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Everything posted by JaborAnDubhar

  1. Yeah, poor range casters, they will have to learn to fight stealthers. In two years, every single assassin avoided them, now it's up to mighty concealment actually killing them. Or: You had to get used to deception burst, now get used to concealments sustained damage. Learn to use your cooldowns (including CC-Breaker), bind Stealth Scan and Electro Net and stop whining and QQing about a slightly buffed specc you propably haven't seen yet.
  2. They say ignorance is bliss, so you must be the most lucky guy in the whole world, right? You can't stunlock someone with a mezz, thats the point. To stunlock someone, you need stuns. Operatives have one 4 sec. stun on a 45/30 sec. cooldown + the mighty 1.5 sec. knockdown on opener. Assassins have one 4 sec. stun on a 60/50 sec. cooldown, one 4 sec. stun on a 15 sec. cooldown, 2 sec. knockdown as an opener. PLUS dealing more damage to controlled targets, to targets below 30% and having an execute. Guess who's better suited stunlocking targets? Sure, an Aoe-Mezz is useful, but not at fighting an enemy. With a mezz you take out an enemy, be it a node guard or a healer. Fact is, Assassins have more than enough utility and defensive capabilities to compensate their lack of an AoE-Mezz. EDIT: Just read your other statements. Most funny and wrong things I ever read. Best escape mechanic? Would guess teleport. Best stealth detection? +2, same as troopers (them having stealth scan not mentioned). Better burst? Oh boy, you don't know how to play your assassin, right?
  3. So, please explain it to me, what on earth is so special about operatives the whole world is freaking out them getting buffed to be on par with assassins? Everything you mentioned is already done by assassins. PLUS them having decent defensive cooldowns. Everybody's QQing about operatives, but assassins are fine? Screw it...
  4. Energy on lol roll? You're right, an ability using 1/4 of your energy bar is way too cheap. Other stealth classes don't have things like sprint usable in stealth or f***ing teleport, so: Nerf it! Many stuns? Yeah, Stealth-Mezz + Mezz-Grenade + 4 sec. Melee-Stun + mighty 1,5 sec. knockdown on opener is over the top. Other stealth classes don't have stuns, so: Nerf it! Self healing? Ok, now I can't even be sarcastic any more- what the hell are you talking about?! Mighty standard heal, which is expensive and takes ages to channel? Free micro-heal, which heals for about 1k with crits? Or our even mightier HoT, which uses our main damage ressource, has to be channeled and heals for nah? Ok, now I can see your point...Nerf it, too!
  5. 52,47% Damage Reduction (10765 Armor) 20,02% Defense (696) 45,20% Shield (1324) 40,35% Absorb (701) Full 78 BiS, including Set-Bonus and Stim, 12 Shield-Augments, 1 Absorb-Augment, 1 Defense-Augment
  6. Yes and No. There are customizable versions of this rifle, but they have a problem: All of them have a fairly massive scope on them. The base model you are looking for is used by: http://tor-fashion.com/d-3-searing-disintegrator/ http://tor-fashion.com/gray-helix-blaster-rifle/ http://tor-fashion.com/m-400-nova-rifle/ EDIT: And http://tor-fashion.com/x-12-riot-carbine/
  7. No offense Durandel, but I once read that you admitt to "suck at tanking"; the explanation why gave me the impression that it's not only tanking... Reading more of your postings, it's obvious you have a lot of ideas, but a significant lack of knowing current game mechanics. Posting new ideas every time you fail to do something right with a currently existing class won't help you. Changing classes, bringing new talents or a bunch of totally new classes won't help you. Learn to play the existing classes; they have their weaknesses and strengths on purpose. Learn to play them as they are designed, learn to play them on an average level; then you will be able to notice the important things (design and balancing flaws) and maybe you will be able to bring constructive ideas. Some day. So I want to ask you kindly: Please, stop posting nonsense.
  8. Omg, is this the first "Operatives will be overpowered, nerf it!!!" post?
  9. Full 78 armorings: Vanguard tank (should be highest armor rating in game; tank stance and buffing talents included): 52,47% Commando (heavy armor): 30,32% Operative (medium armor): 24,52% Heal Commandos can get an extra 4%, Artillerist Commandos (and so specced Assault Specialists) can get an extra 5% using their main attacks. (34,32% / 35,32%) Heal Operatives (and so specced Damage Operatives) can get an extra 4%. (28,52%) Can't speak about light armor. I just don't understand your point, maybe wrong expectations or not knowing your talent trees?
  10. Took me one evening to get the parts and to make the quests. Solo. You're right, 4 hours are sooo bad, the story quests are boring and annoying... ...not! Back to Topic: Treek vs. HK Teddy Bear vs. Killer Machine Heal/Tank vs. Pure DPS 1 Million Creds + one (pretty nice) cutscene vs. An evening of quests and exploring The answer? Get both of them!
  11. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GMGrdoroMdRRZrsZb.3 Some may argue taking 2% of endurance instead of 6% elemental crit, but I think, that this is not a good deal, since most of your attacks are elemental (Ion Pulse, Energy Blast, Explosive Surge, Pulse Cannon). Tank damage is very underestimated, since 2 tanks roughly do the same amount as 1 mediocre DD. Rotation is fairly simple: Stock Strike, High Impact Bolt, Energy Blast and Pulse Cannon on Cooldown, just take care of a thew things: 1. Use Energy Blast between 2 GCDs. 2. If you have 3 stacks of Power Screen, use Energy Blast immediatly. Don't use Stock Strike, gain the third stack of Power Screen and use High Impact Bolt, UNLESS Energy Blast has more than 1,5 seconds CD. (As a vanguard tank, it is helpful to activate the cooldown grafics in the game menu, giving you exact numbers to your cooldowns) 3. Always try to keep your Static Field up, so use Ion Pulse at least once per 10 seconds. 4. Use Hammer Shots! It's your free standard attack, it's one of the best standard attacks in game and it's a efficient filler attack. Since it hits three times, it's a good way to trigger your next Pulse Engine, too (giving you a free and super-fast channeled Pulse Cannon). 5. Use Shoulder Cannon! It's a great ability, doing damage, a lot of aggro AND it's healing you! Combine it with Battle Focus at the start of a boss fight to maximize your aggro. 6. Use your taunts! At the moment, it's possible sentinels and gunslingers are outdamaging your aggro-rotation pretty easy, so start a fight with your rotation of choice, use Single Taunt, use your rotation another 6 seconds, use AOE Taunt, use your rotation another 6 seconds, kindly remember your DDs to use their aggro reduce and you should be fine. If you are loosing aggro behind this point, just use your Single Taunt another time (and blame your DDs for being s.cumbacks... ). So, you may have noticed my advice is operation/flashpoint- based. Reason is, I don't PvP with my tank.^^ From my experiance I can say, that vanguards are annoying PvP-tanks. Lot's of slows, pull and immunity to knockback and snares. Must be fun, so maybe I should play Huttball with my tank.... Edit: Attributes, right: Defensive Rating should be around 21% (with set bonusses), this is your first priority. Shield is not on the same gear-slot, so it automaticly inreases as you are getting better gear and you may want a few shield augments. Absorb is your last priority, since you are getting lots of it (Energy Blast, Power Screen), so you are bumping it after you reached that 21% defense. Important: Don't use Mainstat/Endurance augments! Use Shield/AP, Absorb/AP or Defense/AP. Sadly there are no (Tank stat)/Endurance augments, but AP is fine, it's bumping your damage/aggro. Hope this helps you a bit...
  12. Vanguard tanking is great, both in Ops / Flashpoints and in solo questing. Running dailys I go the safe way, picking Elara (Heal) as a companion. It's just fun to pull 2-3 Groups of standard / weak mobs + 1-2 strongs and not having trouble at all, because you rarely drop below 90% life. The funny part is, that vanguard tanks have pretty good damage; free and faster channeled Impulse-Cannon plus Stock-Strike (both with the ability to used more often through cooldown resets), 2 free Explosive Surges after jumping an enemy, etc. Plus you have all the great AOEs all troopers have: Mortar Volley and Sticky Grenade both are great to wipe out trash groups. On the tanking part: Vanguards are very smooth tanks. My vanguard (mostly 78 equip, one implant 72, relics 72 and 75, barrel 72) is at 21% defense, 43% shield-chance and 40% shield-absorb and 41200 life with stim. With your skilled abilities (Energy Blast and Power Screen) you get 25% / 3 % shield-absorb in fight, so you are propably at 65% shield-absorb the most time. Aggro-managment is fine, kiting abilities are great, but where the vanguard really shines is in standing at the boss and taking damage. Guardians may have better and more defensive cooldowns, but as a vanguard, you just are not dependant on defensive cooldowns so often. In an operation group you also have to consider, that vanguards have great synergy with the other tanks: You lower the damage of every enemy hit by Ion Pulse and Explosive Surge by 5% for 10 seconds and your Riot Gas reduces the accuracy of every enemy standing in it by 30%, so you can help the other tank, even if you don't have aggro at the time. My raiding group runs a Guardian and a Vanguard, recently clearing Dread Fortress HM and Dread Palace HM. We experimented with Guardian/Guardian and Guardian/Shadow, but we stayed on Guardian/Vanguard. P.S.: I'm German, so excuse any weird or wrong spelling and grammar, please.
  13. Zwar nur im weitesten Sinn ein seltsames Erlebnis, aber doch komisch genug.^^ Heiler bekommen ja schon in Random-FPs wenig Lob, aber das ein Tank Lob bekommt, hab ich noch nie erlebt, und vor allem für was... Die Geschichte an sich ist ein wenig ein Gegenbeispiel zu den meisten Geschichten hier, ein vollkommen glatt ablaufender FP ohne besondere Vorkommnisse. Letzte Woche hatte ich noch ein wenig Zeit vor unserem Raid, also dachte ich mir, mach ich noch Fix einen Flashpoint für die Weekly. Mit meinem Fronti-Tank (Palast und Festung HC/, bzw. Asa/A+V Nightmare Tank, also gnadenlos überequippt, aber da alles BiS nur 41k Life mit Stim) gelistet und gleich ne Einladung bekommen, Czerka Kernschmelze. Gruppenzusammensetzung: Revo (25k Life), Hüter (21k) und Gelehrten-Heal (35k). Hallo gesagt und los gings. Trash lag recht fix, dann gings zu dem Wüstenboss, schnell umgehauen, danach Sumpfboss, inklusive des obligatorischen Hin und Her-Geschubses und -Gestunnes, was ihn aber am Ende auch nicht geholfen hatte. Die Bosse lagen aufgrund der beiden DD-Frischlinge etwas langsamer als normal, aber dafür machten sie ihren Job recht gut, immer schön Fokus auf die schwachen Gegner gesetzt, beim Sumpfboss sofort auf die Adds geswitched, Revo-Schild in den richtigen Situationen gezündet, alles wunderbar, vor allem da der Heiler seinen Job echt gut gemacht hat. Der Endboss war dann auch keine Überraschung. Da der Hüter-DD den FP nicht kannte, wurden die zu hauenden Kerne schnell markiert, Adds schon vor dem Heiler abgefangen und der hässliche Fleischräuber-Mutant schlussendlich niedergeknüppelt. Ein schöner, schneller FP ohne Aufregung. Das obligatorische "Thx und bb" geschrieben und noch ein "Hat Spaß gemacht" hinterhergeschoben, dann wieder ab auf die Flotte, so weit, so gut. Alles nicht besonders "Seltsam", oder?^^ Was ich seltsam fand, war, dass ich hinterher vom Heiler angeschrieben wurde, was ich denn für ein guter Tank wäre...("***? Hab ich irgendwo gefailt, es nicht mitbekommen und er ist jetzt sarkastisch?") Er machte auf Nachfrage, wie er denn auf so etwas käme, folgende Begründung: Aufgefallen sei es ihm beim Wüstenboss, weil ich nach den Feuer-Dot-Phasen noch bei den zerstörten Umweltgeneratoren gewartet hab, um die letzten Ticks des dort gelegten Heilkreises, bzw. die verbleibende Zeit unter dem Revo-Schild zu nutzen. Eigentlich selbstverständlich, oder?^^ Genau wie Reizgas-Pfütze legen, nur dass ich da nutze, was schon da liegt...Es entwickelte sich dann ein halbstündiger Chat rund um Tank-Stats, Operationen etc. Als ich dann zum Raid musste, hatte ich einen weiteren Heiler auf der Freundesliste. Hört sich alles wie Selbstbeweihräucherung an, oder? Fakt ist, dass ich alles andere als ein Ausnahmetank bin. Ich mache nur meinen Job; Bossmechaniken ausführen, Aggro von der Gruppe fernhalten und gleichzeitig unnötigen Schaden vermeiden. Das "Seltsame", was ich aus diesem FP mitnehme, ist die Frage, was für Tanks die Leute im FP erleben müssen, dass ganz normales Tank-Verhalten gelobt werden muss?! Oo
  14. Aurek, Vanguard Orenth, Commando (and just to have the complete pack: Nern, female Gunslinger and Zerek, Marauder) All names are letters from the Aurebesh, the Star Wars script.
  15. I'm searching for this item, seems to be a Level 39-40 Mission reward. Does anyone know where to find it? http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/gear/14238/X-3-Heavy-Assault-Cannon
  16. Pyro was nerfed because of burst and stun?! Man, are you playing any other class besides your kiddie-smasher, or are you just trolling?! And Marauder has no stuns? Oh gosh, Force Choke (best short-time stun in game; builds resources, stuns and does damage) isn't a stun?! And you're complaining that it can be interrupted by other players?! And an AOE-Mezz isn't a thing?! And you're comparing a tank-spec with an dd-specc?! Troll-Factor 1/10
  17. Don't forget the ship! Vanguards have the ultimate mobile/flying command-center/medic-center/armory, build with military perfection, with lots of very neatly arranged space. Powertechs are flying a old heap, rusty, old and confined...
  18. If you liked troopers Rakata-Gear, you can get the Section X Reputation armor. It looks just the same (except the helmet, but there are orange ones, that come close..)
  19. Vanguard •Increased Assault Plastique explosion damage, but reduced the damage it deals over time. Vanguard Assault Specialist •Sweltering Heat has been redesigned: While Plasma Cell is active, damage dealt by Ion Pulse has a 50/100% chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 40% for 6 seconds. Trooper General•Adrenaline Rush now triggers at 35% health and may heal up to 35% of max health (both up from 30%). Vanguard Assault Specialist •The slow caused by the Sweltering Heat skill may now also be triggered by Explosive Surge. •Degauss has been redesigned: Activating Diversion increases your defense chance by 12.5/25% for 6 seconds. •In addition to its previous functionality, Adrenaline Fueled now also increases damage reduction by 15/30% while Adrenaline Rush is active. All of them are clearly made with PvP in mind. Some may have an slightly positive impact on Assault-PvE, but these changes are not the changes Assault needed. Burst means sh*t in PvE, we are lacking more sustained damage, and 2.4 will nerf Assaults sustained damage even more. Plus, these are most of the"buffs" Assault gets. The other changes are nerfs to the Assault tree. So 2.4 reads as "slightly better in PvP, worse in PvE".
  20. The true result? AP is now parsing on one Level with the old hybrids. Hybrids are dead. Assault got a damage nerf, even with the "buffs". And maybe the AP changes make it more viable (personally I don't think so, a melee heavy specc without a true gapcloser will not be competitive in the actual nightmare Content), but my main complains are still the changes in the assault tree. Making the aggro-reduce an deffensive-CD and healing to 35% with 30% damage reduce through adrenaline rush is nice für PvP. In PvE it means sh*t, because of assault still needing a damage buff.
  21. Play Commando, it's just sad what "they" (Peckenpaugh) are doing to the Vanguard...
  22. Well, the thing is, now they are nerfing AND buffing from a PvP-point-of-view. They totally blanked out PvE with their 2.4 changes. Plus, I will never forgive them cutting away the most addicting part of playing Assault: Being able to stay at 10m, just running two steps into 4m/melee range when you want to get an stockstrike onto the target, so being relativly unaffected by voids. With the (even from a fluff-based point-of-view. Come on, hitting a target burns it, but electrocuting doesn't?!) ridicolous dumb decition to place the CGC dot with stockstrike, they force us to stay in melee-range. There are many bosses (dreadguards, kephess etc.) where this will lead to a damage loss, because of lacking a gap-closer. Running to the boss and spamming Rapid Shots is no appropriate way to keep up DPS...
  23. I'm curious: Why are you making class balance changes from a PvP-point-of-view? SWTOR was promoted as a "Story-based" MMO, which reads as "PvE-focussed". Changes balancing PvE and PvP would be optimal, sure, but noticing your 2.4 Assault patchnotes, as a dedicated PvE-Assault-DD, felt like getting a hit in the face... So, why?! What was wrong with the 1.8 and 1.9 state of Assault-balancing (true glass-cannon)?! I'm playing Vanguard-Assault since Pre-Release, I'm understanding why the 1.0-, 1.2- and 1.4-skilltrees needed to be nerfed, but the changes of 2.0 and now 2.4 are just a joke. You gave us two damage-based-trees, so is it asked too much to expect them both being viable for the high-end-content without being forced to use a hybrid-specc (and with 2.4 even these hybrids will no longer be viable...)?! Again, why?! P.S.: I'm German, so excuse my English, please...
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