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Posts posted by lymphangioma

  1. that vendor needs some love too. I didn't even play 2nd time around as there were no new items to get.


    Agreed. Our Rodian friend Noota Ropal always seems so lonely in the casino with no 'Nightlife Event' happening. I still enjoy paying him a little visit from time-to-time - err, even if he doesn't have any new prizes.


    "Oma topey" :rod_grin_g:

  2. Yep, inflation on the GTN has gone sky high over the last year or so. As others have already mentioned, prices have only been on the rise since 4.0.


    Like the OP, I can remember when most (especially current) packs would only sell in the 150-350k range on average. Nowadays however, the lowest I've been seeing them for is about 700k - most with an asking price of a million or more.


    About the only bright-side to this catastrophic inflation, is you're more likely to sell items for a higher price - which somehow balances everything-out. Well, that's what I tell myself to help justify this ordeal. :p


    Whatever the case may be, I just sold a White Color Crystal within 20 minutes for a whopping 8 million. Sure, I probably could've made an extra 2-5 million on that deal, had I held-out a bit longer.


    After browsing the GTN these last few days, I'm fairly appalled at what many of these sellers are asking. Seriously, $990 million for a Hypercrate of 'Wild Space Packs'? Umm, yeah...:confused:

  3. After adding in armour that gives +50%xp on top of all the rest, I doubt they are going to have one for a while.


    Just to mention, even before we got the full set of armour, people were managing to hit level 50 in just under 4 hours.


    4 Hours? Is that really possible? Nothing like trying to enjoy an MMO while also leveling-up a character at such a frenzied rate.:rolleyes:

  4. YES!!!


    My stronghold is my baby and decos are my big thing for the cartel packs.


    Heck ya, owing Strongholds has been a fantastic addition to SWTOR over the last few years. From the outset, I would've never imagined spending so much time in my Strongholds decorating and just chillin'.


    In fact, most of my in-game income is UNQUESTIONABLY spent on decorations. I've been filling-in my Nar Shaddaa, Dromund Kaas, and Tatooine pads nicely, and have just recently begun pimping-out my Yavin and Coruscant homes.

  5. I'm wanting to buy Risha customisation 9. I need to get reputation with the bounty supply company. Unless anyone knows another way to source it? I'm keeping an eye out for hypercrates to buy for reputaion items as they appear to change all the time from the market what we can buy.


    Example atm I can buy crimelord packs, blockade runners Skiptracers space pirates battlers Gemini revenge plunderer and Dvl . 9 diff types some of which seem to go back to 1.6 according to dulfy.


    Does anyone know of a handy list anywhere or which crates to buy if I want esstran, freebooter or bounty supply rep? I used the slot machine to get myself to legend with the contraband resale corp. I think thats the only available reputaion slot machine though? I'm trying to look up the contents of all the packs on dulfy as they change, but some of this info hasn't been touched in years.


    Thanks for any help.


    If you're looking to purchase the 'Risha Customization 9' from the Bounty Supply Rep Vendor, then there's a good chance they're available on GTN (Galactic Trade Network) for credits. Plus, it's doubtful you'd need the "otherwise" required rep (I'm guessing "Newcomer Standing") if acquiring from this outlet.


    Buying some rep vendor items on GTN (those with associated Planet Rep) are pretty much only usable if you have the proper reputation. For example, I bought some holo sign from GTN that can only be unlocked with CZ-198 reputation. Anyhow, I'm fairly certain the Cartel Rep Vendor items purchased through GTN shouldn't be a problem however.


    If you're looking for a list of which packs are affiliated with each rep vendor, then click on your 'Legacy Tab' in-game, find the 'Reputation' section, and then each company should have a brief description that usually mentions which packs carry certain rep.


    Example - "Increase your standing with Esstran Exports by purchasing Explorer Packs from the Cartel Market."


    Now, go to this link at Dulfy's... http://dulfy.net/2013/02/04/swtor-cartel-market-pack-list/#19 and it will mention which packs are what. So, the aforementioned Explorer Packs would then be Shipment 7 (Mid-Rim, Outer Rim, Wild Space, etc.)


    Otherwise, you could always track down Cartel Packs with Bounty Rep through GTN or wait for Bioware to reintroduce the older packs on the Cartel Market - similar to this current week's sale. Best of luck to ya man.

  6. Just purchased a x5 Supercrate: Battler Pack and it only contained x4 packs... :eek:

    Submitted ticket, just a heads up all... :(

    I'd be checking the x26 packs as well, maybe missing more then the four it already is... :D




    Have they given a reason why these new Hypercrates only contain "26 Packs" - down 4 from the standard 30 lot? Speaking of which, how many packs did Hypercrates contain prior to 4.0? For the life of me, I can't remember... 24 perhaps? Well, at least the Supercrates still provide the regular 5 packs.


    Anyhow, best of luck retrieving your missing pack that apparently went rogue on ya. Hopefully customer support will be helpful in this matter - especially considering what Cartel Packs are fetching for nowadays on GTN.

  7. At the fleet station, in the Cartel Market up top. Left hand side of the room on the upper dais. About 6 to 8 vendors in total, each with different rep from different packs.

    Yeah, that's right. Thanks for the reminder. On the Imperial Fleet, all those random rep vendors are located in the 'Cartel Bazaar', close to where the Bounty Contract Week is usually popping-off

  8. So Cartel Market Certificates, as I understand it, are basically like winning the pack lottery.


    I have no idea if they're still around, I haven't bought a hypercrate since Shipment 4, at least. But I've got 9 sitting around gathering dust and I've been wondering if buying outfits with them still unlock in collections - and if that's the case, does it also work when mixing pieces? (Say, 6/7 pieces bought through the vendor, and the last 1/7 piece bought on the GTN) Would the set still unlock then?


    I always suspected possibly not, but with the way the DVL has been handling armor sets, I'm definitely wondering, and I don't even know where to look to figure this out, which has led me here. Help me forum-goers!



    edit: i have no idea if this is the right section for this. Sorry if it's not.


    First off, this whole 'Cartel Market Certificates' debacle really needs to be addressed (and hopefully rectified SOON) by the devs. It's almost been a good year since 4.0 dropped, and still no official word if acquiring these Certificates will be possible in the coming days.


    As it currently stands, the only way to nab this obscure currency is through buying "older" (pre- 4.0) Cartel Packs off GTN, or scoring them through sheer luck from the completely nerfed 'Contraband Slot Machine' - the latter being an almost hopeless resort.


    There's still quite a few items I've been wanting to grab from that vendor on the Fleet (mostly "personnel" for the strongholds), but with no feasible way to get these certificates any longer, paying millions through GTN is essentially the only option. Err, no thanks.


    Anyhow, are there "outfits" that can be purchased with these, and if so, where is the vendor located? Whatever the case may be, I'm assuming purchasing this exclusive gear from GTN would still unlock a complete set (and through Collections as well), provided you had enough possible "reputation" if required.


    Unfortunately, I can't speak for DVL Packs / Armor Sets, since I've yet to partake in this event - as I've only purchased one Dark vs. Light Pack (the Cartel version). Here's hoping this Cartel Certificates issue will be sorted-out eventually... *crosses fingers in reluctance*.:rolleyes:

  9. We already got the official word from Ben Irving in a recent Producers' Livestream.


    Ahh, thanks for the info. I reckon it won't be returning then? If that's the case... BUMMER. I'm probably one of the few that actually enjoy the 'Nightlife Event' on Nar Shaddaa. While I'm not a big gambler in real life by any means, I still love hanging-out in the Star Cluster Casino, while trying to acquire that elusive Rancor Mount.

  10. Did you check the "Popular" tab? I know they were still on that screen last night.


    Sometimes that tab has items that aren't properly listed on the other categories (e.g. the Battlefield Commander set is on the Popular tab but nowhere to be found on the Equipment tab).


    Ahh yes... thanks for the tip. I usually scour all the Cartel Market tabs / pages, but must've missed it. They are definitely still available in the 'Popular' section indeed - but are no longer found in the 'Packs' tab or anywhere else. Thanks again kind sir.

  11. It looks as if the Cartel Market version of the Dark Vs. Light Packs have disappeared (although, Hypercrates are still available), and I was curious if they'll be returning?


    Anyhow, I was planning on buying a few packs with my CC's, rather than dropping 1.5 million on a single pack from the GTN. Just outta' curiosity, were these packs only available for a "limited time" (basically a week or two)?

  12. @OP...


    Your laptop should be more than CAPABLE to run SWTOR just fine. I recently upgraded to a new rig / tower myself, after rockin' this game on a sub-par lap-top over the last few years.


    Anyhow, my Gateway lap-top was only 1.9 GHz, 6 GB RAM and the game-play was serviceable. I definitely needed to turn down the settings quite a bit, but she managed.


    With your specs, the game should run much better.;)

  13. Thanks for the CC Bioware, it's much appreciated. I usually subscribe monthly (and recall seeing the promo in the launcher), so I'm guessing that's why my account was eligible.


    What about folks who subscribe 3 months to a year at a time? Did they get skipped over? Sorry, I'm not in the mood to browse through 50 other pages in this particular thread.

  14. After recently setting-up a new rig to play SWTOR, I've decided to migrate all my existing settings over to my fresh install of the game (whatever can actually be transferred).


    Anyhow, while searching through the "hidden" AppData Folders to retrieve my GUI Profiles and such, I encountered a file called 'Local Social Settings' - which also includes a few random numbers and my character's name.


    Needless to say, I'm curious to know how relevant this particular file happens to be (and it's exact purpose) before extracting and possibly adding to my new install.


    If any well-informed individual could possibly shed some light on this matter, it would be very much appreciated.


    One more thing... Bioware, please get rid of BitRaider. You've taken an otherwise "nearly" flawless masterpiece, and tarnished this fantastic game with such a head-ache inducing launcher that would make anyone cringe with Sith filled angst.


    Yeah yeah, I know it can still be changed to the older (more efficient) SNN version with some minor tweeking, but the user should unquestionably have the "option" from the get-go.


    I certainly hope whatever financial incentives you're receiving from using BitRaider are worth all the customers being alienated from this whole debacle.


    Sheesh, it's like running a Lamborghini with a Fiero engine. :(

  15. Whenever I'm on Tatooine rocking a few missions, I enjoy talking to this one 'Imperial Reclamation Services Officer' who provides a Heroic Mission near the Dune Sea.


    Here's how the conversation unfolds...


    The Reclamation Services guy starts spouting some nonsense about rescuing prisoners from the Jedi - yada yada yada.


    My Merc - "I'll get your prisoners back, Jedi don't scare me."

    Rec Officer - "That's a BOLD claim for a lone mercenary... but I will not dispute it."


    (After arriving back to speak with the Officer upon mission completion, my Merc would respond with...)


    "Nothing like slaughtering Jedi to make you feel alive!"

    Unfortunately however, that last line is no longer accessible, since Bioware changed Heroics to automatically give credit upon mission completion (sometime around patch 4.0 I believe) - rather than having to go speak with the quest giver once your objectives are met.

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