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Everything posted by darthbored

  1. as empire i had to skip all of nar shaddaa and only did a few quests in tattooine before deciding to go to alderaan, all the quests in tattooine were green when i got there and i was lvl 30 upon deciding to go to alderaan, which is 28+ i believe. Since I had to skip two whole zones, and i dont pvp actively, or do space battles, and ive only run each flashpoints once, i think leveling is way too fast because ive already skipped two zones entirely. It was because i did every little quest in Hutta and Dromund Kaas and was level 19 before i finished those, so once you get ahead at a low level it seems you stay ahead.
  2. yea i find it pointless to play a twilek force user. maybe a non force user cause their helms arent as necessary as a jedi/sith's hood is.
  3. search the forums. go to google type: legacy system site:http://www.swtor.com/community
  4. i easily had 80k by the time i was 25, and now at 31 im at 120k after buying the first two bag expansions and my mount. if i didnt craft id probably have double that. because it costs like 1.5k credits to send each companion on a mission >.>
  5. So my phone just broke, and ill be taking it to verizon to get a new one. And ill need to put it on a new device, luckily im still logged in, but if i log out i wont be able to post on the forums or play the game. Is there any way to remove this because ive searched my account every where..
  6. Empire seems to outnumber republic every where. If anyone can give me feedback on their server where they know there is an equal amount or more republic please let me know.. You'd be able to tell by pvp queue times, the amount of times you get huttball versus any other bgs, and the general amount of empire you see in tattooine, nar shaddaa etc.
  7. Empire seems to outnumber republic every where. If anyone can give me feedback on their server where they know there is an equal amount or more republic please let me know.. You'd be able to tell by pvp queue times, the amount of times you get huttball versus any other bgs, and the general amount of empire you see in tattooine, nar shaddaa etc.
  8. Empire seems to outnumber republic every where. If anyone can give me feedback on their server where they know there is an equal amount or more republic please let me know.. You'd be able to tell by pvp queue times, the amount of times you get huttball versus any other bgs, and the general amount of empire you see in tattooine, nar shaddaa etc.
  9. ive in been a 5 min estimate queue for 35 minutes now. I went from being person 55 to person 50. fml
  10. Cause then us Americans, the more populous fanbase wont get to sleep through maintenance
  11. At 5:30 in the morning...?? I intentionally went to bed at 8 last night just to get up earlier and play today. Im too confused to be angry or upset, either theres a bunch of aussies on all these east coast servers showing the same queue time as my main server, or somethings seriously messed up. I foresee a huge queue of 5+ hours during prime time
  12. yea that makes sense. if anyone has any comments on the cartel mission one, or reports of destroying it let me know! i have destroyed many shielded targets on other ships, but some ships have a shield generator or cockpit that i can shoot and it removes the shields from many of the other guns on it.
  13. i love reading these threads and guessing as i scroll down when the first fanboy will appear and give his biased reasons why nothing should be changed about this game. just makes me crack a big smile
  14. its just poor optimization on biowares part. not your fault or your computer's fault. nothing you can do about it but hope they attempt fixes on it in the future.
  15. Gotta love having a wife that will log you in two hours before you get off of work
  16. I was curious as to that but i unloaded about 14 rockets on a drive by of that one cartel space station (the little thing hanging down on the bottom that is "shielded") it didnt do anything. Also i know some ships have a shield generator you can destroy and it removes the shields, ive seen this on the big ships. But not that big big thing that is the cartel mission. Ive destroyed everything on that just to see, and that little thing hanging down is still transmitting blue waves when i attack it. Maybe its not meant to be destroyed, i figured it'd be a bonus or something to destroy the whole thing that way.
  17. Obviously theres no real way to measure population unless you /who all the level ranges. But what im looking for is an estimate. An EST PvE server that AT LEAST has a 1:1 ratio. Im wanting to be republic, and im just looking for input from other republic/empire players. Im just kind of tired of a 2:1 empire:republic ratio on most servers.
  18. The website gives me an activation key that is 17 digits long. Ok great.. Well the ipod app requires a 20 digit activation key. Uhh..?
  19. they do crafts quicker. dont let your companion affect ur light/darkside choice. you'll get more later that are logically crafted to be your friend, despite bioware giving your FIRST companion a hatred for darkside stuff (im assuming you're empire cause vette and mako hate darkside choices)
  20. EA and steam got in a fight and harsh words were said, i think EA bloodied steams nose and is now facing domestic abuse charges. that said, EA forced bioware to block anything to do with steam via their client.
  21. might not wanna play MMOs for world pvp any more. thats kind of a dying trend with the new generation of gamers.
  22. i find it challenging to do group quests with my companion and me. but then again im squishy as hell.
  23. try playing huttball. then, try queueing and getting huttball 10 times in a row. then, try queueing again, and oh wait is that huttball? why yes, yes it is. that announcer is MUCH more annoying than anything else. he has to commentate n EVERYTHING
  24. quest gear you get is automatically catered to what stat you need. so use that as an example when buying gear from the AH/commendations vendor.
  25. That im at work at the moment and dont get to play for 3 more hours
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