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Everything posted by trueKieran

  1. In order of the classes they originally joined, starting with Jedi Knight since he's my main: Kira, Lord Scourge, Sergeant Rusk (only so my Trooper can finally have 5 ranged soldier companions), Iresso, Aric, Elara, Bowdaar, Risha, Guss, Akavi, Vette, Jaesa (both versions, you get to pick which one), Ashara, Mako, Temple Not sure about Gault, Torian and Skadge, since I haven't played Bounty Hunter that far yet. Edit: Also I want the option to throw the following people out the airlock and then blast their remains with the ship's cannons: Corso Riggs, Malavai Quinn
  2. Oh no! No, no, no, no! We've just had the first good star wars movie in a long time, I don't want them to screw it all up now by making Snoke just being Vitiate in a new body!
  3. Well... it was... it's just Bioware was convinced that they could do worse... and succeeded.
  4. To be fair, the "playing the game" part doesn't have to be that much longer. Mine is #1536037 and my account creation date was in august 2011, way before launch.
  5. I wish it was the last, but I'm afraid he's a severe case of "being whatever the plot needs him to be at this point".
  6. I suggest you pm a mod with request to close the thread then. Apparently one is around atm, because the thread already got moved to off topic.
  7. See that's why I wanted to know what happened. I've been playing MMOs since 2001 and been reading and writing in forums for about just as long, so someone "just" making angry posts isn't something unusual for me. However the reactions of not just one but several people to these were unusual, especially for the people in question, so it was logical to suspect that said posts were aswell, which apparently in their entirety they were.
  8. That was my point... the quote about it being artful tragedy was not from one of my posts, but from Calligan's article.
  9. Okay... now you guys made me curious too. I don't remember ever seeing you so pissed off before, TUXs. Could you send me a pm too Max?
  10. I know, that's why I asked what was it's title.
  11. Must have either missed or forgottten about that thread, what was it's title?
  12. 1) Aric Jorgen 2) Elara Dorne 3) M1-4X 4) Lieutenant Felix Iresso 5) Sergeant Fideltin Rusk At least then everyone in the group is able to shoot.
  13. You've got to be kidding me... I don't even watch those shows and still can't believe anyone would say that about Bioware storytelling. Arcann wipes the floor with us AFTER we have to defeat him in battle and the reprogrammed assasination droid, that's using a sniper rifle, can't even aim well enough to distract Arcann with his blaster shots or even use the strength, he as a droid now doubt has, to throw one of the boxes next to him in the way or use it as a shield? That's neither artful nor bold, that's lazy! They could have at least have Arcann damange his weapon or arm as to limit his options! Not to mention that his death wasn't even treated like a big tragedy, but rather brushed off with just two or three sentences in a conversation with Lana.
  14. Then you'll have plenty of people complaining that the content of those letter doesn't fit the personalities of the characters who sent them.
  15. How? Do you think they bring in their voice actors to record hundreds of extra lines, just in case a few of them fit to the structure of your family tree? Be reasonable man.
  16. Yeah... but on purpose. As was already mentioned the trailer was made to create hype, so they showed you important battles on important plantets. Then when they got closer to release the first 9 chapters, they realized that didn't fit to their story anymore and now those planets were never meant to be big ones but mere small outer colonies... that just happend to have large armies stationed there. As for Thexan, we all know he neither died on a core world nor on an outer colony. He died on Zakuul in Valkorions very own throne room by Arcann's hands, but since that wouldn't sound too good in the news, it's kept secret and people are told he died in battle instead. Edit: And since people apparently didn't notice it in the original post:
  17. I usually don't judge other people's RP, especially not from hearsay... but going by that description, I dare say that I doubt it qualifies or was even meant as such.
  18. Yeah... see that's the problem. Every few days we get a new thread made by someone who spent too much money on cartel packs just to be able to tell us that the drop rate is crap. The problem is not that we'd be annoyed by someone letting us know, but that those of us who don't spend large or any amount of money on packs already do know, but people like you don't! If everyone had stayed away from those packs the moment the lousy drop rate became known, things might have changed, but the opposite is the case. With the amount of packs being sold, these were probably a bigger success than the KotFE launch finacially, and that is all Bioware cares about, not about whether or not you threaten to spend less now, because they figure "he'll be back, like every other gambler we have". And because those packs were such a success, you can be sure that any item that might be as desired as the lightsabers of this one surely will NOT have a better drop rate. Oh btw... want to know when I saw such a thread for the first time on this forum? It was the day this game went FTP and the Cartel Market went live, people complained in the forum that they've spent 200 USD on the packs and didn't get their hovering Sith Throne. That's how much threads like this do to change the situation.
  19. This. I agree, however giving us the option to give several hundred gifts at once will render most companion gift missions even more useless and result in everyone getting all their companions to at least influence lvl 20 with lvl 1 green gifts, because they are cheap. Also the time it takes to give all those gifts isn't the only thing that's ridiculous. Dulfy has a good spreadsheet that shows how many gifts it takes to reach a certain influence level. Just go ingame, take a random char, look at how long companion missions take and do the maths on how long it would take to reach say lvl 30 influence with gifts from those missions, assuming you repeatedly get the right gift, which of course you don't since there are 10 different gifts and every fifth is a courting gift nobody wants. They raised the maximum influence amount to 2500% of what it originally was, they should have at least raised the gifts to 500% of their original amount, and yes I know it takes longer now than before until their value drops, but that alone doesn't make up for it. Btw, I'm sure most people spend more time than 5 minutes doing this atm. Getting a companion from 1 to 20 with green level one gifts takes 456 gifts if you have the 30% bonus, with 3 seconds each that's 22 minutes and 48 seconds, assuming you have a perfect reaction time.
  20. I'm pretty sure she was not talking about ERP, as I've had similar experiences with regular RP on normal PvE servers. And frankly not once in 15 years of playing MMOs have I ever seen someone do ERP in public. You usually have to visit places so infamous for ERP, that the whole server knows not to visit if that's not your thing, to even have a chance to run into something like that.
  21. Two problems. First, even on a RP server not everyone feels like roleplaying 24/7, sometimes you just want to level your char or get your crafting done, so those who want to RP have to find the ones who're open for it atm, and that's obviously way easier when it's 1 out ouf 10 instead of 1 out of 50. Second, the first thing you learn as a roleplayer playing a MMO without designated RP servers, is that there are alot of *******es for whom nothing seems to be funnier than to destroy someone else's RP, especially if it's a RP event that was put effort into to plan and make happen.
  22. Ok since you obviously know as much about MMO development as you know about roleplaying... let me clue you in. Nobody, especially not the folks at Bioware, gives a rat's *** about how good you are. They didn't come up with that stupid badge, that took virtually no effort to make whatsoever, as a reward for being good in the game! They made it because they know alot of gamers(*) can't resist the urge to try to get every kind of "achievement" that they are capable of getting, no matter whether there's any fu..... point to do it or not and finishing all 8 class stories not only can be done by everyone with enough character slots (subscribers), it also takes time, hence will likely have them keep their subscriptions for the time being! (*) It should be noted that this wasn't the first or even the second term that came to mind to describe the people in question.
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