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Posts posted by Tashia

  1. On 12/8/2023 at 10:54 AM, Bullyabass said:

    Story appears to be watching nothing much happening, slowly.

    The determination to stick with "gear grind is content" isn't an encouraging sign, feels like they're out of ideas and just going through the motions

    Cash gouging on the CM is an unpleasant new addition. Limited Time Offer! and Lootboxes! suggest they're starting to think of their customers as cash cows to be farmed

    I don't see anything in the update to encourage new players and its nothing existing players haven't seen before


    And I only did it twice -- because that is all I could stand to do it -- Republic and Empire --- done for now --- not going to do the other 3 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Shayddow said:

    haven't played thru yet, just a short question: are there opportunities for saboteurs on either side? just hoping this aspect hasn't been ditched.

    didn't see any on the Republic side -- but then I wasn't looking --- the black boxes kind of bored me to death -- I got through them as fast as I could; just something I wanted to pick an answer and be done with it --- that's really a shame too 

  3. ok -- I've read through a fair portion of this thread -- with the exception of the AI in real life stuff -- sorry, get enough of that subject in the news ....


    But ..  I have come to an alternative thought here for the game --- hear me out before you flame me, ok ?

    BioWare as we all know, ended KoTOR with a REAL ending -- did it not ?  So .. what's to prevent them from giving 

    SWtOR a REAL ending to its story --

    Keith has already said that there is more content ( no reason I shouldn't believe him) however he didn't say when it would be released ... by either EA /BW or Broadsword ....  so we don't know ..

    we have all wanted a REAL ending --- tying up all the little threads in the game -- at least I always hoped we'd get a decent ending to the STORY as  KotOR did ...  so why not ?


    here's my thought -- after going through this last part -- twice -- I suddenly had a feeling it's leading up to a real ending ....

    I don't know what triggered it -- something Malgus said -- or The Three said, or something ...  but I suddenly felt it was leading

    up to a very big part of the story --   The End (as of the story, not the game itself ) 

    so -- now I wouldn't be surprised if BioWare has written the last part of the whole thing .. it's "in the can" as they say in the business

    and will be given to Broadsword to release and finish the story -- then and only then will they put it in MM , which isn't so bad if this is true -- I really hope it is -- we've have our stories finished (and I have a theory on that too, but not going to tell you )

    I want an ending, the game story deserves an ending -- KotOR got one -- this game's story is good enough to get one too

    as Picard used to say, "make it so" ...  please 


    also --- for some weird reason, this whole new story update feels like one of those typical "last episode of  the last season"

    of a TV show --  I don't know why -- that talk with The Three was really heavy content wise, we / I just don't understand it yet  




  4. 9 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    This post will probably be deleted since it's not "Pro Bioware", but for what it's worth, Bioware has been making mistake after mistake, poor design design after poor design desion, and doing the absolute worst job possible with community relations.

    I mean, look at the whole Quick Travel fee fiasco. They put this in PTS, and asked us for feedback. 99% of players complained about it for weeks, and guess what. Bioware took our complains, threw them in a toilet, peed on them, and flushed them away while laughing maniacally. If you're not going to take Feedback, stop asking for it.

    We have people reporting bugs for years, and Bioware is like "Oh no, so anyways, instead of fixing this bug, here's some more nonsensical changes to the game".

    We have been reporting concerns with gameplay, and they are never addressed. These are some of the more recent ones.













    I've probably made over 100+ /bug reports in the game for this one. I do it after each and every update, and I am sure I will be doing it again today.


    I don't think Bioware deserves SWTOR. A company who cares about the game, and its fanbase should be in charge. Bioware is not that.

    Then let Daybreak have the game -- they aren't great, but Everquest and Everquest II have new expansions every year at the same time ..  look how old they are ---  Daybreak probably didn't want the game after Sony took down SWG 

    9 minutes ago, Traceguy said:



    • Like 1
  5. and so --- it goes ....

    I had a feeling all last year that 2023 was going to be one of "those years" for my beloved game --

    didn't want the flames I would get if I had said it last year, so I was quiet; and now some of us are in a severe case of 

    denial -- it's ok, it will be alright ...   


    I have LOTS of content still to play -- I have only gotten Malgus captured on 2 of my characters  -- and apparently,

    it's a good thing -- more "fresh" content for me (I'll wait for the dust to settle and we are firmly in the hands of 

    Broadsword, before I do any more) .....  


  6. I finally gave in after having a terrible time in the new story --

    yes, I maxed out Lana, on all 4 toons that didn't have her already ( I only have a total of 5) ...


    so, yes times are good now -- is this what BW wanted ? probably -- and I spent real money to do it quickly -- I can't wait to go through that money sink to get gifts -- just buy the dang thing ....


    I have Theron maxed out on my JK -- she loves him the most I think LOL


    Edit --- as a protest -- I just put all different companions on all 5 toons --- NONE of them Lana;

    even my agent, who kind of fits with Lana -- but she got out her old friend Lokin to do some running with

  7. Thanks for the offer. But I have to decline. It's too late.


    If you would have offered this for your 10th anniversary, I would have probably bought it. But now we're two months over the actual anniversary. And just like I'm not in a birthday mood anymore two months after my birthday, I'm not in celebration mode anymore for your 10th.


    You botched your anniversary so massively. It's such a pity.


    Same for me -- not in the mood anymore --- have a nice LATE celebration ( late for me anyway, by my standards)


    Sounds so massively --- meh .....

  8. You do realize you make this statement in ignorance - right?

    Delays are incurred for any number of reasons - most of which are seriously bad (Good for us) if ignored and the game was to launch with those said bad reasons.


    I'm willing to bet good money you'd change your tune if EQ2 had some major issues.


    Better to delay and finish the product good and proper than to rush it out the door and have it blow up in your face.


    And we always say -- " Better to have a finished product than to have BUGS when it releases "

    AND then we have bugs anyway -- AFTER it is delayed ... sooo ... did the delay stop the bugs ?---

    it never has --- and then we complain about the bugs they missed ---

    over and over and over it happens --

    all I am saying, it never changes ... I do understand completely -- I've played since Beta -- yea I understand


    and YES in its almost 20 yrs, EQ 2 has not had that many problems ( except the time the characters had a glitch and went around with no pants on ) --- I've played it since 3rd day live --- 11/11/04

    Good games you keep going back to -- all I come back to SWTOR is story <sigh>


    But --- we seem to forgive and forgive --- and keep saying the same old things ... I'll come back for the story but nothing else

  9. Has no one else thought what it means for them to be missing the 10th anniversary year? What a 10-year anniversary ought to be for a game that is living, and growing?


    And to have missed the bar when only aiming for a trailer-less, modest update?


    It's grim.




  10. it's the holidays -- if they do it like they always have during a holiday drop ----

    it will be as close to Dec 20 as they can get it -- because then, THEY will be on holiday till January sometime ..

    and they will not have to deal with any bugs until after they come back --

    IF it goes as it has in the past ... but I could be wrong, I have no advanced knowledge

  11. Only if they also kill off Lana for everyone and produce an equally appealing male romanceable companion to replace him that is always alive for everyone so there is no issue with characters showing up for the wrong players.



    kill off Theron and you will have a massive protest on your hands ... I agree NO NO NO

    and I like Lana too --- keep her

  12. I'm not going to write a wall of text here ---

    just one last thing -- LATER ON you can sabotage the Empire -- if the Agent takes his/her time, like a good agent will

    at times ... (rush things, and you can wind up dead)

    then they find that out they can be a saboteur and can take the Empire down that way -- good for them;

    they can keep the Alliance independent, good for them ---

    and STILL do not have to be a member of the Republic -- good for them

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