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Everything posted by Elross

  1. Uruz, Some of the enemy ships come back around. Mostly those ships who fly in front of your turn around and attack yes. I am talking about those ships who charge you from the front. They just kind of fly off without a care in the world that you didn't get destroyed. I have sometimes let them fly by and ignored them and i have yet to see more ships in the mission later because I did that instead of destroying them. Now it is true that some points in the mission a few of the enemy ships come back around, but almost all of those are ones that either fly from behind to front or from one side of the screen to another. As for having a Cannon view. Well, it would take a little bit away from the style they have at the moment but could have merit. The question for that would be what kind of view do you get to see and would it be driving the user insane seeing an enemy ship for half a second as it fly's by their view.
  2. Sounds like an interesting idea for making some space combat be related to PVP. I think they could do it with 1v1 to 4v4 (maybe having different missions be different number of players). I would think they every once and a while that the two groups could pass each other quickly to get a few pot shots off (otherwise it kinda feels like a SP space mission with a random time limit).
  3. I figure it BW is going to have a rail shooter for space combat, they could have the best one out there. First off, I am not saying I don't want them to add better space combat away from rail shooters, but since I am not sure how they are going to implement it, I shall come up with crazy ideas related TO rail shooters. IDEA 1: Allow for co-op/Flashpoint number of people into a space mission. Why not allow more than 1 person enter the space mission to work together. They could have it where each person has an objective and can fail/succeed at that themselves and also have a major objective that requires all the players to succeed at their individual ones. Have the people take different flight paths that intersect at some points and run together. Have it so that if someone does a Pass on a capital ship and takes out the turrets, that the next person who might run by that ship already sees the turrets destroyed. I could go on, but I feel that the idea gets across with this. IDEA 2: Allow for a person to choose different flight paths. It gets kind of boring running the same mission the exact same way each time. Why not allow a person to select a flight path part way through the run? (See Tony Hawk games for example) Yea, I know I am referencing a game that isn't even close to an MMO, but I did like the idea that different paths have different challenges. Allow me to choose to run charging straight across that Capital ships front or let me choose to avoid it all together if I fear its weapons. The objectives wouldn't have to change but it would allow me to feel like I am in more control of my ship then I am. IDEA 3: Allow enemy ships to make more than 1 attack run on me. This idea could be good or bad depending on how it was implemented. Allow enemy fighters to actually make more than one attack run on me. Sometimes I would just like another chance to take out those pesky fighters who flew right in front of my face and blasted me before I could take them down. Why not allow them to turn around and come back after me? (this could mean that if I take them out, that group of fighters are not going to show up at that point in the fight as well). These are my ideas for now. I think they could all be implemented (in time) together and could make the space missions much more exciting than they are. I welcome comments and/or suggestions relating to how these could be better. I know it is foolish of me to try, but I ask that the topic relate to how the Devs could implement better space missions ON Rails (like they have now).
  4. Very true, but at the same time I am considering the aspect of the game to allow more customization for characters as a whole. As I said, I do agree that at least all colors from a blaster should be changed to be the color of your crystal. But I do feel that watching only blue lightning come out of a SI gets boring. Besides, the color of your blaster would not change the color of your shotgun as you wanted either, so its about on the same level as that.
  5. I don't know if you should limit it too just all projectile classes. I think having an option to be able to turn it on for all energy based attacks would just look cool. I mean, I would love to see Red Lightning out of a Sith Inquisitor. But yea, I like your original idea as well.
  6. From what the dev posts stated (if you wanted to look WAY back about it) is that it was originally implemented for people to leave their ship that way to land on some of the planets. I think the Devs thought about how silly it would be to be sending an escape pod down to a planet and then trying to recover it and just made players leave by the door. << My opinion.
  7. I am mostly a PVE player living on a PVE server. I am not coming here to bash PVP or insult the things that have happened to me in it. These are just examples to help people understand why I am asking this question. QUESTION: Why is it that BW is making a lvl 50 bracket instead of a bracket based on Valor? How will someone who has never pvped before 50 be able to get some levels in Valor without losing hundreds of matches first? Reasons I am asking: I did not start pvp till I was level 50, I was in a match but getting decimated by some level 40s. (Kudos to them for being better and all.). So how am I better than them as a level 50 in pvp? Again, I wandered into a huttball and pretty much was 2/3 shotted by a couple of level 50s there. After the match I asked them their valor and found out it was over 60. How am I to compete against them when I will be exclusively playing against people like them soon? I have gone into new matches and come out with only 1 commendation because I cannot fight anyone without being slaughtered. (I congratulate them on being better pvpers and more fully prepared them me). Can anyone give me some advice or better yet, an estimation why BW chose level brackets instead of Valor brackets? Hope I didn't offend those who will slaughter me later
  8. Does noone understand the concept of many teams working on different aspects of the game? I can guess that there are many different development teams all working on different aspects of the game that people want. Like.... One focused on Bugs One focused on PVP One focused on class Balance issues One focused on UI One focused on the new space mission One (or more) focused on new content I mean really, only a few of those Dev teams would even probably have dedicated graphic artists assigned to them, so why would you get upset that one team finishes their stuff and would like to release it so customers can enjoy it while others are still working? Would you rather wait 6 months before you got ANY of the work so that all teams were finished with each individual part? Would you truly be happier that your UI was released first even through it took more time to fix/implement than an already FINISHED piece?
  9. Also, if you move carefully, you should be able to do at least some of the Heroic 2+ with yourself and your companion (even if he isn't fully geared). If you must, you can go back to a planet that is slightly lower (say 40 or so) and do those Heroics to attempt to gain gear for your companions.
  10. so wait, you call it innovative to have features of another game. Umm, I could be wrong, but that would make it Less innovative if it copied every feature from other games.
  11. Look for the twin lines off on the distant fighters when you are doing your initial charge at the mine layer. Most enemy ships have a single tail but you can see one to the right a short ways that has a twin tail. That is a Heavy fighter. (Yes, when you get close to the regular fighters, they have a twin tail too, but not if seen from a distance)
  12. I would hazard a guess that you have Diplomacy as one of your Skills. It seems that when a Diplomacy Mission fails you get some odd number of LS/DS points.
  13. I think the idea has merit. It would also allow someone who loves to run around to places and take pictures of them to be able to go into an area that isn't there instance to just take pics of the scenery. (And just because a person might not enjoy doing that does not make it an invalid point for people who do enjoy it.)
  14. Why should Bioware be controlling the player economy by putting caps on how high someone sells an item? If a person places an item on the GTN for too high, people should just not buy it. That there will make people place items for cheaper on the GTN. There is absolutely no need for BW to control how others sell and buy items on the GTN. If you are even spending money on the GTN when you are low level, that is probably why you have no money. There is no reason to run and buy new gear every time you level. You can reach lvl 50 without once even visiting the GTN and be decently geared. (That is not to say that at lvl 50, there aren't some decent items on the GTN to buy, but you need to make sure they are within your price range)
  15. Age: 27 Gender: Male Location: West Coast U.S. Faction: Republic Occupation: Software Test Engineer (not games) Rate: 8/10
  16. Yes, I had 402 DS points from Diplomacy missions on my character and when I reached 10000 LS points, my DS points went down. I now have the title 'The Pure' from reaching LS lvl 5. PS. Not exactly sure, but it seemed that I could only lose DS points from questing then instead of Diplomacy, but that might have been because I hadn't gotten anyone back from a Diplomacy mission by the time I got 0 DS.
  17. You know what else saves time/money for a player? Giving them lvl 50 characters with the best gear in the game. That doesn't mean its a good idea. As to people talking about 'play as I want to' logic, well here is one for you. As a player, I enjoy being able to destroy my enemies without dying. I don't like dying and find it tedious to have to re-spawn and start the fight over again. By your logic of being able to play as I want, I should have the option to turn off death and be able to mow through all content because 'that's how I wish I could play'.
  18. I think the only 'Must' in dual speccing (i.e. the only really good argument for it) is having a PVE spec and a PVP spec. I think that allowing players to be automatically switched to their PVP spec when they enter the PVP games (not world PVP) would be a good idea and allow people to enjoy PVPing. I don't think the game needs to have a dual spec that allows players in PVE to constantly change class skills though. btw, I do not play PVP and only play PVE as a Scoundrel Healer and yea, it can really suck when I am out in the wilderness alone, but that is what Companions are for.
  19. Well, if you want to have an infinite Healing potion for your tank, then taking Biochem can get you that. Infinite Grenades are from Cybertech. Not sure what else might give you some unique abilities.
  20. Jedi armor comes from Synthweaving, not Armortech, so you cannot craft armor for a Jedi friend. You can Craft for Smuggler and Trooper only.
  21. Because you cannot use your skills until you get a companion, so there is really no reason to have skills beforehand.
  22. Check where the check box is on the Origin. There are 2 check boxes, One saying PC Digital Download (this is where the check dot should be) and one saying 'PC Physical Version' (which under it is sold out). You can still buy the Standard Edition for the Digital Download, just click the 'Buy now on Origin' The Deluxe edition is for Digital Download only and does not have a 'Temporary Sold Out' statement under it.
  23. Check the top right corner of your screen, there should be a 'Pending' notification up there. At least that is what happens when your inventory is Full and you have to clean it out to accept a Quest Reward.
  24. No, that is not an effect. What would be an effect (by your statement above) is that said person clicks a button, changing to Healing and is chosen for the FP that the person who doesn't have a dual spec, but is always a healer, would have been chosen for otherwise. That is an effect. Regardless of said person's skill (whether they are the greatest healer in the world or the worst). Also, another effect could be.... In a flash point the healer is failing and so another person changes to healer and the first person changes to another spec. That is also an effect. See, effects don't always have to be negative, but they always happen.
  25. The problem with adding in Dual Speccing (not that I am saying I am against it), is that it does have consequences for the players who don't like it. It is always amusing to see people claim a feature 'won't effect' someone else's game play when in fact, Every feature of a multiplexer game effects everyone. What people need to realize is that Your actions effect those around you, not just yourself.
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