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Everything posted by Sivenom

  1. What this guy said. If you stay madness (and my inq is when I want to DPS--this would be level 43 for you --. Normally she's a tank) It's actually very easy to return your HP as it's lost. You just need to make sure you are balancing yourself around the most needed stat. Just make sure you're using Khem at an up to date armoring level. Ashara is not a good choice for a madness assassin. I take willpower > surge > power/crit and do just fine. The most important thing is you need to make sure that you are killing in an effective order and using your Defensive cooldowns/stuns where appropriate.
  2. Nautolan Devonian Togruta CATHAR! <---- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, and not so I can be Cheetara in space... Trandoshan (they can totally speak basic. ) Kaleesh (helmets would work, and we can have different masks too? OOH can we have the creepy kaleesh face??) I would also throw in "droid" for select cases. The BH line doesn't really need much reworking to fit a droid in there, since the Defenestrator could be a mandalorian champion (and have the single most disappointing name in the galaxy). Blizz could be the romancing option, since he's a jawa and nuts for tech. Agent story line could also work, because The above all speak basic, wouldn't require much (out of way of helmets and the trandoshan legs + arms, and maybe armor for your droid which would be kind of weird I guess. Gives cybertech a bigger role though) reworking for armors, and aren't definitively human.
  3. I didn't mind the rakghouls. I rather enjoyed it. Not a big fan of zombies, but it felt enough like it wasn't a zombie outbreak to make a zombie outbreak scenario seem totally fine. I definitely enjoyed myself. I just wish more pugs would read what type of rakghoul the damn mob is and then choose what to hit accordingly. Although I wonder what the point of Kaon's expulsion bot. It's furthering my perception that everywhere, EVERYWHERE, in the Star Wars universe has a droid boss. It doesn't matter if it's an underwater flashpoint with mutated jellyfish, there WILL be a droid boss. To be honest, the Tatooine zombies felt more like gimmick zombies to me. I would like to see a Rakata Mind Trap flashpoint though. If BW plays their hands right, there very well could be a Rakata Mind Trap arc. As for the Dread Masters, I would be very happy to see that.
  4. I forsee something intertwining with the warrior's current story, if only because to me that makes the most logical sense on progression from slave -> Cult leader -> proud owner of a pre-used almost-death star -> beating up the SW version of iron man (that guy can fly, no fricking fair) ->getting a council seat. It could be like.... you were called up by the new Voice, and they're all like "hey, uhm... the council is getting suspicious how you rose to power so uhm.... yeah, the emperor knows what's going down adn you should really guard your back okay?" Naturally you can go down a path of "alright, I'll be wary" and then fall into the trap anyways, or you just willingly walk into it. Turns out the ghosts you do have had totally run amok on you and even if you have them or not, you have blackouts of when you're beating up anyone you see. Empire OR Republic, doesn't matter. The council thinks this is bad, and wants you to be put down like Lassie. You now have to work with a few notable people from other classes' current stories like Keeper, the Voice, and Mand'alore. As you progress you eventually build up to a climax where you have to confront the shade of the force, and you even meet a shady Jedi that will be your new companion. (he was haunted by ghosts because he was so attuned with the force, so when he underwent his training and eventually did become a jedi, he was in battle and the ghosts overwhelmed him too. He was cast out of the order and is now a KoS). You two will have to confront the shade. I don't know come up with your own <what happens here> moment. Then, the end. The above is speculation... but that's how I'd write it. SI's had one of the best storylines already so it's hard to top that.
  5. Still, that's like.... at least number 5 on the "top 25 things you should never, EVER, put next to your seat of power" right up there with shark tanks, acid vats, power cores, and lazers. At least Darth Maul wasn't intentionally sitting there reigning over people with an iron fist of certainty. Got to give it to the guy though. He's a trooper. ....... I would also love a Wrath of the New Emperor Malgus expansion. Can get enough of the wrinkled old guy.
  6. Malgus would win simply because his whole.... thing to him is that he's a warrior with brains, skill, and sheer power behind him. The chick got lucky for the most aprt in the two confrontations, and even says she's not all that keen on fighting him. Not because she knows she'll win but that she DOESN'T... Unless, of course, she has some grenades on her and they were fighting next to a very large drop. Then Malgus is as good as dead. Seriously. Who the HELL builds their seat of power with a bottomless pit.
  7. For all we definitively know right now, it could be just something for tanks, or for healers, or for that one guy who is going to always get sucked inside the sword room. Cool for a little bit on the rage; we just don't KNOW as fact yet. As suggested earlier by someone, it very well could be a gimmick in the PTR to get some testing done on the dailies to avoid another Recover the Shipment mishap. If that's the case, more power to them. And also linked above someone mentioned a crafting recipe for it. That'll be another good way for those who can't o the dailies to do it (even manage to stock up for your guild). I'd say we still need a little more info before the rage. But it IS quite an interesting idea, for better or worse is yet to be said.
  8. Chat fonts.... right click the tab you want to augment, go down to font size. you have 12, 14, 16, 18 to choose from... Actual UI font. It looks like its anchored to the actual ui... and since in 1.2 it can be augmented, then you can now augment the ui font. So if you can't read your group's names in the corner, make their nametag bigger.
  9. I don't think this was mentioned yet but.... You want to typically check the hub planet you are questing on before you actually delve into the bread and butter of your quests (the first two don't count to this rule). Check what the max level upgrades are and you should judge to see if they are worth the investment(typically you should look for orange items that are huge upgrades from yours, or orange items that would replace a non-orange item you are wearing). Then, as you do your quests, pick commendations over gear or item casings. If you have the option for a large upgrade for your main companion, take that over a commendation. If not, save up for your item and any possible modification upgrades for other oranges. Synthweaving, archeology, and underworld trading is highly favorable because you can find orange patterns from UT, and you can make epic versions of items (through reverse engineering. When you get to the fleet and take the crew skill tutorial, there'll be more on that there. If not, you can find a guide but right now i'm just giving an overview). It's also REALLY important what your AC is and your group role. If you are an assassin tank, for example, you want items with shield, absorb, and defense on it. If you are a sorcerer dps then you want alacrity and surge and such. You pick your advanced class and get talents at level 10(or later, depending on when you get to fleet)
  10. As countless others stated, these terms really are the norm. They're the SI units of table-tops and computer RPGs (and MMOs).... but one thing I'd like to highlight... Pretty much everything can translate except for dungeon and raid right? sure, dungeon is synonymous with instance which is what a flashpoint is, so that slides by.... But what about raid? That can't fit with ops right? Well, when you think about it, you are gathering a raiding party to thusly raid the operation. So "raid" fits even better than dungeon does. Food for thought.
  11. Hey, this is pretty good for the gorrilla-in-the-room mmo. Four months for the same "YOU COME TO MAKE FUN OF ZANZIL TOO?" speech? I take this any day.
  12. Assuming you are republic? The best thing I can suggest is sit for a while in the fleet cantina and come back. Then do a few space missions at your level, do some warzones, do some of the higher dailies on planets you've been to already..... Honestly if you don't want to quest (and I really can't blame you on Balmorra) there's more options you have that FP's, but they aren't as "fast".
  13. I don't know what you want if not a cheaper scaling cost. To get that high your kiddos need to be respecing like wildfire.... It even resets after a week of not respeccing, so there's that. You still have to pay your fee but then it returns to 0
  14. I'll agree it's annoying, but it works better than what it really could (and probably should considering where time was placed and such) have been. It's probably just looking bad right now because it is harder to click on people for various reasons(people kind of have a literal field, but in some places that is off the character for some reason, or the fact that you can't click on nameplates). Really, once it's easier to click on people(come 1.2) then it shouldn't be so bad. Definitely not rage-worthy. And to clarify for some: Target next target is default binded to tab, but that's not the only target option. There are 4: target next target, target nearest target, target next friendly target, and target nearest friendly target. There are differences between the "next" and "nearest" types, so that's a noteworthy point.
  15. 2V-R8, and Ashara's "Meh, I got nothing better to do" attitude to joining her former masters' murderer's team.
  16. Droids use them. You can equip two motors on your ship's droid (who is ONLY a healer, by the way). Motors can also be equipped to other classes' companions such as:
  17. The best thing you can do is keep going at what you are. To be honest? I can tell what you MEAN to say even if it's hard to follow sometimes, since I am reading you literally and then making the sentence logical later. Yes, a phone (or even your ipod/pad if you can afford one) could help you along. The Dragon program looks like a good placement of long term money.... ish. Up to you if it is worth it. Honestly, what I would suggest is just try your best and add a few periods or commas in to separate your thoughts a little more. Unless you suffer from flow of ideas or word salad, a good rule of thumb is to put a period where you finish a thought. Or a comma, where you take a breath. It gives more flow. Nevermind how others think, as long as your IDEA is laid out well enough And if that still doesn't help people picking on you, screw THEM. Not everyone is an Einstein, so let them wallow in their self loathing that they aren't. As far as I know.... there's just a slight misfire in an area of the brain that controls understanding of letters, numbers, sounds, and words right? It's not that people with these types of disorders can just turn it off, and it's not like you can "work out" that part of the brain to fix the wiring. It's not fair that people with dyslexia and such like that have to deal with it, but it's more so unfair that they get made fun of for it or told they are not right. So, for those of us not dealing with that challenge to overcome should really just relax and read between the lines for these guys. Anyways, good luck to you OP. I hope you can find a way that works comfortably for you.
  18. You kind of posted in the new player forum board, so you did get a lot of the explanation to your implied "new player" question. That's kind of what the board is about.
  19. It's been a very pleasant surprise, even with some "I can't believe that's not in there" problems. It's even nicer seeing that there is a healthy amount of players, even again with those glaring inconveniences.
  20. /signup Empire, Giradda the Hutt; Find me on Khora, Sivenom, Uliquios, or Shi'vanriss I'm usually on 4 est (or after homework XD) until 9 or 10 est weekdays and most of the day weekends I'm knowledgeable in assassin and powertech PvP and PvE and all tanking and healing generally, flashpoints, and PvE generally. I know my fair share of huttball too hehe Also grasp a fair amount at the crew skill mechanics and enjoy long walks on the beaches of Alderaan.
  21. Then you, like you misguidedly believe I haven't, have yet to look int he right place. Fish around in Taris, fish around in Belsaavis. There are enough lore points there to get the feeling like you have made an impact. Even on Hoth that people hate so much, you can explore those abandoned ships. Hell, You can climb one and overlook the world, and no one will know but you. You can't say a thing about exploration on SWTOR if you haven't explored hard enough. UNLIKE WoW, you don't stumble on the secret boss monsters, you don't stumble on secret hidings to random what-looks-like-rakata-tech. you don't stumble on a hold fast that has almost no meaning tucked somewhere in a corner with nothing but a little lore snippet on what might have killed them. These are all hidden by paths you'd never think of or places you'd never look. What you stumble on are references or places that would be cool maybe eventually. Or a tombstone dedicated to a fallen friend, which you happened to spy at first by flying overhead and, after revamp, now has the angel appear in the real world too. Or a tombstone with a witty limerick right inside a quest hub. The last place I actually had to look for (that wasn't made trivial because of flying mounts) was removed. End of story, if you think there's a lack, you haven't looked hard enough.
  22. Then apparently, you're as blind as me. You'll never get it that.... THEY PAVED OVER IT TO MAKE CONTENT PRETTY AND BLAND. Sweetheart, I've been to Ravenholme before my rogue friends knew what the hell I was talking to. I've been to all the exploited areas like air strip and the troll village. I've even found the Ghost stalker, I've seen all the many versions of Alcatraz they put it with no meaning. I have been decimated by the random ??? neutral "Demon" ranked enemies that walked around un'goro. I owned linken's sword, got a prairie chicken, did that stupid quest for a fey drake, and hell. I even got the black lion and the broken tooth cougar when they were best in game. But what did you get from it. Now that it's been paved over to make way for a shopping center. For a straight quest. I'll conceede there's the Demon hunter lore............ and that's it in the new zones. And what happened to that? Demon hunters haven't been mentioned since BC and now you're telling me that little bit was a gag reel? Ahuh. No. You don't get it. Exploration is dead in world.2, which is exactly my implication. Also, you didn't read the rest of my post. By the way, you ever clicked detect invisibility in UC? I don't think those ghosts are there anymore, what with that ability being removed. Do they even play the king's speech? Thank god that the temple of the moon still plays in the ghostlands!
  23. I would get into the habit of expanding that to a little more than comp though. Comp usually stands for "computer" outside of companion, and even then you very well could be talking about a "computer". "Damn my comp is so slow" Could mean your companion is slow or your computer is slow. My comp can't go over that hill Either your companion's legs are broken or you got some spyware buddy.
  24. you forgot other modus operandi! "Train" -- a trail of mobs either being accidentally pulled or purposely pulled and are now following a player "Sap" -- generally a stealth-class's CC. Requires to get a bit up close and personal then beat the target with some instrument to render it incapacitated for a moderately long period of time. "sheep" -- mages, wizards, warlocks, etc can poly-morph things. A sheep is an example. Also used as slang for "Just CC the goddamn thing already, ITS EATING THE HEALER" or "I want to pull, hurry the hell up and CC it." "ranged" -- They stand at range. This includes healers. "melee" -- pronounced "maylay" or "meh-leh" or "MEEEELEEEEEEEEEE". This typically refers to just the DPSrs in melee range in raid instructions. Can also include tanks. "PST pls" -- or other variations of PST and then an entreaty. This is an easily recognized identifier of someone who says "ATM machine" or "PIN number" in real life. "LF1M healer" or "LFM healer" -- also healer replaced by "tank". This means WE DON'T WANT YOUR DPS MARAUDER, SORCERER, MERC, POWERTECH, OPERATIVE, OR SNIPER. PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE.
  25. I colored three sections to make a point... overall I agree with you though. Green: The mistake was thinking it was too easy to enter... I TOTALLY AGREE. That was a mistake. The reason PvP is so popular in SWTOR I think is that... it's engaging. You have to pay attention a little more than "charge stun stun stun bleed dead YAY POINTS" or "heal heal heal heal heal run behind pillar heal heal YAY POINTS". I think the medal system is intuitive. I wish the "based on merit" tagline would have originally been implemented but overall I enjoyed it. And this is coming from someone who only ever BG'd to bear-carry the flag for children's week or tree-guarded mines for hallow's end. I actually want to pvp now; not hardcore or anything, but it's fun. Yellow:Cost for Entry in PvE isn't as high as you're thinking. I can walk in with 48 oranges for the most part and breeze through most of the HM FP's (d7 and FE I reserve judgement on. And kaon is easy if you drag the stupid droid). I haven't done an op yet, but the problem is I can't find anyone to do it with. That's enough of a bar to entry as you're going to get. And do-before-kill boss strategies are tried and true. You dont get a dungeon journal and there's no tankspot. I'm grateful, because now we can actually pay attention to the encounter instead of click a button count to five sidestep, click, 5 sidestep.... It's more a battle than a cosplay ballroom dance. Now with more HK! Blue: Essentially, yellow. There are certain click points (like healers and tank specifically hindered by gear checkpoints) but there's no real bar right now. You go in, you see willpower drop for your BH, strength for your agent, cunning for your inq, and aim for your warr, then you leave. That's just about it.
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