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Posts posted by blindxsecrets

  1. Thank you for posting this thread, it's a very interesting read and isn't full of complaints....just facts. I truly appreciate that. Hopefully it'll help Bioware figure a few things out.


    So far I've run 5-6 planets worth of heroics by myself (I haven't done Makeb, Belsavis or Voss yet though!) on a scoundrel healer in 216 gear (token) with most datacrons (cept fleet) and almost all of my companion conversations unlocked, with a rank 10 companion and I haven't had too many issues. A few mobs hit pretty hard but I guess you probably just need to know your abilities and how to survive when things get hinky. I think I died twice, but at least one was definitely my own fault lol.


    I would be really curious to see how difficult they are without datacrons or the presence buff from comp conversations in green gear.....I used my token though already. :rolleyes: While I also agreed that companions needed a bit of a nerf (just a small one!), I don't agree with how far they went with it. Pretty sure they broke the nerfbat with that hit, lol. But it's good to know that most content (so far) is still doable without too many issues....hopefully.

  2. welp if this ******** change because of all the crybabies that like the pointless grind means i have to spend an hour finding a group for 2+ heroics i am canceling my sub. I have played since release and done the grind already. I am done with that bs. I like grouping up for the flash points and OP's. But if everything else is back to the annoying grind then **** this. Goodjob whiners way to make a the player base drop even more


    Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




    Before you panic, you might want to read the Dev posts and try not make too many assumptions that will just upset you further until we see what the changes really are. It might not be as bad as you think, and according to Eric, the 2 in H2 can mean your companion and not another player. While I'm a little sad that the healing is being nerfed, I'm also not too bothered by it. Been here a really long time and I remember when companions were pretty much made of pillows. And their healing in 4.0 was pretty crazy, I could survive practically anything. I will miss that (lol) but I do agree that it probably did need to be balanced a bit. I just hope they don't swing that nerfbat too hard. :( But I'm trying to reserve judgement (and a potential freakout) until I experience it for myself.

  3. Hey everyone,


    As you can tell, the website is back online, but the game servers are still down. We are actively investigating an issue with client patching. Unfortunately, I don't have any ETA for you right now, but will keep you updated as I find out more!






    Hey everyone,


    We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.




    Check the Dev tracker.

  4. Hello! Just popping in to say that Dulfy has some really great guides on gearing, raid drops and raid walk-throughs if you do intend to try any of that sort of content. Storymode operations are definitely easier now than they used to be, but you need to find a group that knows what they are doing (or suffer through a clumsy PUG). I'd definitely look into finding a friendly guild that knows operations! You could also run all of your companion alerts, run some GSI missions, max out some reputation, etc etc..there should still be plenty to do!



  5. I've only run KOTFE on one character so far, but that's because I want to cap out their alliance influence before I move on to the next one. Figure it'll be easier to keep track of that way. As for Lokin, I just farmed yavin for 20 minutes and got everything I needed. Didn't take long at all. Same for Qyzen, just 3 world bosses (Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are almost always being killed on my server).


    All in all, not bad.

  6. But...its just a few hours delay. Sucks,yes. Ruins EU raids ,oh yes. But still. Compensation for THAT? If you take your monthly subscription fee and try to find out how much you pay for hour - its 0.02$.

    How do you want your 0.06$,cash or check?


    This made me LOL something fierce. Perfection.

  7. Yes, yes a million times yes! I loved how SWG did it (for example) where each month you were subscribed, you'd get something different. Like the 3 month milestone was a console, then after being subbed for 51 months you could get a carbonite statue. (http://www.swgemu.com/archive/scrapbookv51/data/20071216101851/)


    I think a system like that would definitely reward subscribers, especially those of us that have been here since the beginning (or at least a really long time). Rewards gated by the number of months you've been subbed would probably keep some people subbed for the sake of getting the items they want.


    I'm just happy they are considering any kind of sub rewards at this point. But a vet rewards program would be amazing.

  8. Oh god, please. It was difficult enough getting them to 10k but now at 250k per companion, and the fact that we're getting *so many* companions now, it's tedious....time consuming and is slowly giving me carpal-tunnel. Lol. In order to get to rank 15-20 without spending comms, I have to buy roughly 3 stacks of 99 gifts. Sometimes 4. That takes a LONG time to finish off and it's just horrible, lol. Maybe a "Mass Give Gift" function would be wonderful. Even if it's only 5-10 at a time, it would still *save* time in the long run. I just hope they eventually do a QOL update that makes gift giving easier on us.
  9. Oh no, not these vendors, too! I love the Smuggler gear and I was hoping to go grab it on a few new alts I've made recently. I haven't checked to see if they are there anymore, but....oh man. I hope they aren't gone. :( Just...somewhere else, maybe? I don't know, seems unlikely.



  10. rofl.. How was your day honey?

    Oh. I killed three of our neighbors.. then I killed three more because i hate odd numbers...




    I thinks he'd be a hilarious one night stand, if nothing else, assuming our characters could survive it. I think she's interesting, and kind of terrifying, and wouldn't mind the option somewhere down the line.

  11. I did play KOTFE. i'll give you an example: We will never see Veeroa Denz or most of the other companions in the story.


    You don't know that. You can't know that? Nothing, that I'm aware of, has been announced officially that these companions are just there to be there. If there has been something, please direct me to it! I'd be really surprised if none of them showed up in the story, especially since the end of Chapter 9 talks about needing to recruit more warm bodies to the war effort.

  12. I tested it on one character, and thankfully, they were not bugged, but yeah, same boat. No way I'm taking my other toons, let alone my mains through until this is fixed. About to take another character through, see how that goes.


    Please post if you do! I believe you are supposed to get an email from the romance companion by chapter 3, right? Since instant 60s have no romance triggers, I never got anything, so I'm not entirely sure what chapter it is. Pretty sure it's 3, though.

  13. So far I've only run through the expansion with my instant 60 and now I'm afraid to run any of my others through it because I don't want their romances to *not* be acknowledged. That's one thing I love in this game, the romances and connections between characters and their companions.....so yeah, a little scared now. Lol. Might have to wait until they fix this. :(
  14. My problem is not the amount of time it takes them to restore the characters, the issue is that I do not want to wait 3 weeks and just to get: No it cannot be done, or just ticket closed (as it was with some people here) I want to have simple answer, then they can take their time. If I get a straight no then I start creating alts with the same names and lvling them up now.


    Well, while I've never deleted a character and asked to have it restored, I have had friends who were in a similar situation and have seen numerous threads where deleted characters have been returned to them. So it is possible and I don't see why they would tell you it wasn't. Did you just recently delete these characters or were they deleted some time ago? Maybe next time, try moving them to another server while the process is still 90cc, that way you can simply move them back if you ever want them again.


    Hope you get this resolved.

  15. You deleted FIVE characters and you expect them to bring all five back within a few days? You really need to cut Bioware some slack. Given that 4.0 just released barely a week ago (two weeks if you count early access), I'm sure they've been downright *flooded* with tickets and issues. You probably couldn't have picked a worse time to post a ticket, let alone expect it to be answered and resolved so quickly. Hopefully your ticket had a better attitude than your forum posts. :eek:


    I, too, have a ticket up and it's been longer than five days for me. Just give them some time. I'm sure once the dust settles they will fix it for you, or at least respond to you.

  16. @Effec Thanks for that video link. I was hoping to see the Verpine Smuggler outfit on there, but I can confirm that deleting did work and I was able to create one of each to get the outfits. Very happy about that, was able to get some of the pieces I was missing for them!
  17. That's awesome. Does anyone know how many outfits there are? I'm guessing 4 (with 4 variations for the alternate faction), unless there are more? Just wondering if Sents get something different than Guardians, for example. I doubt it but just to know for sure! lol. Guess I'll be doing this today. I want those clothes!
  18. I think empty shells being available somewhere would be a good compromise, or even a list or a few hints on where we can find a lot of that gear now? :( I always looked forward to buying myself a new set at 50/55/60 (and even lower levels with the orange stuff, especially the offhands!) and now that it's just mods (etc), it's not nearly the same. Definitely makes new players (with the lack of the level 7 (I think?) orange gear sets gone) have to buy orange gear and that's not always cheap, especially if you want an entire set of something. Even if you buy blue gear (or green drops), you end up looking like a clown....and unify colors doesn't always work the way you hope it will, lol. Please bring these vendors back!
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