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Posts posted by Tashia

  1. I have the feeling -- REAL faction change ?

    not gonna happen -- and would we really really want it anyway ?


    my agent is not going back to being the "Yesman" / assassin of the empire --- not going back to it; BUT..

    What can my agent possibly really DO in the SIS ? office job ? boring ... and besides, Theron would not even WANT her to go back to spying ...

    Way too dangerous for her to go back to being a spy -- every BH in the galaxy would be after her ( not to mention loyal IAs )


    So -- logically, can we have a true, real faction change ?


    I am happy with the saboteur -- and the Alliance -- too much "water under the bridge" and I've spent way too much time and effort ( and "real" in game money) to let it go now


    And for BHs -- how many times have people said they wished the BH could work for the Republic ?--

    technically, they are their own bosses -- they work for the highest payer

    so ... why do they even need a change ? just start having the Republic give them Imperial targets -- no one likes them anyway (lol j/k -- but maybe a grain of truth there )


    And my JK -- she is a Jedi -- not a sith, and not becoming one

    NO she doesn't want to switch sides or go back to the Republic -- the Republic was useless in the fight against Valkorian -- no I don't have ships anymore, true --

    BUT they don't have me; the hero of the whole dang game lol

    and I will NOT go back to being a pawn and subordinate to a worthless, weak Jedi council or to a disorganized childish dark council -- no, sorry --

    better to stay independent ( and as for my smuggler, she feels the same way -

    I'm a Commander now, not just a smuggler )

  2. I try to turn Anri over to my side ( imperial saboteur ) every chance I get on my agent

    why? to remind her how AWFUL they have been to HER people --- and will continue to remind her ...

    so there is that .... I see nothing good about the Empire ( I stayed Alliance though too)


    and ...



    IF Anri can escape -- she can't be dead


  3. I do enjoy a good fight! :) I hope your Republic has enough fuel to reach Odessen. :cool:



    Oh and I have that saboteur agent who HATES siths ;

    and a nasty bounty hunter who'd like nothing better than to hand the Imperial planets over to the Mandos ( at least a few) ... so yea I have them too

  4. I realize people don't like the Alliance --and want to see it G O N E ..

    however, I spent way too much time ( in real time and story time) -- getting it up and running ..

    it may very well go bye-bye in the future, but I want to keep MINE as long as possible ... period --

    and my RPGing may be a lot different than some -- but that is the beauty of playing a GAME --

    different strokes -- and that also includes how we interpret the story and what is happening according to us as individuals

  5. besides what I just said --

    you know, ALLIES do send you supplies and personnel too - or at least they should .. we do in real life don't we ?

    and the Republic and Empire have had quite a while to recover from the Eternal Empire's damage -- so they have no excuse not to share ....

    you do not have to join an ally to get supplies from them ...


    But just my 4 cents here ....

  6. Since you've missed the question twice now, I'll write it again just for you:

    At late Iokath/ start of Ossus Lana tells us we must allign with rep or emp, because by her words "We can no longer afford neutrality". This is just as we lost the Gravestone and half of our staff has left the Alliance back to their respective sides, making a point that we are practically out of resources to keep Alliance going.

    Moving to Onslaught, if no sabo route is taken, we get option in the end to not join Task Force or The Hand. If we join, we get resources from the respective sides for our operations. If we dont join, we gain nothing but they will "remain in touch" with us. Meaning we gained nothing. But Lana is no longer worried about not being able to afford Alliance. Why is that.

    We're talking resources here, not motivations.


    And NOW Lana trusts us and the power of the Alliance -- she changed her mind --- no Eternal Fleet, no Gravestone; but she now knows what we can do -- so yea, trust is a big deal and now she trusts us; and who says we don't get more resources ?

    people do change their minds, and situations do change for the better .... who said the Republic or the Empire has access to more resources and people than we do -- seems pretty evened out to me ( and remember, not everyone leaved the Alliance, some did stay ... we are just not given exact numbers in the story)

  7. personally -- I don't want to be a Jedi Council member -- I can do more by staying clear of their politics and protocol ..

    and I am STILL a Jedi -- and a Battlemaster -- I EARNED those titles long ago ...

    you never stop being a Jedi -- it's there always ... even if not a council member ...


    I was slightly insulted they would "give" me something I considered I had always had .. I mean really .. I never stopped being a Jedi


    And I believe that Lana is just doing what the Commander wants to do - as a subordinate, she should -- I don't consider it "changing her mind" -- just obeying her commander's wishes, as she should

  8. I wonder why she didn't believe you :rolleyes:


    I really enjoyed her and Arn pub side and really want to see more of them (haven't finished imp side yet, but i'm a sboteur anyways, so i'll try to avoid killing her anyways if i can).


    I like her far more than Anri, i don't even know what she'll become now that she surrendered and is in Lana's hands




    have you finished the story ? Anri escapes ... I expect her to be back; and my Imp saboteur is trying her darndest to get her to see the error of her ways


  9. Thing that kills you there is those floating robot mines that float to you and then explode. Everything else your companion can heal easily. When that robot is summoning those floating mine droids, you want to keep moving until they have all exploded.



    I had issues too -- but I just kept running around in circles and when the mines came out, I just ran them through their own or the droids flames -- that did the trick

    just keep moving and let the mines "kill themselves" ( I had to heal up a couple of times, so know where the heal ports are )

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