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Everything posted by Dustfinder

  1. Yea good job. On another note pretty sad individual, go take a nap or a shower.
  2. It hasn't even been 3 days since headstart. You can't even rate any servers or guilds as top anything right now.
  3. No clue but probably jam packed. I would prefer they put out a couple more new servers for us. My friends and I want to roll on a new server not one that people have been grind crazy on with no sleep for the last couple days.
  4. It isn't even quite peak times yet. Wait for peak time then maybe your complaint will be valid.
  5. And it is reasons like this that I am thankful to run with a premade.
  6. Where are you getting your numbers from out of curiosity?
  7. Yes add another straight up PVP server EST. I want to start on a fresh server.
  8. Actually they need to OPEN more servers up. That would help immensly.
  9. They need to add more servers for us is what they need to do. With all the new people who came in today it is time to add servers. I know they are suppose to add 45 servers but I think that is across EU and NA. Hopefully shortly we get some more added to NA.
  10. Yea where are the new servers for NA? Would be nice if they could at least toss out 1 new server for PST and EST for PVE and PVP.
  11. No thanks. Some people have toons they want to just play alone or maybe with one other person and not have to be bothered by others. Some privacy is nice to have.
  12. They had 45 servers that are suppose to be going in and some if not all were suppose to go in today. Where are they? I don't want to play on a server that has been out since the 13th. There are people even complaining about queue times already so why not throw us a couple of each types of servers? EST/PST PVE PVP RP whatever. Even if it is one of each, it will fill up. Thanks!
  13. Actually it is rather smart of people to PVP like crazy while lower level. This way when they hit level cap they have medals etc to buy pvp gear so they have the upper hand. So many times in games have I seen people at lower levels go nuts with pvp that when they hit level cap they were unstoppable. It is all about thier playstyle really. No wrong way about it.
  14. Just got an invite and I want to get one of the brand new servers to go on. Anyone say which is the newest EST PVP server please?
  15. Stop going by lowbie pvp. Sick of these nerf threads. They are fine. Especially at 50 and they are not OP.
  16. So wait a week or two then just buy the mats yourself instead? Is this really your complaint?
  17. Obviously you probably haven't leveled much past 10 and are crying nerf. I had no problem in beta killing them they are not OP. PVP with them at 50 and you will see. This thread is just plain laughable.
  18. Dustfinder

    Huttball sux

    Learn the mechanics of it. Sounds to me like you rolled Empire and that is all you are getting. Go to Republic if you want to get more warzone variety. Also I disagree with you being able to choose our own pvp warzone. If they put that in the game people will only play 1 warzone all the time while the other 2 are neglected. Huttball is the only warzone that pits you against your same faction so that is why you are getting it mostly. Learn to play it and have and maybe your opinion of it would be valid.
  19. That is the glory of having a premade you win most of the time. Oh well if you vs pugs and wipe them. All the puggers have the option of making a premade. That is usually the smart thing to do. I don't expect much with a pug group usually. I prefer a premade since my friends and I work well together.
  20. Dustfinder

    PvP Problems

    OP they will be adding more PVP content down the line. They have a whole dev team dedicated to PVP. Give it some more time the game just came out I am sure they have more tricks up thier sleeves. http://www.swtor.com/blog/what%E2%80%99s-next-old-republic In a nutshell here it is for the lazy people who don't wanna check the link heh •PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.
  21. I can see the point the OP is making. Personally I think every 2 to 3 hours around the clock waves of invites should be sent out. When you have servers sitting at Light capacities like this then yea more waves should have gone out. These servers should all be heavy or full.
  22. I am willing to bet they upped the server capacities to accomodate the new waves of people tomorrow. I saw earlier in the day mostly FULL and HEAVY's. It is an off time too on a weekday and people have work etc. I just think they raised the cap of the servers.
  23. Seriously people quit crying because you didn't get into the game. So sick of these threads.
  24. It is probably safe to say if you are going to join Empire you are on the more populated side. There seem to be way more Empire than Republic.
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