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Posts posted by blindxsecrets

  1. I'm definitely one of those people that tried GSF when it first came out for a match or two and never went back again. Not until this event, anyway! A few guildies and I queued up last night at least 10 times in a row for the achievement and we kept queuing after we got it. We suck, granted, and barely got kills (but did manage assists lol, some people having amazing shields and I felt like I was hitting them with water guns) and I personally want to continue the effort and try and fix my ship and hopefully improve. If nothing else, this event will get people to try it that probably wouldn't have before. It's sad to hear about trolls invading GSF though...like that guy that kept self-destructing on purpose. It's a waste of time if all he's going to do is give the other team points. :rolleyes:
  2. So I just hit rank 20 in all four alliances with my toon for the first time, but I did not receive any of the tokens I was supposed to get for the vehicles. Looked in my inventory, my mission items, even went to the vendor that sells them to make sure I couldn't get them and all four of them are red. Not sure if I bugged or if I messed up somehow....also, not sure if it's worth mentioning but I hit 20 by running the C2N2 weekly quest.


    I really want those vehicles and rank 20 took forever for me to reach lol.


    No idea what's wrong with it. I posted a ticket but I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue and if there is something I can do?

  3. A complaint poem! :D


    And in slightly-less flippant news: it would indeed be nice to customize some of the new companions.




    It would be nice to customize them, and I assume it'll be possible later (at least with the body/facial customization token things). I don't think they've said it'll be possible/not possible anywhere, definitively yet, have they? So many people are asking for it, hopefully they'll eventually allow at least *some* customization.

  4. That's strange and definitely not good. Have you tried clicking on the holo terminal on your ship? Not sure what else to suggest except maybe opening a ticket or calling Customer Service. I googled to try and help and this seems to be an issue quite a few people were/are experiencing with the Sith Inq storyline. :(
  5. As annoying as bugs are, they happen....in every single game out there. Heck, some bugs in SWG were there since launch and stayed until they turned off the lights....what? Nine-ish years later? Some bugs just don't get fixed, while others do. Don't know why. Maybe they don't know how to fix it, maybe it just isn't a high priority over some other bugs. Luckily most of the bugs I've encountered are more frustrating than game-breaking, probably a good thing I guess? I still hope they'll get around to fixing a lot of these. I know there is a Game Update 4.0 Known Issues thread but is there any other list anywhere? Not sure if that would be helpful to the devs but, you never know, right?


    I do wish they would go back to using PTS again, though.

  6. I usually use the deco or gifts vendors when I get high on commendations, or you can go to Illum. There is a vendor there that sells some schematics and two vehicles for common crystals. I want to say there are other vendors on fleet that still sell schematics for commendations but I'm not 100% sure on that anymore, been ages since I last checked, lol.
  7. I agree, it depends entirely on what server you play on. I'm on the Harbinger and several other servers on the US side, and I always see multiple instances on most planets on all of the servers I play on, save for a few that you can get off pretty quickly if you don't run every quest. This includes Tuesday nights, too! lol. Suppose it could also depend what timezone you are in, but even if I log on at 3am I still see good populations.


    As for another Star Wars MMO, if they do start developing one, it'll take at least 3-4 years before it launches. So I say we still have some good, quality time with SWTOR left, regardless. :)

  8. I've been here since early access and have been subbed ever since. While I enjoy the easiness of Heroics now (especially because we have to grind them so much due to alliance and whatnot), I'm not sure how I feel about the story being so easy. I think we level too quickly (while it's also kind of nice sometimes, given I have so many characters at this point) and you don't learn your class anymore while leveling through it. I feel for Bioware though, when 4.0 dropped companions were even more OP and they had to debuff their mistake. Then after a 100+ page thread about how much the debuff sucked and ruined gameplay, Bioware gave them another increase (though not as drastic as before). I'm just not sure where the middle ground would be. Some people love the easy storylines, but others want a challenge. They'd either have to release some sort of buff or perk that you can get to increase companion effectiveness (or increase the comp ability with influence so it's more noticable) , or maybe have difficulty settings somehow. That way it's player chosen, and not forced upon everyone. So you can play the way you want to play.


    I don't know. I'm sort of middle ground with all the changes. Don't hate it, but don't love all of it, either. But I'm not sure what Bioware could do about it without pissing off the masses again.

  9. It really amuses me that there are so many that think this tease of a fart of a glimpse of what will amount to 30 minutes of videos and 10 minutes of game play, excites so many.


    when you finally get chapter 10 and see that you spent 12.99 to 14.99 for the month for 10 minutes of real game, I hope you finally realize that you have been robbed.


    oh and I was foolish enough months ago to spend a 6 month sub so please don't rant that I don't pay to enjoy the game. I do but wont renew if and when I see this is true. I can spend 9,99 a month for ps now and get hundreds of hours of gaming time. Just saying BW your attempt to disguise robbing people is a fail.


    Personally, I pay my monthly sub to play the game. I don't expect new content every month to warrant my subscription (would be amazing if it did happen, though!). The enjoyment and entertainment I get from the game warrants it. And how is it any different than those months and months we would go with zero new content? At least now we're getting something in between to shake things up. ;) I don't pay 15 bucks to play a new chapter. I pay 15 bucks to raid with my friends, to decorate my house, to build up new characters, etc. To each his own, I guess. But that doesn't mean I don't hope for new operations, flashpoints and pvp maps. I really hope they address the lack of new group content soon, but as it were, I'm still enjoying the game for what it is and I'm happy we're getting more story! We went so long without anything new in that department. Now they just have to catch up with all the group-content we're so desperate for. :D




    Thank you for the information, Dulfy. You are so quick with all this stuff! I had no idea about the jett-pack, which I think looks pretty cool and I'm happy I'll be able to get it. Does this mean each month we're going to get something new for our sub? Interesting. I hope that's the case! Not vet rewards like I was hoping for, but sub rewards is certainly welcomed. As for the chapter, I'm not a huge fan of Kaliyo, but I am curious to where the story is going to go. Many keep talking about how "choices don't actually matter" but I think that we just haven't seen the fallout of our choices yet. At least that's what I'm hoping for, especially considering what the chapter actually says ("It will be up to the Outlander to decide just how far he or she is willing to go to beat the Eternal Emperor. Players will experience the grim consequences of their past decisions and feel the grip of the hand of fate on their dangerous journey.")


    Again, thanks Dulfy. Really appreciate all the hard work and dedication you put into the game and keeping us informed!

  10. Thank you, Eric, for posting about updates in the hopefully near future. I really appreciate any news you can toss our way about any content, especially end-game and group content. I've been here since early access, never unsubbed and I'm still enjoying the game, but news about new operations and pvp maps (etc) would be great to hear about. :)
  11. I agree. I just maxed out on my Coruscant house at 350 and I still have two rooms and a few odds and ends to decorate. Being able to see available hooks around the stronghold and not being able to put anything down because of the limit baffles me. Please increase the hook limitation!


    If they allowed us to purchase with CC various hook increases, I'd bet they would sell those!

  12. I completely agree. I've tried many games in the last four years (Wildstar, LOTRO, STO, TSW etc) but I always come back to SWTOR. It's the only game I am willing to subscribe to, even though I am a disappointed sometimes with it (wanting more FPs, Raids, etc and some of the decisions the Dev's make), I think it'll take a lot for me to finally put it down for good. Been here four years and I'm still truckin'!


    SWTOR <3

  13. Well, if you want to experience the story since you left (and assuming you finished off Makeb) the order is basically this:




    Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 1 through 9


    Pretty sure I got them all...


    Companions are very different now. Any companion can play any role and influence (formerly affection) goes a lot higher than it used to. Before 4.0, it capped out at 10k, now the cap is 250k and rank 50. You can reach rank 10-20 pretty easily through rank 1 green gifts, though. You can also buy them with comms (blue/purple rank 5 and then rank 6). Each rank gives your comp more health and makes them a little bit stronger. Their efficiency and crit chance also goes up.


    We also have an appearance designer, where you can "stamp" pieces of an outfit to appear visually but not affect any of your statted gear.


    If you run the heroics, each one will net you two blue (I believe?) pieces of gear, including earpieces and implants for your level. Save up your common crystals (aka basic comms, the names changed but they are still the same) for 208 gear for when you hit 65 as those pieces add up in price quickly!


    There is also what the game calls "level sync" which puts you approximately one or two levels above the level of the planet you are on. You still have all your abilities and such, but your heath pool goes down. Still easy to run those planets, you just have to be a little careful and you can't roflstomp things as easily when you were a 60 on coruscant, lol.


    Someone else can probably explain these things better, but this is just a quick post that'll hopefully help you out some.

  14. I can solo most if not all of the heroics by myself as a level 65 player. For me, that's not the issue. The issue is do I WANT to run them now? They are slower, more tedious and take much, much longer to run through all of them. Plus, it's mind-numbingly boring. By maybe 2 heroics in I'm basically done. During 4.0 it took maybe 10-15 before I felt like I was grinding. It's not fun anymore, even though it's DOABLE for most people (newbies with no buffs, presence gains or datacrons, who knows...probably not). And considering the alliance grind is definitely NOT alt friendly, I don't want to have to run those blasted planetary heroics hundreds of times when they take as long as they do now. Certainly not for every alt I have that are capable of running the expansion and considering they bumped our ability to have 40 characters per server, how many are willing to run the alliance grind even 5 times? 7? 10? What about 40?


    I've only run one character through the expansion because I was trying to cap their alliance influence to 20 before I moved on. In 4.0 it seemed doable, a grind...yes...but doable and maybe fun along the way. Now it takes too long, even though it's *still* doable. I just don't *want* to do it anymore. Still able, just not as willing as I was before.


    Maybe a buff to bring them back closer to where they were in 4.0 that we can put onto ourselves or our companions, so if we want it to be like it was...it's possible. Then if anyone doesn't want that, and wants the challenge and the slow grind, they can just not put it on. That way everyone is happy, right? :p Maybe make the alliance grind capable of being legacy wide if we want (and not if someone wants to grind each one up seperately for whatever reason)....that might solve a lot as far as the alliance grind goes...


    But 124 pages in less (I think?) than 48 hours speaks volumes. I just hope they do something about it. :(

  15. Yes, please. Especially if they don't fix the companions and the heroics stay tedious, time consuming and mind-numbingly dull to complete hundreds and hundreds of times. I just can't do it, and I'm an ataholic. With the increase to 40 characters per server, there is just no way this can remain not legacy wide without Bioware wanting to kill what's left of player sanity. I don't mind grinds, but this is a little over the top now without 4.0 companions, I think.
  16. I'll post a more detailed post later, but I just wanted to get in here and voice my opinion on the companion nerf. I've run several characters through the heroics since the nerf, and while it's not *impossible* it just isn't *fun* anymore. It was fun being able to dash through content I've been doing for almost four years and be able to grind up my alliance as quickly as I could manage it. Now it's slow, tedious and mind-numbingly dull. During 4.0 I logged into each of my 61's+ and ran through as many heroics as I could to try and level my alliances and was having FUN doing it. Now? I can barely get through 4 planets before I want to scratch my eyes out. It takes *too long* to accomplish and not everyone has 10-20+ hours a week to dedicate to the game. I play mostly healers and our defenses and dps are next to nothing. I get that not everything should be easy-mode, and I don't want it to be, but content that I've been running for almost four years isn't something I want to get stuck on or die repeatedly or slog through, either.


    Plus....KOTFE and the companion nerf is NOT alt friendly, and considering they just bumped up the character slots to 40? There is no chance, at all, that anyone will be willing to run all those heroics hundreds if not thousands of times to level all the alliances up without the 4.0 companions or something close to it. It's too time consuming and makes me want to huddle in a corner and cry uncontrollably. I've only gotten one character through KOTFE and was trying to max their alliance influence before I moved onto the next one (I have 10+ level 60-65s) and there is very little chance I'll be running the heroics enough to get most of them to 10, let alone 20, with the way things are now. I just can't force myself to do it. And that makes me really sad. Maybe when the dust settles on this catastrophe and I have nothing else to do when I log on, I'll run a few. But it won't be something I grind and grind and grind to try and max out.


    I've been here since Early Access 2011, I've never unsubbed during that time and I've loved SWTOR since the first day I played. But since the nerf, I find myself not really wanting to do much and it saddens me. I won't unsub, but I probably won't be logging on as often as I did during 4.0, either.


    Most of my friends haven't logged on, except for our usual raid times, since the nerf. The GTN on The Harbinger has taken a hit. The volume has definitely gone down. People are not logging in, people are not playing as much. This needs to change. And it needs to change fast, or it's going to damage the population, possibly even beyond repair.


    I agree that companion heals were way OP in 4.0. But to swing that nerfbat and hit them for 75% is insane. The change was too dramatic, too great, and it's affecting the gameplay for a lot of people. Maybe there should be a buff that we can toggle on or off, kinda like the 12xp thing that you could buy from that vendor. The buff could make companions OP again and then there could be something that turns it off. That way we can still blow through the content if we are pressed for time or want to grind alt alliances, or we can do it the hard, time consuming way if we want a challenge. That way everyone is happy.


    Please buff them back up or give us a way to make them stronger again.

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