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  1. Don't mind me asking (since I am opinionated and argumentative), but where do you derive this 5% from? Or the generally accepted (which I think you have pointed out - 10% or 20%) figure comes from? In addition, I think another issue that will result in legal issues is that SWTOR by nature is an always evolving product. If, at the time of launching the SWTOR branded products, the crystal was in fact unique, then it is not false advertising. Imagine if Toyota comes up with a car that does 100 miles per gallon, and starts selling it as the "highest mileage car in America". Two months later, Honda comes up with another car that is now 110 mpg - Toyota isn't bound to change their advertising that was previously created - especially print or otherwise. I'm not saying that Razer isn't selling it still, but they're not bound by it since it was unique at time of launch. Again, I fully support the idea of making a more distinct color for your Razer crystal, I just don't believe they're on any legal thin ice. p.s. If I quote today's website (on Razer) it reads: 'Unlock a unique color crystal: This rare Color Stone changes the color of your Lightsaber blade and blaster bolts.' It doesn't use the word 'one of a kind', or doesn't hold any promises to that if it is exclusive either. Rare does not mean one of a kind Lastly - I wholeheartedly hope that you get your wish of getting a new color on the crystal! cheers, TFG
  2. The mocking tone was intended - and I'm glad you caught on to it. I'm a business owner myself, and a lot of times, no matter how hard I try, I cannot keep all my customers happy. Sometimes, it happens unintentionally - and especially in those times, it becomes very difficult to try and convince your customers that it wasn't the intended outcome. There may just be a chance that the programmers at BW just didn't think about the color of the BW crystal and designed the event one. It came out a little different, so the programmer might have been asked by his superior "Is this [the event crystal] color used anywhere else yet?" - to which, just to be a smart a s s, he might say "I've checked it, and yes, I can confirm this color isn't used elsewhere." What happens? It makes it to live.... and customers get pissed off. Are they in the wrong technically or legally? Nope. But the good companies will take steps that don't really cost them a lot to go ahead and fix trivial things that may mean a lot to their customers - in this case, the Razer green color. I personally believe it to be a relatively simple fix, but due to the legalities involved, especially in two different companies, there's always a crap load of paperwork to be created - which takes time. I know this because I see it happen on many businesses on a daily basis. So I would stop being angry about it, and make polite requests to BW, and hope that they change it. Above all, be patient. I would not count on it being early - but I'd really give them props if they do it in the next 10-15 days. Cheers, TFG
  3. Same here - already filled out a ticket for the CS team. Will list it here in case I miss out on the new deadline due to travel plans Original Server: The Swiftsure Char Name: Zodi (class: Powertech) Requested Transfer Server: Master Dar'nala (forgive if not spelled correctly)
  4. Dear Bioware, I don't own the Razer product, and I haven't done the Rakghoul event yet, and I don't give a damn about the colour of my blaster on my Powertech. Having said that, please do hear the rest of my story. There are lots of people touting about infringement and unique and slap-in-the-face and what not, and I wholeheartedly think that you are not breaking any code of conduct or business laws by having one of your distribution partners (Razer) SELL a product that's similar to one available in game. Hence, at least in my opinion, there's nothing that you need to do about it on this matter. However, as many on these forums have repeatedly said so, I think you should change the colour of the Razer cystal to be more distinctive than the Rakghoul event so that your other customers (some whose tone I despise as well), can actually feel good. It's would be a great step in showing integrity and win a lot of good reputation when you take a step to please even a minority base among your customers - even when such a step is not necessary. Yes, I'm requesting that you go out of your way to go and change the color of the crystal so that it will make some people happy. It will go a long way in winning the respect of your customers. Cheers, TFG
  5. I've actually had amazing CS experience in this game. Had people answer or give responses way quicker than WoW ever did. They just let the xfers option out, so just wait at least a day. A lot of times, something unexpected can happen - since they changed the coding of the website at least to some extent, so it might have been a connected issue. Just relax and wait a while
  6. Yup, on the oceanic PVP server right now. Was levelling an alt Marauder on the Empire side, only got to 20 though before the xfer was announced today There's LOTS of guilds based on the SG / HK time and also many aussie ones that are constantly recruiting. Go over and take a look!
  7. I'm playing from HK as well - and you'd probably want to be on Master Dar'Nala or whatever the Oceanic PVP server is. It has the highest population of people from S'pore / Malaysia / Taiwan (all in the GMT+8) zones, as well as most of the Aussie population (who are on the GMT +8 to GMT +10/11 zones). Many people took a small break until these server transfers are up. Some levelled alts. So yea - just get on to the Oceanic PVP server from Swiftsure as it is likely to see most population during HK hours.
  8. Bioware is a business. So is Razer. Which business, please tell me, does not use "borderline grey truths" to sell products? They worded their point of sale of it as being "unique" - and it is. Is it fair? Of course not. Did they get you to buy the product? Damn straight they did. I'm not defending their actions, but I'm simply accepting this as a very common business practice. If they want to make it right, they'll go ahead and make the Razer crystal color more distinct. There's no need to start a flaming war on the company though.
  9. Pretty sure that long-drawn Voidstars see my PT go up really high in DPS. Huttball is a hit-and-miss in terms of DPS. I've played in a few where we had 2x 4-person pre-mades of 2 guilds (pre-1.2), vs. our own premade of 4 + pugs. The voidstar went to the wire - and we lost by 3 seconds or so. In that one, I hit about 400k+ dmg done. Highest was a marauder mate of mine who was at 520k ish. Both teams had 2 heals + 1 off-heal type character - and both sides played incredibly well. Another one I recall was a huttball that ended 6-5 at the end of the match. Even that had a lot of damage done on both sides, and good healers on both sides. So yes, it depends on the length of the game - if you're winning 6-0 huttballs or a civil war with more than 100 health on your own ship, it doesn't really end well. Heck, I've been in some matches where I don't even break 120k because of winning so fast Edit: Did some forum searching, and you can see some of these SS's of PT (pyro) doing 600k / 500k dmg. http://i40.tinypic.com/2lm1krq.jpg http://imageshack.us/f/28/screenshot2012010911082.jpg/ So yea - I'm not sure which Pyrotechs you're playing with - but in a decent group, Pyrotechs (at least pre-1.2) wreck in damage done. I haven't played my BH since 1.2, so I'm not sure!
  10. *** is this. A person on the internet with common sense + result-driven attitude to get things corrected in their proper manner all the while being civilized and humble towards the potential wrong-doers. The world will indeed end in 2012.
  11. PTs are melee, but they do have quite a few ranged abilities. Especially if they're specced Pyrotech. I'm speaking as a rank 58 PTech myself, which is on the shelf right now until server x'fers are up. In addition, 600k as a geared PT is not at all far fetched. With mostly champion gear, and a PVE TANK (shield tech) spec, I used to do ~ 450k damage without trying hard. And I'm not anywhere near a great PVP'er. The good PTs that I know constantly dish out 600-800k as Pyro, even more if they have a good healer with them. Marauders just get noticed more easily - and you're (as I'm noticing now) better off NOT trying to pick a fight 1v2 or more, especially with your defensive CDs not available. But hey, I'm only lvl 19 on my Marauder, so I might not know how to play it properly yet
  12. And you're complaining about an ability that remains *rarely* bugged. Quit your yappin, there's more important things on their plate to do. Also, speaking as a programmer myself, sometimes, tricky bugs slip through the cracks and it requires a boat load of re-programming to get it working perfectly. Hence, sometimes, developers need to take the less-than-perfect solution of making it work "almost all the time" - they do it and work on the more important things in the software that needs more attention.
  13. I went over the guide, and yes, I'm working on the Rakata Implants as of now - but even so, those are not with Shield/Absorb if memory serves right. Just another few general question(s): 1. Is it better to use an orange set with all mods, or go for the supercommando 4-pc bonus? As per the guide, it says orange set, but I'm thinking that's for entry level players? 2. What's this 'Glance' rating that I keep seeing on Torhead? Edit: Glance Rating is Shield Rating as I have gone to learn now. Sorry for not reading before posting. 3. Is it possible to make variations on the Columi implants? I've not seen any varied Supercommando implants on the GTM yet. Also, most of my gear already has the Accuracy mods removed and replaced with the daily commendations mods/enhancements. Still, I can't get to even the 40% absorb rating that most people here seem to claim. I'll do another check later today and see what my stats are at now after getting the supercommando chest yesterday.
  14. Tenacity / Prolyfic, Thanks heaps for your posts as it added a lot of insight to tanking in PVE. I have only hit 50 recently, and I have decent gear (in my opinion). Here are my current stats, unbuffed (without using Bioanalysis Rakata defense/end stim): Armor Rating: 7259 Damage Reduction: 49.20 Shield Chance: 43.13 Absorbtion: 33.73% How are you guys getting to 52/50/50, or even 5X/5X/5X in Columi gear? Is it all supercommando gear? What implants should I be going for? (Rakata implants are super expensive on my server, so what's a good mid-tier to buy?) Can't quite find gear with Shield / Absorb (except weighted mod). Also, is it better to use the lvl 49 crafted implant over Rakata / Columi Supercommando? I find most gear loaded with defense / accuracy instead of shield/absorb. Any help is much appreciated! cheers, Zodi *************************************** Gear: I'm using the following (leaving Aim/Endurance out for easy viewing): Ear: Tempest Galactic Combat Module (llvl 49 epic) - 40 shield / 27 accuracy / 40 crit / 20 def Implant 1: Veracity Implant - Def / shield (with +28 absorb augment) Implant 2: Veracity Implant - def / shield (no augment slot) Bracers: Columi Supercommando Bracers Weapon: Champion Eliminator Pistol Off-hand: Centurian Supercommando Shield Generator Helm: Tionese Supercommando Helm (Weighted Mod 23B / Vigilant enh 22) Chest: Centurian Supercommando Chest (has accuracy enhancement, but all our other vendor chests have the same) Gloves: Rakata Supercommando Gloves (Weighted Mod 25B / Vigilant enh 22) Waist: Columi Supercommando Belt Legs: Tionese Supercommando legs (Weighted Mod 24B / Steadfast enh 23 - shield, def) Boots: Columi Supercommando boots (have default weighted mod + accuracy enhancement) - will replace enhancement in here soon. Edit: Changed a few implants - now using Veracity ones with Aim/End/Shield/Def
  15. Thanks a lot Blackire for your input as well - much appreciated. I just tend to get better by talking to people instead of watching videos... Tried out the 'ironfist' build today just before shutdown and did horribly since I wasn't at all used to it, let alone pvp lol Managed 128k dmg, and 5 medals in a loss. Definitely noticed a fair bit more survivability, and was able to control people slightly better. However, I think I was not perfect on my charge distance as it would not let me charge much at all :S All game long, I was only able to charge twice. Here's another noob question: Besides the talents that straight up reduce damage done (in ST / AP trees) and passive reduction from IGC, am I correct to assume that only the physical armor present on my gear will increase the 'damage reduction' figure on my character screen?
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