And their burst will still be good, they just won't be able to triple maul spam someone for 70% of their hp anymore.


    I guess we will find out how well the tanks do after this. It was the one set that enables our survival due to the dps burst that could be controlled.

  3. Do people even read the notes or just casually find some stuff they like to cluelessly whine about without proper understanding?


    Hatred / Serenity


    Languishing Lashes / Atrophying Attacks now increases the damage of Leeching Strike / Serenity Strike by 20% against enemies with less than 30% health

    Severing Slash / Cleaving Cut now spreads Discharge / Force Breach and Creeping Terror / Sever Force periodic effects.

    Fulguration / Rebounding Force now correctly applies to the Two Time Trouble tactical

    Deception / Infiltration


    Crackling Blasts / Deep Impact critical damage bonus increased from 5% to 20%

    Dominating Slashes / Prevailing Strikes now increases the damage of Voltaic Slash and Reaping Strike by 20%

    Surging Charge / Shadow Technique does an additional 30% damage


    It is some what of a sustain dps buff/compensation for PVE at least for Deception even with the nerf on the set which was needed to avoid that maul spam going out in PVP.


    So can we maybe start to read more? It would be so nice if people actually did read things more before posting.


    We will just underperform in pvp now, The closest class to us in terms of dps are sents.

  4. Hey folks,


    Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

    • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
    • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

    This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


    Thanks all.




    Please delay the release of the SH and add the additional rooms as a guild we need more rooms please refer to my video in my posts.

  5. A couple more suggestions (v3.0)

    1. The more I think about the "ruins" being turned into something more productive area such as a green house (suggested by someone else actually) .. the more I like it !! If that were an area with a lot of glass overlooking that valley below … that would be a really nice view. (yeah.. there would be some frost and ice on the windows... but not entirely ! ) IMO.. this would be much better.


    2. If you are looking toward the main building from the entrance to what is now the ruins... you can clearly see 3 structures with additional elevations to the main building... One spire and two others. IMO .. it would be very nice if those were additional rooms. Please open those up. At least the one larger domed structure in the middle.


    OH … possible bug?? I was able to place some really strange items at the entrance to the Noble estate (the one in the front) other than lighting. You might want to check into that !


    I wanted them to install a vault under the ruins and make so we can get behind it.

  6. This just an Initial post but of the 20 things we requested be changed, removed or added you did 4 of them at most. Please revisit the first post in the phase 1 feedback thread for this SH. The additional rooms need to be added to this SH to really get the full use out of it.



    Remove ALL Killick Textures and keep the cave itself barren and add decor for both the Killick and Crystal cave themes.


    Add a "Tower" room into the main hold similar to that of the Jedi council room in the prequels so that we can see the entire estate from all directions.


    Add the vault under the ruins equal in size to the large room in the west/east wing of the main estate. Open the back area behind the ruins so that it can be used for anything we want and install a path to get there.


    Add an upstairs in the to the main lobby area where the stain glass window is and make the second floor Mirror the bottom floor.


    Allow all the outside areas to be mountable.


    Remove the entire throne area from the throne room so that room has no raised level and make the entire throne its own decoration.


    The above requests are needed to use to the SH to its fullest potential, as a guild that yall have been in contact with before it would be very very helpful for the above requests to be put in.



    Fix the Large Western door as it opens backwords and does not allow you to get in.

    The Killick area terminal is not visible unsure if this is intended

    The killick cave area next textures have fallen through the cave.

    There are no Thrantas nests for the Thrantas

    There are some missing hooks in the hallway leading to the balcony.

  7. Add a training dummy room (similar to the one in the Rishi Stronghold)! Put it where that fake door is in the Retreat perhaps? This Stronghold is probably going to be highly desirable as a Guild Stronghold. It would make sense to add the utility and convenience of a training dummy to this stronghold especially if you guys can't increase the cap on Guild strongholds.


    One comment about this suggestion. While I know people have different opinions, why not make this option, as my guild was not a fan of the training room with the dummy already in there. It gave very limited ways of decorating for us. Maybe give an dummy as a decoration and therefore allow individuals who want that for the room and for others give us the option of making it something different without the dummy already there, limiting our options.



    Add more rooms and make it a dummy :D

  8. I was in a hammer station run with a shadow tank and we just finished the second boss and instead of fighting the next mob he said don't attack he can cc both and it looks like he did. they were both cc'ed as we passed by. So, can he really do this and if so, how?

    If he can't, it is possible we had another cc'er in the group that I wasn't paying attention to but I really don't think so.


    As others have said yes and they can use more then 1 cc at the same time

  9. Hello Everyone, I am returning after a couple of years away. I love playing Kinetic Combat Shadow and I am curious which of these guides it would be best to follow or if they are both equally good....thank you very much in advance for any insight you can give!








    Nothing really changed for Kenitic shadows. Other then mods R-1 armor mods are best for duxn and will be scaled down in older content. No less then 6k deffence raiting. You want your sheild at 55% and absorb resting at 45% without buffs. With buffs you will end up with about 70/65 with the Kenitic ward buffa.

  10. Just out of curiosity would any of these be of suffice?


    -Alpha Strike

    -Weapon Expertise

    -PVP Rewards

    -Starfighter Rewards

    -Starship Booty

    -Armor Penetration


    -En Garde


    I'm sure I'm missing some others, any ideas? Which one's should I be focusing on the most? Any help would greatly be appreciated.


    According to the numbers, per your spec Armor pen on a tank, infiltration weapon expertise, serenity force damage.

  11. So I currently play Shadow Tank, and I understand why people view the current setup extremely OP however if you remove what we currently have we go back to w.e we were before. Reducing the damage of Darth knell kills all shadows in PvP. Getting rid of tatical swaping while on the actual map will solve some of the problem but create a new one. Unless they come out with better shadow sets over all it just won't work.
  12. The movie pointed at so much it would be hard to say. They pointe at the Vitiate time frame, the rebirth of republic, and rebirth of the Jedi in a completely different form then it is currently, they refrenced the old republic as a whole, and set it up for a whole series of movies on the sith.

  13. Hello now that it is confirmed that the Alderaan Stronghold is coming I would like to take up the idea, if it can be made possible for guilds to acquire several fStrongholds, maybe a headquarters and an outpost or something like that, now as a guild it is hard to agree on only one Stronghold (we'll let the ship out) just with Rishi and now Alderaan (and God willing Oricon one day :rolleyes:) there are now enough interesting and nice Strongholds and the choice is too big that there should be only one possibility.


    Only in addition to, since I'm already writing here I would like to ask or learn if you can not set up the characters of your old customizing, face models similar to those of the Emperor so wrinkled and simply old, would be just for the Rp area in the game great , sorry for my bad english ^^


    As a larger guild absolutely! This we currently use other player SH to accommodate all of our needs

  14. Honestly I enjoyed the movie. She took the name skywalker because not only where the skywalkers the only people she could consider parents but she also loved their son. Making her Palpatine daughter while a bit cheesy made sense and really made vitiate as cannon imo. We also confirmed mace windo is dead because his voice was "with her" and honestly assuming they connect baby Yoda and ray together at some point then that would be amazing. But before that, I believe Fen who has officially been made force sensitive will be next in line to be trained. The move set up the potential movies of the rebirth of the Jedi, an Old Republic movie and a movie dealing with the senate or the rebuilding of the republic as a whole.



    PLEASE KEEP the OVERALL AREA of LANDMASS and SCALE of the "greensward" lawn THE SAME!


    PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS "SMALLER" like other people want! PLEASE DON'T! :(




    agreed overall land size is perfect for larger guild who like opens spaces to use as they see fit. The SH just needs a few more small rooms and 3 larger rooms.

  16. What is your general feeling on the Stronghold?


    I'm so happy I finally have the Alderaan stronghold I've been begging for for years! And I'm happy it's a castle! And I love the wilderness area outside of it you can explore or set up a picnic at! And we haeve the mountain retreat that has even different architecture! And caves and ruins! It's got something of everything.


    Are there any specific rooms you like, or don't like, and why? Please be specific.



    Noble Estate:


    • I wish the throne room had an option to show or hide the throne. I would prefer an unobstructed view out of the window.
    • I wish the throne room did not have the blue jedi crystal light set in the middle in case I want to place other lights that will contrast
    • I wish at least one of the small first-floor estate rooms (study, etc) had a window looking outside so the rooms feel a little less small and claustrophobic.
    • As awesome as the light coming through the stained glass is, a way of turning it off to change the ambiance (hidden toggle when you click on it?) would be nice
    • Please add more rooms and the second balcony level as described below



    Mountain Retreat:


    • The door that doesn't go anywhere inside the Western lodging is frustrating. If it's not going to lead anywhere, just make it a plain wall panel. or make it connect into a new room.
    • There's a gap in the Northern Lodging window where the bottom of the window is off the ground and blowing all the cold air in.




    Does the Stronghold feel too big? Too small? Why?


    It feels a little small. As I specify below, there are some points where to me it seems obvious that additional rooms could be added. I understand it's already a solid size, having three different regions. But it's a retreat and an estate, it should be absolutely massive and have a number of smaller rooms as well as the big broad outdoor spaces, so please add more!



    Anything else you want to add?


    I'd like some additional rooms:


    • The main hall of the noble estate is clearly designed like House Organa or the Senate on Coruscant. It appears as though there should be a second level we can take stairs up to, so that we can stand up there and view down into the main estate interior. Stairs or a lift should be added to let us go up there.
    • If we get that second level, 4 additional small rooms like the 3 on the ground floor should be added. Perhaps at least one of these could have a window. I like this idea because then the first floor rooms can be for the estate's official business like the study and throne room ; the upstairs could be for a personal home ; and the mountain retreat could be an entirely different area.
    • You could fit one additional door to a small room across from the elevator between the throne and drawing rooms. Instead of being square like the others maybe it could be a long rectangular room, to have a new shape to play with
    • Alternatively, that spot could be where the stairs/lift to upstairs goes.
    • Others have mentioned this but I'd like to be able to make the caves not Killik themed. I understand on Alderaan we expect Killiks, but for flexibility of decorations and RP, I would love to see the ability to have no mounds or eggs or or Killiks inside and make it into a crystal cave for Jedi/Sith, or as ruined buildings or an acropolis like Voss or Tython have, or be able to add a water feature and make it an underground pool/river like part of the Yavin caves
    • The people asking for those big water fountains or garden greenery like seen in Organa territory to come as part of the SH have a great idea
    • Joining in the chorus who'd like to see a couple rooms high up in a tower of the main estate. I want this in addition to the second story of the main hall. A "penthouse apartment" up there with huge windows and a big space to be a personal bedroom, maybe. Or a "viewing tower" with 360 degree windows would be cool. Just have an elevator going to multiple landings to get to all of these.
    • The idea of being able to change wall/floor color combos with a "theme" toggle to swap it from the red/gold to say blue/silver or purple/red like other houses would be really cool
    • I wish we could climb into at least one of the waterfalls without dying.


    YES THIS THIS THIS lots more of this

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