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Everything posted by JabstJaif

  1. JabstJaif

    PvP Ranked Que

    POT5?!? Aren't you the guys blowing out of here though for Wildstar?
  2. Lol. I had to just say that I love this. I do this too many times in warzones as it is
  3. Problem with this still is rating. I want my ranked comms, but in all honesty I'd bury a big hole through solo ranked groups just to get there. The benefit of the 3 tiers is that I'm not risking wonderful rating for my ranked comms.
  4. I still think they should have had a 3rd Tier for PvP. Tier 1: Amateur warzones in which you get maximum bolster. This is for players who have PvE only or beginning to grind their 55 PvP sets. No restrictions for joining and it yields only regular comms. Same dailies that we have apply for this tier. Tier 2: Unfanked warzones - warzones in which you get minimal bolster. It still helps out by leveling the playing field but now you are relying more on gear than bolster. This should have a minimum unbolstered expertise restriction of idk...1800 or so. So only those with 1800 or higher unbolstered expertise can enter these. In other words they would have had full Conqueror gear and are now looking for Obroan. These warzones yield ranked comms and we have second dailies that can be the same missions as unranked save that they yield ranked comms. Tier 3: Ranked warzones - warzones in which there is no bolster. None at all. No Min/Maxing is your problem not ours. In these you fight with some of the best. You fight for ratings and all of the marbles. Expertise restriction can be 2018 so you must have full PvP gear or it can be close to it. We should probably do 2018 so PvEers don't use any of their gear. Since everyone has the most gear you don't really need comms to drop from these but they can so people can min/max more. These should give players a lot more money though since they'd deserve it. This is just a thought but it would give people initiative to do ranked instead of not because they worry about their rating.
  5. Ugh...send some to me (J'bez) too. I'll make sure to mention you in my memoirs...
  6. JabstJaif

    PvP Ranked Que

    I agree. I think it's stupid that you have a rating for ranked when you get the ranked comms there. Without those ranked comms it is the biggest pain in the *** grind for Obroan. There should almost be a 3rd tier of warzones where you fight for a rating. And there could be a restriction for a minimum unbolstered expertise level to enter. There are a lot of options but 4v4 ranked arenas sound funner than the same old damn warzones we've had since launch.
  7. JabstJaif

    PvP Ranked Que

    I'd advise against the Bastion for now. I'm on there and it's dead as well. I've been posting for groups on gen chat. Even people who are interested and in the past 3 days only 1 hit. So we'll see where pvp goes, because I'm tired of unranked. There are some decent players on there but I want the challenge of ranked. It seems game wide ranked is (has) dying (died).
  8. Tip: Preferences > User Interface > About 2/3 of the way down there is a option for Cooldown Text. It gives you a big number on top of your move for how many seconds left you have on CD. I freaking love this. I have it on all my toons as it help in every aspect.
  9. In the combat tree it is your move called *Displacement*. It immobilizes them for 3 seconds. You can use leg slash too but that slows them, if I recall. You must buy the Prototype Nano-Infused Might Stim. The prototype stims are better stats and don't fall off when you die. They last for 2 hours as well. It looks like a good outline for gearing. I can tell you basically all that I do in the end is make sure I have steady stats across the board. I like having crit at about 25% buffed. This is just to crit more. Most people complain about crit and stay away from it to do power/surge, but surge is useless unless you crit and combat only gives 1 proc for auto crit. I am not so sure where the DRs (dimishing return) values are for the gear now, but it used to be surge at 70%. This just means that after this point, the more surge you add the less it adds to you actual surge rating. Power doesn't have a DR and Strength used to be around 3000. So you'll be good on those areas. I personally like Alacrity since it lowers your global cooldown. Of course I don't stack it, but I like having a few pieces to help bump up my speed. On top of that augmenting your pieces which it sounds like you have will help you enormously.
  10. Alright, so avoid the 66s. I got them since all of my toons had old war hero which was almost worse than going in naked. Bolster is so screwed up that I never worried about messing with using it to max my stats. I just went and got full conqueror so full expertise is reached without worrying about the damn bolster.
  11. Just throwing this out there. Seeing who all is interested and might join me. My characters have been full Conqueror and I've been craving some ranked but after 50 minutes with no pop, one starts to lose hope. I will be on tonight starting around 5 PM PST (Server Time). I'll be ready for ranked queues and I hope some of you guys will too. I'll hopefully have a few guildies q'ing as well. What I'd like to do is have you guys reply if you think you'll be on and q'd so we can at least have an idea if there will be any competition or not. Just reply if you are up for q'ing or will be q'ing for ranked solo tonight. Also if you have specific groups going as well that's cool too. Just some heads up so people would know will be sweet.
  12. I'll answer your questions one at a time and then I'll add more info at the end. I will be talking from my Carnage Marauder's point of view. It is the same as yours just on the different faction. The whole point about transcendence is that it increases your movement speed by about 90% I believe in combat/carnage.. If you do that at the beginning everyone gets to the nodes faster. Here's the nice thing...you are a combat sentinel. You have a move in your skill tree called contemplation that allows you to use intropsection and build up your zen that way. You should do this everytime before the match starts so you can pop transcendenceif needed. People usually expect/want this from sentinels and marauders because it's a nice benefit to the ops group. Don't quit PvP just because you are performing well right now. There is a very steep learning curve for maras/sentinels in PvP. Way more than people give credit for. We have light armor and can get squished easily when focused. The difference between a decent mara/sent and a great mara/sent is awareness. You must understand how your class plays in PvP. You aren't a tank. You can't handle getting hit too hard. When this happens, you should either be popping defensive CDs or you should be cloaking out. When my mara first hit 55 I didn't play him because I was in the same boat as you. I took him into wz's and tried to beat people to death only to die the most on my team. Why? Because I was leaping in and I didn't truly know how to play my class. The problem with PvE for sentinels is that it usually teaches us to leap on the boss and delve into our rotation to bring out maximum dps. Combat/Carnage spec is all proc based. And you can rip someone apart if you time everything right. There isn't a set rotation in PvP (except for your opener) and from then on it is hitting stuff on priority as it comes off of cooldown. I went from doing at best 200k dps and dying more than I had successfully killed people, to now usually doing over 500k dps and on average a 25-3 K-D ratio. You use your cooldowns way more frequently in PvP than you will in PvE. I would recommend doing more PvP to understand your cooldowns. If you don't work on these you won't last long enough to give great dps numbers. You might wonder how an improvement like that happened to me overnight?... Well it didn't. I spent time studying the class, how the ones who mastered our class played, and I picked up tips from them. Tips like...if you start attacking a group and they shift focus to you...you need to cloak out to lose focus...get away then leap back in. Or pop some defensive cooldowns when you do so if they refocus you, you last. It all depends on how much you are going to pick up from others who master PvP. There is information out there. People to help you and write long posts on forums instead of having a life . You can do thousands of matches and slowly learn the things for yourself. Or you can do what you did, ask questions, and learn from the answers. You can also watch streams of some of the better maras/sents out there and pick up on their skills and note the smart things they do to outlast their opponent. At the bottoms I'll post a few streams to go through and watch the vids on. This is probably the toughest question to answer. And I say that because I have no set answer. If I were in this situation running into this group. I am not so sure what I would do. There are a bunch of different variables that would determine who I leap to. But even if I leapt to someone and wanted to change who I was focusing...I still could. I will tell you this, it is very hard for a sent/mara to 1v1 a healer. Unless he is undergeared that is. I have a sorc healer that I will not even worry with some sentinels attacking me because I ignore them and they can't even hit to the point of bothering me healing. Now some of the really good maras/sents I have to keep away from or I could have a problem on my hands. But again, unless you are a smasher with two leaps, if I keep several meters in front of you, you can't touch me. That is why 1v1ing a healer can be a pain in the butt. From the scenario you listed, I probably would have done this. Picked out the lowest hp of the 6 imps that were on the enemies team. Leap to them and open up on him. The nice thing about leaping to opponents who are already fighting your friends is that you can hit them for a bit without them noticing you. Usually that is, unless of course they hit a group cc on you. As a combat sentinel though make sure to use your small saber throw. (The one you got at a low level) As a combat sentinel this will root the player and lower healing received by 20%. This makes hitting him easier when he's not mobile. I don't use the Alt+F focus target. I at least don't use it on enemies since it gets lost if they cloak or get out of range. You can focus fire simply from watching who everyone is going after. If you really want to use focus target, focusing your healer would be your best bet. Then you can watch and see when he is getting hit hard. I think you'd seem to spend more time setting up focus target than it'd be worth since most other classes die so much . 58 gear? That's pretty bad if it's PvE gear. That's really low, like the old old Black Hole gear. I am guessing you left then came back with that gear? My tip to you is quickly run through Oricon. The story mission on that planet will give you a full set of 66 PvE gear. That gear over the 58s is going to be a large stat increase and I would recommend getting those. All of the while be q'd for pvp as the comms will help you out. It's almost too late to mention but you should've done the Gree PvP dailies every day. It yields 200 PvP comms just for completing the two missions. It's nice grinding out gear that way. Of course thanks to bolster it isn't screwing you over completely by having that gear. It's just not as good as you could have. All right now I'm done with answering questions...now on to my stuff . First off, I would recommend always...no...ALWAYS take a stim with you into PvP matches. Think about this...the prototype nano-infused might stim gives you around 169 strength and about 70 power I believe. That right there will give you a nice damage increase. It makes it totally worth the 8k it costs and it lasts 2 hours. Second, go Here to watch some videos of Gudarzz playing on his mara. When I picked up my mara and really wanted to learn how to play him, I watched several of Gudarzz's videos. I learned his tactics for when to cloak, use a medpac, what cooldowns to use and when. And other than that just his overall rotation. I would love to show you me playing on my mara, but I haven't streamed any of him yet. Third, play with guildies as much as you can. They will be able to watch you closely as you are in matches and give you constructive criticism on what you need to improve on and they can also lend hands in tactics and how to handle situations. Hearing all of this stuff will make you more prone to act wisely when put into these situations. Best of luck to you. You show good initiative in at least stepping up and asking for help. Spend some time on the warzone test dummies on the fleet and put some of the ideas to good use. Practice implementing more moves than you do if they help you. Moves like crippling throw, and your cd's which when used should give you time to take people out.
  13. The only way it lasts 4 seconds is if they knock you down then stun you. Which I have done on Ilum because it's funny. It's like saying..."Lay there and take it like my *****"
  14. <Mastesr of the Schwartz> is recruiting tanks and dps for nightly PvP as well as ranked PvP. Mumble is required for ranked PvP as is gear. We are asking that you have (at least) full Conqueror gear and that it is augmented for ranked PvP. We are a small social guild and we'd kinda like to keep it that way. We don't need to brag about 300+ players that nobody knows, we'd prefer to have 10 that are the best. If you like a small close guild that everyone knows everyone and that people play together to help learn from and teach eachother, then this could be the guild for you. PM me here, reply, or hit up any of my toons listed below in game for more information/invite.
  15. The only problem with that is that most people who have posted are already in the elite exclusive PvP guilds in which they do ranked PvP with their guildies. And it's not easy to ask a random pug to lead ranked PvP because people won't listen to a "nobody". They want someone popular who they think will know everything about the classes and PvP. I'm all up for the ranked scene, but asking someone to lead pugs and solostars in ranked is like asking someone to lead 5 imp guilds at once. Why not combine everyone into a guild. Which is what some were stating before. All these guilds bragging 470+ players should be able to come up with at least a good 5 ranked groups nightly. But they don't. Even the guys who are decent that I see on nightly that are on for hours like I am only queue unranked. Unfortunately the only reason I don't queue for solo ranked too much is because its a pain in the *** to wait 25 minutes for 1 pop. Just to end up getting obliterated by a premade group. I honestly think though that ranked is not what it should be in order to draw the crowds. Ranked should be without bolster so you only should join when you have at least full Conqueror. The reason is just so you are keeping the ones that will gimp your team out of the fight. Out of 8 players if one sucks, you can still win. Good luck winning 3v4 if you are going up a premade. That being said there are only a few true ways to go about getting people together to do ranked more often: 1. More guilds need to run ranked PvP. Who gives a crap if you get stomped...everyone does until they pick up their class/own playstyle. 2. If you want to stay a pug and not be in a guild...you have to grind unranked until you find friends that are into the ranked scene. You have to perform good enough to have the good guys actually notice you. (Most can't look past their noses though). When you actually have friends that do ranked, then you might get invited to fill an open spot. Until then you are just a guy they will know. 3. Call it out on fleet. Back in the 8v8 ranked days people always called out setting up two teams to go head to head to farm comms. It's not a bad idea and it should be easier as it will be 4v4 only. 4. The last way to set up ranked for pugs. Quit being a pug. If you want friends to do ranked day and night with...join a guild. If you are schmuck that no one wants to play with, then it seems you dug your own grave. But seriously the best way to do ranked is to find a ranked group that you can be a regular on. And for the record, message me via whisper or mail in game on any of the toons listed in my signature if you are interested in ranked PvP.
  16. To be honest, I can't say that I have ever ran into the issue of bad damage in the heat of the battle. They are awesome to play solo as guarding or ninja capping, but I haven't encountered issues fighting in groups. Here is the thing though with operatives that you can't even say about marauders. You really have to pick your targets as an operative. You can survive fighting where the mass of the battle is as long as you aren't focused. The minute you get more than 1-2 enemies focusing you, you either die or have to stealth out. I'm sorry but as long as I've played my concealment operative that is how it's been. When you get the jump on people and can hit your full opener most classes have lost 3/4 of their health. And by the time they want to alert their friends...hopefully they are dead . Operatives and maras are similar in that they both get squishy when put under a lot of pressure. The difference between maras and operatives though is the fact that maras have seemingly infinite more defensive CDs. I played my operative a lot at 50 and recently he has been leveled up to 55 and almost is in full Conqueror. I'm not augmented and as of now I still have 2 war hero pieces with some now crappy relics. Yet in wzs I'm still able to carry about 350+k dps per match, over 25 kills and usually around 3 deaths. It's not because I solo node defenders, I usually spend my time in the middle of the battles. Thankfully imps seem to have a surge of pug healers recently. The point of my statements are...when the going gets tough...roll the hell outta there. But until then stab, shoot, flashbang, and explosive probe the hell outta people. I'll be streaming some of my operative pvp gameplay this week and I can post some of it to back up anything I said or as an illustration.
  17. From a DPS standpoint yes...from a healer standpoint no It's not like it really boosts anything though. All it does is let me choose when I want immunity to CC. Not when I've been stunned enough that then I can.
  18. If I recall, (I don't really think about it, I just do it). You can rotate being in third person as well. It just gives you a wider FOV.
  19. I would love to do that, but I usually run heals on my sorc and unfortunately it's my best option
  20. If they can't queue due to no expertise? How will they ever get pvp gear to raise their expertise? (Of course given that BW took away the recruit gear)
  21. LFMAO. If I wanted to be more of an immortal I'd want my damn bubble to not have cast but be infinite. I'm not saying I need extra help, but this could be an answer to the stun issue. The whole point of the thread wasn't to say..."Hey...how can I be a god." It was just a suggestion to fix our stun break.
  22. Well and I'm not trying to change the mechanic because of lack of team quality or anything from the sort. I used a healer standpoint as an illustration. The whole reasoning behind it is to balance the stunning and your stun break. If the healer illustration is causing issues I can throw out another 3 scenarios from the top of my head where that little tweak could/would balance the gameplay.
  23. I noted the sarcasm, but I usually do on my sorc anyway. I'm just saying it balances out the issue with 100 stuns and 1 stun break. It's not over the top since stun break is still on 2 min CD. Should doesn't mean they always do. As I stated above though I usually can handle 3 or so dps on my own as a healer. The problem is when the dps get snared by stuns and there is no way around it if you aren't getting healed.
  24. Here is a suggestion for the stun break. I'll take this from a healer standpoint...when I heal it's all fine but when 3-4 hop on me at once I have to start self healing. Self healing doesn't happen when you're stunned and you can't use your stun break until your resolve is full or you are seriously wasting a stun break. I could of course use my immortal bubble as a sorc, but then I'm just waiting 10 seconds to be restunned and then killed. Everone complains about there being too many damn stuns and only one stun break. But what if the stun break was configured to pop your resolve to maximum as well? You see the onslaught coming and after one or two little stuns you pop your stun break which breaks those but it also gives you maximum resolve so you can survive the next 10 seconds without a problem? In the least it would help with having only one stun break problem and with the problem of having to wait until your resolve is at maximum before you use it... Let me know what you guys think of this proposition...
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