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Everything posted by Logisitcs

  1. IT'S CLASSIC COMMS! IT'S NOT EVEN END-GAME!! If that's their reasoning then they're on a new level of incompetence/retardation!
  2. Ya I agree, it says something if you're willing to give $15/month as opposed to playing for free. Why restrict us on something like that, doesn't matter how fast I get the gear I'd still continue to sub
  3. Oh are you the mercenary who NEEDED on strength dps medium armor? Is that why you did it? So you could "feed" your main and gear up quicker? (bypassing this sordid ordeal Bioware has come up with)
  4. Why is there a cap for classic comms to begin with? From now until Sunday I would've liked to run 50 FP's and Ops to my hearts content gaining comms and loot drops for myself and my companions to be ready for expac. I've hit the cap, got only like 1 piece of gear, and now have to rely on RNG to gear. Why was this done? IT'S NO LONGER END-GAME so why is a cap justified?! And how can I get burned out?! I'M GOING TO MAKEB ON SUNDAY and moving away from this tier!
  5. Ya it's getting rather extreme now. Please give traditional outfits
  6. Because male characters look like they have ******* when in fact they do not!
  7. I don't know why they're even bothering anymore, I'd rather play a droid
  8. /signed I want it back too
  9. Are some of you not reading properly? Are you all deluded? Here ITT most are saying, "The community needs to smarten up. Then tanks will que." What recent MMO has the community EVER smartened up? EVERY MMO has these same type of players so expecting the swtor community to automatically "get-it" is a fool's errand! The easier and BY FAR logical method would be to entice tanks and healers with additional awards! Oh and I'm a healer also, waiting 15 minutes minimum for a FP compared to instant/5-10 minutes in other games is Story mode operation finder is just a huge waste, rarely pops. I went a whole play session on my merc with it never coming up. Why is it there
  10. The worst thing implemented by far. I remember they were praising this garbage, my how they made **** seem like gold. This needs to be scrapped and redone, make it scale with level
  11. The situation is not fine, and leaving it to the hands of the players is a big no no
  12. I actually have a healer, and I still think the que for FP's takes too long as a healer! There's no tanks queing and why should they?! They get absolutely nothing!
  13. There's no incentive to que anymore after you've done your first one, and most of the time the tanks are doing it with their guilds. Even worse, at lower levels, there's just no reason at all to que when WZ's give better exp. WoW's (and only WoW's unfortunately) LFG que is fast at lower levels because the dungeons and the quests associated with said dungeon give MASSIVE exp with/without heirlooms equipped. So tanks and healers LEVEL SOLELY in dungeons, bringing down the que times for dps dramatically. And end-game there's the exotic satchel, another incentive to get healers and tanks to que! This is what's needed to improve group finder, give the tanks and healers something to que for aside from a measly 5 BH comms. If they're not going to make it x-server than something else needs to be done, they just can't leave it as is! SO BIOWARE... boost the experience gained in flashpoints and put flashpoint quests in the actual instance that award good experience as well as gear! Allow tanks and healers to level through flashpoints and flashpoints alone! This group finder is archaic and crude, and it baffles me as to why Bioware just doesn't copy and paste what other games have done instead of trying to be edgy only to fall flat on their face. ALSO.. and I should put this in suggestions, too bad they don't check... Throw out that crap Legacy Birthright/Inheritance garbage. Add in full sets of MODS/ARMORINGS etc. that improve upon leveling and tack on 2x the exp on the set! The shortage of tanks/healers is NOT THE COMMUNITY'S problem to solve! It rests solely on the developer, meaning YOU Bioware! So do something about it!
  14. Ya what's up with that? I do remember saying they were going to make changes and go in another direction yet nothing seems to have changed! After all this time! Saving the good stuff for cartel packs it looks like.
  15. I'm not trying to troll or anything like that but... Why is this still not X-server yet?
  16. Why flashpoints? The crew skill missions have interesting fun descriptions to them, why not instance some of those? Fun little side missions that can/or not focus on the story The concept and idea I think is great. Going on solo missions with 2 or 3 of your companions is a great idea, just don't use old flashpoints.
  17. Is this for real? This wasn't in the patch notes??
  18. I'm late, but PLEASE make more quests like Directive: Activate Assassination Protocols for Empire. The Theoretika is THE BEST QUEST in the entire game! The atmosphere, the puzzles, the spookiness. When the door closed shut and everything went black with 5 minutes to live I jumped out of my seat. GOOD JOB on this quest and please do it again!
  19. Why was this made? It's so ugly nobody wants it. It's cluttering up my bag space and bank and it doesn't sell on GTN. I tried to give away for free and nobody would take it. Please don't make unappealing gear like this again, I felt it was a waste of my cartel coins
  20. Thank you. Bioware is a part of EA, they need the green light from them to do anything. The fact we haven't heard anything from them leads me to believe they had nothing substantial to show. EA most likely considered that a waste of money and canned it, instead forcing to focus on the transition to F2P. EA CONSIDERS THIS GAME A LOST CAUSE! They've said it themselves
  21. Going F2P has eliminated the possibility of any new ground-breaking gameplay being added into the game. Ilum is going to go completely forgotten. The engine that they use can't even handle open world pvp how do some expect it to handle large scale free roam? And I doubt BW could afford a new engine for the space project, EA would say no and force them to only work on FP's and WZ's
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