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Everything posted by Halja

  1. The Omenbringer and Dark Delerium set are both decent looking.
  2. Agree with you right up until point 4. I have never been able to kill anyone from full hp, even with perfect setup/crit strings, in 3 gcd, and I can't imagine how it would be possible against someone in equal gear. (perfect crit string being 5 stacks or Exit Strategy, a SS proc with 1 second remaining, Force potency ready, 2 stacks of clarvoyant buff, and a whole lot of luck.) Most bust I have ever done as a (semi) geared 50 in half champion gear against another person with decent expertise was 2.9k SS crit>(Potency>)2.2k Project>2.8k Breach>2.9k SS crit, which is 4 gcd, and 10.8k damage, which wouldn't even be enough to kill a fresh 50. I like it when people educate others on the pros of the class other than whining, but exaggerating to prove a point is a disservice to everyone. :/
  3. Played both quite a bit at level 50, my impressions: Pros: Balance seems to put out a little more damage over a longer fight, and has less isues with jug/maurader than infiltration(as full 31 points). Instant lift/stun is also very good utility, as is the 2 second root from sever(for peeling). Cons: The mind Crush proc is unreliable (Its a chance within a chance basically), which can be a real killer. No extra force gains, unless you do the hybrid spec(which doesnt get sever), means a lot of double striking, and expensive projects that don't hit very hard. Infiltration can definately take out weakened people a lot faster, and has considerable more burst. Basically, With cooldowns available, it seems a lot stronger, but balance can maintain its stength without being propped up by semi-longish cooldowns (ie 1 min and longer). personally i find infiltration to be the better of the two, as I would rather be a game changer for 15 seconds than decent for 30. That said, you didn't ask about kinetic/balance hybrids...
  4. Don't hate, Qyzen is boss. If you get him quality custom armour(vanguard style) he is is beastmode.
  5. Interesting. From what I have seen on my server, questing in corellia/Ilum, it seems to go: Commando Sage Sentinel Guardian Vanguard Shadow Scoundrel Gunslinger(think i've only seen 1 of these consistently). THis is looking @ only high bracket areas. Warfronts seem to be similar, however with commando probably where sentinel is, and scoundrel where shadow is. mps seem to be: Sorcerer Maurader Assassin Merc Jugg Sniper Powertech Op
  6. Unfortunately, there is no metric for usefulness and clutch moves. Hell, even the things that are shown don't seem accurate. Scoring in huttball/planting or disarming bombs in voidstar and not getting any objective score seems really odd. (not sure why this happens, but I have seen it a few times) Personally, I give mvp to people who I see doing useful things during the game(preventing objective caps/knockbacks onto/off terrain etc), however i think most people just filter by damage done, healing done or objective score and vote based solely off that. /sadface
  7. I am getting really sick of hearing all the hate against using shadowstrike when find weakness isn't up. Its a force Dump, essentially. Coming right out of stealth using breach, following with a setup for projects and following through seems great on paper, except that most fights you will end with 40-50 force left. Opening with shadowstrike>low slash>Mind Crush>Breach is a lot more damage before an elite even has a chance to hit you, and you end the combo with around 80 force. (although you can only do this once you hit 30). Before this, opening with shadowstrike>breach is perfectly acceptable, as long as you arn't using the ability so much that you become starved of force. The point is that it's useful to stop yourself from force capping, and people who don't use thier head and apply blanket rules to things just serve to confuse people. Also, to the OP, make sure you are using blackout whenever its up as infiltration (After the initial 6 seconds of bonus force have ended).
  8. Survival is great, but the tree as a whole is designed to take people out of the fight quickly, while using hard cooldowns, before you need to even start to worry about defense. The Inf tree is just not designed to last in sustained fights, from a resource point of view, without using shadow tech. So you have the option of using shadow tech for more burst/damage, putting out more pressure, and having more force, or going into combat , doing far less burst, and making it significantly more likely that the fight will drag on. You take less damage in combat, for sure, but you take even less damage in shadow if your opponent is already dead. TL: DR - You're doing it wrong.
  9. I believe this is exactly why they don't have macros. They want people to consciously make the decision of what ability to use at the time they make it, not simply programming something to pick it for you. I don't think full UI modding is needed, however they should implement something similar to what rift did that allowed you to resize/reposition anything that is already there.
  10. I'm loving it (level 24 so far). Feels like a true hybrid class.
  11. I've yet to fail a space mission /brag Anyway, try buying some ship upgrades from either the vendor(mediocre expensive ones) or have someone with cybertech make some for you(usually cheaper/better). ALSO, using barrel roll as soon as you hear the engine noise of fighters coming up behind you causes thier shots to miss 99% of the time (obvious, but some people dont notice).
  12. It's not even close to similar. The story in swtor feels like a genuine single player rpg (ie:compelling), wheras wows is limited to quest text with the occasional voiceover at the end of a chain, with no player input on story. To the OP: I Agree with almost everything you said, except for one point. Visually, the artwork is a lot different from the high fantasy style wow uses, but the flavour suits the star wars universe perfectly. Graphically, performance wise, it looks a *lot* better as well (although not as sparkly as, say, Rift), and seems to run smoother. just my 2c
  13. Funny story, I joined the queue at around 1:30, since then I have managed to completely clean my apartment, do my shopping for the next week, take the dog for a walk, drop off some things at a mates house, and I am STILL only halfway through the queue. >.<
  14. Been in queue for 2 hours now, not even halfway through the countdown bar. This was after a random crash in hammer station. Urg
  15. That's odd. They shaved 5 days off shipping date, yet my order went from 23-29 to 22-27....
  16. It was most likely because they needed info on actual login numbers with EGA to work with vs EGA access given, so they can use that as a basis of how many people will actually log on for every x amount of EGA passes they give out. I think this launch, apart from excluding half the 1st world, has been done fantastically.(No EGA yet btw).
  17. 6th of dec! Thinking of cancelling my Amazon order and just buying only the key, seeing as dec orders will most likely get 1-2 days max of EAP, and the physical copy wont be here until hyst before(or after) newyear! (game not released in my country...)
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