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Posts posted by blindxsecrets

  1. As frustrating as the whole Slot Machine debacle was, I did pretty much love the fact that I was able to hit legend on the rep it had after having been stuck on Champion for....I don't even know how long. I do hope they come out with more in the future so I can finish off some more rep, assuming I haven't by then. :D As long as that's basically all Slot Machines are, it could work...
  2. Anything Jedi related would make me extremely happy. I loaded up on everything from this recent pack and actually spent a lot of the last week decorating, which I haven't done in a while. It's been a lot of fun, and I hope they add more Jedi stuff in the future. I know I'd buy it!
  3. Yavin/Rishi's planet cap never seems to go over 36ish (that I've noticed), did you see if there were multiple instances? Whenever I'm there (still grinding a few 55s through to 60), I always see at least 3-4 instances of it on Harbinger. Not that I check each time or often enough, but still, lol.


    Well, I'd personally prefer new planets and more story to new events. But if events are quicker, then having more is never a bad thing. I still need to finish a few things on a few of the old ones too, though! So I'm hoping Gree for instance will be back later this year and the Rakghouls....I do however wish that the Bounty Event would be replaced by something else, or at least rotate each month between two events so it's not the same every month.


    But I'm all for new events. :D And new planets. Heck, I'm down for new everything.

  4. I'm pretty sure it did have a little plastic tab that I had to pull to start it up. But it was so long ago it's hard to remember, honestly. Has anyone tried using Bluestacks with the security key app? Wondering if you can have the physical key and the phone app key with the same serial number on the back and switch between the two, or if you have to use one exclusively?
  5. Well, this was three years ago...but I had to avoid doing anything on that computer because even looking at a website would slow it down enough to be bothersome. I also remember pausing it every once in a while and it would end up going faster after that, at least for a short time.


    Like I said, three years ago...could be remembering wrong. Other than that I don't know. Hope you get to play soon, and welcome back!

  6. No, I doubt it. I'm pretty sure the battery is hardwired into it and the keyfob destroys itself if you try to open it to ensure people can't manipulate or reverse engineer it.

    My security key is still running after 3 years and I hope it will stay that way for a long time because I'm not looking forward to switching to the smartphone version should the day come that may keyfob will no longer turn on.


    Sad day, but you are probably right. Mine has been working for three years, too, but it's starting to take longer and longer to get my numbers to come up. I really don't want to switch to a smartphone app, so I'm hoping it doesn't go (fully) out for a while yet. Meh. I wish they hadn't discontinued these! If I had known, I would have bought a backup at least. :rolleyes: Ahhh, hindsight.

  7. I, too, would be really, really shocked if it did turn out to be a designer where you could actually remove bits and bobs from armor. I seriously doubt it, though. I'm hoping it'll be like LOTRO's wardrobe feature, where you can have 10 (or at least a few) outfits set up at any given time and switch between them at will. I know I'm excited to finally have appropriate Hoth and Tatooine outfits alone without having to deal with mod-switching. :) I just hope it isn't too heavily CM based.
  8. That's interesting that WoW is doing that. Isn't Wildstar like that, too?


    Not sure how it would work here for the reasons mentioned. They would have to raise the credit cap for f2p/preferred characters, unless it's aimed towards subs. I can't figure out if they would lose more sub money over this or if they'd actually gain more....or if it would all just even out?

  9. The sand people set, yes! For the Chevin event! Back then orange belts and bracers were hard to come by so I just bought all of those with my tokens once I had most of the other pieces already. I never did get the skirt though, because I thought it was ugly. Naturally once achievements were added, having that entire set was one of them. It's been sitting ever since, forever uncompleted....just missing one piece...in my achievement list. I'd be so happy if it was available again, same with all the containment officer sets and everything. I was playing then, but I didn't realize there was an event and missed nearly the entire thing...and for that set you had to do the quest every day to get every piece.


    Please bring these outfits and event items back in some way!

  10. With me and the in-game support it's been a little hit and miss, but I've had more hits than misses in that regard. They've helped me with some pretty big issues without any problems, within 2-3 days of my ticket being posted.


    So glad you were able to get it fixed! Not being able to hear one of my characters would drive me crazy.

  11. Besides the option to kill companions or just outright refuse their companionship (Skadge, UGH I hate that guy..Lol).....I'd love to be able to change who tanks, who heals, etc. Half the time I'm not crazy about either companion but I have to take them because of my role and what I need my companion to do. But I doubt that'll ever happen, even though I'm hopeful one day....lol.


    More companion stories would be amazing. It's always saddened me how I marry my romance companion and then they never talk to me again...

  12. I disagree. I make millions on all my crafters, you just have to know the market and what to sell. I don't even sell endgame stuff yet. =D Just don't expect to make 100k+ on one item, for me its an assortment of stuff at lower prices that add up quickly when they do sell. I think they are all viable in some way!


    Synthweaving also makes orange gear if you are interested in that, but cybertech is a good way to go. I find its best to make grade blue/purple armorings as you level because those are the most expensive with basic comms (7 a piece).

  13. I really, really hope so. Carthar have the worst hair by far! I only like maybe 3, tops. Not that we have a whole lot more than 3.....what is it? 8 or something? I forget now, but it's something like that. I'd love to see more customizations for many of the other races too, not just Cathar. But I think Cathar really needs it, regardless. =D
  14. Founder and CE Owner, here! I'd love to see more added to the vendors in the VIP sections for us....we hardly get any love and the CE wasn't cheap. I remember buying the CE version because of the vendor (other reasons too but the vendor was a deciding factor), which has fallen a little flat for me. While I appreciate what IS on there, I really wish there was more. It doesn't even have to be anything big....just something every once in a while would be nice. :)
  15. Well, if it's telling you that you have to complete the flashpoints then you never did the quest chain for them. I ran into a similar problem because I always just queued up for them and didn't actually take the quest chain for most of my 55s, lol. So I had to do them over on nearly all of my characters. You get decent gear for your trouble and interesting looking weapons, so for me it's worth it....especially since it also gives you a leg up on leveling (I generally got 2-3 levels for the 4 of them). If you don't want to run through them all in one go, do one a day for a couple of days or run one while you are waiting for a different queue to pop. That's what I did and it made running them multiple times less painful.


    Other than that, don't really know what to tell you. :confused:

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