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Everything posted by Macabrae

  1. You want a level headed response? Ok. I am level 62 Valor Assassin. The grind for me to that Valor was tedious but in the end worth it. I was not someone who rushed to 50 but did so in a lower amount of time then normal (2-3 weeks from the 15th of Dec.) did I take my fair share of deaths and live at the GY from those who were geared and I wasn't? Oh yea. Did it suck? Sure it does. However, this is the case in pretty much every game. This game doesn't take very long to get gear even with the RNG of the bags. I hit Valor 50 right when I turned 50 and even grinding from Valor 50-60 I was fully geared out Champion before I hit 60. This is even with me getting multiple pieces of the same gear from my bags (Which yes is very frustrating). Currently I have quit a few pieces of my Battlemaster set but still need a few more as well. I still have a problem with the RNG of the bags but to be honest of it was easy I would be one of these people who run through content fast and then claiming I am bored to death as most people do in ALL games.
  2. Here is what I am reading...can I get to 49 and kills noobs at level 10 in pvp? That is sooooo much easier then fighting against ppl my own level and getting gear to compete!
  3. Facts are these people in this thread want you to believe people are quitting in droves and to be honest I am not sure why but what ever. The REAL story is while I am sure people are going there are far more coming. I know several people who just started playing this game in the last couple weeks and LOVE the game as much as me. Am I a fanboy? Yup. I love Star Wars and what Bioware has done with the game. Do I like everything they have done? Of course not. I can nick pick like anyone. I also know this game is absolutely awesome for a game just released and I have played alot of MMo's over the last 13 years. I will say to anyone who thinks there is doom there isn't and don't belive the hype from all the people who want you to believe there is just some mass "exodus" cause there isn't. There will always be people who come and go though. This link http://www.vgchartz.com/weekly/40930/Global/ shows just last week SWTOR has now sold over 2 Million copies and was 11th among all games sold. This is a fact, not a bunch of morons claiming "Doom and Gloom". As I said, don't believe the hype. Do your own re-search.
  4. You might be able to Bolster in a BG but you can't do that in world pvp and there in lies the problem. Honestly, I think the bolster system is great pre-50 but it would be terrible at 50. Would you want a bolster system for pve raids? Perhaps 1 person gets the gear and works for it but me who doesn't raid should be bolstered up to his level? I don't think many people would want that. If the problem is the Champ bag as well then that is a totally different issue all together and should be addressed. I am not a fan of the RNG bag system either. I personally think if they want to make it tough then make the amount of marks needed to buy a piece of gear high but at least I see the "Light" to get it.
  5. I agree. Which is why there is pvp gear in the first place. Expertise cancels itself out and ANYONE can get it if you put in the time. I can't run raids and therefore I can never have access to the best gear and the people who can will easily beat me not BECAUSE of skill but because they have time to raid and get the best gear. Since Expertise cancels itself out my gear wont beat you and yours won't beat me so it will come down to skill and not because you have more time to raid then I do. Not to mention I don't want to be Forced to pve when all I want to do is PVP.
  6. This thread is epic and if you look even at current threads you see what the OP said in every thread.
  7. LMAO Love people like you. I "Need" a crutch? Last time I checked if I had 10% expertise and so did you that is a wash. I get no advantages over you and you get none over me. I guess where I am failing to see where I am the one needing the "Crutch". In Fact, if anything people like you are the ones asking for the crutch. People like you want to be able to raid get the best gear and go kill people who cant raid or don't want to raid. Is it an "Integral part of a pvpers self identity" as you put it? Absolutely. It is the way it is supposed to be as well. Just like getting top pve gear is for the pve people. There is no harm in that and is supposed to be that way. Pvp gear go to people who pvp (What a concept I know) and Pve gear goes to people who pve. Just as it should be.
  8. I am not sure what "bizzarro" world you are living in but please come back to reality.Professional players play their sport to make millions of dollars and if that isn't a "reward" I am not sure what is. Trust me they don't do it because they just "Love" the game. Everyone needs a reward system whether it's in a game, professional or personal in their life. Also, as an avid pvper the expertise stat is very necessary. it separates me from the pve people. If you want pvp gear then you should have to pvp for it, plain and simple. Perhaps I should get top notch pve gear from pvping as well then? Would that be a fair trade?
  9. I have OP's destroying 50% of my health before I even get up as a Tank Specced Assasin and with 655 Expertise rating and some people are saying this nerf isn't necessary? LMAO Op's do damage that I only dream about as a Deception Assassin. I have played both Deception and Darkness and Op's will destroy me in damage to target. I have a 2 second KD stun and I can do no where near the damage in that time that an Op can. As much as I would like to be that powerful, it isn't healthy for the game either. My version of back stab does no where near the damage as an OP's and you guys are in much better armor then we are since we are in light armor. You also have better CC as well. I am not usually one who advocates a nerf on classes and usually ask for other classes to be buffed instead, but the OP's are way off the chart. I understand no one likes to be nerfed especially if you are used to slaughtering people as OP's have been, but over all it is a much needed nerf.
  10. The number of people has nothing to do whether or not OP is destroying people in 2-3 hits. Even if there was only 1 person playing the class/spec and that person could kill people in 2-3 hits he/she would need to be adjusted. If the only reason why people play OP is because they destroy people before they can even get up then there are other things wrong with thew class that needs fixed.
  11. Tracer is strong but can be interrupted and their damage is pretty bad after that. Not to mention Tracer doesn't plant your face into the ground and kill you within 3 hits.
  12. I agree they need to change the Champ bags to work that way as well, but I am not sure about "Making it easier" to get gear on BM bags considering I have opened about 20 bags and got 1 token and all commendations..lol
  13. Easily? lol Really? As a tank specced Assassin Operatives/ Scoundrels still shred me while my face is planted on the floor like a hot knife thru butter. After that I am about half health or less trying to kill a person with all their CD's AND in full health.
  14. I disagree. It is not totally skill based when one person at level 10 doesn't have anywhere near the talent points or special moves that a 49 does or anywhere in between. A level 49 has far far more advantages with having lots more talents in place or acquired more abilities then someone in their teens, 20's, 30's ect..... In fact, pvp at 50 is way more balanced, especially when everyone has their pvp gear as expertise washes out against another person in expertise. Everyone has all their abilities and talents and when I face someone in full pvp gear as I am then THAT is the only true test of actual skill.
  15. This by a factor of 10..heck maybe 100.......
  16. The wrong action by the players was griefing and individual over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and well you get the point, is against the EULA even on a pvp server. The people he is referring to did this and did this all the while exploiting the system of destroying the turrets so they would not be killed while in the enemy's base even though they were not getting anywhere near the so called "Valor" some of these idiots were claiming because of the diminishing returns.
  17. Screenshot of before and after? Sorry if I don't believe you after reading all the lying trolls all day long completely making stuff up. Not saying you are but after today I am going to need more proof then just "I did this" today.
  18. Pleas explain to the rest of us Noobs then. Cause every time I tried it it would tell me I already had one and they are unique other wise I am calling "BS" still.....Oh and if he is exploiting a bug then that does not count.....
  19. My apologies, I should have been more clear. Pics like this have been posting all day and all they show are a bunch of imps trying to farm the same people over and over. They can't be afking it and getting any Valor as you have to at-least touch them and you get diminishing returns on killing the same person over and over.
  20. Yet another BS trolling post. This pic has been passed around all day and not to mention you could not be afk since you had to tag the person. They also got very little to no Valor since there is a diminishing return on killing the same person over and over. Do your homework troll.
  21. Another "BS" post. BM boxes are unique even from the quests. The Champ bags from the quests are NOT unique and you can carry more then one of them, however, the Champ Bags you buy are unique. Tell ya what I am going to give you a "Mulligan" on this one before I lay-down the "BS" card and say you are mistaken by what type of bag you have. You can open the Champ bags at Valor 50 but BM bags at Valor 60.
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