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Posts posted by lymphangioma

  1. Apparently the 'Roche Widow' (which can be acquired through the Mid Rim Packs) is the only 'Roche' model that can be unlocked in Collections. I recently ran into a similar predicament myself while attempting to unlock the 'Roche Gangster' for my ALT.


    Anyhow, I simply purchased an extra speeder on GTN instead for roughly 100k - which probably was cheaper than the Cartel Coin equivalent. In fact, I'd recommend tracking down another 'Ice Cat' through a similar method on GTN. After just checking prices on my server (Jedi Covenant), they seem to be going for pretty cheap... in the 35-50k range.


    Personally, I find the 'Roche Gangster' to be one of the more slick mounts in SWTOR. While the Roches' in general have a relatively ho-hum look, the whole Nar Shaddaa inspired design on the Gangster is aesthetically pleasing and suits my Merc's persona.


    Here's the 'Gangster'...


  2. First off, I just wanted to say "Kudos" to the OP for being such a hardcore SWTOR aficionado. In fact, your fervent attitude towards this game and the interactive experience that it ultimately provides reminds me much of myself.


    Not to mention, I commend your zealous inclination towards adding these "extra bonus features" to your account, even to the dismay of many other SWTOR gamers lurking about on these forums, who might not understand your OCD tendencies... per say.


    Granted, the few extra in-game goodies / vanity items you'll receive might be rather trivial to most - but, you're willing to move mountains to find access to this content, all to enhance your existing game-play.


    Being a HUGE gamer / collector myself over the years (I'll be 38 soon), I've ALWAYS had this desire to track-down various DLC content, pre-order bonuses, or collector's editions for many of my games - within reason of course. What can I say... I simply want the whole experience.


    Whatever the case may be, I wish the OP best of luck in your "Collector's Edition Code" endeavor. ;)

  3. I totally agree! There are a few places like that I have found. It makes Nar Shaddaa a sad place.


    Yep, not to mention, I've been waiting a few years to finally win a Rancor mount from this event - but to no avail. Oh well. Recently however, I thankfully managed to track-down a Swamp Rancor (from the Anarchist Packs) on GTN for roughly 1.3 million.


    Anyhow, the only time I seem to take a gander through the Nar Shaddaa Casinos is during Bounty Contract Week. Seriously, Bioware needs to make the 'Nightlife Event' permanent, just for something to do.


    Heck, they could even mix-up / alternate the prizes a bit every few months for a change-of-pace. Since Nar Shaddaa is basically my "main" personal residence, it would be nice to have more than just 'The Promenade', etc.

  4. When will they be back? I was so close to friend status :( :( I would have made it without the pvp grief :( :(


    Same here. I came very close myself to reaching 'Friend Status Rep' with the Gree Event, but didn't get enough time this past week to play. Anyhow, I was really looking forward to adding the 'L1-L Scout' Pet to my collection after polishing-off the 'Ancient Gree Relays' mission.


    Whatever the case may be, 'The 'Gree Event' has grown on me with time and I've really been enjoying this diversion as of late. However (like most events), it rarely comes around enough, and the Rep takes darn near forever to earn. Not to mention, those 'Gray Helix Components' can only be accumulated with a "few" of the missions.


    Since the planet Ilum is already a smaller-sized map in comparison to many of the others, and the entire 'Western Ice Shelf' is pretty much desolate whenever the Gree Event isn't popping-off, it would be nice to simply make this event a permanent fixture.


    Sheesh, the same could be said for the 'Nightlife Event' on Nar Shaddaa. They have this brilliantly crafted Casino with a ton of space to be utilized, and the summer months are the only time when everything is active.

  5. I've yet to receive my monthly subscription stipend for March, although, they have granted the 100 CC grant this past week. Although my subscription begins / ends at the very start of each month, it seems to be taking longer than usual (a few weeks at least) for the grant to update on my account. In fact, this has been an ongoing recurrence since the holidays.
  6. I'm not sure why anyone would be "upset" by this whole ordeal, since it was a pretty generous act on Bioware's part for giving away nearly $10 bucks worth of free Cartel Coins to each individual. For most subscribers (myself included), signing-up for an email / newsletter is hardly a reason to get your panties in a twist - especially since this option was ALREADY checked under my account when initially signing-up back-in-the-day.


    Anyhow, I just redeemed my code last night and will be putting it to use shortly... so to Bioware I say, it's much appreciated. Whatever the case may be, I'll probably be grabbing the 'Underworld Essentials Bundle' for the new Cantina Room in my Dromund Kaas Stronghold. With the remaining Coins, I'll probably get another 'Thermal Retention Outfit / Hoth Gear' while it's still on sale for 90 percent off. ;)

  7. I just wanted to bump this Thread after recently tinkering around with the 'Riveting Themes Jukebox' myself. Anyhow, this item is DEFINITELY bugged when being utilized in the Nar Shaddaa Stronghold - as the music / volume level keeps phasing in / out after 5-10 seconds. However, it appears to be working perfectly fine on Dromund Kaas and Tatooine.
  8. you need to find one in the healing tier you need then purchase the cheapest of that tier.


    but if you pass level cap for a particular planet and want the most cost-effective answer, then do not use any medpacs that scale to a level higher than the particular planet's level cap.


    After tinkering around a bit more tonight and using the friendly advice / knowledge of the above individuals in quotes, I've been able to "mostly" wrap my brain around this whole Medpac Sync issue, and which particular Medpac is right for a certain planet.


    As these guys above basically summed-up, and to kinda' put things in a nutshell...


    "Find the cheapest Medpac available that doesn’t exceed that planet’s / or your player's scaled level - but one that restores health closest to your current scale."


    For instance, a Medical Droid on Tatooine might sell the following 4 Medpacs - each of them restoring between 1668-2030 health. Now, the health restored scales to a certain level depending on the specific Medpac, which I provided beneath each one below…



    Standard Issue Medpac - 400 credits

    Level 16 (scaled)


    Regulation Medpac - 500 credits

    Level 20 (scaled)


    Field Medpac - 600 credits

    Level 24 (scaled)


    Trauma Medpac - 700 credits

    Level 28 (scaled.)



    Now, if my Level 65 Merc automatically gets scaled to Level 30 on Tatooine (and I desire the most bang-for-my-buck at this vendor), I’m going to purchase the ‘Trauma Medpac’.


    This will ultimately allow my scaled character to take full advantage of this Medpac’s capabilities, rather than using the other purchasable Medpacs that will only scale to a lower level - which would be better utilized to a player already at said lower level for example.


    Not to mention, buying / using a Trauma Medpac for instance, would be more effective (and less costly) than using say… an ‘Exceptional or Optimized’ Medpac in my Inventory which were purchased at a higher price elsewhere.


    Plus, these latter two would still only restore the same amount on that particular planet, and would be better off utilized in a battle where they could restore their maximum healing potential.


    Whew… my brain is spent just analyzing these Medpac variances and how they should be applied in the best manner possible. Anyhow, thanks again to everyone helping-out with this particular matter.

  9. One of my newer characters was doing biochem, and I totally understand your confusion because I couldn't even figure out what medpacs to make because the numbers on all of them overlapped and didn't seem to make a single difference in any way I could figure out. I finally just gave up on making medpacs and only made stims because the medpacs were just bizarre in trying to understand what ones did what.


    I'm sorry to hear about your personal Medpac confusion as well - although, the fact other gamers are also experiencing similar issues is a testament to why I created this thread in the first place.


    Before 4.0 and the whole Level Sync change, using / crafting medpacs was a more straight-forward and easy-to-understand process. For example (prior to 4.0), each variation of Medpac ultimately restored "X amount" of health depending on which one you purchased / used, and it was easier to differentiate between them all since they worked in their own unique fashion.


    Nowadays however, you still have the same variety of Medpacs to ultimately choose from, but most of them simply heal / work the same (but at different prices) while also being altered / synced in such a way to accommodate your specific level or the current planet you might be exploring.


    It seems that before 4.0, you paid more attention to the "health restored" - whereas after the 4.0 update, the "level scale" for each Medpac ultimately takes precedence.


    Again, while I understand (to some degree) why these Medpac changes have occurred due to Level Sync, it's actually made this aspect of the game a bit more complicated nonetheless.

  10. Thanks for the replies everyone. Your info has helped me gain some deeper insight into this petty debacle of mine.


    All in all, it seems as if this matter is DEFINITELY tied to the whole 'Level Sync' implementation. I'm not sure the devs even addressed this minor Medpac change when 4.0 rolled around, and therefore, wasn't even a rather noticeable issue until I began paying closer attention myself.


    Even though Medpacs are only an “occasional” affair with my maxxed-out Merc, I ALWAYS keep a handful available in my inventory just in case. For example, I found myself still using a few during the Gree Event on Ilum this past week, and starting ruminating over the resemblance in Medpacs after purchasing the 'Improved Field Repair Droid'.


    Now, normally I grab a bundle of more "advanced" Medpacs on GTN, rather than deal with most standard vendors found on any given planet (unless I've completely run out while in the field of course). What kinda' bugs me however, is that now all your existing Medpacs (regardless of their range of health restored) merely get "scaled" to whatever planet / level you become synced to - making the issue of paying “more” for a supposed "better" Medpac some-what pointless?


    In all honesty, I've been fine with how Level Sync has altered the SWTOR game-play experience overall... sheesh, you just kinda' roll with the change(s) like anything else. Even still, it's these "other" issues that seem to arrive because of the aforementioned change that become a bit mind-boggling.


    In fact, I simply thought these Medpac similarities were a "bug" that was never completely ironed-out. Anyhow, I can understand why these Medpacs are now appropriately tied to Level Sync. I just find it sorta' bizarre for these particular vendors to basically sell a variety of Medpacs at different prices, when they all restore the same amount of ranged health.


    Oh well, at least they’re not as much of an essential commodity since 4.0 made the game a bit easier to say the least. Either way, my Medpac spending habits are going to be more closely analyzed in the days ahead.

  11. I wasn't sure where to post this question (and it seems like a rather trivial issue), but I figured the 'General Discussion' ultimately generates the most traffic with enough grizzled SWTOR veterans to help solve my little dilemma.


    Anyhow, since the 4.0 over-haul (I'm guessing that's when this change occurred), it seems that buying / using Medpacs has become a more problematic issue, and one I didn't exactly notice until recently.


    For example, when I go to purchase Medpacs from a Stims Vendor (or what-have-you), the "health restored" remains the same regardless of which type of Medpac purchased - but mentions how the health restored scales up to a certain level.


    Bottom line, could anyone please shed some light on how these apparent Medpac changes work nowadays? Now, if every Medpac restores the same amount of health, then what's the point in paying more for an 'Exceptional Medpac' over say a 'Regulation Medpac'? Also, does a Medpac's health restored ultimately "change" depending on which planet / level your character is scaled to?


    Sorry for this rather rudimentary question, but it's really been messing with my mind. Again, I didn't notice this issue until paying closer attention to each Medpac's specs, and I'm hoping this fine community can possibly explain everything in further detail.

  12. If only I would've grabbed a Hypercrate of these 'Wild Space Explorer' packs when they were still made available on the Cartel Market during those two weeks leading-up to 4.0. Not to mention, they were actually selling for a half-way decent price to boot (3800-4000 CC I believe?).


    Now, if only Bioware would "re-release" these older packs into the wild yet again, many gamers (myself included) might feel the urge to open-up our wallets and take advantage. While these 'Alliance' packs (since the 4.0 overhaul) have been a gradual improvement, there's no doubt been a lacking and apathetic response from the community towards this recent shipment.


    Anyhow, does anyone have a clue when the 'Gold / Silver / Bronze' packs will be disappearing again? I know they were coming back for a limited time only... a week... perhaps two? Whatever I suppose - I'd rather get my hands on those 'Wild Space' packs, or heck, any of the older packs / hypercrates. Needless to say, GTN prices are rather absurd most days.

  13. First off, Xpadder is hardly used to promote unethical behavior. It's a harmless program that merely runs in the background and allows controller support functionality on games that otherwise don't have this included option.


    As a hardcore gamer / SWTOR player myself, I've NEVER been a fan of using the keyboard for player movement (as it feels unnatural and clunky) - and therefore, using an alternative means to map the WASD to an analog stick on a 360 gamepad feels much better.


    One of the best (and versatile) aspects to PC gaming is having these various gameplay preferences at your disposal. Anyhow, I still use my Razer SWTOR mouse while playing, along with some form of included controller support SOLELY for "player movement".


    So far, I haven't run into any compatibility issues with Windows 8. Windows 10 however, is quite possibly another story. Anyhow, best of luck to ya.

  14. Thanks for linking to your bug report. I hope they address this in the near future as there are a few of my toons on which I'd very much like to use those +41 SE crystals.


    Yep, hopefully this fix ultimately gets rectified in the near future.


    For the longest time, I was meaning to upgrade my SE Black Green Crystal when I finally felt like dropping the hefty $250k price-tag. However, it merely slipped my mind after all this time, and once 4.0 dropped, the darn vendor disappeared.


    In fact, the other night I was running around the Marketplace in Kaas City searching for that Mod Vendor who sold these upgrades... with no luck of course.

  15. While recently browsing through my 'Legacy / Ship Unlocks', I've had this itch to finally grab that GTN Kiosk for my Bounty Hunter's Ship. Of course however, there's a 'Legacy Level 25' requirement to unlock this particular item, and I'm naturally stuck at 'Legacy Level 13' for the time being.


    Anyhow, you're able to unlock this GTN Terminal either through Credits or Cartel Coins - and while the $5 million credit price-tag is a tad excessive, the CC option "apparently" works, even if you're not at the required Legacy Level.


    Now, I'm assuming that even though this purchase would go through, I still wouldn't be able to properly utilize this unlock until reaching 'Legacy Level 25'? In fact, I'm guessing all Legacy Unlocks (even if bought with CC), also need the proper Legacy Level requirement?


    Anyhow, I just wanted a valid confirmation of sorts before heedlessly spending / wasting Coins on any unlocks that would still need a higher Legacy Level. Thanks.

  16. I'm not exactly sure when any "new" Packs will arrive, but I'm guessing sometime this upcoming January is a reasonable bet.


    Since the 'Strategy Alliance Packs' just dropped over the last few weeks, it might be a minor wait yet. Anyhow, apparently Bioware has been tinkering with the idea of making future Cartel Packs similar to those that existed prior to 4.0, but to what degree still remains a mystery.


    It seems they've been gradually introducing "more" content into Packs since the major Cartel Market overall these last few months, so that's DEFINITELY a step in the right direction. For example, you might receive an extra Armor Loot Box or Stronghold Decoration in each Pack, along with Jawa Vendor Scrap once again, etc.


    Anyhow, they should also begin dispensing (the much-needed return of) 'Cartel Market Certificates' for Reputation Vendors as well. Why those even vanished in the first place is beyond me. Then again, I suppose they could always just tweak the Vendor cost so these CM Certificates aren't also needed for currency.


    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing "older" Packs being re-released onto the CM, rather than all the single Gold, Silver, and Bronze Packs... which, were also recently taken down and currently M.I.A. While I can obviously appreciate the devs looking to implement new ideas, the old adage "If it ain't broke, then don't fix it" mentality should perhaps be applied here.

  17. With the current SWTOR 'Life-Day' Celebration once again in full swing, I'm excited to grab a few of these new festive items already available on the Cartel Market. After all, there's nothing quite like adding a cheery fire-place decoration to crackle away inside my strongholds.


    Anyhow, I'm aware that the 'Life-Day' Event will stick around for 3 weeks (December 15th - January 5th), but what about the items / decos currently up for sale on the Cartel Market (not including the ‘Master of Ceremonies’ Vendor selling stuff for parcels) ?


    Does anyone know if these newer items (via the Cartel) are only going to be sold until the 22nd (amidst this particular week's sale), or will they still continue being sold for the entire duration of the Life-Day Event?


    Sorry, I recently posted a similar Thread in the 'Cartel Market Suggestions' area of this Forum, but as luck would have it... no one responded. :rolleyes:


    Thanks for your help. :jawa_biggrin:

  18. With the current SWTOR 'Life-Day' Celebration once again in full swing, I'm excited to grab a few of these new festive items already available on the Cartel Market. After all, there's nothing quite like adding a cheery fire-place decoration to crackle away inside my strongholds.


    Anyhow, I'm aware that the 'Life-Day' Event will stick around for 3 weeks (December 15th - January 5th), but what about the items / decos currently up for sale on the Cartel Market (not including the ‘Master of Ceremonies’ Vendor selling stuff for parcels) ?


    Does anyone know if these newer items (via the Cartel) are only going to be sold until the 22nd (amidst this particular week's sale), or will they still continue being sold for the entire duration of the Life-Day Event?


    Thanks for your help. :jawa_biggrin:

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