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Everything posted by Pallais

  1. It's a suggested tongue-in-cheek title that isn't actually available.
  2. The death field in ACW is wonky. I was in Mid and leapt to someone on the opposite side of the turret and got insta-killed. I assume my character somehow clipped into the turret, but given I was leaping at a person in my LOS I shouldn't have died. Perhaps having a slight delay on the kill option so that these sorts of issues don't cause people to stop using their gap closers close to the turrets? On Snow in ACW I saw someone do the typical 'run down the stairs and try to LOS + heal". When they rolled away they rolled under the platform the turret is on and became unattackable. (I could tell where they were because I had them targetted.) You might want to extend the death field to under the platform as well in case this could be exploitable. In original Huttball I think I only saw one person killed by the timer, so folks were definitely passing it more. I would suggest adding a distinct UI element to show the time remaining before the Huttball carrier gets killed. It would be nice if both sides could see it, but it should certainly be shown to the carrier. The original Huttball match felt really dynamic and fun. If this can carry over to Live I'll be quite happy. (I like a constantly moving/changing PvP situation. Stalemates/turtles are boring.) Matchmaking felt off. There seemed to be way more healing going in some matches which causes things to stalemate. I know this is an issue with the PTS player pool, but was the matchmaking limiting the amount of healers and/or tanks? (I could be just seeing the amount of off-spec healing from skilled players.)
  3. There a bug with the public listings. If the owner of the stronghold is Imperial and they list their stronghold for both sides in the public directory Republic players can't see the listing. Imperials can see all of the listings regardless of who the owner is.
  4. Thank you for the quick response.
  5. Does Hinder apply to Sage/Sorc Pulls, too? If it doesn't then a Sage/Sorc + Tank becomes the de facto ball running team (given that Hinder basically says only have a tank run the Huttball). Also, would the Huttball matchmaking ensure a tank on both teams? The side without a tank would be at a disadvantage. Snave's suggested healing debuff would be a better answer to getting more passing of the Huttball. You would only want to hold on to it for so long, dps would still do well as Huttball carriers, and the matchmaking wouldn't need to be as fussy about tanks/healers.
  6. There you go. I simply ran the launcher, nothing happened until I got the 308 error message. UPDATE: I deleted the patch folder. I killed the launcher process. I then reinstalled the old launcher using the client download link from my account profile and ran the old launcher. The game successfully patched and let me login. I had to use the launcher repair program from EA Answers (Launcher Cannot (sic) Patch Itself) and got the new launcher back. I installed from disks during the original pre-launch event as far as I can tell I've never had to use BitRaider if that makes any difference. (Assuming the new launcher doesn't use it.)
  7. How does this work when you group for non-instanced group content? Is your group forced into a PvE or PvP instance? Does the focus selection have the members only show up in their instance, but visible to the group as well (ie, the group can span instances, but the members can't)?
  8. FIrstly, I have to say that JMCA's posts are quite amusing even if I disagree with his points. Given his tenacity and claims I'd suspect he was JMD from Jedi Covenant, but JMCA can actually spell and use reasonable grammar. ^_^ Secondly, as I have stated on twitter "In an MMO, story-only folks have fun by being entertained. Ops & PvP folks have fun by being challenged. We need both for a healthy game." I want to see both, but only in the healthy proportion that keeps the game alive. Doing away with any area hastens the end of the game. I actually think they need to *expand* the areas of activity in the game. More events, challenge modes, pet battles, etc, Even if I never do any of these things, if they bring in more folks that sub the healthier the game. Focusing on just one area is putting all of your eggs in a single basket and then making a Hail Mary throw with said basket. It might work or you might end up with a lot of egg on a lot of faces. Now, as far as story saving this game, not really. With the free to play conversion, story became free and thus did not bring in money by itself. It was the existing subscriber base and, importantly, the new Cartel Market that saved the game. While the desire to look unique tends to catch people's attention, the unlocks for the MMO bits was a steady stream of revenue for the game. I'm not going to get into a debate about which brought in more money, cosmetics or MMO bits unlocks. The thing to remember is that you needed none of them to do the story. Again, to enjoy the story you didn't need to sub or spend money on the cartel market. Money was spent only if you wanted non-story bits. Now, starting with the expansions, story brought in a little bit of money. If you bought RotHC and SoR when they launched, and subbed for one month for KoTFE you paid $20 + $20 + $15 = $55. If you didn't come back until after Oct 27, 2015 then you only paid $15 for all three. So in this case story can be said to have generated from $15 to $55 (it is a range because RotHC was released to subs for free after Sept 2013.) for Bioware. In that same time frame the subscribers (ie from the F2P transition) -- who were paying for full access to the MMO bits -- paid $525 (if they were on a month to month cycle) or just $468 (six months recurring sub), The subs land on the MMO bits side of this divide because if you only wanted story it was a waste of money to pay for a sub. This isn't to say story only folks lost out. They've received all of the existing story content for the price of a new single player game (if they've playing all along) or for the price of an indy game if they've just come back or just started. But to say that story saved the game, no, it didn't. If we look at the amounts needed to be spend at its most beneficial to the story folks, subs doing the MMO bits out-supported the game by a factor of 8.5 to 1. (If we look at the most beneficial to the subs/MMO bits people it is a whopping 35 to 1.) Now, as far as the efforts go to build a raid Blizzard's lead developer stated "The raid itself, that contributes to all difficulties, makes up 90%ish." (Source: Wowhead interview). While Blizzard can be assumed to have a more efficient pipeline for creating raids we see that build the instance the raid plays in is the vast bulk of the effort & time.This is the same time of effort used to create Asylum, Zakuul City, etc. Given that raid world building tends to be less complex (for raid performance reasons) you can see why MMOs focused mostly on the MMO bits over story. A raid tends to have a life of 9 months +/-3 given the number of bosses, whereas the entire KorFE story content with all of its development costs will only last 16 to 20 hours. When you compare the development effort rewards, months of player time spent versus a weekend of player time you can see that the MMO bits, while not currently 'sexy' are much better for sustaining an MMO. Now to be fair, if BW has made a breakthrough on the development of story content that would be a true revolution in MMO design. Sadly, we haven't seen anything to suggest that. What we have seen is an attempt to grow their player base by trying to entice a new market of customers while ignoring their existing base. We saw how well that worked with Ultima IX as EA's other RPG company, Origin Systems, Inc. is a powerhouse market leader today,,, (A tangential comment, I think the original poster would have had a decent argument if he had argued that BW should have favored PvP over ops for development time as PvP requires much less expensive asset creation time, Class balance, ranked rewards, the return of 8v8 ranked are all cheaper to develop than either ops or story. Food for thought, at least.) TLDR: No, story didn't and won't save the game. Story only people don't spend near the amounts that subscribers & MMO bits people do.
  9. SWTOR's fourth pillar via the *eight* class stories was a heroic attempt to make an end-around the lesson's learned in LucasFilm's 1985 game, Habitat (http://www.fudco.com/chip/lessons.html). SWTOR originally took 20 writers and "60 man-years worth of writing... or somebody's natural life." (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/134940/the_making_of_star_wars_the_old_.php?page=1) The devs assumed it would take 3 to 5 _months_ to get from 1 to 50, that is " 170-180 hours of content" (http://www.pcgamer.com/bioware-gdc-panel-star-wars-the-old-republic/). Players were leveling 40 hours a week (see previous link), and getting to the endgame, that is, consuming all the story much faster than Bioware thought possible. The SWTOR devs relearned the 25 year old lesson LucasFilm discovered with Habitat: players chew through story content far faster than you expect or can create. Simply put, story content is the *most* expensive content you can create for an MMO. It's a "use once, forever done" experience for most people. And honestly, if story content was the cheapest thing to make there would be many more story oriented MMOs. Heck, Korean MMOs would be known for being story time-sinks, not as grindfests if story was cheaper than the other MMO activities. The thing is, repeatable content, be it heroics, flashpoints, pvp, and/or ops are the things that sustain the player base between story drops / expansions. Without those repeatable group activities you have to do what Bioware has done, which is artificially gate the story content over the period of multiple months. Group content tends to build the social bounds that keep people logging in frequently, whereas gated story content tends lead to people only logging in (or subbing) when new story content is available. At the moment enough people unsubbed that Bioware needed to hastily announce the HK-55 companion carrot with the 'play as HK-55' option. Given the KotFE story explicitly stated he couldn't be rebuilt this is an obvious attempt to keep people subbed though each of the chapter releases. I don't blame Bioware for wanting to keep people paying as a steady stream of subscriber money is better than having people treating KotFE as DLC and thus only paying for it when all parts are released. In the end, KotFE is a gamble for Bioware. I hope it succeeds so that we can go back to having the full featured MMO they envisioned when they first started working on this game. If they fail I don't see any AAA MMO putting this much effort into story again. Story is just too expensive. You have to have large-scale group content to keep MMOs differentiated from the other popular genres.
  10. "It is no longer possible to fall through the world while attempting to reach the Revanite Alter on the Mission “Death and Life.”" While spellcheck is a wonderful thing, you might want to alter "Revanite Alter" to "Revanite Altar"?
  11. I agree, having an item that would change green / blue gear to orange -- not necessarily adaptive gear -- would be quite nice. The more cosmetic options for us players the better.
  12. New *good* content takes time. None of us wants new, buggy content. That would drive people away even faster. I'm sure if Bioware could push out quality raiding content faster they would. They have the exact numbers of folks raiding across the life of swtor and can see the effects of the lack of endgame raiding content. It is just that at this point in gaming creating new content is A) expensive and B) time consuming. Even Blizzard has let their raiders sit on a single raid nine months to a year several times. (And the hard core raiders tend to blaze through the content fast and then not play much until the next raid drop.)
  13. Would it be possible for the per character speeder legacy perks to take into account if you already have that level of speeder piloting trained? I have several characters, levels 25 to 29, with speeder piloting 1 already trained prior to patch 1.3. When those characters reach level 30 it would be nice to be able to unlock the legacy speeder piloting 2 without having to effectively repurchase speeder piloting 1 via the legacy system.
  14. Legacy perks are per server only at this time. It would be nice if that changed, but then you would have the clash of Legacy names if it was cross-server.
  15. Pallais

    Stun and fun.

    Or _raising_ the cc cooldowns in *PvP* to the point you only get to use them once or twice in a Huttball match. I'd rather see CC usage based on skill than being spammed every time it is off cooldown. (Or worse, aoe stuns being spammed because tab-targeting is so broken and it is easier to spam the aoe stun than select the ball carrier.)
  16. You'll never have balanced factions on any server given that people have a choice of what to play. When cross-server warzones happen you should see more faction-based warzones, but at least until then we have the option of more than just Huttball. If the faction issue bothers you, just Google "Aggressor Squadron" (or watch Top Gun ). It is common to train against members of your own military that are setup to use the enemy's tactics. Viewed in that light, Voidstar works. As far as open world PvP goes, everyone struggles with that. Any naturally unbalanced server is going to make open world pvp unpalatable for the smaller side. Wow's Wintergrasp and Tol Barad have come closest to pretending to be world pvp and that is only because winning gives you access to epic loot pinatas.
  17. Well, Bioware did mention today ONE server where the Republic was 75% of the population. Bioware got teased because that was the only Republic dominated server that they could think of.
  18. Having a 50 Imperial (Valor 45) and a 50 Republic (Valor 35) toon that there's no difference between the sides when you queue solo. About half the time people will mention a strategy which may or may not be followed. Maybe a third of the time people will communicate incoming enemies, etc.. The winning matches have much more communication between members than losing ones. Silence is deadly to your own side. If no one says anything at the start I'll pipe up and ask about a basic strategy (for example, "Sides or side+mid?" in ACW). I try to call out incomings when I'm defending. Hopefully those small things will rub off on some new players so that they realize talking helps win. Yeah, showing by example will never reach a certain type of player, but not everyone is that self-absorbed.
  19. Yeah, it can be a brutal grind at first, but one you get two or three pieces of gear you'll start noticing an improvement. The nice thing is that all the pvp set bonuses work together so you can use both Centurion and Champion gear to start building the set bonuses. Mainly, I'd suggest sticking with the biggest group, accepting you'll die a lot and just keep pvping. The more you do the better your skills get. Also, don't drop out of a warzone. You need the warzone commendations (plus the conversion to mercenary commendations. Thus, all warzones will help you towards the goal of getting champion bags.
  20. Perhaps a level 10 - 13 bracket would be nice once cross-server warzones are up.
  21. Agreed that tab targeting is broken. I also wish you could click on a nameplate to select a target. :/
  22. From that thread, as stated by the *original poster*: "The whole story, they attacked us first. We did the PVP thing and made a call out on the TS server.... We rolled in and camped the boss, didnt take it down, but protected it instead. Tag the boss as they get there and then wipe them. Actually thought this was cool and enjoyed the PVP. After a bit, most of us left but some stay around harassing the repubs by attacking them while they engaged the boss and such." Note the part about some staying "around harassing the repubs". Harassment _is_ against the TOS and I wouldn't be surprised if that was what caught some warnings. We've all seen those people that don't know when to stop and go too far. I do find it amusing that we are hearing all the same old arguments that people used about guilds griefing each other over the world dragons in WoW. I bet old-school EQers have even more amusement over it (just ask one to explain the origin of the phrase "training a mob").
  23. Let's see, call out 'inc 4 east'. No response and it is just me that stayed to defend the turret. I'm going to die quickly if they are coordinated, but if not, hopefully I'll slow them down enough to buy time for my team to come defend before I'm defeated. Context of why you charged matters. Sometimes that crazy assault is a useful distraction, though I grant you I've seen plenty of kamikaze runs on mid when either side would have been a smarter option.
  24. A deserter debuff doesn't stop people from dropping a losing battle. If they think they'll do better requeueing after the debuff they'll drop in a heartbeat. For example, making the daily a single win or 5 losses with 2 medals earned per loss would do more for keeping people in a match than any debuff. The idea of medals is a good one because it promotes normal participation. Add a Wow-style afk reporting tool and you would be set. It is better to nudge people towards the goal of active play than uselessly whack 'em on the nose with a deserter debuff. (I say two medals as that still lets those that defend a turret in ACW to progress. The wins and matches lost are just examples. It could stay three wins and/or 9 matches w/medals or whatever you thing the sweetspot for the numbers should be.)
  25. But you weren't a "fresh 50". A fresh 50 is someone with just quest gear and no pvp gear ready to go. They are just starting on the learning curve of pvp and warzones at 50. You knew what to expect and were ready to go. That's smart, but not the same as someone with a fresh 50. Having BM on your main and running with a premade also means you know the maps like the back of your hand and understand the importance of teamwork, locking down enemy healers, etc.. Again, this isn't a knock at you -- kudos for being prepared -- just a comment that your experience didn't give you a real "fresh 50" situation. If this had been your first 50, especially your first MMO, that would have been much more impressive.
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