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Everything posted by VoidJustice

  1. 3D space combat is why I came back and resubbed. Still holding my Eve sub thou... don't trust em please dear lord of all things Star Wars let there be space pvp...
  2. Everybody sucks... compared to Master C. Norris excusses are good business for game companies... if we were all face to face with the truth of our collective suck, no one would play.
  3. I can't believe your the first person I ever saw post this.... I felt the same way back when I first got him... TO THIS DAY ... I expect at any moment he will turn on me... lol.. so I keep him undergeared... that'll fix em...
  4. Also... adversity breeds tenacity, resourcefullness and excellence... learning you are not John Rambo is an important lesson for 49's coming out of the I smash u bracket WAT RONG U HAVE NOT ALL URE SKILLZ HAR HAR AHR into the real 50 deal. Folks that have just spent leveling a toon to 50 crying that it's gonna be 2 whole weeks till they complete a competitive gear set... Seriously... unless your totally brain dead you hit 50 and buy at least your BM weapon THAT DAY... then upgrade all your gear THAT DAY to recruit and still it's not enough... omg... get outta my Wz... BRING BACK RANDOM BAG DROPS lol... these folks will enpoopen themselves. Man up. There is no game that makes end game gear easier to get.
  5. Why SOLO RATED Q's would be great! 1) Matches become more competitive as folks are grouped around skill levels (more exciting, less frustrating). 2) You can't get better playing folks of wildly different skill level, you need to learn against folks your speed 3) I want to know where I stand and I want to improve! Call it Epeen but, I personally play games to get better and to do that I need a metric... 4) Fast matches against GOOD teams with GOOD teammates... (also the opposite if you need a handycap) 5) more people pvp'ing means more interest in pvp and hopefully MOAR PVP DEVELOPMENT! I want ranked solo q the same reason almost every online game has them... to play fair games against equally matched opponents and get better.
  6. Also Jean Luc wants to have a word with you about reducing the pvp gear grind.... again...
  7. Gratz Man!!!! woot! Hey say hi to Dozer for me... glad you guys both made it over to our new server The BM grind isn't that bad... and honestly... I think folks get too caught up in the gear. (ie the difference between a crit dispatch in BM vs all WH is like 10 or 20 damage out of 4k...) doesn't matter as much as folks want to believe it does. Of course Recruit vs WH... well ... that's just paying your due's.. we all did it... old toons like islander and myself did it when you had to go uphill both ways and you weren't allowed to use the FORCE!!! Heck... I wasn't allowed to use a light saber, they handed me a mag light and a batman mask... some speedos... and oil based lubricant... I still can't get the smell out of my Luke Skywalker underoos. TMI... sure it is... but it builds character!
  8. From a Guardians perspective... if you simply follow the healer around all game you've just handicapped your team. Honestly... I find the best person to follow around most of the game is a Sentinal... and really... you should only return to your healer when they get focused. You need to DPS and GUARD. You also need to GUARD different targets at different times depending and sometimes you need to prioritize your own survival. Oddly enough Guardians are also one of the best AC's at killing healers in practice due to force push and our miriad of interupts. Standing behind a healer with guard on them all game and not dpsing/capping/cc'ing... is total fail. Just because it's the healers fantasy doesn't mean we should fulfill it. The art of Guarding is knowing when too and when not too. Sorry healers... your survival isn't priority it's just a means to an end. Good healers like good Guardians should put the teams goals over their own or any other members survival. That being said... GREAT Guardians never let their healers die. Im workin on it... lol Search your feelings (and your medals) healers would you rather heal a Guardian that is standing behind you... or killing people all around you...
  9. SOLO Q NEEDED... solves most problems... Also there will always be imbalance and therefore there needs to be class requirements for teams... Just because Bioware (nor anyone else really) can balance classes... doesn't mean folks should be penalized for not playing FOTM.
  10. When YOU rolled imperial cause you JUST HAD TOO cause <insert short sited selfish reason here>... YOU CHOSE TO NEVER EVER HAVE MEANINGFULL OPEN WORLD PVP. GG! and NO if you were republic you couldn't fight 10 on 1 and win... try it if your so sure you could. If your not happy about this... REROLL REPUBLIC WITH A BUNCH OF FRIENDS. otherwise help us fix the Warzones then we'll push for big Wz's... like 100 on 100 and that will feel like OWPVP but without the issue that Impreial outnumber Republic at insane game destroying rates.
  11. We need SOLO RANKED WZ that keep people of similar skill and gear together. It's the only way. Why? Pvp at YOUR level WHEN you want it. Solo Ranked PVP will be a gateway to TEAM ranked PVP. Doesn't work the other way around as right now Bull S, Politicing and FOTM DOMINATE team decisions, and skill rarely has anything to do with it. For Team Pvp to really work you'd need to make teams 16 players each and force a team to have 1 of every advanced class. (eliminate FOTM balance issues) Balance is unachievable in any MMO and therefore you need to FORCE team composition. p.s. NOT EVERYONE wants ranked pvp for epeen. Ranked pvp will also help those of us who are not THE BEST still have interesting game play. One sided matches are no fun for either side honestly and stop folks from really learning and improving on both sides of the game, winning and losing sides. RANKED TEAM pvp is a bit about epeen sure, but it also makes for compelling watching, rooting and should be encouraged. Sadly the current system... no work. Why don't I play ranked... long story... transfer... and my friends split into different guilds... so... Im confused, and trying to figure out what to do ... till then I pug...
  12. Well after a break in play from 1.2 to 1.3 I can honestly say Vigilance feels alot weaker... I think for me at least part of it is the increase of TTK again and the other part is that I may be out of practice a bit. Either way... doesn't feel right... there's been a disturbance in my force. Not the worst balance point we've ever been at, but disappointing after the fun of 1.2
  13. Plasma brand... 1st) in a world of cooldowns MOAR IS GUUD, regardless 2nd) the fire dot is internal damage and bypasses armor 3rd) Dot's are great for stealthies 4th) Resets masterstrike... it's strange that at it's current lacklusterness it's our cap stone, but it isn't useless...
  14. I love the "feeling" of Vigilance too much. I like the frenetic pacing and fast decision making it requires. While I recognize that Focus is "shiny" I have no desire to play the spec it's too simplistic for my taste and giving up unremitting is just too much "unfun" for me. I see where folks take a long time to see the usefullness of Vigilance Guards... On my old server I proved myself quite nicely... doing it again ... ugh... anyway... if rateds won't have us ... /unsub The TTK nerfs "loss of relics" etc... has hurt us fairly badly as our damage was never over the top and now without the relics... man... nerfed...
  15. Anyone else miss jumping up on the walls from either side and being able to attack MID by jumping the wall? I do. It's fine and balanced the way it is now... however, it was fine and balanced the way it was also... I enjoyed jumping the walls... it was fun... now that it's gone I miss it... anyone else? why do they keep changing stuff that is fine and ignoring all the issues? Were people OUTRAGED about this fun tactic anyone could do? Was there ever a reason given why a fun part of the Wz was changed and made unfun? IMHO the only difference the changes have made is that they slow down play and just simply detracts from the pace and excitement of the map and the skill / knowlege required to play the Wz. If every class in both factions can do something ... do we really need to nerf it... /sigh
  16. VoidJustice

    TTK Issues

    TTK dropped significantly when they removed relics... and adrenals... I have the exact opposite oppinion of the OP. Oddly the reduction in TTK hurts lower dps classes the most because it makes it harder to "kill" and easier to "survive"... High DPS classes have an even larger advantage as the general NERFED DPS level allows squishier high damage classes to survive longer and thus apply MOAR dps, while tankier classes can no longer apply enough damage to kill squisher classes. /shrug
  17. Just returned to 1.3. I believe the loss of the Power relics has hurt us quite a bit. Our class has high utility and mobility and a bit above average survivability. The relics used to fill in and give us the damage we needed when faced with harder 1v1's. Without the relics we have lost our competitive edge and can no longer compete 1v1 with "good" player Mara's Assasins and PT's. When the tables were truly against us we always had a shot at having our relic up while the guy we were fighting had his down. Without that our dps is too low to maintain credible threat ... We need a mechanic that replaces or in some way fills the Power relics "I must suvive this 1v1" utility for our class. Given our fairly low dps output this would balance us again. Without it... or some other dps buff, we will continue to struggle. Currently the TTK meta game has plowed us back to being a sub-optimal pvp class.
  18. I've recently returned to game and have saved up enough rated Wz credits to buy a WH lightsaber/chest or pants. I just have some questions first. 1) Can I remove the mods from my BM saber/chest/pants and keep them for a PVE saber and then trade the empty BM saber in? The WH stuff obviously is horribad for PVE while the BM stuff is ok for filling in area's I have PVE armor holes in. 2) Why are there pieces I have the Rated credits and BM piece for that arent' showing up as purchaseable at the WH vendor... disturbing. I have no idea how to research this... so I figured I'd ask... Im sure this has been asked before, Im sorry for the redundancy but would appreciate any help! Thank you in advance!
  19. This is best done after the match. There is no quick in match fix. Your best solution "in match" is to simply be encourgaging to your team or give tactical suggestions that do not "single" people out. Sportsmanship is contageous... try it. If you want to improve game play. Head to corsucant departures (south air lock from fleet/ sorry imps... figure it out... lol) and start dueling with people... Just keep it friendly and keep your e-peens out of it. Back on my old server I'd always have my guildmates come and have friendly duels after each duel we'd talk about the duel and it's whys and what happeneds... KEEP IT LITE, KEEP IT FRIENDLY AND KEEP IT SHORT... This allows everyone some time to learn, and if you keep the emphasis on "LEARNING" and keep people from "BRAGGING" or in general acting like ... idiots... then everyone learns and you wind up with some serious @zz kickers. 1 duel at a time and let everyone learn from it. Folks who are interested can talk about tactics to try in matches etc... Keep everyone participating and treat everyone with respect... Win, win, win... also... never surrender.
  20. You people won't be happy untill they hand you WH at level 1 when you first log in. Vile...
  21. It's impossible to take any arguments stating Guardians need buffs seriously in a thread named "Vig guardian = the most worthless class". That alone is so off base and flame worthy, it simply derails any possiblity of rational discussion. I wish there was a way to get this off our forum. If the community deems it necessary to review our dps that's one thing and I support any outrageous discussions we decide to have, however having a hot steaming .... bag of a thread on the top of our forums is quite another situation... vile... yea... I know the irony... Im bumping it... /facepalm
  22. I've found by installing a custom built series of harnesses, foot pedals and eye lid switches, hair tension servo's and various battleship command and control subsystems that targeting in swtor can be frustrating even with the tab button a bucket of grease and several naked cloned slaves. I suggest... liquor. It only failed me once but, she drown when we went over that bridge anyway.
  23. LOL I award you NO POINTS... and may god have mercy on your soul... ROTFL...
  24. Ah, I see the truth of it if your carrying the H-ball. I hate carrying the H-ball. I also hate sith cuddling puppies, nighsister tea parties, naked twister with wookies and not having a source of power and expertise in my off hand.
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