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Everything posted by ClavisN

  1. Nope. You are really wrong there. The point is to hook the to the shop. A F2Per spending 5-10 bucks per month on average in the shop is a win for the community. We WANT to have those. *shrug*. You are mistaken. Search this site, my posting history goes back to January 1st 2012. Feel free to meet me (Clavis) on Red Eclipse, I can present you my founders title and my preorder crystal lightsaber.
  2. LOL. Who told you THAT? FWIW, Ive been there, done that. Left over for the F2P-introduced dilithium grind which was forced unto subscribers as well.
  3. Well, except getting annoyed to death. Which kinda was my point.
  4. LOL. You haven't read my original post, have you? I am a subscriber. Have been from the beginning, since December '11. But I looked at it from the other side's point of view. And, no we don't want them to subscribe or leave. The occasionally shop-paying non-subscriber is exactly the target audience Bioware hopes to add to the community.
  5. Der Bioware. Please, get some perspective. What you are doing to the F2Pers is beyond ridiculous, and is seriously busts the annoyance limit. Yes, It's bad. It's really THAT bad. So bad that I have trouble imagining someone to F2P for an extended period of time. There is just too many places and situations where you run into the dreaded cartel coin pitch. You get confronted with demands for money so often it's really out of your comfort zone. I'm a subsrcriber. So far I haven't encountered any serious issues on that front. But - to get an impression I also went to the trouble and played a F2P account for some time. To level 8, to be precise. I would have never played this game for so long if I had to put up with this a year ago. I even shelled out 5 bucks to buy a bunch of coins, just to get the preferred statuis. But thats not much of an improvement, either. To give you an exanmple, I just finished a quest (victims of war) where you don't even get a quest reward, just a gloating "if you were a subscriber you would now get something" symbol. Also, the claim that you can play the whole story without paying is simply false. In my book you at least need some inventory/cargo updates, 1-2 additional quickbars and possibly a few of the access upgrades for better items. Bioware should make a decent calculation about that and tell new players upfront "guys, you will need about X cartel coins or Y US$ in upgrades to seriously play this game". You know, truth in advertising, faithful relationship to the customer, and all that... So what to do? My suggestion would be cut back the ingame cartel coin advertizing. Tone it down a few notches. combine and consolidate the available upgrades - at least the basic ones - into less, more manageable packages make clear upfront to the new F2P player that this whole thing only works acceptably if he is willing to spend X coins/dollars in due time Yes, that means you earn less with the basic stuff you already have. Which kinda is the point - you then produce new attractive fluff for people to buy. Speeders (please, a few new models, not just paint jobs only). Harness more armor from the game to sell orange versions. etc etc. More good lightsaber crystals (optically good - all serious lightsabers have a white core. The black cores look funny but novel. The othes (pink or orange core) just suck.). Companion appearnce mods. Etc etc. P.S. and where are the purchasable character slots??? I have 41 chars, I want to buy the slots for them :-) :-)
  6. I get 1900. DDE, preorder, subscribed from early access, no free month, no lapsed sub. Anyway. Right now this is just a number. Until we know what we can get for that, and how necessary for gameplay that is in the real game, it doesn't say anything at all. 1900, it's just a sequence of bits.
  7. LORD! Does this nonsense never stop? Jung Ma is the last remaining RP-PVP server AT ALL. If you wanted to play something else, why didn't you do so from the start? I can't stand the constant non-stop whining from PVPers about server size any more. Whine whine whine. Go reroll already.
  8. Bioware would be bat-**** crazy to implement this. The point of the cash shop is to bring in alternative revenue. Revenue as in "moolah that pays for my employee's childrens food". Why should the undercut their own model? If any, they could open a player-to-ülayer market for Cartel coins. That would enable you to deliver your hard earned/grinded game credits to some guy who'd rather pay 5 bucks for another 10 Millions than grind them himself. This way, Bioware could enter the credits-for-cash market without entering the credits for cash market. Others, like EVE online or STO, have implemented similar models (though the EVE guys managed to shoot themselves in the foot in the process, accounting wise.)
  9. Well... I'd consider this awfully hostile by Bioware. And, well, reaching level 10 can usually be done in an evening - so, its just that you would force me and other owners of lowlevel chars to devote a few evenings to fend off your ill-motivated campaign to get your grubby little hands hands on our names. Why don't you just get used to name your new characters luke-five-nine or MyLeia-Twenty, as that is your fate with the advent of F2P anyway?
  10. Whats up? Nobody got any idea? Or are you all sounding off in the name change thread?
  11. Define "Lost". No guild name should be lost at all. In case of conflicts, everybody got a Guildname@OriginServer name. So, if you joined, say, the "Merry Bumbling Fools" guild on Canderous Ordo, and there was also a "Merry Bumbling Fools" guild on Kathol Rift, your guild's name on Jedi Covenant is now "Merry Bumbling Fools@Canderous Ordo", while their's is "Merry Bumbling Fools@Kathol Rift" I actually like this part. Show some origin server pride, support your guild! P.S. is your real guild name actually "Seriously Horrible Customer Service" as suggested in your post?
  12. Complete nonsense. Many of us didn't even have the option to move, since we had more than 8 chars. Others stayed to keep their names. Which turned out to be a wise decision, since now we got a fighting chance to evacuate you out of your naming rights, while before we would have lost by default. And you completely ignore the fact that even former destination servers are now origin servers getting merged, too.
  13. Just looked at the Char list. 41 of 12 Character slots. ...Ahem.... :-) That looks like I will never be able to make another char again. And I really like the character generator. Yeah, a bunch of those 41 are placeholders, made during the last week. Another bunch are tryouts for this or that. But that still leaves me with 20+ chars I'd really like to play every now and then. Will I ever be able to buy my way out of this mess? And presumably Bioware will come up with new content requiring or suggesting new characters at some point in the future. What then?
  14. Sorry - Nightmare Lands and The Red Eclipse were just fine, population wise, before the merger. Bioware could have easily done their Mop-Up-Operation with both of them as destination servers. An added benefit would have been a lot less renaming stress.
  15. Let me guess - the other guy unsubscribed on got thus down-priorized into oblivion? - the other guy deleted that particular character? Hey, be happy. You got your name back!
  16. "I was here first" basically doesn't count at all. You don't get preferential treatment just because you happen tio be on the server whose name is retained. See Joveth's post for a hint what actually influenced your ranking against other players. Funny thing is, if Joveth is right, once-transferred Characters from the first round got a hefty priority boost. Go figure.
  17. This sucks. Basically, and for most practical purposes, Sage/Sorcs lose one of their most potent abilities completely. Because I don't stand at or near 10 meters, I will have to remove ForceStun - from my normal rotations, even though it is quite powerful - worse yet, from my list of potential interrupts. That List is now down to 1 at 30 meters. 1 interrupt against certain enemies is completely insufficient. The Force Wave change is bad as well. That used to be my standard tool against crowding melee mobs. The stun it delivered was at least as valuable as the knockback. Now, its not. I don't really see how fleeing can replace that. Force wave gave me breathing room to regain initiative and get the upper hand on attacking. Fleeing will just get me out of sight and thus reset the whole encounter (thanks to the royally stupid insta-heal NPCs get when leaving combat) Bad Idea. And I agree with the others who complained about how Bioware's constant PvP tinkering keeps creating a stream of unintended trouble for PvE players. Stop it, already. Bioware!
  18. Well, aside from the fact that you apparently have a somewhat lacking idea of what Sturm und Drang actually was, you really seem to miss the simplest things. Like, don't take stuff away from your customers. The player's perception is clear: We had unique legacy names, now they are taken away, In favour of new non-paying bastards nobody really knows anything about. Stupid idea. Of course people will be outraged - what did they think?
  19. Often. Especially on my sage. Even though I played somewhat overleveld (+3 or so) I ran into a few extremely hard to crack nuts. One was the initial group in the toxic waste facility on Taris. I died more than a dozen times there, and then went about sneaking around it. Quyzen is vastly overrated as a tank - those guys ripped through him like he was some basic mob NPC. (Rakghoul armour damage I suppose); Another one is the end boss (the female jedi) on Alderan. Deadly. With my Tank specced Knight I had trooble with that sith on Taooine. Died at least 10 times there as well until I found a mix of stuff that worked AND perfectly executed the right sequence. Aside from Bosses, I also sometimes die when enraging more than 1 Mob, or running into especially deadly Mobs. There is a 3-Silver patrol in the Republic Balmorra Battlements. There is also a Multi-Gold-Group standing, nearby, both in a standards, non heroic area.
  20. Welll .... if you ask this German, I prefer to play games in their original language, if possible. Real good localizations that can measure up to the original are very rare. So, I play on Europe/English servers. But, having said that, I acknowledge there are German (Europe) servers, so, given enough customers, there should be Spanish(US) ones as well. (as for Spanish/Europe, I venture to guess the market isn't big enough. While Spanish is a big language worldwide, it is only a medium sized country in Europe (49M residents, vs 60M in Italy, 72M French Speakers in France, Belgium and Switzerland, and about 96M German speakers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy and Belgium, all only counting native speakers, and lumping the Catalans with the Spanish :-) I have one, question, though, to the US residents here wishing to play on a Spanish servers - do you want to loose the opportunity to play with your non-hispanic friends? Does it that make any to play on a server the statistical majority of your compatriots can not play on? (no, the question doesn't really apply to me - English is virtually mandatory in German schools today)..
  21. Hmmm... most of Soutth and Central America lives either in or next to Eastern Time (see this map), so a Spanish speaking server in the eastern US should not be a problem for you guys, timezone-wise. Lag, of course, is a different issue. Western Mexico, having Mountain or Pacific time can equally play on a West Coast server.
  22. Yes, he does say that, and I wholeheartedly support him in that. Neither computer hardware nor hypernervous 15yearold's reflexes should make you a good gamer. Games that do are broken. Go play pong with that skill set.
  23. Wäre ja gern gekommen, lebe nicht allzuweit davon, aber es wird nicht klappen. Aber eine Frage wirft das ja doch auf - "Nachtklub"? Im Ernst? Liebe Leute, Ihr seid in Köln, der einzigen Stadt Deutschlands die ihren eigenen Biertyp hat. Habt Ihr in der ganzen Stadt keine anständige gemütliche Kölschkneipe auftreiben können? Oder habt Ihr Angst daß der durchschnittliche Gamescon-Besucher nicht mit 'nem echten Kölner Köbes zurechkommt? :-) :-)
  24. You make that sound like it was a choice. Wait until certain other armors are nerfed. You'll buy.
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