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Posts posted by blindxsecrets

  1. This made me so sad when I first realized this. I've been wanting to get some of the lower level gear for a while now, but I had no cargo space and was waiting until I managed to clean enough of them out to make room for them. Didn't realize I was on the clock or I would have bought everything I could much sooner!


    Please bring them back, Bioware! It makes me even more sad that they aren't available on the planets....I was hoping...

  2. Hey folks,


    I wanted to let you know about what changes are coming to Commendations in Fallen Empire, this way you can plan accordingly. Simply put, only the names of some existing Commendations are changing. There are no conversion rates or anything this time around.


    • Basic Commendations will now be called Common Data Crystals
    • Elite Commendations will now be called Glowing Data Crystals
    • Ultimate Commendations will now be called Radiant Data Crystals
    • All other Commendation names remain the same.

    Again, there are no conversion rates pre/post Fallen Empire. Thanks!



    Had to google for it, but I believe this is what you were looking for?

  3. Pretty sure I read somewhere that the instant 60s will have these sets and they'll be legacy bound. Could always make your instant 60 the class that has the outfit you want if all else fails.


    I, too, hope they will still be around or obtainable somehow! Especially since we're going to have so much space for so many new alts, I'd love to have those outfits on a few of them.

  4. I do wonder though, have they said anywhere what will happen story wise if you don't run those story missions? Will it be like the instant 60, where it makes assumptions or...does it just not come up? They say choices matter, but what if you made no choice because you never actually ran that specific content?



  5. Please, please, please! I have so many cargo bays across 22 toons that are full of resources (not all of them, lol, but a lot). If they increase the stacks to 999, that would be amazing.


    While it's true if we have 22 toons and all 5 cargo bays unlocked for each one, we do have a lot of space. BUT I hate having to figure out which character has what resources and bounce around trying to find them and then mail whatever I need to the person that actually needs it. Anything across 22 toons has a habit of getting lost easily. I can't keep track of that many.

  6. One million credits+ for the boots alone? I paid 2 million for the entire set. Tops. Sounds to me like you need to make toons on alternate servers so you can check prices and buy from the cheapest one for the stuff you want the most.


    Satele's tunic and Tulak's helmet are far, far worse in regards to price. ;)

  7. Hi Nitutt,


    I can help you with that one, you can definitely transfer your UI profiles to a different system. Unfortunately you cannot do the same with key bindings.


    If you go to this location:

    • C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings\GUIProfiles


    you will find all of the UI profiles that you have created and saved. Simply copy them to a flash drive and paste them into the same directory on the other system. Once you login to the game all of those profiles will be available to you immediately.


    I hope this helps.



    Hopefully that'll help! :D

  8. Adaptive armor is generally the armor you see with an orange border (though not all of it is adaptive, some require a specific armor type like light, etc, but most of it doesn't). Adaptive gear generally means that any class, regardless of armor type,can wear it. Orange gear is usually empty by default, meaning you have to put in an armoring, mod and enhancement to give it stats. You change the armorings, etc to upgrade your gear as you level. I think the supplies section of the fleet has vendors every 2 or 4 levels. I believe it takes roughly 100 basic commendations (give or take) to fully outfit a character and a companion.
  9. Ugh! Yes! Especially to the face options. Twi's get what....3-4 actual faces and all the rest are minor differences to those 3-4. It's so frustrating. Several races are like that, and I don't understand it. Why are the 30ish (I think? been a while since I checked) human faces not available for all the other races? *Shakes fist*


    As for cybernetics....never understood why Cyborg was a race and not just an extra slider on each of the races. I'd love to see cybernetics on each race!

  10. White crystals were never cheap. When they went live on the vendor, the cost of one million credits was a lot back then.


    Ahh, memories! I couldn't afford it when they were on the vendors....had to wait for the packs. Eventually those packs will come back into circulation (usually for a limited time), maybe you'll get lucky then!

  11. ^ This right here is the issue, that so many people want to keep glossing over and ignoring...


    Today, right now, I have multiple toons in 192 set bonus gear ready for HM Rav and HM ToS. When 4.0 drops, that will no longer be the case. If I want to run HM Rav and HM ToS, I have to throw out all that gear and rerun SM Rav and SM ToS over and over and over to gear up again.



    I was under the impression that all Operations would be set to 65, so while yes...you will have to run SM versions again to re-gear, it doesn't have to be Rav or ToS, right? While I, too, have several toons geared for HM ToS and Rav and am disappointed that I have to toss out all that gear and start over....(which happens whenever an expansion comes out) I'm happy that operations no one really wanted to run much (except to faceroll content or for deco in my experience) will have more of a reason to run them again and will at least shake things up a bit so it's not the same two Ops over and over and over again. I just wish they were still available at 50/55/60 and 65 instead of all going to 65...but still. I'm content with variety and am looking forward to seeing some of the Ops I haven't run in years all over again with a better reason (at least for me) to run them. =D

  12. I would love pre-60 same-sex flirting, but they'd have to backtrack a lot and probably get many of the VO back to run a few lines. Seems like a lot of hassle and we'll probably never get that. But hopefully moving forward we'll have same-sex flirts all over the place!


    As for crystals, I'm still hoping that one day the +41 stats will be split from the color crystal, that way we can attach any color to the stat we want. Optimistic, yes, but I still hope!

  13. I'm in the same boat! Most of my male toons have romanced Lana and basically all of my female (which is my majority) have romanced Theron. I predict a lot of divorces in my future... :eek: My characters were lonely with their mute spouses after several years.
  14. Interesting read, thank you for posting. All of the points made seem valid, logical and reasonable. But that doesn't mean I'll ever stop hoping for even a little tid-bit of information, especially when so much is leaking right now and we're not even sure if it's going to be in the actual release or not. So many people making mountains out of molehills and....such a mess. While I understand their silence, speaking out...even just a little bit...to try and clear up some concerns would probably go a long way to stopping at least *some* of the hysteria. Though knowing most gaming communities....you stop one rumor and another one starts. So who knows.


    But still, Mike Laidlaw has plenty of valid points. Hm.

  15. Thanks Eric, and I agree about that thread getting pretty crazy. But it's great to hear that over the next few days you might have something for us, even if it's just "In a few weeks we're posting a blog!" kind of thing. At least it could lead to something, instead of this total radio silence which makes me sad. :( I figure we probably won't know too much until very near the release, though. But fingers crossed we get *something* to tide us over until then!


    Can't wait for the livestream next week!


    Thanks again.

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