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Everything posted by jazzllanna

  1. I really would love to have a Togruta character. If they add this I hope they add a character slot as well:D
  2. I am interested to see what the queues will be there once 1.2 comes out and people log back in to check it out lol.. Anyway I recommend Space Slug to anyone looking for a new server the people are great and it has a decent population.
  3. Yeah we were aware of the frenzy ty though I know it's possible to kill him as I can find kill videos but I cannot find anything saying what is harder than the 8 man. I killed him on 8 and don't remember there being any issues lol so I was not sure if 16 man had something weird to it.
  4. Does he hit significantly harder in 16 man than 8 man? We were attempting this last night and our tank with all the cds and decent gear was getting slaughtered. I cannot find anything just with google- but is there something different in 16 man that I may not be aware of for this fight?
  5. yeah I think they said they were not going to have holidays. I find them kind of fun myself and something to do.. oh well.
  6. Well I have a SI and he has a BH- I had started her and got off the starting planet and then on dromad kaas and she was just sitting there so when he got to Dromand Kaas we started leveling together. So it wasn't really planned lol but now if I wanted to play her I couldnt because it would mess up our questing that is the only downside So you don't have to start on the same planet but its a few hours that you would miss out on. And you should play republic because it is much better fyi
  7. My husband and I have characters that we play together and ones we play by ourselves. The frustrating part is not being able to play the character when your partner is not on so she may want to make 2 lol. I would recommend 2 different classes on the same starting planet because class quests cut scenes you will have to do 2 times in a row you don't get to do them at the same time
  8. I recommend Space slug- Check out our forums there is a pvp trash talk section and you can see how it goes here.
  9. Well I personally think you were wrong. To knowingly run up and loot the chest that he was obviously fighting for- and then to expect a thanks from him lol. I would never do that and would be upset at someone doing that to me as well. I may not verbally attack you in game but believe me I am calling you many things I will say that simple etiquette is not dead in gaming and still goes a long way. As I was questing in balmora imp side I had a thing I had to pick up but had to fight mobs first (some shield quest you have to activate).. I saw a guy coming and just knew he would grab it while I was fighting and I would have to redo the fight- guess what he didn't he stood there waited for me to loot it and then tagged it for his mobs to come out to fight- I was sure to wsp him a ty for that:)
  10. So I was reading through this and someone mentioned the imp reflections on the republic fleet. So I searched it and found this thread with pics lol I will have to look for it next time I log in http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=188111
  11. I am still having fun. I have a 6 month and unless there just ends up not being people to do endgame with I will keep it up. I like the alts as well so if I am not able to do endgame and have leveled through all the stories then maybe I would reconsider- all in all though I am still having fun.
  12. Armortechs can make one at about level 30. I put a pick of it in the fashion show thread.
  13. I highly recommend Space Slug. I really enjoy it there as Republic. It is west coast though However if you are interested in a guild feel free to click the link in my sig Even if you don't join the guild the server is still awesome!
  14. I think the worst are when you expect it to be a sort of humorous remark and instead you say something just down right mean
  15. Lol well I don't play them. When I started I wasn't sure what server I would be on so I saved my names on a couple. I also let my son use my account so there are about 20 random 1-5 characters on various servers lol.
  16. lol yeah that's new just tried to see. I guess that was added this last patch:p
  17. I have been working on just completing these in my log. The really bad ones though are quests that for some reason are in an instance I cannot get into anymore. I opened a ticket and they said.. ok we will forward it on So yeah unless you just can't get into the area anymore you just have to finish them- I use it also as a chance to get datacrons on the planets I am back on.
  18. I use 1-5 and shift 1-5 retgfd and shift with all of those I also have a 5 button mouse and use the side 2 plus shift with those. I move with my mouse and I also use w.. I dont use qe for strathing I have bound those to my mouse buttons and back to middle mouse button. That may be weird for you to get use to but I can't move without it now.
  19. I think he means he is level 50 trying to get his social up Do Esseles or whatever it is called on normal with a group of 4 and just space bar through. Or if you are Imp I believe Blacktalon ? is the equivalent.
  20. Well here's my theory- Getting to the 50 fps is very confusing for your first time so people are scared to join groups for fear of upsetting them. I had run ops and done pvp but had avoided fps since hitting 50- Last night I ran my first fp Taral V. Simple reason being I had no idea where they were or how to get there. So in all honesty I was embarressed to join a group. They have no way to get me there- in wow if 2 were there they could click a stone and get you there- I realize it's not wow- however I feel really bad wasting people's time. Why is there not a way to get people to the area if more than one is already there? It took me about 10 mins to get to the area- get my quest to get caught up- and then catch up with the group. I felt horrible about it. They were very nice about everything but there is still that feeling of All this time wasted because I am lost It does not feel good! I understand that as I get familiar with the area it will get easier- but I think there are more like me that are just plain intimitated by finding the fp for the first time and upsetting the group so they just don't do them.
  21. hmm Ok I guess maybe I could add to the suggestion box- can we please have a way to change these into merc or wz comms so I can spend them
  22. So what am I suppose to do with these after I get all my centurion gear? I just have them sitting there
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