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Posts posted by lymphangioma

  1. Being able to experience a planet like Kashyyyk in SWTOR sounds like a stupendous idea - especially considering that Wookiees are sparsely populated in this game. Hmm, I've seen these hairy fur balls located on Corellia, the Manaan Flashpoint, the Bounty Hunter 'Class Story', and cutting the rug (no pun intended) during the Life-Day Event. Since we last caught a glimpse of Kashyyyk in the original KOTOR, here's hoping the devs take note in the days ahead. ;)
  2. This is somewhat of a refreshing thread considering all the incessant "forum bickering" that usually transpires on a daily basis. Anyhow, like most folks playing SWTOR, I've been a pretty fervent Star Wars aficionado my entire life (almost 39) and absolutely adored the KOTOR series (yes, even 'The Sith Lords') from the Original Xbox days (circa early 2000's).


    Needless to say, I still recall pre-ordering the SWTOR Collector's Edition back in summer of 2011 and have been involved with this title (to some degree) since the game's launch. Anyhow, between random PC issues and other various gaming distractions, I did take a two year hiatus between 2012-14... before ultimately returning a few months prior to the Strongholds implementation.


    Whatever the case may be, SWTOR has unquestionably been the "definitive" Star Wars experience in many ways, and I plan to stick around until the final "nail in the coffin' - which I'm hoping, is still quite a few years down the road. After all, this game just delivers on nearly every level and I'm "mostly" willing to overlook its shortcomings because of the interactive escape / brilliance it provides.

  3. Welcome back from your little hiatus there buddy. Anyhow, the in-game economy / GTN has definitely seen its fair share of inflation issues over the last few years or so. In fact, it only seems to be getting worse with time... for the most part. Either that, or many of these stingy sellers are somehow under the assumption that they can charge outlandish prices for everything - although, I highly doubt many of these items are even selling for what they ask.


    Whatever the case may be, a discerning individual can still find plenty of fair (heck, even "good") prices if so inclined, and the GTN has a peculiar way of somehow balancing the market to a more reasonable level, even despite the constant fluctuation from day-to-day. Whenever a particular item is offensively high-priced, simply waiting for a few days can ultimately turn the odds in your favor.


    Heck, I still recall when Cartel Packs were selling for a paltry 200-500k max - when nowadays, you can hardly purchase a Chance Cube for 500k. :confused:

  4. First off, I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this little Tutorial issue, but I'm fairly certain I happen to have the solution to ultimately resolve this problem - as I've been undergoing a similar nuisance as of late.


    Like yourself, whenever opening-up the Tutorial by either pressing T or using the 'Main Menu Bar' from the User Interface under the 'Settings' tab (the one with the small COG logo), the Tutorial (and Tutorial Index) both open fine, but fail to display anything - even after toggling various filters and such.


    Thankfully, I managed to find a relatively simple work-around after tinkering around a little. Now, instead of using the 'Menu Bar' to open the Tutorial, simply press the 'ESC' key to bring-up another 'Options Menu' of sorts, and then scroll-down to the 'Tutorials' tab about half-way down the list. From there, everything should open-up just fine and you'll have full access to the Tutorial / Tutorial Index.


    Anyhow, the tutorial glitching-out lately from the main menu bar is an odd presentation, but at least there's a temporary answer / work-around until the devs check into this conundrum. Well, I hope this helps ya out there buddy 'ol pal.

  5. Yes please!

    I like taking my sweet time levelling my toons , current regular xp gains is already too fast for my tastes but I deal with it. A 2.5x xp gain for two months will simply mean I'll be stuck NOT playing my low-level toons for two whole months!

    Please give us back the Gree artifact that allowed us to opt-out before the launch of KotFE!


    My sentiments exactly. With the last Double XP event that ran through the end of November, I stopped playing with my Consular for a few months because of the ultra rapid leveling which couldn't be turned-off. Now, I finally found some time recently to delve into my alt, and of course they decide to bring back this 250% percent Double XP for two full months.


    Sheesh, my Jedi Consular has already reached Level 32 and I haven't even left Coruscant - LOL. The leveling system at this point is already ridiculously easy, and the upcoming event is only gonna' exacerbate that fact- even if 'Level Sync' does help balance everything out to some degree. Fine, perhaps my Merc will ultimately benefit from the CXP Boost, but only because he's already maxxed-out and won't be affected in the same fashion.


    Whatever the case may be, I don't necessarily mind these Double XP Events - provided there's a way to turn them off if need be. Not to mention, they always seem to last for a few months at minimum. Come on devs, you provided a 'White Acute Module' back-in-the-day for those individuals desiring to "opt-out" and it was a simple and effective fix to this debacle.

  6. Hmm... I'm surprised nobody mentioned Ebay. In fact, that would be your best bet when it comes to tracking-down any sort of 'The Old Republic' collectibles / memorabilia. As a pretty hard-core gamer / collector myself, I've managed to find some slick SWTOR items floating around on good 'ol Ebay over the years.


    A few summers back I nabbed a "brand new / unopened" SWTOR Razer Keyboard on the cheap for example... seriously. Anyhow, you can DEFINITELY find some cool posters, t-shirts, books, statues / figurines, mugs (like you mentioned), and other random doo-dads with a few clicks. Good Hunting.

  7. Glad to see you're dabbling with the strongholds feature my friend. In fact, I was spending some time earlier today tinkering around with my Tatooine Homestead to finally create a video tour that basically two years in the making.


    Anyhow, the "Large Hooks" should be situated throughout EVERY stronghold in nearly each room. The Large Hook "layout" can also be changed to Medium / Medium Narrow / Small, etc.


    Furthermore, the "Centerpiece Hooks" are usually found outside on the balconies like you mentioned - or randomly scattered throughout the larger Tatooine Homestead.


    Both the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant strongholds ONLY allow Centerpiece Hooks on the landing pads, rather than the bigger Starship Hooks that are exclusively located on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Yavin 4. However, every stronghold has access to the Centerpiece Hooks.

  8. As a long-time and fairly hardcore gamer to begin with, I'll give pretty much any game in any genre a memorable whirl if it somehow intrigues me. Even without the "Star Wars Skin", SWTOR would still be an EXTREMELY solid title - although, something else entirely without the allure of this particular brand.


    Anyhow, the whole Star Wars Universe is what undoubtedly attracted me to this title from the get-go (always adored KOTOR, etc.) Needless to say (and while obviously not a perfect game), The Old Republic has ultimately provided me (and countless others) with the definitive Star Wars experience to revel in.


    Sheesh, all the incessant negativity on these forums gets toxic after a while and it’s a rare occurrence for anyone to bother commending Bioware with giving us 5 fruitful years of SWTOR goodness.

  9. Personally, I've been a subscriber since this game's inception, eventually taking a two year hiatus, before finally returning in mid 2014. Anyhow, I've definitely spent a fair amount of real-world dough on Cartel Coins over the years to help compliment my SWTOR experience.


    Like anything in life, I seek to find a healthy balance - spending just enough to make my interactive experience worth-while, without actually breaking-the-bank in the process. Considering the enjoyment I derive from this MMO (and the entertainment value to money ratio), I try not to dwell much on the cost unless it starts teetering on the brink of excessive... which, unquestionably varies depending on the individual.


    Anyhow, having the option to purchase an assortment of items / packs / hypercrates through the Cartel Market is a welcomed addition to SWTOR. After all, being able to acquire more difficult to obtain items by "other means" is helpful if (like most people) you lack the necessary time to grind in-game. If not for the Cartel Market's existence, my strongholds (for example) wouldn't be pimped-out with a cornucopia of decorations.


    Whatever the case may be, I usually end-up purchasing a few Cartel Coins each month. Sometimes it's only $5-10 bucks, while other times I'll willingly drop more on a few hypercrates (usually when they're on sale for 50 percent off). Not only are packs a freakin’ hoot to open (regardless of the RNG system), but I can always use them as bargaining chips on GTN to help supplement my character's (otherwise paltry) income.


    Like most folks, I don't have any qualms about spending extra dnero on top of my pre-existing subscription. This slick game ultimately provides me with a source of unique entertainment I'm unable to find elsewhere. Regardless of Bioware's sometimes "questionable" creative liberties regarding their creation, I’m still fond of supporting SWTOR in any way possible. Sheesh, if this game were to go belly-up, it would be disheartening to say the least.

  10. If you've already finished your class progression (and most side stories / missions), I'd recommend revisiting various Heroics and Flashpoints that potentially offer the chance to acquire more dark side points.


    Off the top of my head (as an example), both the 'Botched Interrogation' Heroic on Nar Shadda and 'Black Talon' Flashpoint gives players an opportunity between light / dark side choices. Otherwise, taking part in Bounty Contract Week provides another available outlet to help raise your dark side level.


    Anyhow, best of luck to ya.

  11. If you've already finished your class progression (and most side stories / missions), I'd recommend revisiting various Heroics and Flashpoints that potentially offer the chance to acquire more dark side points.


    Off the top of my head (as an example), both the 'Botched Interrogation' Heroic on Nar Shadda and 'Black Talon' Flashpoint gives players opportunities between light / dark side choices. Otherwise, taking part in Bounty Contract Week provides another available outlet to help raise your dark side level.


    Best of luck to ya.

  12. @OP - If you're willing to try experimenting with various video capture software, I'd definitely recommend 'Bandicam'. This past month I've finally begun recording SWTOR game-play myself, and have been using the aforementioned program quite regularly.


    Anyhow, (like FRAPS) Bandicam offers a trial version as well, where you can record up-to "10 minute" vids with included watermark on the top screen. Heck, I even dropped the $39 bucks for the registered version (which is a fair price) and have been satisfied overall with the ease-of-use and solid video quality.

  13. ^^This.


    That casino has so much potential and I am sure a lot was planned for it. Thinking about Pazaak for example. Well, things changed during the years. However, this Nightlife event has been proven to bring some life to the casinos and I wholeheartedly agree and wish that they put these slots machines there 24/7/365. Why not? (Game engine issues?)


    Indeed. I still remember rockin' a little Pazaak back in the KOTOR days, and I'm sure they could implement something similar in SWTOR. After kicking around some ideas tonight, I would love to see a 'Price is Right' esque wheel (or something) that could churn-out credits.:p

  14. It's nice to see threads pop-up from time-to-time regarding the 'Nightlife Event' - which shows the community (at least a small percentage anyway) still cares enough see Bioware do something about this event's absence.


    Anyhow, I've been ranting incessantly about this topic for a while and will eagerly say it again... they (PLEASE) need to make the Nightlife Event a permanent fixture within the game (rather than a temporary diversion) that can be accessed year round.


    Nar Shaddaa is such a unique place to spend your time in SWTOR, and it would essentially offer another mind-numbing activity to stay engaged with while you're running through 'The Promenade / Casinos' and such. Heck, they could even open-up the slot machines around The Promenade and offer a handful of new prizes (something similar to the DVL packs comes to mind).


    Whatever the case may be, those casinos need to be utilized more, since there's little to partake in outside of interrogating perps during Bounty Contract Week. I mean, they still have the vendor just chillin', but no slots or any other games to play. Well if nothing else, I suppose the Cerulean Lounge offers-up some aesthetic viewing pleasure to be had.

  15. Do they have the opt out item thingy in game too? I don't want to have to stop playing all of my lower level alts for 3 months :(


    I'm in the same boat if this Double XP thingamajgger is actually in effect. While I enjoy leveling-up at a fairly rapid pace as much as anyone else, it basically reaches a point where it strips the satisfaction from the experience.


    Anyhow, didn't they used to provide a red "White Acute Module" for opting-out? In fact, I most likely have one lying around in my Legacy Bay somewhere - although, it's doubtful they'd even work nowadays.

  16. I couldn't agree more. Like yourself, I'm thrilled having the opportunity to get my grubby mitts on a few of these pre-4.0 packs / hypercrates once again. In fact, I was hoping the devs were going to eventually re-release these older packs on the Cartel Market in due time. Besides opening 'Chance Cubes' from the newer packs, grabbing many of these scarce items has become problematic and just plain expensive.


    Anyhow, I purchased 2 hypercrates of the 'Gatekeeper' packs myself (absolutely love the decorations in those) and also a hypercrate of the 'Wild Space' packs last week. Anyhow, I'm still after the elusive Underworld Bar myself, since it would unquestionably look great in any stronghold. Hopefully I'll manage to snag one in those Gatekeeper packs - or I suppose just buy one out-right on GTN for like 10 million plus.


    Like you mentioned, it's nice to see more availability and cheaper prices for various items within the economy. Some of the prices on GTN (as-of-late) have been INSANE. Whatever the case may be, recycling older content (especially in this case) can actually be a welcomed move.

  17. Well, it's a bit weird: three of the five pieces are common enough that they go (on my server) for around a million each, while the other two (including the chest, duh), a few months back, were 35-40 million each.


    Is it cool? Well, that's a bit subjective. Do people want it? Hell yeah!


    Picture this, on a BT2 human female character with skin colour around 22-23 and black hair:

    * Relaxed Uniform Chest

    * Relaxed Uniform Gloves

    * Covert Energy Wrists

    * Relaxed Uniform Belt

    * Exquisite Dancer Legs

    * Satele Shan's Boots

    * Hide Head Slot

    * Black/Black on the chest, unified.


    Thanks for the info.


    It definitely sounds like a pricey outfit. Sheesh, I could almost purchase a Guild Flagship instead. After looking at a few pics, it's kind of a sexy attire - but worth the millions upon millions asking price? Guess it depends on the individual at hand. I suppose just the rarity might warrant the price for any completionist.


    Anyhow, that 'Relaxed Uniform' is a nice outfit. I keep Mako decked-out with a few of those scantily clad pieces, so she's always looking like a saucy little vixen while traveling through the galaxy.:p

  18. Satele Shan armour is in the gatekeeper pack, available until tomorrow.


    Yep, I just received some Satele Shan 'Leggings' in a recent Gatekeeper Pack - although, that's the one piece I've already unlocked in that set. A while back I hawked a pair of her boots for like 5 million on GTN. Anyone know if this is a cool set to own? I might have to track it down for my female Consular.

  19. Ya... i just need 5 more rep points for max Estran Exports rep.... just 5 points.... :mad:


    Only 5 rep points? Man, that kinda' sucks. You're so close, yet so far away. I know how that feels. Best of luck on maxxing-out your Estran Exports endeavor there buddy.


    Anyhow, I really wish that Bioware would find a better way to handle this whole Cartel Rep / Cartel Market Certificates ordeal. Ever since 4.0, the older packs have become more difficult (and expensive) to acquire, and Cartel Certificates are basically a hopeless cause… err, for now.


    Although I own 4 'Contraband Slot Machines', the chance these Certificates will even drop is laughable and rather disheartening. Between the Rep Vendors in the Bazaar and the lone Decoration Merchant on the Fleet, there's still quite a few items I wanna' grab. Unfortunately, it's darn near impossible at this point.


    If the re-release of these older packs on the Cartel Market do well, Bioware should keep these in rotation from time-to-time. There's just way too many slick items that should continue to be recycled within the economy. As a stronghold connoisseur of sorts, I need a steady influx of decos.

  20. I'm guessing it's most likely a temporary thing for now - merely a way for the developers to reintroduce the older packs to the community / in-game economy. Not only does it allow Bioware to make some coin from older content, but it also provides players another avenue to acquire more difficult to find items, without having to pay a fortune through GTN. Here's hoping this strategy will ultimately drive-down prices a bit and balance the inflation.


    Like yourself, I'm thrilled having the opportunity to get my grubby mitts on a few of these pre-4.0 packs / hypercrates once again. In fact, I was hoping the devs were going to eventually re-release these older packs on the Cartel Market in due time. Besides opening 'Chance Cubes' from the newer packs, grabbing many of these scarce items has become problematic and just plain expensive.


    Anyhow, I purchased a hypercrate of 'Gatekeeper' packs myself (absolutely love the decorations in those) and will DEFINITELY be waiting patiently for the 'Wild Space' packs to drop here shortly.;)

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